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La peine de travail, dix ans après : quel bilan en dresser à partir de l'expérience de douze juges?

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Community punishment : European perspectives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781138818644 9781138783782 9781315768489 9781317666561 9781317666578 1315768488 113881864X 1138783781 Year: 2016 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge,

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In Community Punishment: European perspectives, the authors place punishment in the community under the spotlight by exploring the origins, evolution and adaptations of supervision in 11 European jurisdictions. For most people, punishment in the criminal justice system is synonymous with imprisonment. Yet, both in Europe and in the USA, the numbers of people under some form of penal supervision in the community far exceeds the numbers in prison, and many prisoners are released under supervision. Written and edited by leading scholars in the field, this collection advances the sociology of punishment by illuminating the neglected but crucial phenomenon of 'mass supervision'. As well as putting criminological and penological theories to the test in an examination of their ability to explain the evolution of punishment beyond the prison, and across diverse states, the contributors to this volume also assess the appropriateness of the term 'community punishment' in different parts of Europe. Engaging in a serious exploration of common themes and differences in the jurisdictions included in the collection, the authors go on to examine how 'community punishment' came into being in their jurisdiction and how its institutional forms and practices have been legitimated and re-legitimated in response to shifting social, cultural and political contexts.

Gemeenschapsgerichte straffen en maatregelen : opschorting, uitstel, probatie, werkstraf en elektronisch toezicht
ISBN: 9782804469740 2804469743 Year: 2014 Volume: 5 Publisher: Brussel Larcier

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Dit handboek geeft een globale en gedetailleerde bespreking van de Probatiewet en de werkstraf, en een kennismaking met de straffen van de toekomst, namelijk het elektronisch toezicht en de probatie


Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- strafuitvoering --- elektronisch toezicht (recht) --- strafrecht --- Belgium --- Strafrecht --- Straf --- Elektronisch toezicht --- Werkstraf --- Probatie --- België --- Substituts à l'emprisonnement --- Placement sous surveillance électronique --- Probation (droit) --- Justice pénale --- Exemptions de peine --- Sursis (droit pénal) --- Travail d'intérêt général --- Administration --- E-books --- Community-based corrections --- Probation --- Community service (Punishment) --- Parole --- Electronic monitoring of parolees and probationers --- Services correctionnels communautaires --- Probation (Droit) --- Travaux communautaires (Peines) --- Libération conditionnelle --- Surveillance électronique des libérés conditionnels et des probationnaires --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- EPUB-ALPHA-G EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- BPB1501 --- Droit pénal --- Droit pénitentiaire --- Peine de substitution --- dënim alternativ --- pedepse alternative --- alternatívny trest --- vervangende straf --- pena de substituição --- zamjenska kazna --- alternatyvioji bausmė --- Ersatzstrafe --- алтернативна казна --- nadomestna kazen --- asenduskaristus --- alternativní trest --- kara zastępcza --- υποκατάστατο της ποινής --- sentenza alternattiva --- pena sustitutoria --- заместващо наказание --- alternative sentence --- заменска казна --- alternatív büntetés --- forvandlingsstraf --- alternatīvs sods --- förvandlingsstraff --- vaihtoehtoinen rangaistus --- sanzione sostitutiva --- straf in het algemeen belang --- misure sostitutive --- заменски затвор --- alternativna kazna --- straff i det allmännas tjänst --- pakaitinė bausmė --- peine d'intérêt général --- rad za opće dobro --- büntetőjogi intézkedések --- Strafvollzugsrecht --- vězeňské právo --- пенитенцијарно право --- liġi relatata mal-ħabsijiet --- vankilalainsäädäntö --- diritto penitenziario --- cietumu likums --- bausmių vykdymo teisė --- pravo o izvršavanju kaznenih sankcija --- prawo penitencjarne --- наказателно - изпълнително право --- σωφρονιστικό δίκαιο --- legjislacioni në lidhje me burgjet --- law relating to prisons --- fængselslovgivning --- pravo izvrševanja kazni zapora --- право о извршавању казне --- väzenské právo --- büntetés-végrehajtási jog --- kriminalvårdslagstiftning --- penitentiair recht --- drept penitenciar --- vangistusõigus --- Derecho penitenciario --- direito penitenciário --- kalinimo įstaigų teisė --- Закон за извршување на санкциите --- ordinamento penitenziario --- diritto carcerario --- penitenciární právo --- kalėjimų teisė --- vězeňská legislativa --- vězeňské předpisy --- trestné právo --- prawo karne --- baudžiamoji teisė --- diritto penale --- наказателно право --- büntetőjog --- dlí coiriúil --- kriminaalõigus --- kazensko pravo --- drept penal --- Derecho penal --- strafferet --- krimināllikums --- dritt kriminali --- straffrätt --- kazneno pravo --- ποινικό δίκαιο --- direito penal --- кривично право --- criminal law --- e drejtë penale --- trestní právo --- rikosoikeus --- кривичен закон --- казнено право --- krimināltiesības --- kriminaalkoodeks --- trestní právo hmotné --- criminal code --- trestný kódex --- diritto criminale --- direito criminal --- kriminalret --- droit criminel --- crimineel recht --- karistusõigus --- Derecho criminal --- pianbhreith mhalartach --- dlí a bhaineann le príosúin --- Belgique --- Droit pénal --- Droit pénitentiaire --- Substituts à l'emprisonnement --- Placement sous surveillance électronique --- Justice pénale --- Sursis (droit pénal) --- Travail d'intérêt général

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