all: | for any indexed field |
title: | for title information |
jtitle: | for journal title |
isxn: | for ISSN or ISBN |
author: | for authors (personal, corporate, etc.) |
keyword: | for keywords |
abstract: | for abstract |
publisher: | for publisher name |
year: | for year of publication |
media: | for document type (article, audio, book, digital, dissertation, film, image, map, object, periodical) |
sid: | for the original source id |
sysid: | for the uniCat local id. |
Some search examples
architect* | finds architect, architectural, architects, etc. |
te?t | finds text, test, tent, telt, temt, etc. |
"History of Belgium" | finds the exact word combination "History of Belgium", not "Belgium and its history" |
dostojevski~ | finds dostojevski,dostoewski,Dostoevskij, etc. |
year:[1560 TO 1600] | finds books published between 1560 and 1600 |
author:shakespeare title:lear | finds books by author "Shakespeare" in combination with ("AND") title word "Lear" |
sysid:4070288 | view record 4070288 of the UniCat index |
sid:ulb-100000 | view record 100000 of the ULB catalogue |
sid:ulb* | view all records from ULB |