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Border control and new technologies : addressing integrated impact assessment
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789461171238 9789461170859 9461171234 9461170858 Year: 2021 Publisher: Brussel Academic and Scientific Publishers

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This book presents the theory and practice of impact assessment tailored to new border control technologies that are increasingly employed at state borders with the aim of facilitating border checks. Experience has shown that their use often comes into conflict with societal values such as the respect for fundamental rights to privacy and personal data protection. As a result, there is a growing need to accommodate two requirements, the first being the deployment of new border control technologies and the second being the respect for relevant societal values. This book introduces a tool that seeks to accommodate both requirements: impact assessment. Impact assessment is an evaluation technique used to analyse the potential future consequences of a given measure for societal values. The main objective of the assessment process is to support informed decision-making about whether or not, and under what conditions, to deploy a given measure. Border Control and New Technologies. Addressing Integrated Impact Assessment is addressed predominantly to border control authorities in the European Union and in the Schengen Area who wish to ensure that new technologies for controlling state borders respect the principles of democracy, the rule of law and human rights. The book will be of interest also for border control officials elsewhere in the world as well as for anyone dealing with the theory and practice of impact assessment.


BPB2106 --- waterbeheer --- watervoorraad --- водено богатство --- acmhainní uisce --- vesivarat --- vodni viri --- vodné zdroje --- recursos hídricos --- veevarad --- vandens ištekliai --- vandressourcer --- vodní zdroje --- zasoby wodne --- resurse de apă --- vízkészlet --- burime ujore --- ressource en eau --- Wasserressourcen --- водни ресурси --- recurso hidráulico --- vodeni resursi --- vattentillgångar --- υδάτινοι πόροι --- risorse idriche --- riżorsi tal-ilma --- water resources --- ūdens resursi --- přístup k vodním zdrojům --- adgang til vandforsyning --- disponibbiltà tal-ilma --- disponibilità idrica --- rendelkezésre álló vízkészletek --- recursos de água --- διαθεσιμότητα νερού --- razpoložljivost vode --- ūdens pieejamība --- dostupnost zdrojů vody --- recurso acuático --- ressource hydrique --- наличие на вода --- vodohospodářství --- disponibilité de l’eau --- recursos aquáticos --- přístup k vodě --- vandtilgængelighed --- dostupnost vody --- přístup ke zdrojům vody --- adgang til vand --- dostupnosť vody --- διαθεσιμότητα υδάτινων πόρων --- zdroj vody --- dostupnost vodních zdrojů --- dostępność wody --- recurso hídrico --- disponibilitatea apei --- víz rendelkezésre állása --- water availability --- disponibilidade de água --- zaliha voda --- disponibilidad de agua --- veden saatavuus --- dostupnost vode --- víztartalék --- disponibilità di risorse idriche --- vandens prieinamumas --- Verfügbarkeit von Wasser --- залихи на вода --- επάρκεια υδάτινων πόρων --- vattenresurser --- Wasserreserven --- vee kättesaadavus --- waterbeschikbaarheid --- vandentvarka --- водопривреда --- vízgazdálkodás --- διαχείριση των υδάτων --- spracovanie vody --- vodní hospodářství --- veemajandus --- menaxhim uji --- gestion de l'eau --- upravljanje voda --- vattenförvaltning --- bainistiú uisce --- водостопанство --- gestione delle acque --- vandforvaltning --- vesitalous --- managementul apei --- gestão das águas --- gospodarka wodna --- water management --- икономическо управление на водата --- gestión del agua --- vodno gospodarstvo --- immaniġġjar tal-ilma --- Wasserbewirtschaftung --- ūdens resursu apsaimniekošana --- gestione delle risorse idriche --- nakládání s vodou --- hospodaření s vodou --- управување водни ресурси --- ġestjoni tal-ilma --- vandens ūkio tvarkyba --- vodoprivreda --- ūdens resursu pārvaldība --- upravljanje vodama --- gospodarenje vodama --- waterschap --- Border security --- Sécurité frontalière --- Data protection --- Protection de l'information (Informatique) --- Privacy, Right of --- Droit à la vie privée --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Technological innovations. --- Innovations --- 530 Waterbeleid --- 240 Internationale politiek --- Waterwinning --- Klimaatverandering --- Water supply. Water treatment. Water pollution --- Physical geography --- Technologische nieuwigheden --- Hydrosphere

The human right to water
ISBN: 9781780682976 9781780685557 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge Intersentia

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" This book summarises the history of the human right to water and examines its main content and the obligations that derive from this right. The main purpose of the recognition of the human right to water is to guarantee to everyone access to sufficient, safe and affordable drinking water to satisfy personal and domestic uses. This book discusses whether the human right to water is recognised as a derivative right or as an independent right at three levels - at universal, regional and domestic - where human rights are recognised and enforced. At the domestic level a case study approach has been used with focus on Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Colombia. Freshwater resources are not static; they are constantly flowing and crossing international boundaries. This situation and the relative scarcity of water resources have a direct impact on a state's capacity to realise the human right to water. The human right to water is examined in a transboundary water context, where the use and management of an international watercourse in one riparian state can directly or indirectly affect the human right to water in another riparian state. 0For this reason, this book analyses whether the core principles of international water law can be used to contribute to the realisation of the extraterritorial application of the right to water."--Back cover.


Droit de l'eau --- Recht op water --- Right to Water --- Water (Right to) --- Water [Recht op ] --- Comparative law --- Water --- Water-supply --- Human rights --- Right to water --- Droit comparé --- Eau --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Droit à l'eau --- Law and legislation --- Purification --- Droit --- Approvisionnement --- Epuration --- Droit à l'eau (droit international) --- Droits de l'homme (droit international) --- Gestion de l'eau --- Distribution de l'eau --- Consommation d'eau --- Utilisation de l'eau --- BPB1507 --- Waterbeheer --- Watervoorziening --- Waterverbruik --- Gebruik van het water --- Right to water. --- Droit comparé --- Droit à l'eau --- коришћење воде --- użycie wody --- utilização da água --- upotreba vode --- χρήση του νερού --- veekasutus --- ūdens izmantošana --- utilizzazione dell'acqua --- Wassernutzung --- vattenanvändning --- use of water --- veden käyttö --- utilizarea apei --- raba voda --- използване на водата --- vandens naudojimas --- anvendelse af vand --- vízkészlet-hasznosítás --- utilización del agua --- využití vody --- użu tal-ilma --- користење вода --- gebruik van het water --- përdorim i ujit --- využitie vody --- искористување на водата --- korištenje vode --- uporaba vode --- konsum tal-ilma --- water consumption --- poraba vode --- consumo idrico --- потрошувачка на вода --- spotreba vody --- vattenförbrukning --- κατανάλωση νερού --- potrošnja vode --- konsum uji --- ūdens patēriņš --- потрошња воде --- zużycie wody --- consumo de agua --- vandforbrug --- consum de apă --- spotřeba vody --- waterverbruik --- vandens (su)vartojimas --- vízfogyasztás --- veetarbimine --- consumo de água --- Wasserverbrauch --- vedenkulutus --- потребление на вода --- квалитет на водите --- oskrba z vodo --- provvista tal-ilma --- dodávka vody --- снабдевање водом --- Wasserversorgung --- water supply --- vandens tiekimas --- furnizim me ujë --- zaopatrzenie w wodę --- водоснабдяване --- suministro de agua --- водоснабдување --- alimentare cu apă --- ūdensapgāde --- watervoorziening --- opskrba vodom --- rozvod vody --- vattenförsörjning --- abastecimento de água --- ύδρευση --- vanddistribution --- veevarustus --- vesihuolto --- vízellátás --- distribuzione idrica --- approvisionnement en eau --- veevärk --- снабдување со вода --- παροχέτευση νερού --- zásobování vodou --- distribuirea apei --- vedenjakelu --- water distribution --- aprovisionamento de água --- distribúcia vody --- waterleiding --- abastecimiento de agua --- adduction d'eau --- ūdens padeve --- vízművek --- condução de água --- vandforsyning --- wateraanvoer --- распределба на вода --- shpërndarja e ujit --- vattenförråd --- distribucija vode --- παροχή νερού --- vattentillförsel --- vattendistribution --- Wasserzuleitung --- дистрибуција на вода --- alimentation en eau --- alimentazione idrica --- vandtilførsel --- vandens paskirstymas --- систем за дистрибуција на вода --- framdragande av vattenledning --- připojení vody --- Wasserleitung --- υδροδότηση --- approvvigionamento idrico --- vízszolgáltatás --- vandentvarka --- водопривреда --- vízgazdálkodás --- διαχείριση των υδάτων --- spracovanie vody --- vodní hospodářství --- veemajandus --- menaxhim uji --- upravljanje voda --- vattenförvaltning --- bainistiú uisce --- водостопанство --- gestione delle acque --- vandforvaltning --- vesitalous --- managementul apei --- gestão das águas --- gospodarka wodna --- waterbeheer --- water management --- икономическо управление на водата --- gestión del agua --- vodno gospodarstvo --- immaniġġjar tal-ilma --- Wasserbewirtschaftung --- ūdens resursu apsaimniekošana --- gestione delle risorse idriche --- nakládání s vodou --- hospodaření s vodou --- управување водни ресурси --- ġestjoni tal-ilma --- vandens ūkio tvarkyba --- vodoprivreda --- ūdens resursu pārvaldība --- upravljanje vodama --- gospodarenje vodama --- waterschap --- úsáid uisce --- ídiú uisce --- soláthar uisce

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