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Suffering and sentiment
ISBN: 1282556266 9786612556265 052094593X 9780520945937 9780520260573 0520260570 9780520260580 0520260589 6612556269 9781282556263 Year: 2010 Publisher: Berkeley University of California Press

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Suffering and Sentiment examines the cultural and personal experiences of chronic and acute pain sufferers in a richly described account of everyday beliefs, values, and practices on the island of Yap (Waqab), Federated States of Micronesia. C. Jason Throop provides a vivid sense of Yapese life as he explores the local systems of knowledge, morality, and practice that pertain to experiencing and expressing pain. In so doing, Throop investigates the ways in which sensory experiences like pain can be given meaningful coherence in the context of an individual's culturally constituted existence. In addition to examining the extent to which local understandings of pain's characteristics are personalized by individual sufferers, the book sheds important new light on how pain is implicated in the fashioning of particular Yapese understandings of ethical subjectivity and right action.

The Gnostic World
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781138673939 1138673935 9781315561608 9780367733124 1317201841 131720185X 1315561603 Year: 2018 Publisher: Boca Raton, FL Routledge

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"The Gnostic World is an outstanding guide to Gnosticism, designed as a collection of critical studies by experts to both widen and deepen study in Gnostic movements and strands of speculation as a discrete "World" of human socio-spiritual life from the distant past until today. An international team of contributors examines these manifestations in a variety of contexts, from the ancient pre-Christian to the contemporary. The volume considers the intersection of Gnosticism with Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Indic practices and beliefs, and also with such new religious movements as Theosophy, Scientology, Western Sufism, and the Nation of Islam. This illustrated handbook will be an invaluable resource for students, scholars, and researchers of Gnostic doctrine and history"--


Gnosticism --- Cults --- Religions --- 273.1 --- 273.1 Gnosis. Gnosticisme --- Gnosis. Gnosticisme --- Comparative religion --- Denominations, Religious --- Religion, Comparative --- Religions, Comparative --- Religious denominations --- World religions --- Civilization --- Gods --- Religion --- Alternative religious movements --- Cult --- Cultus --- Marginal religious movements --- New religions --- New religious movements --- NRMs (Religion) --- Religious movements, Alternative --- Religious movements, Marginal --- Religious movements, New --- Sects --- Gnosticism. --- Cults. --- Religions. --- gnostics --- gnosis --- the gnostic world --- gnostics and temporality --- ancient pre-Christian gnosticisms --- Judaism --- gnostic motifs in the New Testament --- ancient gnosticism --- gender issues --- early Christian heresiology --- gnostic literature --- the 'classical gnostic' school of thought --- Sethian gnostic speculation --- Basilides --- Valentinus --- the Gospel of Thomas --- the Gospel of Judas --- the Tchacos Codex --- the Mandaeans --- Hermetism --- Plotinus --- ancient magical papyri --- Mani --- the Manichaean path to salvation --- Chinese Manichaean texts --- Zurvanism --- Mazdak --- Christian gnosis --- Clement the Alexandrian --- John Damascene --- gnostic vicissitudes in Late Antiquity --- Jnana --- early Hinduism and Buddhism --- Chinese Tiantai Buddhism --- early Islam --- early Shi'i cosmologies --- classic Sufism --- Ismailism --- Druze gnosis and the mystery of tiime --- Yezidism --- Kabbalah --- Bogomils and Cathars --- alchemy --- Europe and the West --- esoteric movements of the modern West --- Byzantine and modern Orthodox gnosis --- Pansophia --- Chritian Kabbalism --- the quest for universal knowledge in the early modrn West --- Freemasonry --- British Romanticism --- William Blake --- the French Occult Revival --- esoteric eschatology --- Blavatsky --- Krishnamurti's teaching --- Guido von List --- Nazism --- Rudolf Steiner --- Gurdjieff --- Western Sufism and gnosis --- Carl Jung --- the Nation of Islam --- the Christianity of the East --- Babism --- Babi talismans --- Ayatollah Khomeini's gnoseology --- syncretistic Sufi gnosticism in South and South East Asia --- Aurobindo --- tribal and 'primal' cultures --- the neo-gnostic synthesis of Samael Aun Weor --- Scientology --- L. Ron Hubbard --- gnostic and esoteric filaments in popular culture --- feminist gnosis --- modern psychdelic gnosis --- gnostic fition --- cinema --- Hollywood films --- music and gnosis --- aesthetics and visual art --- Druze gnosis and the mystery of time --- Christian Kabbalism --- the quest for universal knowledge in the early modern West --- modern psychedelic gnosis --- gnostic fiction

Le patrimoine protestant de Wallonie : la mémoire d'une minorité
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782875221964 2875221965 Year: 2017 Publisher: Namur: Institut du patrimoine wallon,

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Basé sur des enquêtes de terrain et sur des dépouillements de nombreux fonds d'archives à ce jour peu exploités, ce livre vise à faire connaître, dans toute leur diversité et dans leur contexte historique, les édifices les plus emblématiques du culte protestant - appelés communément "temples" - de Wallonie. À travers l'étude de leur conception, de leur construction, de leur aménagement, de leurs évolutions extérieures et intérieures, de leur environnement et de leurs multiples fonctions - pas seulement culturelles -, le lecteur découvrira l'identité complexe d'une minorité religieuse discrète, mais vivante et largement méconnue, et ses mentalités, révélatrices d'un rapport à l'espace et au temps. Fruit d'un partenariat entre les Archives générales du Royaume et l'Institut du Patrimoine wallon, cet ouvrage met aussi en valeur un patrimoine documentaire riche et unique - mais menacé - qui constitue la mémoire du protestantisme belge, cinq fois centenaire en cette année 2017, et à une meilleure compréhension de son inscription dans notre société, marquée par le pluralisme religieux et philosophique.


Protestantisme --- C1 --- protestantisme --- religieuze kunst --- erfgoed --- Religion --- Église --- Wallonie --- Région wallonne --- Patrimoine architectural --- BPB1802 --- Kerken en religie --- Godsdienst --- Kerk --- Wallonië --- Waals gewest --- Architecturaal erfgoed --- Protestantism --- History --- Histoire --- Religieuze architectuur --- religieuze bouwwerken --- cultureel erfgoed --- Religious architecture --- religious structures --- cultural heritage --- Wallonia --- architectural heritage --- trashëgimi arkitekturore --- património arquitetónico --- arhitektonska baština --- patrimonio architettonico --- arhitektūras mantojums --- αρχιτεκτονική κληρονομιά --- dziedzictwo architektoniczne --- építészeti örökség --- rakennusperintö --- patrimonio arquitectónico --- arhitektuuripärand --- wirt arkitettoniku --- архитектонско наслеђе --- patrimoniu arhitectural --- architecturaal erfgoed --- architektūros paveldas --- stavební památky --- архитектурно наследство --- архитектонско наследство --- arkitektoniskt arv --- architektonisches Erbe --- arkitektonisk arv --- architektonické dedičstvo --- stavbna dediščina --- architektonická památka --- clădiri inventariate --- tvrz --- antički spomenik --- monument antik --- registrirana građevina --- senovės paminklas --- hrad --- chráněná stavební památka --- historická budova --- starobylá pamiatka --- споменици на културата --- zona monumentale --- pilis --- suojeltava rakennus --- fredet bygning --- ancient monument --- drevni spomenik --- Nationaldenkmal --- ndërtesë e mbrojtur --- arhitektūras piemineklis --- zámek --- заштитена градба --- património arquitectónico --- древна градба --- listed building --- byggnadshistoriskt arv --- muinaismuistomerkki --- valstybės saugomas pastatas --- arhitektūras pieminekļi, kas iekļauti valsts nozīmes arhitektūras un mākslas pieminekļu sarakstā --- építészeti emlék --- kaitstav ehitis --- muinasmälestis --- chráněná budova --- monument vechi --- антички споменик --- chránená budova --- Waals Gewest --- Valónsko --- περιφέρεια Βαλλωνίας --- Valonų regionas --- регион Валония --- wallonische Region --- región Valona --- Регион Валонија --- Regiunea Valonă --- Valonska regija --- Walloon region (Belgium) --- vallon régió --- reġjun ta’ Walloon (Belgju) --- Валонска област --- regione vallona --- Vallonien --- Vallonian alue --- Valoņu apgabals --- valonský region --- regionen Vallonien --- região da Valónia --- Vallooni piirkond --- Region Waloński --- rajoni i Valonit (Belgjikë) --- Valonija --- Valonsko --- Valonia --- Βαλλωνία --- Valoni --- Валонски Регион --- Valloonia --- Vallonia --- den wallonske region --- Валонија --- Valónsky región --- Wallonien --- протестантизъм --- Protestantismus --- protestantismus --- protestantismi --- protestantizem --- протестантизам --- protestantizëm --- protestantizam --- protestantismo --- protestantizmus --- προτεσταντισμός --- protestantism --- Protestantiżmu --- protestantizmas --- protestantyzm --- protestantisms --- protestantesimo --- metodisms --- református vallás --- metodizëm --- reformovaná církev --- husitismus --- kalvinizmas --- протестанство --- luteranizam --- kalvinismus --- protestantische Kirche --- Calvinism --- luteránství --- unitárius vallás --- husitská církev --- liuteronybė --- protestantská věrouka --- Českobratrská církev evangelická --- luteránizmus --- протестантска веронаука --- Lutheranism --- adventisti --- luterlus --- баптизам --- luterisms --- Luteranism --- Metodism --- metodizam --- baptista vallás --- лутеранство --- metodizmus --- протестантска црква --- metodizmas --- luterilaisuus --- protestantská církev --- protestantlus --- evangelická církev --- kalvinism --- kalvinizmus --- kalvinisms --- калвинизам --- kalvinismi --- kalvinizam --- евангелизам --- metodism --- kalvinizëm --- lutheránství --- bratrská církev --- Methodism --- presbiterianizmus --- методизам --- evangelische Kirche --- Československá církev husitská --- luteranizëm --- evangélikus vallás --- protestantství --- luteránstvo --- kálvinizmus --- metodismi --- εκκλησία --- igreja --- knisja --- chiesa --- kirke --- church --- църква --- kishë --- kościół --- cirkev --- Kirche --- cerkev --- bažnyčia --- biserică --- kyrka --- iglesia --- kerk --- crkva --- církev --- kirik --- црква --- templom --- kirkko --- baznīca --- црковна служба --- црковен обред --- církevní liturgie --- соборен храм --- црковен храм --- církevní obřad --- fe --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- oidhreacht ailtireachta --- Réigiún na Vallúine --- Protastúnachas --- eaglais --- reiligiún --- Église --- Région wallonne --- protestantisme belge --- la Réforme protestante --- le développement du protestantisme dans les Pays-Bas et la principauté de Liège --- l'Edit de Tolérance de 1781 --- la Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen de 1789 --- le Concordat et les articles organiques des cultes protestants de 1802 --- la Belgique souveraine --- la Constitution de 1831 --- le synode de 1839 --- le réveil protestant --- la Société évangélique belge --- les Assemblées de Frères --- la Première Guerre mondiale --- l'évangélisation de la Belgique --- littérature et prédication --- la lutte contre les problèmes sociaux --- l'Armée du Salut --- enseignement --- Unions chrétiennes des jeunes Gens et des jeunes Filles --- libéralisme théologique --- Vincent Van Gogh dans le Borinage --- l'Entre-deux-Guerres --- la Seconde Guerre mondiale --- la mémoire protestante --- les archives protestantes --- archives paroissiales --- archives des églises reconnues par l'Etat --- bâtiments de culte --- dossiers de permis de bâtir --- dommages de guerre --- dégats miniers --- iconographie --- les dossiers du service des Cultes du SPF Justice --- les dossiers de la Commission royale des Monuments, Sites et Fouilles --- CRMSF --- lieu de culte protestant --- salles de culte --- 1827 --- Siméon Dupont --- Henri Sauveur --- Henry Havill Stanley --- Paul Calame-Rosset --- Samuel Andries --- aménagements intérieurs --- vicissitudes --- cimetières --- liberté de culte

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