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Mamsell Bohmans fall : nattlöperskor i 1700-talets Stockholm
Year: 2019 Publisher: Gothenburg Kriterium

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"One summer day in Stockholm in 1747, the carpenter's daughter Lena Cajsa Bohman faces trial for disobedience to her father. Soon, she admits to more serious crimes. A tangle of trafficking of young women is revealed. It develops into a story of power and greed, of secret networks and trade with young women. The protocols reflects women's circumstances in a time when all extra-marital sexuality was forbidden and the word prostitution was not used.In 18th century Stockholm, no distinction was made between prostitution and extramarital sexuality. All sexual intercourse outside of marriage was illegal for both women and men. Through the combination of a variety of material sources, from trial protocols to memoirs and hateful whore poems, we get a versatile picture of the commercial sexuality. The testimony of mamsell Bohman tells about how the trade was organized, who the profiteers, the women and the buying men were, where the trade took place and how women who provided sex för money were looked upon.The overall aim is to investigate how the whore stigma remains over centuries. The stigma is extremely adaptable and constantly accommodates to new cultural and social contexts, laws, values and established truths. It is intertwined with dominant notions of good and evil, of honor and contempt. During the 18th century, the whore stigma was not yet linked to payment for sex. It could affect all women, but was crossed by other hierarchical social orders. Despite a rigid legal stance and a strong social control, the boundaries were more permeable than they would later become. There was a striking discrepancy between law, jurisprudence and the verdict of the mob in 18th century Stockholm - a city where the bourgeois daughter Lena Cajsa was able to admit to relations with the notorious Lovisa von Plat and a number of illegitimate sexual relations, but escape punishment and marry into nobility."

Die Seele: Metapher oder Wirklichkeit? : Philosophische Ergründungen. Texte zum ersten Festival der Philosophie in Hannover 2008
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839412684 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Die Seele - die tiefen Verstrickungen dieses Begriffs in metaphysische Traditionen haben ihn für lange Zeit in den Archiven der Philosophie verschwinden lassen und dem Vergessen übergeben. Wie können Philosophen heute aber über die Seele sprechen? Der Band stellt renommierte Autoren und Denker vor diese Herausforderung. Hinderk Emrich, Julian Nida-Rümelin, Robert Spaemann, Franco Volpi und andere zeigen, dass Philosophie heute lebendiges Denken zwischen Metapher und Wirklichkeit sein kann, das selbst vor der Seele keine Angst zu haben braucht. »Die thematische Vielfalt des Bandes ist beeindruckend [...].« Martina Schmidhuber, Philosophische Rundschau, 58/1 (2011) Besprochen in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 31.03.2011, Michael Pawlik Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 65/2 (2012)

Mamsell Bohmans fall : nattlöperskor i 1700-talets Stockholm
Year: 2019 Publisher: Gothenburg Kriterium

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"One summer day in Stockholm in 1747, the carpenter's daughter Lena Cajsa Bohman faces trial for disobedience to her father. Soon, she admits to more serious crimes. A tangle of trafficking of young women is revealed. It develops into a story of power and greed, of secret networks and trade with young women. The protocols reflects women's circumstances in a time when all extra-marital sexuality was forbidden and the word prostitution was not used.In 18th century Stockholm, no distinction was made between prostitution and extramarital sexuality. All sexual intercourse outside of marriage was illegal for both women and men. Through the combination of a variety of material sources, from trial protocols to memoirs and hateful whore poems, we get a versatile picture of the commercial sexuality. The testimony of mamsell Bohman tells about how the trade was organized, who the profiteers, the women and the buying men were, where the trade took place and how women who provided sex för money were looked upon.The overall aim is to investigate how the whore stigma remains over centuries. The stigma is extremely adaptable and constantly accommodates to new cultural and social contexts, laws, values and established truths. It is intertwined with dominant notions of good and evil, of honor and contempt. During the 18th century, the whore stigma was not yet linked to payment for sex. It could affect all women, but was crossed by other hierarchical social orders. Despite a rigid legal stance and a strong social control, the boundaries were more permeable than they would later become. There was a striking discrepancy between law, jurisprudence and the verdict of the mob in 18th century Stockholm - a city where the bourgeois daughter Lena Cajsa was able to admit to relations with the notorious Lovisa von Plat and a number of illegitimate sexual relations, but escape punishment and marry into nobility."

Creative spaces : urban culture and marginality in Latin America
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: University of London Press

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Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality is an interdisciplinary exploration of the different ways in which marginal urban spaces have become privileged locations for creativity in Latin America. The essays within the collection reassess dominant theoretical notions of ‘marginality’ in the region and argue that, in contemporary society, it invariably allows for (if not leads to) the production of the new. While Latin American cities have, since their foundation, always included marginal spaces (due, for example, to the segregation of indigenous groups), the massive expansion of informal housing constructed on occupied land in the second half of the twentieth century have brought them into the collective imaginary like never before. Originally viewed as spaces of deprivation, violence, and dangerous alterity, the urban margins were later romanticized as spaces of opportunity and popular empowerment. Instead, this volume analyses the production of new art forms, political organizations and subjectivities emerging from the urban margins in Latin America, neither condemning nor idealizing the effects they produce.

Soziologie der Stadt
ISBN: 3839401453 3899421450 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Die soziologische Befassung mit der Stadt hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten stark an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die von der Stadtsoziologie in den Blick genommenen Raumbezüge eröffnen wichtige Zugänge zum urbanen Leben der globalisierten (Post-)Moderne. Zur Disposition steht hier die Stadt mit ihren eigenen Spielregeln: ihren ethnischen und geschlechtsbezogenen Trennungslinien und vielfältigen Vergemeinschaftungsprozessen. Wie diese theoretisch einzuordnen sind, diskutiert der Band mit Bezug auf traditionelle und postmoderne Urbanitätskonzeptionen. Gegenwärtig formt insbesondere die Einbindung der Städte in die Globalisierung die urbane Gesellschaft. Die Interdependenz mit dem »globalen Strom« von Menschen, Gütern und Ideen erzeugt eine globalisierte Urbanität, die die Stadtsoziologie vor neue Herausforderungen stellt. »Eckardt blickt auf die Chronologie der Theoretiker, Schulen, Haltungen und Themenfelder. Von Max Weber bis zur postmodernen Urbanität oder zur Stadt als Diskurs spannt er seinen Bogen, ausführlich schließt er mit der Darstellung globalisierter Städte.« Soziologische Revue, 1 (2006)

Transit Marseille : Filmgeschichte einer Mittelmeermetropole
ISBN: 3839406994 3899426991 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Marseille ist nicht nur Frankreichs älteste und größte Mittelmeermetropole. Neben Paris ist sie auch die bekannteste Filmstadt der Grande Nation. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Produktionen, die hier angesiedelt sind, etwa John Frankenheimers »French Connection« mit Gene Hackman, Jacques Demys »Drei Karten für den 26.« mit Yves Montand oder die diversen Verfilmungen von Jean-Claude Izzos Kriminalromanen mit Richard Bohringer, Alain Delon und Marie Trintignant. Die Stadt, die als Film- und Kulturmetropole gerade in den letzten Jahren zunehmend von sich Reden gemacht hat, verfügt darüber hinaus über eine lange Tradition lokalen Filmschaffens, die eng mit den Namen Marcel Pagnol, Paul Carpita, René Allio und Robert Guédiguian verbunden ist. Dieses Buch, die erste deutschsprachige Einzelstudie über Frankreichs 'zweite Stadt', befasst sich insbesondere mit diesem Regionalkino, das sich gegenüber den oft klischeereichen B-Movies durch eine liebevolle und differenzierte Annäherung an die Metropole auszeichnet. »Winkler löst seinen Anspruch, eine Filmgeschichte Marseilles vorzulegen, ein, und bietet dem Leser nicht nur eine Fülle von Fakten über die Stadt selbst, sondern auch einen Überblick über die Vielfalt der sie thematisierenden Filme.« Cornelia Ruhe, lendemains, 35, 138/139 (2010) »Daniel Winkler hat ein äußerst vielseitiges Werk vorgelegt, das kulturwissenschaftliche Ansätze erprobt und neue Forschungsfragen und Perspektiven entwirft. Das Buch bietet einen detaillierten Zugang zum regionalen Kino und eine differenzierte Annäherung an die Metropole Marseille. Auch für Nichtcineasten also eine lohnende Lektüre, die das wachsende Interesse an Hafenstädten und an der Mittelmeerregion spiegelt.« Kerstin Lange, H-Soz-u-Kult, 28.11.2008 »Mit dem Konzept des urbanen Imaginären gelingt es Daniel Winkler in bislang beispielloser Vorgehensweise, Film- und Großstadt zusammenzubringen.« Kathrin Sartingen, Romanische Forschungen, 121/2 (2009) Besprochen in:, 27.10.2009, Daniel Tödt

Thick Space : Approaches to Metropolitanism
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3839420431 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Could the concepts of »metropolitanism« and »thick space« aid our understanding of historical and contemporary urban change? Essays by scholars from both sides of the Atlantic provide interdisciplinary approaches to the complex dynamics of large-scale urbanization. The book opens with conceptual questions regarding the development of metropoles and metropolitan studies. The following sections provide analyses of the social, environmental, and cultural dimensions of metropolitan spaces from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective, such as the role of planning and urban parks, the impact of ethnic diversity and segregation, the place of cinematic visions or the centrality of infrastructures and architecture. Reviewed in: ORLIS, 3 (2014),01.07.2014, Mikkel Thelle Urban Studies, 52/5 (2015), David Wachsmuth

Mamsell Bohmans fall : nattlöperskor i 1700-talets Stockholm
Year: 2019 Publisher: Gothenburg Kriterium

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"One summer day in Stockholm in 1747, the carpenter's daughter Lena Cajsa Bohman faces trial for disobedience to her father. Soon, she admits to more serious crimes. A tangle of trafficking of young women is revealed. It develops into a story of power and greed, of secret networks and trade with young women. The protocols reflects women's circumstances in a time when all extra-marital sexuality was forbidden and the word prostitution was not used.In 18th century Stockholm, no distinction was made between prostitution and extramarital sexuality. All sexual intercourse outside of marriage was illegal for both women and men. Through the combination of a variety of material sources, from trial protocols to memoirs and hateful whore poems, we get a versatile picture of the commercial sexuality. The testimony of mamsell Bohman tells about how the trade was organized, who the profiteers, the women and the buying men were, where the trade took place and how women who provided sex för money were looked upon.The overall aim is to investigate how the whore stigma remains over centuries. The stigma is extremely adaptable and constantly accommodates to new cultural and social contexts, laws, values and established truths. It is intertwined with dominant notions of good and evil, of honor and contempt. During the 18th century, the whore stigma was not yet linked to payment for sex. It could affect all women, but was crossed by other hierarchical social orders. Despite a rigid legal stance and a strong social control, the boundaries were more permeable than they would later become. There was a striking discrepancy between law, jurisprudence and the verdict of the mob in 18th century Stockholm - a city where the bourgeois daughter Lena Cajsa was able to admit to relations with the notorious Lovisa von Plat and a number of illegitimate sexual relations, but escape punishment and marry into nobility."

Creative spaces : urban culture and marginality in Latin America
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: University of London Press

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Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality is an interdisciplinary exploration of the different ways in which marginal urban spaces have become privileged locations for creativity in Latin America. The essays within the collection reassess dominant theoretical notions of ‘marginality’ in the region and argue that, in contemporary society, it invariably allows for (if not leads to) the production of the new. While Latin American cities have, since their foundation, always included marginal spaces (due, for example, to the segregation of indigenous groups), the massive expansion of informal housing constructed on occupied land in the second half of the twentieth century have brought them into the collective imaginary like never before. Originally viewed as spaces of deprivation, violence, and dangerous alterity, the urban margins were later romanticized as spaces of opportunity and popular empowerment. Instead, this volume analyses the production of new art forms, political organizations and subjectivities emerging from the urban margins in Latin America, neither condemning nor idealizing the effects they produce.

Creative spaces : urban culture and marginality in Latin America
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: University of London Press

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Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality is an interdisciplinary exploration of the different ways in which marginal urban spaces have become privileged locations for creativity in Latin America. The essays within the collection reassess dominant theoretical notions of ‘marginality’ in the region and argue that, in contemporary society, it invariably allows for (if not leads to) the production of the new. While Latin American cities have, since their foundation, always included marginal spaces (due, for example, to the segregation of indigenous groups), the massive expansion of informal housing constructed on occupied land in the second half of the twentieth century have brought them into the collective imaginary like never before. Originally viewed as spaces of deprivation, violence, and dangerous alterity, the urban margins were later romanticized as spaces of opportunity and popular empowerment. Instead, this volume analyses the production of new art forms, political organizations and subjectivities emerging from the urban margins in Latin America, neither condemning nor idealizing the effects they produce.

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