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La 4e de couv. indique : "Irak, Kosovo, Tchétchénie : le rêve suscité par la fin de la guerre froide achève de se dissiper sous nos yeux. Oui, nous continuerons demain à nous battre. Mais ferons-nous la même forme de guerre ? Certainement pas. Aux mêmes ennemis ? Sur les mêmes terrains ? A l'évidence non. Sera-t-elle plus complexe ? Sûrement. Peut-on en discerner dès aujourd'hui les contours ? C'est tout l'objet de ce livre. Laurent Murawiec retrace la genèse et les manifestations prévisibles de ce que les experts appellent désormais la " révolution des affaires militaires ". Attention accrue à la détection des cibles et à la précision des frappes ; recours à des technologies de pointe comme la réalité virtuelle ; mobilité, vitesse et furtivité : telles seront les clés des conflits à venir. Toujours et encore, nous ferons la guerre. Voici comment, exemples concrets à l'appui."
aWorld politics --- Military art and science --- War --- Forecasting. --- War Strategy
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Comment, hors d'Europe, les empires se sont-ils construits ? Quelle est la part, dans les victoires ou les defaites enregistrees, des hommes, de la strategie, de l'armement ? Quel role, en particulier, les nomades et leurs heritiers ont-ils joue ? Homme de terrain specialiste des conflits, Gerard Chaliand presente ici un panorama inedit des principales cultures strategiques qui ont marque le continent eurasiatique des origines a nos jours. De la Turquie a la Chine en passant par l'Iran et la Mongolie, il decrit la culture militaire et les traditions martiales, trop longtemps meconnues, des grands empires non occidentaux. Une somme qui est le fruit de quinze annees de recherche et de travaux. Une mine de renseignements pour mieux comprendre l'origine et la nature des crises et des conflits qui affectent l'ordre mondial aujourd'hui. Specialise dans les questions de strategie et les conflits irreguliers, Gerard Chaliand est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages dont l'Anthologie mondiale de la strategie et L'Atlas strategique (avec Jean-Pierre Rageau) ainsi que l'Atlas des diasporas et L'Heritage occidental (avec Sophie Mousset).
Strategy --- War --- War and civilization. --- History. --- History of War Strategy - Non European Countries.
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Strategy --- Stratégie --- History --- Histoire --- Stratégie --- Ancient History --- War Strategy --- Deception (Military science) --- Early works to 1800
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The Second Scottish War of Independence began in 1332, only four years after the previous conflict had ended. Fought once more for the continued freedom of Scotland from English conquest, the war also witnessed a revival of Scottish civil conflict as the Bruce-Balliol fight for the Scottish crown recommenced once more. Breaking out sporadically until peace was agreed in 1357, the Second Scottish War is a conflict that resides still in the shadow of that which preceded it: compared to the wars of William Wallace and Robert Bruce, Edward I and Edward II, this second phase of Anglo-Scottish warfare is neither well-known nor well-understood.
This book sets out to examine in detail the military campaigns of this period, to uncover the histories of those who fought in the war, and to analyse the behaviour of combatants from both sides during ongoing periods of both civil war and Anglo-Scottish conflict. It analyses contemporary records and literary evidence in order to reconstruct the history of this conflict and reconsiders current debates regarding: the capabilities of the Scottish military; the nature of contemporary combat; the ambitions and abilities of fourteenth-century military leaders; and the place of chivalry on the medieval battlefield.
Dr Iain A. MacInnes is a Lecturer and Programme Leader in Scottish History at the UHI Centre for History, University of the Highlands and Islands.
Scotland --- History --- War of Independence (Scotland : 1285-1371) --- 1285-1371 --- HISTORY / Medieval. --- British history. --- Celtic. --- England and Scotland. --- ROTC. --- Scottish history. --- chivalry. --- fourtheenth century Europe. --- historical research. --- history of war. --- knighthood. --- medieval Scotland. --- middle ages. --- military. --- war strategy. --- world history.
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"Nuclear weapons, since their conception, have been the subject of secrecy. In the months after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the American scientific establishment, the American government, and the American public all wrestled with what was called the "problem of secrecy," wondering not only whether secrecy was appropriate and effective as a means of controlling this new technology but also whether it was compatible with the country's core values. Out of a messy context of propaganda, confusion, spy scares, and the grave counsel of competing groups of scientists, what historian Alex Wellerstein calls a "new regime of secrecy" was put into place. It was unlike any other previous or since. Nuclear secrets were given their own unique legal designation in American law ("restricted data"), one that operates differently than all other forms of national security classification and exists to this day. Drawing on massive amounts of declassified files, including records released by the government for the first time at the author's request, Restricted Data is a narrative account of nuclear secrecy and the tensions and uncertainty that built as the Cold War continued. In the US, both science and democracy are pitted against nuclear secrecy, and this makes its history uniquely compelling and timely"--
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Britain's naval victories in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars succeeded in protecting Britain from French invasion, but they could not of themselves defeat France. This required the shipping of large numbers of troops to, and successfully landing them on, French controlled territory - a major logistical operation. Wellington's expedition to Portugal and Spain led to Napoleon's defeat in the Peninsular War, but there were many other British expeditions before this which were not successful, in part because they were too logistically ambitious. This book examines in detail the logistical operations which supported British expeditionary warfare in the period. It outlines the role of the Transport Board, explores how it periodically chartered a large proportion of the British merchant fleet and what the effects of this were on merchant shipping, and discusses the Transport Board's relationship with other branches of government, including the Navy. The book concludes that the Transport Board grew in competence; that the failure of expeditions was often due to circumstances beyond its control; and that its role in the preparation of all the major military expeditions in which hundreds of thousands of British troops served overseas was very significant and very effective.
Robert K. Sutcliffe completed his doctorate at the University of Greenwich.
Great Britain --- History, Naval --- Great Britain--History, Naval--19th century. --- HISTORY / Military / Naval. --- British history. --- French Revolution. --- French history. --- NROTC. --- Napoleonic Wars. --- ROTC. --- Transport Board. --- border dispute. --- history of war. --- maritime history. --- military history. --- military studies. --- naval academy. --- transport. --- travel. --- war strategy. --- warfare.
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Essays on strategic thinking and practice in medieval warfare.
Military history, Medieval --- Military art and science --- Civilization, Medieval --- Politics and war --- War and society --- Society and war --- War --- Sociology --- Civilians in war --- Sociology, Military --- War and politics --- Fighting --- Military power --- Military science --- Warfare --- Warfare, Primitive --- Naval art and science --- Medieval military history --- History --- Social aspects --- Political aspects --- battle strategy. --- battle. --- crusades. --- euro. --- geography. --- historical. --- history of military stratedy. --- medieval history. --- medieval military. --- medieval war. --- militarian. --- military strategy europe. --- military. --- roman conquests. --- strategy models. --- strategy. --- war strategy. --- war.
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The legend of Charlemagne is a strong motif in the literature of medieval and early modern Spain. The essays in this volume consider the narration of both the historical and imaginary events across different genres; how the figure of Charlemagne evolved and diversified; and the importance and influence of the Charlemagne legends in literary and historical culture during the middle ages and beyond. The historical point of departure for this volume is Charlemagne's ill-fated incursion into Spain in 778. After an unsuccessful siege of Zaragoza, the king of the Franks directed his army north and on his passage through the Pyrenees, he turned his wrath on Pamplona, destroying the Basque city and its walls. The Basques subsequently ambushed the rearguard of Charlemagne's army on the heights of Pyrenees, killing numerous officers of the palace, plundering the baggage, and then vanishing into the forested hills, leaving the Franks to grieve without the satisfaction of revenge. In Spain, popular narratives eventually diverted their attention away from the Franks to the Spaniards responsible for their slaughter.This volume explores those legendary narratives of the Spaniards who defeated Charlemagne's army and the larger textual and cultural context of his presence in Spain, from before their careful elaboration in Latin and vernacular chronicles into the early modern period. It shares with previous studies a focus on the narration of historical and imaginary events across genres, but is unique in its emphasis on the reception and evolution of the legendary figure of Charlemagne in Spain. Overall, its purpose is to address the diversity and importance of the Carolingian legends in the literary, historical, and imaginative spheres during the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and into the seventeenth century.
Charlemagne, --- Legends --- History and criticism. --- Spanish literature --- History and criticism --- Holy Roman Empire --- Kings and rulers --- Historiography --- Legends. --- Historiography. --- Spanish literature - To 1500 - History and criticism --- Spanish literature - Classical period, 1500-1700 - History and criticism --- Charlemagne --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814 - Legends - History and criticism --- Holy Roman Empire - Kings and rulers - Historiography --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation --- Heiliges Römisches Reich --- Svi︠a︡shchennai︠a︡ Rimskai︠a︡ Imperii︠a︡ --- Imperium Romano Germanicum --- S.R.I. --- Sacrum Romanum Imperium --- Austria --- Germany --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814 --- Charlemagne. --- Spain. --- Spainish literature. --- Spanish army. --- Spanish history. --- Spanish legends. --- medieval Spain. --- middle ages. --- narrative. --- public opinion. --- seventeenth century. --- war history. --- war strategy.
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Following Napoleon's defeat of Prussia in 1806 and his treaties with Russia and Persia in 1807, the French threat to Britain's position in India seemed real and strengthening. At the same time, Napoleon's economic warfare with Britain and the success of French privateers in disrupting British trade in the Indian Ocean were having a severe impact. This book, based on extensive original research, relates in detail how Lord Minto, a Cabinet-level politician who was appointed Governor-General of Bengal in 1807, steadily and successfully worked to counter the French threat. It examines how he builta series of buffer alliances with local states on the northwest frontier of India; captured the Indian Ocean islands used as bases by French privateers, notably the Ile de France, now Mauritius; and,in 1811, conquered Java, nominally Dutch but following the incorporation of the Netherlands into the French Empire, effectively French. Besides the details of Lord Minto's career and activities, thebook also provides full background information on a wide range of relevant subjects, including the governance and finances of the East India Company, the various polities of the Indian subcontinent and neighbouring regions, and the political situation in Britain and Europe. Amita Das completed her doctorate at the University of Oxford. Aditya Das completed his doctorate at West VirginiaUniversity.
Minto, Gilbert Elliot, --- East India Company. --- India --- Great Britain --- History --- Foreign relations --- Elliot, Gilbert, --- Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert, --- Kynynmound, Gilbert Elliot-Murray-, --- Minto, Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, --- Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert Elliot-, --- Governor and Company of Merchants of London, Trading into the East Indies --- United Company of Merchants of England, Trading to the East Indies --- English East India Company --- East India Company (English) --- East India Tea Company --- East-India Companie --- United East India Company --- Compagnie des Indes orientales d'Angleterre --- Compagnie unie de marchands d'Angleterre commerçans aux Indes orientales --- Tung Yin-tu kung ssu --- Honourable East-India Company --- Sharikat al-Hind al-Sharqīyah al-Barīṭānīyah --- Engelse Oost-Indische Maatschappy --- Kumpanī-i Hind-i Sharqī --- کمپنى هند شرقى --- English Company Trading to the East-Indies --- Īsṭa Iṇḍiyā Kampanī --- British Occupation of India (1765-1947) --- 1765-1947 --- HISTORY / Europe / Great Britain / General. --- British military strategy. --- British war history. --- British war. --- European politics. --- French battle strategy. --- French war. --- Indian war. --- NROTC. --- Napoleon Bonaparte. --- ROTC. --- history of war. --- nineteenth century. --- political science. --- war strategy.
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