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viruses. --- Pathogenicity --- Virology --- Virus hiv
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Didactics of biology --- General virology --- 578.828.6 --- --- Aids --- Lentivirinae. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) --- 578.828.6 Lentivirinae. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) --- besmettelijke ziekten --- geneeskunde --- AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases
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Fonds Suzan Daniel (FSD)
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Fonds Suzan Daniel (FSD)
578.828.6 --- --- 605.11 --- 605.92 --- aids --- klinische chemie --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Lentivirinae. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) --- Infectieziekten en SOA --- Aids --- 578.828.6 Lentivirinae. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) --- AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases
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HIV (Viruses) --- HIV infections --- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome --- HIV --- Pathogenesis. --- etiology. --- pathology. --- pathogenicity. --- 578.828.6 --- 616.98:612.017 --- -HIV (Viruses) infections --- HTLV-III infections --- HTLV-III-LAV infections --- Human T-lymphotropic virus III infections --- Lentivirus infections --- Sexually transmitted diseases --- Lentivirinae. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) --- AIDS --- Pathogenesis --- -etiology. --- HIV (Viruses). --- 616.98:612.017 AIDS --- 578.828.6 Lentivirinae. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) --- Hiv (viruses). --- Hiv infections --- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome --- Hiv --- Etiology. --- Pathology. --- Pathogenicity. --- -616.98:612.017 AIDS --- HIV (Viruses) infections --- AIDS-associated retrovirus --- AIDS virus --- ARV (Viruses) --- HTLV-III (Viruses) --- HTLV-III-LAV (Viruses) --- Human immunodeficiency viruses --- Human T-cell leukemia virus III --- Human T-cell lymphotropic virus III --- Human T-lymphotropic virus III --- IDAV (Viruses) --- Immunodeficiency-associated virus --- LAV (Viruses) --- LAV-HTLV-III (Viruses) --- Lymphadenopathy-associated virus --- T-lymphotrophic virus III, Human --- HTLV (Viruses) --- Virus-induced immunosuppression --- etiology --- pathology --- pathogenicity
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Oral health is general health. If the oral cavity is kept healthy, the whole body is always healthy. Bacteria in the oral cavity do not stay in the oral cavity, but rather they travel throughout the body and can induce various diseases. Periodontal pathogens are involved in tooth loss. The number of remaining teeth decreases with age. People with more residual teeth can bite food well and live longer with lower incidence of dementia. There are many viruses in the oral cavity that also cause various diseases. Bacteria and viruses induce and aggravate inflammation, and therefore should be removed from the oral cavity. In the natural world, there are are many as yet undiscovered antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances. These natural substances, as well as chemically modified derivatives, help our oral health and lead us to more fulfilling, high quality lives. This Special Issue, entitled "Biological Efficacy of Natural and Chemically Modified Products against Oral Inflammatory Lesions", was written by specialists from a diverse variety of fields. It serves to provide readers with up-to-date information on incidence rates in each age group, etiology and treatment of stomatitis, and to investigate the application of such treatments as oral care and cosmetic materials.
gargle --- oral lichen planus --- angiotensin II blocker --- quantitative structure-activity relationship --- metabolomics --- CCN2 --- anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) --- oral cell --- arachidonic acid cascade --- Kampo medicine --- lignin-carbohydrate complex --- traditional medicine --- eugenol --- QSAR analysis --- constituent plant extract --- polyphenol --- benzaldehyde --- glucosyltransferase --- infective endocarditis --- antiviral --- periodontitis --- nutritionally variant streptococci --- Kampo --- quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis --- traditional Japanese herbal medicine --- technical terms --- allergic rhinitis --- nasal epithelial cell --- antimicrobial susceptibilities --- alkaline extract --- mastic --- stomatitis --- thioredoxin --- production --- oral microbiota --- Jixueteng --- oral inflammation --- random forest --- mice --- chromone --- natural products --- Chinese herbal remedies --- inflammation --- quercetin --- in vivo --- kampo formula --- glucocorticoids --- Hangeshashinto --- recurrent aphthous stomatitis --- anti-osteoclast activity --- cytotoxicity --- dental application --- tongue diagnosis --- natural product --- alkaloids --- inflammatory disease --- pathogenic factors --- increase --- machine learning --- human virus --- cepharanthin --- mucositis --- oral diseases --- Juzentaihoto --- in vitro --- herbal medicine --- tumour-specificity
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Fonds Suzan Daniel (FSD)
BPB1111 --- HIV --- Aids (Acquired Immune Deficience Syndrome, HIV-infectie) --- SIDA --- Maladie sexuellement transmissible --- AIDS --- seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen --- Seksueel overdraagbare aandoening --- 61 --- HIV-positive persons --- Belgium --- Social aspects --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- sexuellt överförd sjukdom --- sëmundje seksualisht e transmetueshme --- enfermedad de transmisión sexual --- malattia sessualmente trasmissibile --- seksueel overdraagbare aandoening --- szexuálisan terjedő betegség --- lytiškai plintanti liga --- болест преносива полним путем --- sexually transmitted disease --- σεξουαλικά μεταδιδόμενη ασθένεια --- pohlavně přenosné nemoci --- marda trażmessa sesswalment --- seksuāli transmisīva slimība --- boli cu transmitere sexuală --- spolno prenosiva bolest --- seksuelt overført sygdom --- sexuell übertragbare Krankheit --- doença transmissível sexualmente --- sukupuoliteitse leviävä tauti --- болест предавана по полов път --- sugulisel teel ülekanduv haigus --- choroby przenoszone drogą płciową --- spolno prenosljiva bolezen --- pohlavne prenosné choroby --- сексуално пренослива болест --- полово пренослива болест --- сексуално пренослива инфекција --- doença sexualmente transmissível --- венерична болест --- pohlavně nakažlivé nemoci --- pohlavní choroba --- pohlavní nemoc --- nemi úton terjedő betegség --- полово пренослива инфекција --- venerické choroby --- soa --- aids --- СИДА --- sida --- СПИН --- įgytasis imuniteto deficito sindromas --- seriopozitivitet --- stečeni sindrom nedostatka imuniteta --- синдром на стекнат имунолошки дефицит --- syndrom získaného selhání imunity --- sindroma e deficencës së fituar imunitare --- sindrome da immunodeficienza acquisita --- virus HIV --- seropositief --- síndroma da imunodeficiência adquirida --- sindrom stečene imunodeficijencije --- erworbenes Immunschwäche-Syndrom --- sindrom imuno-deficitar dobândit --- syndrome immuno-déficitaire acquis --- seropozitivitāte --- syndrom získané imunodeficience --- szerzett immunhiányos tünetegyüttes --- verworven-immuniteit-verlagingssyndroom --- οροθετικότητα --- ХИВ --- seropositivity --- acquired immune deficiency syndrom --- erhvervet immundefektsyndrom --- séropositivité --- acquired immune deficiency syndrome --- вирус ХИВ --- σύνδρομο επίκτητης ανοσολογικής ανεπάρκειας --- iegūtais imūndeficīta sindroms --- seropositividad --- humant immunbristvirus --- immuunikato --- seropositiivinen --- seropositiivsus --- серопозитивност --- ŽIV --- síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida --- získaný syndróm imunitnej nedostatočnosti --- teigiamas serologinis tyrimas --- omandatud immuunsuspuudulikkuse sündroom --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- galar gnéas-tarchurtha --- SEIF --- 610 --- AIDS/HIV --- gezondheid --- santé --- maladie sexuellement transmissible --- #gsdb5
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Parapsychology --- Occultism --- Interplanetary voyages --- Space Flight --- #FHIW:CAT1 --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- Health Sciences --- Religion --- Psychiatry & Psychology --- Esoteric sciences --- parapsychology --- occultism --- interplanetary voyages --- space flight --- pseudo-science --- pseudoscience --- skepticism --- critical sense --- science and pseudoscience --- scientific skepticism --- space travel --- space exploration --- spirit possession --- telepathy --- spiritual therapies --- psychic research --- clairvoyance --- extrasensory perception (ESP) --- psychical research --- astronautics --- esoteric sciences --- esotericism --- book reviews --- second coming --- James Randi (1928-2020) --- Carl Sagan (1934-1996) --- skeptics --- Anna Eva Fay (1851-1927) --- mentalists --- medium --- mediumship --- oxygen therapy --- graphology --- paranormal investigation --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- Oak Island (Canada) --- treasure hunting --- extraterrestrial life --- ufology --- UFOs --- prayer --- Medical Web Sites --- Guided Wave Theory --- EPR paradox --- quantum mechanics (QM) --- David Jacob Bohm (1917-1991) --- aura photography --- mass delusions --- collective behavior --- collective delusions --- mass hysteria --- conversion disorder --- psychology --- paraneuroscience --- MJ-12 --- doomsday scenarios --- David Bohm (1917-1991) --- medicinal herbs --- alternative medicines --- Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) --- stigmata --- Thought Field Therapy (TFT) --- power therapy --- energy therapy --- pseudoscience in psychotherapy --- Japan --- Japanese folklore --- dance manias --- St. Vitus dance --- sydenham chorea (St. Vitus dance) --- dancing mania --- tarantism --- science education --- haunted sites --- apparitions --- phantoms --- ghosts --- hauntings --- feng shui --- science --- climate change --- Rogerian Nursing Theory --- Sun Sign Columns --- Astrology --- Psychic Staring Effect --- Barnum Effect --- elicit positive responses --- manage negative responses --- Laws of Nature --- autism --- Bruno Bettelheim (1904-1990) --- Freudian psychology --- face on Mars --- Cydonia face --- pareidolia --- paranatural --- life after death --- afterlife --- near-death experiences --- Francis Bacon (1561-1626) --- Belief --- brain functions --- supernatural powers --- anthropology --- Mars face --- alternative medicine --- demonic possession --- exorcism --- poltergeist phenomena --- ouija board --- spirit communication --- Bay Area UFO Expo --- herbal medicines --- Psychoactive Herbal Medications --- chiropractic --- artificial intelligence (AI) --- Intelligent Design --- Creationism --- Darwinism --- consciousness --- hallucinations --- spontaneous human combustion --- L. Sprague de Camp (1907-2000) --- Elisabeth Targ (1961-2002) --- distant healing --- Australia --- Chupacabra --- cryptozoology --- scientology --- sleep paralysis --- UFO abductions --- Pokemon --- urban legends --- Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) --- children's behavior --- Nostradamus (1503-1566) --- statistics --- Pokemon Panic (1997) --- legal systems --- legislation --- legal abuse --- Karl Popper (1902-1994) --- monster mania --- polygraphs --- veterinary medicine --- Law --- pendulum --- Michel Eugène Chevreul (1786-1889) --- child sexual abuse --- Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) --- shroud of Turin --- Turin Shroud --- science and religion --- God Question --- Intelligent Design (ID) --- Galileo (1564-1642) --- paranormal beliefs and religious beliefs --- Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008) --- astrology --- Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) --- mediums --- conspiracy theories --- conspiracism --- conspiracies --- After Death Communication (ADC) --- magical thinking --- Edgar Vandy case --- postmortem communications --- phantom ships --- homeopathy --- science and ethics --- miracles --- anthropic principle --- big bang --- labyrinths --- obscurantism --- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) --- Old Testament --- Rennes-le-Château (RLC) --- holy grail --- helicobacter pylori --- bacteria --- simulacra --- natural medicine --- alien abductions --- raelianism --- mystery paintings --- Piltdown (UK) --- Dawn Man of Piltdown --- John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) --- kennedy assassination --- electricity --- polygraph testing --- lie detector tests --- bigfoot --- psychics --- intuition --- Jack the Ripper --- serial killers --- Bernard Kettlewell (1907-1979) --- asteroids --- news media --- gender --- second sight --- Gaia Hypothesis --- psychic claims --- Natasha Demkina --- evolution theory --- information literacy --- Fritjof Capra --- James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) --- magnet therapy --- distant prayers --- aliens --- crystal skulls --- philosophy --- Harry Houdini (1891-1926) --- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) --- spiritualism --- internet --- magnet healing --- critical thinking --- Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) --- prophecies --- hysteria --- ghost hunting --- Reductionism versus Holism --- legends --- reverse causation --- Antarctica --- evolutionary biology --- earthquake predictions --- retrofitting --- neurobiology --- Noah's Ark --- Fictionology --- Church of Fictionology --- science and art --- psycholinguistics --- cognitive psychology --- Theory of Mind (ToM) --- stereopsis --- string theory --- scientific visualization --- spectral music --- music perception --- creativity versus skepticism --- Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) --- science and secularism --- television series --- macroevolution --- mk-ultra --- mkultra --- theodicy --- biotechnology --- post-christian spirituality --- Daniel Dennett --- neurology --- prayers --- Bible --- genesis --- religion and language --- linguistics --- ancient languages --- pseudohistory --- Dan Brown --- The Da Vinci Code (fiction) --- Uri Geller --- near-death experience --- global warming --- patterns --- testable laws and theories --- Albert Einstein (1879-1955) --- AIDS Denialism --- Loch Ness Monster --- mythic creatures --- John of God (Joao de Deus) --- faith healing --- faith healers --- memetics --- Bert Reese (1851-1926) --- human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) --- conspiracy belief --- conspiracy theory --- apocalypse --- armageddon --- End Times --- vaccines --- antivaccinists --- anti-vaccination movement --- out-of-the-body-experiences --- out-of-body-experiences --- Barry L. Beyerstein (1947- 2007) --- social psychology --- cognitive dissonance --- Netherlands --- Ida Peerdeman (1905-1996) --- Dutch folktales --- biology --- antigravity --- magnetic hills --- vaccines and autism --- misinformation --- biodynamics --- biodynamic farming --- Emoto Masaru (江本勝) --- German folktales --- lawsuits --- recovered memory --- Richard Dawkins --- atheism --- catastrophism --- Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979) --- Charles Darwin (1809-1882) --- China --- televangelism --- televangelists --- language --- Tunguska incident (1908) --- burried alive --- living-burial stories --- extraterrestrials --- Roswell --- energy medicine --- Animal Rights Extremism --- psi hypothesis --- internet and religion --- Vatican --- reincarnation --- eucharistic miracles --- electric universe --- animal research --- social science and biology --- skeptical ethics --- ethics of skepticism --- supernatural --- relics --- simony --- tetrodoxotin (TTX) --- TTX poisoning --- Haitian voodoo --- medical treatments --- psychiatric disorders --- aggressive marketing --- Yearning for Zion (YFZ) --- hoax --- polygamy --- Expelled (Documentary) --- Padre Pio (1887-1968) --- canonization --- ignis fatuus --- spooklights --- will o' the wisps --- brain science --- Rosemary Brown (1916-2001) --- bipolar disorder --- pharmaceutical industry --- advertising --- Nibiru --- planet Nibiru --- NASA --- mental disorders --- Hilaire Beloc (1870-1953) --- H.G. Wells (1866-1946) --- hex signs --- hex signs (Pennsylvania) --- barn stars --- street lamp interference (SLI) --- scientific method --- theory of imprinting --- psychotropics --- moral panic --- Isaac Newton (1643-1727) --- Nazi flying saucers --- experimental philosophy --- Ark --- Ark of the Covenant --- Majestic-12 --- Creationism (Belgium and the Netherlands) --- medical myths --- Barack Obama --- vampires --- vampirism --- Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) --- chemtrails --- Pearl Harbor --- World War II --- World War 2 --- Second World War --- cryptology --- science and antiscience --- open-mindedness --- cognitive bias --- deep history --- Piri Reis map (1513) --- Phaistos Disk --- solar system --- Hans Holzer (1920-2009) --- Cell Phones and Power Lines --- electromagnetic fields and health --- subliminal awareness and persuasion --- logophobia --- Eusapia Palladino (1854-1918) --- mobile phones and power lines --- electromagnetic fields (EMF) --- mobile phones and cancer --- violent video games --- youth violence --- near-death experiences (NDE) --- subliminal persuasion --- exercise equipment --- skepticism and social networks --- skepticism and social media --- moon hoax --- science-related controversies --- surveys --- Virgin Mary --- Fatima (Portugal) --- Fatima secrets --- skepticism and internet --- podcasts --- skepticism and YouTube --- psychic detectives --- witchcraft --- Fortune Telling Law --- climate change denial --- BodyTalk Therapy --- paleoanthropology --- fossils --- Sylvia Browne (1936-2013) --- paranormal believers --- disinformation --- Oprah Winfrey --- climate skepticism --- religious belief --- asteroids and comets --- cosmic catastrophes --- exopolitics --- genetic algorithms (GA) --- Power Balance Performance Technology --- Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) --- literature --- Poland --- Adam Savage --- Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340-1400) --- The Canterbury Tales --- John Calvin (1509-1564) --- artificial life --- Golem --- Frankenstein --- Pinocchio --- folklore --- folk tales --- automatons --- robots and androids --- synthetic biology --- John Craig Venter --- placebo effects --- Frankenstein movies --- horror films --- zombies --- ghost investigations --- ghost photography --- romance novels --- spirit photography --- medical hypotheses --- Wegman report --- channeling --- automatic writing --- Vassula Ryden --- Joe A. Nuzum --- time travel --- religion and politics --- religion and science --- Morgellons disease --- Daryl Bem --- medical science --- Intravenous Nutrient Therapy --- amnesia --- memory disorders --- Quantum Mind --- ghost stories --- abductology --- magnetism --- power lines --- magnetic fields --- numerology --- 9-11 --- World Trade Center (WTC) --- terrorism --- 9-11 Truth Movement --- acupuncture --- Allison DuBois --- 2012 Doomsday Hoax --- Helen Duncan (1897-1956) --- science and gender --- predictions --- mental health professionals --- WTC 7 --- Sathya Sai Baba (1926-2011) --- grail legends --- Il Sacro Catino (The Holy Basin) --- chastity belts --- sexual abstinence --- David Hume (1711-1776) --- stem cell therapies --- dowsing --- lost civilizations --- archaeology --- perpetual motion devices --- Flying Spaghetti Monster (FMS) --- pastafarianism --- invented religions --- William Shakespeare (ca 1564-1616) --- vision phenomena --- denialism --- Hungary --- literary analysis --- mythology --- British Psychics --- Yeti --- Steve Jobs (1955-2011) --- vaccination --- herbalism --- Image of Edessa --- Holy Mandylion --- mandylions --- weeping Madonna --- Belgium --- Belgian UFO wave --- multiple sclerosis (MS) --- food production --- cultured meat --- nutrition --- National Center For Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) --- alternative medicine industry --- humor --- Project Alpha --- meteorites --- Traditional Chinese Medicine --- Technology Entertainment Design (TED) --- manga (漫画) --- film and literature --- human nature --- evolutionary psychology --- human cloning --- wikipedia --- antimatter --- pseudoskepticism --- biblical creationism --- Pearl Curran (1883-1937) --- spirit dictation --- Patience Worth --- psychoanalysis --- Maarten Boudry --- social constructivism --- Titanic (ship) --- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- decline of religion --- RMS Titanic --- science and politics --- distrust of science --- Republican Party (US) --- poltergeists --- Enfield poltergeist (UK) --- mass illness --- race --- psychogenic illness --- internet and social media --- AIDS (HIV) --- experimental psychology --- political myths --- politics --- paleontology --- dinosaurs --- Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) --- alien photography --- sugar consumption --- Edward Hopper (1882-1967) --- confirmation bias --- cold reading --- cartoons --- phrenology --- haunted paintings --- Live Blood Cell Analysis --- darkfield microscopy --- Paul Kurtz (1925-2012) --- El Santuariò de Chimayó (New Mexico) --- healing miracles --- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) --- death of Hitler --- Nazis and South Pole --- 2012 apocalypse --- Endtime --- apocalyptic prophecies --- dissociation --- Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) --- Maya prophecies --- creationism --- Beowulf --- Josef Allen Hynek (1910-1986) --- cognitive science --- economic fraud --- Herbal supplements --- invisible entities --- imaginary beings --- spirits --- power of invisibility --- Indian Astrology --- Palatki site (Arizona) --- Scotland Mysteries --- Oliver Sacks (1933-2015) --- Stirling Castle (Scotland) --- Isobel Gowdie (ca 1632-1662) --- mind reading --- thought reading --- Interstellar Travel --- obesity --- Climate Change Denial --- Lake Champlain monster --- visual hallucinations --- musical hallucinations --- psychokinesis --- Psychokinetic metal bending --- mathematics --- Beati Paoli (Sicily) --- Chelyabinsk (Russia) --- asteroids and meteorites --- cosmic impacts --- violence --- haunted ships --- RMS Queen Mary (QM) --- plagiarism --- Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) --- television shows --- mad genius --- myths --- mythers --- mad genius myth --- diphtheria --- vaccinations --- anti-vaccination --- history of diphtheria --- Father Nelson Baker (1841-1936) --- thought experiments --- food safety --- genetically modified organisms (GMO) --- symbolic painting --- childhood obesity --- television --- eating disorders --- medical neglect --- witch hunting --- witchcraft in India --- Raelism --- UFO religions --- new religious movements (NRM) --- Elohim --- raelians --- Raelian Religion --- scientific methodology --- Laurance Rockefeller (1910–2004) --- crop circles --- yeti --- Cosmos (documentary) --- rhetoric --- rhetorical analysis --- flying saucers --- futurology --- UFO incidents --- Oil Pulling --- dating sites --- online dating --- video games --- video game violence --- apocalyptic belief --- subclinical dissociation --- dissociative tendencies --- gestalt processing --- conceptual availability --- false memory syndrome (FMS) --- UFO photos --- belief --- belief in gods --- religious beliefs --- Promiscuous teleology (PT) --- promiscuous teleological intuition --- conspiracy beliefs --- conspiracy ideation --- schizotypy --- criminal profiling --- geocentrism --- paranormal thinking --- SKEPP --- Dr. Robert Gorter and His Alternative Center for Cancer Treatment (article in SKEPP) --- Satanic panic --- sanctification --- John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla, 1920–2005) --- miracle claims --- Area 51 --- UFO cover-up --- Bible believers --- human evolution --- medical misinformation --- paranatural entities --- evidence-based medicine (EBM) --- science-based medicine (SBM) --- complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) --- chupacabra --- traditional medicine (TM) --- World Health Organization (WHO) --- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) --- pesticides --- SKEPP (Belgium) --- Belgian skeptics --- defamation --- Patrick Vermeren --- Bart Van de Venare --- corona --- coronavirus --- pandemic --- Covid-19 --- Covid-19 misinformation --- Mormon Forgeries --- mormonism --- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) --- Joseph Smith Jr. (1805–1844) --- salamander letter --- Atlantis --- pseudoarchaeology --- Ayurveda --- Ayurvedic medicine --- National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) --- Doris Bither case --- supernatural assault --- sexual hauntings --- Haunted People Syndrome --- Entity Photographs --- vaccine refusal --- Coronavirus in the US --- Coronavirus in Brazil --- scientific frauds --- Piltdown Hoax --- Galileo Project --- interstellar objects --- ‘Oumuamua --- Bridgewater Triangle --- Trofim Lysenko (Трофим Денисович Лысенко, 1898-1976) --- Lysenkoism --- Russia --- agricultural policy --- Soviet science --- motivated reasoning --- Leon Festinger (1919-1989) --- science literacy --- satanic ritual abuse claims --- mind control --- science and ideology --- science denialism --- aging and longevity --- aging process --- ideas and delusions of reference --- synchronicity --- psychic surgery --- scientific methods --- Falsifiability, Logic, Objectivity, Alternative explanations, Tentative conclusions, Evidence, Replicability (FLOATER) --- Space Belief Summary (SBS) --- miracle photos --- photographic anomalies --- Great Australian Psychic Prediction Project (GAPPP) --- malaria --- abstract art --- Georgiana Houghton (1814-1884) --- spirit drawings --- Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) --- Torquay Ghost Mystery --- mindfulness --- Edward Osborne Wilson (1929-2021) --- anti-evolutionism --- anti-evolutionary mathematics --- social media --- science simplification --- needle spiking --- unexplained mysteries --- vitamins --- vitamin deficiency --- Land of Punt --- mass psychogenic illness (MPI) --- mass psychogenic disorder --- intellectual dark web (IDW) --- conspiracy rumors --- QAnon --- Satanic cult crimes --- Satan --- satanism --- radio programs --- Piddingtons (BBC radio broadcasts) --- mentalism --- British broadcast history --- Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) --- Russian Skeptics Society (Общество скептиков) --- Heilpraktiker (Germany) --- Mothman --- false memories --- Dunning-Kruger (DK) --- hidden identity --- collective misremembering --- anti-science movements --- debunking --- defeasibility theory --- prebunking --- pseudoscience claims --- selling techniques --- wp --- astronomy --- Stop, Hone, Accumulate, Reason, Perspectivize (SHARP) --- SHARP thinking --- Donald Trump --- Paul De Belder --- Carl Van de Velde Training Institute (CVDVTI) --- unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) --- prehistory --- rock paintings (Lascaux, France) --- Gulf War Illness --- skeptical recurrence --- Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth (AE911Truth) --- conspiracy recurrence --- Antikythera Mechanism --- astronomical computer --- Hipparchos (190 BC - 120 BC) --- young-earth creationist movement (YEC) --- Radiocarbon (carbon-14) --- Radiocarbon Dating --- presidential elections (US) --- Cassidy Hutchinson --- memories --- Recovered Memory Movement --- Power of Prayer --- Rosslyn Chapel (Scotland) --- secret vaults --- subliminal messages --- Premature Burials --- Ravenswood (West Virginia) --- James Webb Space Telescope --- Arthur Ford (1896-1971) --- fake news --- So-Called Alternative Medicine (SCAM) --- academic forgeries --- Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Jane Cochrane,1864-1922) --- investigative journalism --- antioxidants --- food --- autism spectrum disorder (ASD) --- applied behavior analysis (ABA) --- psychiatry --- Dover Demon (US) --- Devil --- Ken Frazier (1942-1922) --- Deepak Chopra --- electronic voice phenomena (EVP) --- Starlink --- forgeries --- Medical pseudoscience --- Medical disinformation --- Harriet Hall (1945-2023) --- health misinformation --- unsolved mysteries --- logical fallacies --- social isolation --- loneliness --- holy waters --- Ica Stones (Peru) --- Lizard Man --- Dover demon --- MMR vaccines --- facilitated communication --- Bermuda Triangle --- information research --- Havana Syndrome --- law of attraction --- Abraham-Hicks --- Anne Frank --- holocaust --- science denial --- science deniers --- diabetes
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