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De vijf V's van het vrijwilligerswerk : stappenplan voor een succesvolle vrijwilligerswerking in je erfgoedorganisatie
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Brussel FARO. Vlaams steunpunt voor cultureel erfgoed vzw/Heemkunde Vlaanderen vzw

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Geweldig en gewild : vrijwilligerswerk in de erfgoedsector: vijftig inspirerende verhalen uit de praktijk
Year: 2017 Publisher: Brussel FARO. Vlaams Steunpunt voor Cultureel Erfgoed vzw

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De doeners
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Brussel de Verenigde Verenigingen

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Le mécénat de compétences, un outil stratégique pour les entreprises
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Nowadays, many companies accomplish social actions in order to have a positive impact on the society. Among these actions, we find employee skilled-based volunteerism, a particular form of corporate philanthropy. It consists for the company in a free transfert of her collaborators during their working time to non-profit structures. It is on this particular emerging practice that our research work focus.&#13;&#13;A review of the literature on this subject has been conducted and has revealed that companies use skilled-based volunteering for strategic purposes. Researchers mention that this tool is used at different strategic level of the company: at the global strategy level, at the communication strategy level, at the corporate social responsibility strategy level and at the human resources strategy level. Our research aims to analyse if this facts apply to the Belgium territory. Indeed, the belgian litterature on the subject is limited. Moreover, no real cases were conducted by researchers to affirm the strategic dimension of skilled-based voluteering.&#13;&#13;Thus, our research focus on four case studies of belgian companies that practice employee skilled-based volunteerism. Our study was conducted through individual interviews. The following steps undertake in our research process consist in interpretating the results found in our case studies and confronting them to the hypotheses from our theoretical framework.

Das Ehrenamt nutzen : Zur Entstehung einer staatlichen Engagementpolitik in Deutschland
ISBN: 3837632784 3839432782 Year: 2016 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Seit der Jahrtausendwende gibt es auf der bundespolitischen Ebene in Deutschland ein eigens auf die Engagementförderung fokussiertes Politikfeld. Wie kam es dazu? Wer hat diesen Prozess forciert? Diesen Fragen geht Daniela Neumann durch eine Verknüpfung von Diskurs-, Hegemonie- und Gouvernementalitätstheorie auf den Grund. Anhand der Analyse politisch-medialer Diskurse legt sie den gesellschaftlichen Wandel im Umgang mit Freiwilligenarbeit seit den 1980er Jahren offen und beleuchtet die Deutungs- und Institutionalisierungskämpfe zwischen verschiedenen Interessengruppen. Es zeigt sich: Die Herausbildung einer staatlichen Engagementpolitik war keinesfalls zwangsläufig. »Ein ausführlich recherchiertes Buch, das unter Nutzung einer großen Anzahl von Quellen den Wandel des bundespolitischen Diskurses über das Ehrenamt nachzeichnet und die daraus folgende Institutionalisierung einer Ehrenamtspolitik auf Bundesebene.« Bettina Holstein,, 24.02.2017 »Eine kluge Analyse eines oft blind begrüßten staatlichen Interesses.« Ulrich Brömmling, StiftungsManager, 47 (2016) »Eine Perspektive auf die Entstehung staatlicher Engagementpolitik, die [...] spannende Denkanstöße bietet.« Paul Stadelhofer, fundraiser-magazin, 4 (2016) Besprochen in: Bibliothek für Entwicklungspolitik,, 3 (2016) Zivilgesellschaft Info, 1 (2016) DEMO, 5-6 (2016)

Le bénévolat des jeunes
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2883510865 2883517177 Year: 2019 Publisher: Seismo

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What makes young people want to learn, commit and become involved in an activity? This issue is of particular interest to teachers, but also to employers. In order to provide some answers, the authors of this book are interested in a specific population: young people aged 16 to 25 who have freely chosen to get involved in associations as varied as sport, politics, the environment, humanitarian work or events. Based on interviews, this study traces the volunteer careers of some forty young women and men from all social categories. They proudly recall the responsibilities that were entrusted to them very early on in a structured, flexible and benevolent associative world. Their testimonies help to highlight the many learning and skills that the volunteer experience has enabled them to develop.

Geven in Nederland 2015 : giften, nalatenschappen, sponsoring en vrijwilligerswerk
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789035248182 Year: 2015 Publisher: Amsterdam Reed Business Information

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Manuel sur la mesure du travail benevole
ISBN: 9222250710 9789222250714 9789222250707 Year: 2011 Publisher: Geneve [Switzerland] : Bureau International du Travail,

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Ce manuel présente une stratégie fiable et rentable pour mesurer le travail bénévole. Il fournit une définition du travail bénévole, une méthodologie de mesure afin d'identifier les travailleurs bénévoles et ses caractéristiques, et une méthodologie pour estimer la valeur de leur travail.

Manuel de medicion del trabajo voluntario
ISBN: 9223250714 9789223250713 9789223250706 9223250706 Year: 2011 Publisher: Ginebra, Switzerland : Oficina Internacional del Trabajo,

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Este manual presenta una estrategia fiable y rentable para medir el trabajo voluntario. Proporciona una definición del trabajo voluntario, una metodología de medición para identificar a los trabajadores voluntarios y sus características, y una metodología para estimar el valor de su trabajo

Manual on the measurement of volunteer work
ISBN: 9221250717 9789221250715 9789221250708 Year: 2011 Publisher: Genève, Switzerland International Labour Office

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This manual presents a data collection strategy for measuring volunteer work that is cost-effective and reliable. It provides a definition of volunteer work, a measurement methodology to identify volunteer workers and their characteristics, and an estimation methodology to value their work. The 18th ICLS discussed and approved the Manual in 2008, making this the first-ever internationally sanctioned guidance to national statistical agencies for generating official statistics on volunteer work, using a common definition and approach.

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