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Undocumented Saints : The Politics of Migrating Devotions
ISBN: 019763026X 0197630243 0197630227 0197630251 Year: 2022 Publisher: New York, NY : Oxford University Press USA,

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"Undocumented Saints follows the migration of popular saints from Mexico into the US and the evolution of their meaning. The book explores how Latinx battles for survival are performed in the worlds of faith, religiosity, and the imaginary, and how the socio-political realities of exploitation and racial segregation frame their popular religious expressions. It also tracks the emergence of inter-religious states, transnational ethnic and cultural enclaves unified by faith. The book looks at five vernacular saints that have emerged in Mexico and whose devotions have migrated into the US in the last one hundred years: Jesús Malverde, a popular bandido turned saint caudillo; Santa Olguita, an emerging feminist saint linked to border women's experiences of sexual violence; Juan Soldado, a murder-rapist soldier who is now a patron for undocumented immigrants and the main suspect in the death of an eight-year-old victim known now as Santa Olguita; Toribio Romo, a Catholic priest whose ghost/spirit has been helping people cross the border into the US since the 1990s; and La Santa Muerte, a controversial personification of death who is particularly popular among LGBTQ migrants. Each chapter contextualizes a particular popular saint within broader discourses about the construction of masculinity and the state, the long history of violence against Latina and migrant women, female erasure from history, discrimination against non-normative sexualities, and as US and Mexican investment in the control of religiosity within the discourses of immigration."

Heiligenverehrung : ihr Sitz im Leben des Glaubens und ihre Aktualität im ökumenischen Gespräch
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783795401436 3795401437 Year: 1986 Publisher: München: Zürich: Schnell & Steiner,

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The acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787)
ISBN: 1786941279 9781786941275 9781789621570 1789621577 1802071024 Year: 2018 Volume: 68 Publisher: Liverpool Liverpool University Press

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"The Second Council of Nicaea (787) decreed that religious images were to set up in churches and venerated. It thereby established the cult of icons as a central element in the piety of the Orthodox churches, as it has remained ever since. In the West its decrees received a new emphasis in the Counter-Reformation, in the defence of the role of art in religion. It is a text of prime importance for the iconoclast controversy of eighth-century Byzantium, one of the most explored and contested topics in Byzantine history. But it has also a more general significance - in the history of culture and the history of art. This edition offers the first translation that is based on the new critical edition of this text in the Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum series, and the first full commentary of this work that has ever been written. It will be of interest to a wide range of readers from a variety of disciplines."--

Le confraternite cristiane e musulmane : storia, devozione, politica
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 8883030729 Year: 2001 Publisher: Trieste : Università di Trieste,

Music, liturgy, and the veneration of saints of the medieval Irish Church in a european context
ISBN: 9782503534701 2503534708 Year: 2017 Volume: 8 Publisher: Turnhout : Brepols,

Ein Meer und Seine Heiligen : Hagiographie im mittelalterlichen Mediterraneum
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783770560714 377056071X 9783506785213 3506785214 3657785213 3846760714 9783846760710 9783657785216 Year: 2018 Volume: 18 Publisher: Paderborn : Wilhelm Fink : Ferdinand Schöningh,

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Stürme, Piraten, Orientierungslosigkeit, fremde Küsten – solche Motive begegnen uns in Erfahrungsberichten und literarischen Darstellungen von Schiffsreisen in verschiedenen kulturell-religiösen Kontexten des Mittelmeerraumes. Der Band enthält Beiträge zu komplexen Beziehungen zwischen Religion, Frömmigkeit und Meer aus der Sicht u.a. von Kunstgeschichte, Archäologie oder Byzantinistik. Relevanz kam Kräften zu, die Rettung und Schutz vor den Gefahren des Meeres versprachen. Für viele mediterrane Beziehungen spielten Heiligenverehrung in Texten, Bildern und anderen Medien eine bedeutende Rolle. Schutzheilige wurden durch ihre Geschichten oder Martyrien mit maritimen Wagnissen und dem Meer im Allgemeinen in Verbindung gebracht und um Hilfe angerufen. In unterschiedlichen Milieus, unter Kauf- und Seeleuten oder Küstenbewohnern, erfuhren diese Heiligen besondere Verehrung.

Körperbild und Bildkörper : die "Technological Reliquaries" von Paul Thek und die christliche Reliquientradition
ISBN: 9783506708823 3506708821 9783657708826 3657708820 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paderborn Ferdinand Schöningh

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Paul Theks Werkgruppe der "Technological Reliquaries" rekurriert auf die Bildsprache von Reliquie und Reliquiar, bricht aber mit deren traditioneller Gestaltungsform. Die künstlerische Bedeutungsverschiebung ist aufschlussreich für ein zeitgemäßes theologisches Verständnis der Reliquienverehrung. Der US-amerikanische Künstler Paul Thek (1933-1988) stellt seine Werke in die Rezeptionsgeschichte der christlichen Reliquientradition. Die Werke gestalten die Verflechtung von Bild und Körper neu und bringen dadurch die aktuellen Körper- und Bilddiskurse von Theologie und Kunst miteinander ins Gespräch. Die Kunstwerke zeigen sich als fruchtbar für das theologische Nachdenken über Reliquie und Reliquiar, ebenso wie die theologische Perspektive zu einem vielschichtigen Verständnis der Werke Paul Theks beiträgt.

A history of Islamic societies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780521732970 9780521514309 0521514304 0521732972 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press

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"This third edition of Ira M. Lapidus's classic A History of Islamic Societies has been substantially revised to incorporate the insights of new scholarship and updated to include historical developments in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Lapidus's history explores the beginnings and transformations of Islamic civilizations in the Middle East and details Islam's worldwide diffusion to Africa, Spain, Turkey and the Balkans, Central, South and Southeast Asia, and North America, situating Islamic societies within their global, political, and economic contexts. It accounts for the impact of European imperialism on Islamic societies and traces the development of the modern national state system and the simultaneous Islamic revival from the early nineteenth century to the present. This book is essential for readers seeking to understand Muslim peoples."--Publisher information.


Islam --- History --- Islamic countries --- History. --- 905.1 --- 217 --- godsdienst --- geschiedenis --- cultuurgeschiedenis - algemeen --- islam --- World history --- Arab states --- history of Islamic societies --- Islamic civilizations --- The Middle East --- Middle Eastern societies before Islam --- Persian empires --- the Roman Empire --- the Sasanian Empire --- religion and society --- religions and empires --- marriage --- divorce --- sexual morality --- property and inheritance --- seclusion and veiling --- the preaching of Islam --- Arabia --- clans and kingdoms --- Mecca --- language --- the gods --- Muhammad --- state formation --- the Quran --- the Judeo-Christian heritage --- the Arabian heritage --- community and politics --- the Umma of Islam --- the Arab-Muslim imperium --- the Arab-Muslim empires --- the Arab-Muslim conquests --- economic and social change --- Iraq --- Syria and Mesopotamia --- poetry --- Egypt --- Iran --- conversions to Islam --- Arabic --- Middle Eastern languages --- the caliphate to 750 --- the Umayyad monarchy --- the Marwanids --- the 'Abbasids --- the 'Abbasid Empire --- Baghdad --- cosmopolitan Islam --- the Islam of the imperial elite --- religion and identity --- the ideology of imperial Islam --- Islam and iconoclasm --- the caliphate and Islam --- inquisition --- the Arabic humanities --- Persian literature --- Hellenistic literature --- philosophy --- urban Islam --- the Islam of scholars and holy men --- Sunni Islam --- the veneration of the Prophet --- early Muslim theology --- Ash'arism --- scripturalism --- hadith --- tradition and law --- asceticism and mysticism --- Sufism --- Shi'i Islam --- Isma'ili Shi'ism --- Muslim urban societies --- women and family --- non-Muslim minorities --- the early Islamic era --- Islamic legislation for non-Muslims --- Christians and Christianity --- Christian literature in Arabic --- Crusades --- the Egyptian Copts --- Christians in North Africa --- Jews and Judaism --- Egyptian and North African Jews --- the Gheniza era --- the yeshivas and rabbinic Judaism --- the nagid --- Jewish culture in the Islamic context --- continuity and change in the historic cultures of the Middle East --- religion and empire --- the post-'Abbasid Middle Eastern state system --- the Saljuq Empire --- the Mongols --- the Timurids --- Fatimid Egypt --- the Mamluk empire --- the iqta' system and Middle Eastern feudalism --- royal women --- women of urban notable families --- working women and popular culture --- jurisprudence and courts --- Islamic institutions --- mass Islamic society --- Muslim religious movements and the State --- the personal ethic --- normative Islam --- Al-Ghazali --- alternative Islam --- gnostic and popular Sufism --- Islamic philosophy and theosophy --- Ibn al-'Arabi --- the veneration of Saints --- imperial Islamic society --- the limits of worldy life --- state and religion in the Medieval Islamic paradigm --- the global expansion of Islam --- Turkish conquests and conversions --- Anatolia --- the Balkans --- Inner Asia --- India --- Southeast Asia --- sub-Saharan Africa --- Muslim elites --- the reform movement --- Islamic North Africa --- the Zirid empires --- the Banu Hilal --- the Almoravids --- the Almohads --- Islamic religious communities --- Spanish-Islamic civilization --- Hispano-Arabic society --- Hispano-Arabic culture --- the Reconquista --- Muslims under Christian rule --- Judaism in Spain --- Arabic culture --- Hebrew culture --- Latin culture --- convivencia --- the expulsion of Jews from Spain and Portugal --- Jews in North Africa --- the expulsion of Muslims --- Tunisia --- Algeria --- Morocco --- the Marinid and Sa'dian states --- the 'Alawi dynasty --- states and Islam --- Islam in Asia --- the Turkish migrations --- the Ottoman empire --- Turkish-Islamic states in Anatolia --- ghazi state --- the Ottoman world empire --- the janissaries --- Ottoman law --- royal authority --- cultural legitimization --- Ottoman identity --- the Ottoman economy --- Jews and Christians in the Ottoman Empire --- Greek Orthodox and Armenian Christians --- Coptic Christians --- Christians in the Ottoman Near East --- the Ottoman legal system and the family --- freedom and slavery --- family and sexuality --- the postclassical Ottoman empire --- decentralization --- commercialization --- incorporation --- new political institutions --- the Arab provinces under Ottoman rule --- the Safavid Empire --- the reign of Shah 'Abbas --- the conversion of Iran to Shi'ism --- state and religion in the late Safavid Iran --- the dissolution of the Safavid Empire --- the Delhi sultanates --- the Mughal Empire --- the varieties of Indian Islam --- Indian culture --- Aurangzeb --- the international economy and the British Indian Empire --- the Mongol conquests --- Turkestan --- Transoxania --- Khwarizm --- Farghana --- Eastern Turkestan --- China --- Islamic societies in Southeast Asia --- Pre-Islamic Southeast Asia --- Java --- the 'ulama --- the crisis of imperialism and Islam on Java --- Aceh --- Malaya --- Minangkabau --- Islam in Africa --- colonialism --- Islam in Sudanic Africa --- Islam in savannah Africa --- Islam in forest West Africa --- the kingdoms of the Western Sudan --- Mali --- Songhay --- the central Sudan --- Kanem --- Bornu --- Hausaland --- non-state Muslim communities in West Africa --- Zawaya lineages --- the Kunta --- missionaries --- Senegambia --- the West African jihads --- the Senegambian jihads --- 'Uthman don Fodio and the Sokoto Caliphate --- the jihad of al-Hajj 'Umar --- jihad and conversion --- Islam in East Africa and the European colonial empires --- Darfur --- Swahili Islam --- Ethiopia --- Somalia --- Central Africa --- colonialism and the defeat of Muslim expansion --- the Muslim world --- The Mediterranean --- the Indian Ocean --- the rise of Europe and the world economy --- European trade --- naval power --- European imperialism --- modernity --- the transformation of Islamic societies --- Islamic reformism --- Islamic modernism --- nationalism --- the contemporary Islamic revival --- nationalism and Islam in the Middle East --- the modernization of Turkey --- the partition of the Ottoman Empire --- Ottoman reform --- World War I --- Republican Turkey --- the Turkish Republic under Ataturk --- the post-World War II Turkish Republic --- Islam in Turkish politics --- the AKP --- Qajar Iran --- the Pahlavi era --- revolution --- the Islamic Republic --- secularism and Islamic modernity --- British colonial rule --- the Nasser era --- Sadat and Mubarak --- secular opposition movements --- the Arab East --- Arabism --- military states --- the rise of Arab nationalism --- Arabism and Arab states in the colonial period --- Lebanon --- Transjordan and Jordan --- the Palestinian movement and the struggle for Palestine --- Zionism --- the Palestinian movement and Israel --- the Arabian peninsula --- Yemen --- union of the two Yemens --- Saudi Arabia --- political and religious opposition --- foreign policy --- the Gulf States --- Oman --- Kuwait --- Bahrain --- Qatar --- United Arab Emirates --- France --- Algerian resistance --- the Algerian revolution --- independent Algeria --- independent Tunisia --- independent Morocco --- Libya --- Islam in state ideologies and opposition movements --- women in the Middle East --- changes in family law --- women's secular education --- labor and social and political activism --- Post-World War II Arab states --- Islamism and feminism --- Islam and secularism in Central and Southern Asia --- Russia --- the Caucasus --- Tsarist rule --- the jadid movement --- the formation of the Soviet Union --- Soviet modernization --- Post-Soviet Russia --- Azarbayjan --- the Muslims of China --- the Indian subcontinent --- Pakistan --- Afghanistan --- Bangladesh --- the partition of the Indian subcontinent --- Muslim militance --- Plassey --- the Pakistan movement --- the Muslims of post-Partition India --- Indonesia --- Malaysia --- the Philippines --- Dutch rule and economic development in the Indies --- Southeast Asian responses to Dutch rule --- Islamic traditionalism --- the priyayi --- the merchant elites --- Islamic and secular nationalist political parties --- the Indonesian Republic --- Sukarno --- a secular Indonesia --- the Suharto regime --- Indonesian Islam --- British Malaysia and independent Malaysia --- the Malaysian state and Islam in a multiethnic society --- Mauritania --- Senegal --- Nigeria --- military rule --- civil war --- Eritrea --- Swahili East Africa --- Zanzibar --- Tanzania --- Kenya --- Uganda --- universal Islam and African diversity --- Islam in the West --- the United States --- American converts --- Muslim identity issues in the United States --- Canada --- Eastern Europe --- Bosnia and Yugoslavia --- Albania --- Bulgaria --- Western Europe --- immigrant identities in Europe --- immigrant status --- Britain --- Germany --- Sweden --- Netherlands --- the anti-immigrant reaction --- secularized Islam --- Islamic revival --- pre-modern Islamic societies --- religious revival --- transnational Islam --- Islamism and political action --- the relations between states and Islamic societies --- Islamic and neo-Islamic states --- secularized states with Islamic identities --- secularized states and Islamic opposition --- Islamic national societies in Southeast Asia --- Muslims as political minorities

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