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Le vivre ensemble saisi par le droit
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782233009791 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Editions Pedone,

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La 4e de couverture indique : "Le concept du « vivre ensemble » émaille aujourd'hui les discours politiques, les débats médiatisés et continue d'intéresser les philosophes, les économistes, les sociologues, les politistes et aussi les juristes. Le législateur français s'en est directement saisi et la France l'a invoqué pour justifier l'interdiction du port du voile intégral dans l'espace public devant la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme et le Comité des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies. La flexibilité ou l'abstraction de la notion ont cependant été en ces espèces soulignées. L'analyse interdisciplinaire entreprise lors de ce colloque tente alors de saisir les contours de ce "vivre ensemble". Sa portée potentielle dans le champ du droit sera aussi étudiée au travers de son institutionnalisation et de sa confrontation avec certains défis sociaux contemporains. L'examen du recours éventuel des juges au concept constituera le dernier test de sa validation dans le champ juridique."

They can't take that away from me
ISBN: 9786612538117 128253811X 0226514463 9780226514468 9780226514444 0226514447 0226514447 0226514455 9780226514451 Year: 2001 Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

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In this series of new poems Gail Mazur takes stock-of the complexity of relationships between parents and children, the desires of the body as well as its frailties, the distinctions between memory and history, and the hope of art to capture these seemingly inscrutable realities. By turns mordant and passionate, narrative and meditative, Mazur's poems imply that life, with all of its losses, triumphs, and abrasive intimacies, is far richer and more elaborately metaphorical than poetry can aspire to be-and yet her poems do affectingly recreate this reality. These illuminating poems are the work of an acclaimed poet at the top of her form.

Rational ritual : culture, coordination, and common knowledge
ISBN: 9786612303852 1282303856 140083113X 1299311784 1400846439 Year: 2001 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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Why do Internet, financial service, and beer commercials dominate Super Bowl advertising? How do political ceremonies establish authority? Why does repetition characterize anthems and ritual speech? Why were circular forms favored for public festivals during the French Revolution? This book answers these questions using a single concept: common knowledge. Game theory shows that in order to coordinate its actions, a group of people must form "common knowledge." Each person wants to participate only if others also participate. Members must have knowledge of each other, knowledge of that knowledge, knowledge of the knowledge of that knowledge, and so on. Michael Chwe applies this insight, with striking erudition, to analyze a range of rituals across history and cultures. He shows that public ceremonies are powerful not simply because they transmit meaning from a central source to each audience member but because they let audience members know what other members know. For instance, people watching the Super Bowl know that many others are seeing precisely what they see and that those people know in turn that many others are also watching. This creates common knowledge, and advertisers selling products that depend on consensus are willing to pay large sums to gain access to it. Remarkably, a great variety of rituals and ceremonies, such as formal inaugurations, work in much the same way. By using a rational-choice argument to explain diverse cultural practices, Chwe argues for a close reciprocal relationship between the perspectives of rationality and culture. He illustrates how game theory can be applied to an unexpectedly broad spectrum of problems, while showing in an admirably clear way what game theory might hold for scholars in the social sciences and humanities who are not yet acquainted with it. In a new afterword, Chwe delves into new applications of common knowledge, both in the real world and in experiments, and considers how generating common knowledge has become easier in the digital age.

Attitudes of Play
ISBN: 0228015022 Year: 2022 Publisher: Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press,

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Play is not only a kind of activity, but also a set of attitudes. We may join a card game in a casino without assuming a play attitude; conversely we may transform a seemingly tedious action, such as a walk to the store, into a pleasant experience of spontaneous movements by adopting an attitude of play. Attitudes of Play is a comprehensive study of the persistent human tendency to bring a cheerful and good-humoured outlook to any kind of situation, including the serious and the mundane. Gabor Csepregi offers a phenomenological description of forms of playfulness, showing how, time and again, our attitudes of play redefine and shape diverse activities and experiences – from teaching, healing, or worshipping to political conflict or walking down the street. With play attitudes, we exercise our freedom to colour these scenes or give them an altogether new form, evoking in us more refined sentiments and more acute perceptions.This book seeks to distinguish play activities from attitudes of play, showing that the latter hold value not merely for their educational or other instrumental benefits but also, and perhaps most importantly, for the overall fulfillment and well-being they offer in all stages of human existence.

The Plural of Us : Poetry and Community in Auden and Others
ISBN: 1400887879 Year: 2017 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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The Plural of Us is the first book to focus on the poet's use of the first-person plural voice-poetry's "we." Closely exploring the work of W. H. Auden, Bonnie Costello uncovers the trove of thought and feeling carried in this small word. While lyric has long been associated with inwardness and a voice saying "I," "we" has hardly been noticed, even though it has appeared throughout the history of poetry. Reading for this pronoun in its variety and ambiguity, Costello explores the communal function of poetry-the reasons, risks, and rewards of the first-person plural.Costello adopts a taxonomic approach to her subject, considering "we" from its most constricted to its fully unbounded forms. She also takes a historical perspective, following Auden's interest in the full range of "the human pluralities" in a time of particular pressure for and against the collective. Costello offers new readings as she tracks his changing approach to voice in democracy. Examples from many other poets-including Walt Whitman, T. S. Eliot, Elizabeth Bishop, and Wallace Stevens-arise throughout the book, and the final chapter offers a consideration of how contemporary writers find form for what George Oppen called "the meaning of being numerous."Connecting insights to philosophy of language and to recent work in concepts of community, The Plural of Us shows how poetry raises vital questions-literary and social-about how we speak of our togetherness.

Just like us : digital debates on feminism and fame
ISBN: 1978830947 Year: 2023 Publisher: New Brunswick, New Jersey : Rutgers University Press,

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"In Just Like Us: Digital Debates on Feminism and Fame, Caitlin E. Lawson examines the rise of celebrity feminism, its intersections with digital culture, and its complicated relationships with race, sexuality, capitalism, and misogyny. Through in-depth analyses of debates across social media and news platforms, Lawson maps the processes by which celebrity culture, digital platforms, and feminism transform one another. As she analyzes celebrity-centered stories ranging from "The Fappening" and the digital attack on actress Leslie Jones to stars' activism in response to #MeToo, Lawson demonstrates how celebrity culture functions as a hypervisible space in which networked publics confront white feminism, assert the value of productive anger in feminist politics, and seek remedies for women's vulnerabilities in digital spaces and beyond. Just Like Us asserts that, together, celebrity culture and digital platforms form a crucial discursive arena where postfeminist logics are unsettled, opening up more public, collective modes of holding individuals and groups accountable for their actions"--

The world is our classroom : extreme parenting and the rise of worldschooling
ISBN: 1479815128 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York : New York University Press,

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""The World Is Our Classroom" explores parenting during the rise of "worldschooling.""--


Students --- Education --- Non-formal education. --- International education. --- Education and globalization. --- Travel. --- Parent participation. --- ADD/ADHD. --- Alternative Education. --- Alternative Mobility Futures. --- Autonomobility. --- Come-and-Go Sociality. --- Comfort Zone. --- Commodification. --- Commodified Community. --- Compassion. --- Creativity. --- Cultivated Independence. --- Cultural Capital. --- Digital Nomadism. --- Digital Nomads. --- Disruption. --- Educational Travel. --- Emotion Work. --- Emotion. --- Emotional Curriculum. --- Entitlement. --- Entrepreneurial Self. --- Entrepreneurialism. --- Ethics. --- Existential Mobility. --- Extreme Parenting. --- Family as Enterprise. --- Fear. --- Feeling Global. --- Free-Range Parenting. --- Future. --- Global Citizenship. --- Good Life. --- Good Mobile Life. --- Good Risk. --- Hackschooling. --- Helicopter Parenting. --- Homeschooling. --- Homesickness. --- Intensive Mothering. --- Late Modernity. --- Life Politics. --- Lifestyle Mobilities. --- Location-Independent Lifestyles. --- Mobile Commons. --- Mobile Community. --- Mobile Elite. --- Mobile Families. --- Mobile Lifestyles. --- Mobile Virtual Ethnography. --- Mobilities. --- Mobility Justice. --- Neoliberal Society. --- Neoliberalism. --- New Individualism. --- New Togetherness. --- Nomadic Friendship. --- Parenting Cultures. --- Precariat. --- Precarity. --- Privilege. --- Public Education. --- Risk Society. --- Social Inequalities. --- Teenagers. --- Twenty-First Century Skills. --- Uncertain Times. --- Unschooling. --- Volunteer Tourism. --- Worldschooling. --- Youth Mobilities.

Journal of religion in Africa
Authors: ---
ISSN: 00224200 15700666 Year: 1967 Volume: 29/4 Publisher: Leiden Brill

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The Journal of Religion in Africa was founded in 1967 by Andrew Walls. In 1985 the editorship was taken over by Adrian Hastings, who retired in 1999. It is interested in all religious traditions and all their forms, in every part of Africa, and it is open to every methodology. Its contributors include scholars working in history, anthropology, sociology, political science, missiology, literature and related disciplines. It occasionally publishes religious texts in their original African language. Presenting a unique forum for the debate of theoretical issues in the analysis of African religion past and present, it also encourages the development of new methodologies. It reviews a very wide range of books and regularly publishes longer review articles on works of special interest. The Journal of Religion in Africa prides itself on being highly international and is the only English-language journal dedicated to the study of religion and ritual throughout Africa.


Philosophy, African --- Philosophy, African. --- Religion. --- Africa --- Afrique --- Africa. --- Afrique. --- Religion --- 266 <05> --- 291 <05> --- 299.6 --- Missies. Evangelisatie. Zending--Tijdschriften --- Godsdienstwetenschap: vergelijkend--Tijdschriften --- Godsdiensten van Bantoes, Niloten, Soedannegers, Pygmeeën, Kaffers, Hottentotten, Bosjesmannen, Galla's, Bassuto's, Zoeloes --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- History --- Religious studies --- Arts and Humanities. --- History. --- 299.6 Godsdiensten van Afrikaanse zwarte volkeren --- 299.6 Godsdiensten van Bantoes, Niloten, Soedannegers, Pygmeeën, Kaffers, Hottentotten, Bosjesmannen, Galla's, Bassuto's, Zoeloes --- Godsdiensten van Afrikaanse zwarte volkeren --- Afrika --- Philosophy --- Philosophie africaine --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Religion, Primitive --- African philosophy --- Pseudoreligion --- Atheism --- God --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Afrikaner --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Afryka --- Afryka. --- African Christianities --- West African Charismatic Christians --- the South African Ibandla lamaNazaretha --- Church of the Nazaretha --- gender --- Congo --- religious texts --- African church history --- Ogbu Kalu --- anthropology of Christianity --- African Independent Churches --- inculturation --- Pentecostalism --- African Christianity --- West African migrants --- diaspora --- immanence --- charismatic Christianity --- Anthropology of Religion --- Religious Studies --- African Studies --- Sociology of Religion --- History of Religion --- the Scottish Catholic mission stations --- Nigeria --- Christian prophecies --- South Africa --- Shari'a --- Salafism --- music --- the African Church --- Muslims --- Tanzania --- ; African Christianity --- Gordon Joseph Gray --- Bauchi (Nigeria) --- missionaries --- correspondence --- religious conversion --- political revolt --- rumors and prophecies --- Islamic criminal law --- Sharia --- Tijaniyya Sufi shaykh Ibrahim Salih --- Islamisation --- Islamic law --- Muslim-Christian relations --- Ibrahim Salih --- Northern Nigeria --- Islamic reform --- Islamic education --- book reviews --- born-again Christianity --- mission work --- the Upper Guinea Coast --- Apolo Kivebulaya --- medical pluralism --- generational antagonisms --- cursing --- ritual --- blessing --- African Pentecostalism --- Keswick spirituality --- Uganda --- adventure stories --- missionary heroism --- biography --- African independent churches (AIC) --- development --- modernity --- empirical research --- analysis --- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) --- Umbundu Christians --- Angola --- pageant --- mission --- protestant --- Three Crosses (Angola) --- Sufism --- gender issues --- Senegal --- the Fifohazana --- healing --- the colonial mission legacy --- African Christian missionization --- migration --- Ghana --- London --- Islamic revival --- West Africa --- anticolonial prophecy --- Christian identity in Congo --- Pentecostal Church --- Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (1900-1975) --- muqaddam --- Taalibe Baay (disciples of Niasse) --- Taalibe Baay movement --- feminism --- women --- islam --- evangelism --- Madagascar --- Lutherans --- colonial legacy --- African diasporas --- Fifohazana movement (Madagascar) --- American Lutherans --- Malagasy Lutherans --- Pentecostal Christianity (Ghana) --- Church of Pentecost (CoP) --- Pentecostal transformation --- witchcraft --- witch-hunting --- the People's Republic of Bénin --- Hijab --- modern Islam in Tunisia --- Ndau spirit possession practices in Zimbabwe --- Muslim women --- personal reform in Mali --- AIDS and religious practice in Africa --- rural Uganda --- Brazil --- Candomblé --- Vodun --- North Africa --- Ndau --- spirit possession --- ethnomusicology --- semiotics --- religious subjectivity --- gender relations --- moral agency --- African christianities --- prophetic selves --- spirit others --- Central Mozambique --- the charismatic dividual --- the sacred self --- apostolic prayers --- well-being --- Botswana --- Islam --- ethno-religious boundaries --- the Kenya Coast --- abolitionism --- imperialism --- Britain --- the Atlantic --- demonic conspiracy --- satanic abuse --- selfhood and otherness --- Christian conversion --- Gahuku-Gama (New Guinea) --- prophets --- Apostolics --- faith healing --- charismatics --- Apostolic churches --- Catholic Charismatics (New England) --- Eloyi --- Connolius --- hymns --- Mauss’s theory --- Apostolic Christians (Botswana) --- personhood in African Christianities --- confession --- deliverance --- Pentecostals in Ghana --- Kinshasa's Born-Again Christians --- Western civilization --- colonial Northern Nigeria --- sex --- salvation --- social sciences --- the ASC in Leiden --- Daswani (Ghana ) --- Pype (Congo) --- dividuality --- individuality --- Christian personhood --- born-again Christians --- newborn Christians --- the library of the ASC in Leiden, the Netherlands --- spiritist mediumship --- African-Americans --- black ancestral presence --- Afro-Cuban religions --- possession trance --- female power --- the Punu of Congo-Brazzaville --- the predynastic dancing Egyptian figurine --- Islamic authority --- Swahili weddings --- history writing --- political work --- Muslim associations --- the resurgence of Islam in Zambia --- divination baskets --- African Diaspora --- Black North American religion --- historiography --- Santería --- Espiritismo --- water spirits --- receptivity --- mother goddess --- predynastic Egypt --- Sudanese religion --- prehistoric religion --- neolithic --- ancient Egypt --- prehistoric Nilotic rituals --- Swahili --- sex instruction --- weddings --- Swahili Islam --- musical mediation --- Yoruba Christian diaspora --- religious transnationalism --- Zimbabwean Catholics in Britain --- the Murid Order --- the 'Doctrine of Work' --- Asaphs of Seraph --- mediation --- Yoruba --- reverse evangelization --- secularism --- integration --- Zimbabwean migrants --- Aḥmad Bamba --- conversion to Islam in Southern Côte d'Ivoire --- double identity --- Salafi radicalism --- Salafi counter-radicalism --- Boko Haram --- Pentecostal appropriation of public space --- tribalism --- the Hutu-Tutsi question --- Catholic rhetoric --- colonial Rwanda --- Côte d’Ivoire --- conversion --- nativism --- autochthony --- nationalism --- Wahhabism --- radicalism --- counter-radicalism --- religion and violence --- Islamic state --- modern education --- Islamic learning --- public spaces --- Rwanda --- genocide --- Hutu --- Tutsi --- Hamitic Hypothesis --- ethnic violence --- Colonial Rwanda --- conversion narratives --- Born-Again masculinity in Zambia --- Christianity --- the religion of pouring --- non-linear conversion --- Gambia --- Casamance Borderland --- Albert Schweitzer and Africa --- AIDS (HIV) --- Zambia --- men --- masculinities --- reference group theory --- multiethnic communities --- masculinity --- Muslim-Mandinka model --- Jola --- Mandinka --- Gabon --- Paris Missionary Society --- medical missionary --- colonialism --- sexuality --- reproduction --- relationships --- faith --- religious heterotopia --- neoliberal globalization --- Charismatic Churches --- Southwestern Nigeria --- singleness --- marriage --- Jesus --- female personhood --- urban Madagascar --- Northwestern Namibia --- Mozambique --- charismatic life --- Afro-Brazilian Pentecostal Re-Formation --- social mobility --- Identity --- Charismatic identity --- globalization --- emotion training --- monogamy --- femininity --- Pentecostal Charismatic Churches --- personhood --- stigmatization --- illegitimacy --- Namibia --- sin child --- extramarital affairs --- Afro-Brazilian Pentecostalism --- heterotopia --- Zaire --- Ford Philpot's Avengelical crusades in the Democratic Republic of Congo --- use of rings --- Bata drummers --- caravan guards --- muslim insurgents --- Ahmed Deedat --- internationalisation --- transformations of Islamic polemic --- churches --- development projects --- violence --- Eastern Uganda --- Ford Philpot --- crusade --- Democratic Republic of Congo --- Mobutu Sese Seko --- Jean-Perce Makanzu --- John Wesley Shungu --- Cuba --- orisha --- smithing --- christianism --- polemics --- proselytism --- NGOs --- Development Projects --- Satan --- political economy of neo-pentecostalism in Kenya --- the Protestant Church in Congo --- Mobutu --- Eritrean Pentecostalism --- Pentecostalism in Nigeria --- Stambeli --- trance --- alterity --- Tunisia --- Medina Gounass --- village Sufism in Senegal --- Faith Tabernacle Congregation --- Neo-Pentecostalism --- political legitimacy --- social exclusion --- spiritual uncertainty --- Kibera --- Nairobi --- Bokeleale --- asylum seekers --- refugees --- Ethiopia --- Eritrea --- Faith Tabernacle --- law --- public religion --- queer activism --- judicial politics in South Africa --- anti-mission churches --- colonial politics --- the African Orthodox Church in Kenya --- corporeality --- transgression in Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity --- oracles --- transnational religious and social dynamics in Africa --- the New African Diaspora --- British missionaries --- same-sex relationships --- same-sex marriage --- social movements --- same-sex rights --- lesbian and gay --- Orthodox Church in Kenya --- African Orthodox Church --- Archbishop Daniel William Alexander --- Kikuyu Karing’a Education Association --- Arthur Gathuna --- Reuben Mukasa Spartas --- obstetric fistula --- Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity --- Kenya --- occult --- politics of religious schooling --- Christian and Muslim engagements with education in Africa --- children --- Chagga Trust --- a New American Orphanage on Mount Kilimanjaro --- gendering Muslim self-assertiveness --- Muslim schooling and female elite formation in Uganda --- conversion to Islam --- religion and the formation of an urban educational market --- transnational reform processes and social inequalities in Christian and Muslim schooling --- Dar es Salaam --- Islamic schools in Ghana --- religious schooling --- Christian and Muslim revival --- Christian-Muslim relations --- American evangelical missionaries --- Muslim education --- minority politics --- makaranta --- education --- urban anthropology --- transnational reforms --- educational market --- history of education in Tanzania --- social inequality --- Christian-Muslim encounters --- identity --- Zanzibar --- Islamic liberation theology in South Africa --- modernization --- decolonization in Northern Nigeria --- the moral economy of Mbororo pilgrimage --- Osogbo --- faith in schools --- religion --- American Evangelicals in East Africa --- ethnic patriotism and the East African revival --- Journal of Religion in Africa --- predictability --- masheitani --- majinni --- Islamic liberation theology --- Farid Esack --- apartheid --- Islamism --- political Islam --- liberation theology --- shari’a --- sharia --- pastoralism --- pilgrimage --- moral economy --- ethnic relations --- repression --- human rights --- the diaspora --- Christian Revivalism and political imagination in Madagascar --- Hinduism --- Hindu religious instruction in Indian schools in South Africa during the 1950s --- salvation in urban Kenya --- myth --- religion and AIDS in Africa --- the politics of dress in Somali culture --- Ga ritual --- transnationalism --- political imagination --- exorcism --- Christian revival movements --- South African Hindu Maha Sabha --- Hindu identity --- Hindu diaspora --- salvation narratives --- Christian salvation --- linguistic analysis --- the East African Revival in Southern Uganda --- Ugandan Born-Again Christians and the moral politics of gender equality --- ontological transformation --- tradition --- girls' puberty rituals --- sacrifice and syncretism in South Sudan --- the black Jews of Africa --- history --- religion and identity --- Jews of Nigeria --- African pilgrimage --- ritual travel in South Africa's Christianity of Zion --- Catholic Pentecostalism --- Catholic Charismatic movements in Cameroon --- the Church and AIDS in Africa --- witchraft --- ghosts of Kanungu fertility --- the Great Lakes of East Africa --- African traditions in the study of religion in Africa --- indigenous spirituality --- world religions --- Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel --- tolerance --- democracy --- Sufis in Senegal --- Balokole revival --- Ankole --- equality --- Kgatla puberty ritual --- mothei ritual --- Tswapong puberty ritual (mothei) --- ontological change --- invention of tradition --- Tswana --- seriti --- South Sudan --- People-to-People Peacemaking --- syncretism --- Babu wa Loliondo --- religious authority --- Sufi women in Ethiopia and Eritrea --- Basutoland --- 'Muslims and new media in West Africa' --- 'Cultural conversions' --- Christian missionaries --- Yoruba myth --- human consciousness --- the Catholic Church --- witch-hunts --- Pagans --- Western Uganda --- herbalism --- pluralistic medicine --- Northeast Africa --- Adolph Mabille (1836-1894) --- French missions --- transmission of religion --- Jonathan Edwards --- intertextuality --- Christian texts in nineteenth-century missionary correspondence from Yorubaland --- Baraji --- Southern Mali, West Africa --- the creative layering of belief in Southern Bénin --- the Devil --- Kenya's Born-Again election --- voleurs de sexe --- Pentecostal melodrama --- dynamics of religious expansion in a globalizing world --- Church Missionary Society --- discursive space --- Yorùbá mission --- ancestral relations --- Bambara --- Mali --- tourism --- spiritual tourism --- personal responsibility --- elections --- early modern demonology --- the Atlantic world --- the White Fathers --- colonial rule --- the Bahemba --- Sola, Northern Katanga --- preaching self-worth and succes --- single young women --- Nigerian Pentecostal Church --- the invention of God in indigenous societies --- the African Christian Diaspora --- world Christianity --- Islamic criminal law in Northern Nigeria --- politics --- judicial practice --- communication and conversion in Northern Cameroon --- the Dii people and Norwegian missionaries --- the inculturation of human rights in Ghana --- educating Muslim women --- Nana Asmu'u --- Hindu Gods in West Africa --- Shiva --- Krishna --- West Central Africa --- Katanga --- Catholicism --- Báhêmbá --- self-management --- religious practice --- doctrine of Zoe --- religious Mahbar in Ethiopia --- Pentecostal representations --- the Tayyibat --- halal consumption in South Africa --- Kenyan politics --- marginalization --- minority status --- slavery --- post-Apartheid --- the Evangelical Movement in Ethiopia --- Mulid festivals in contemporary Egypt --- the Tablighi Jama'at --- Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden --- T.B. Joshua --- Emmanuel tv --- socioeconomic mobility --- breakthrough --- Cameroon --- halal --- Islamic dietary law --- cross-contamination --- taqwa --- religion and masculinities in Africa --- political masculinity --- citizenship --- patriarchal masculinity in recent Swahili-language Muslim sermons --- Muslim masculinity in Mali --- new forms of religion --- the production of social order in Kaduna City, Nigeria --- Christian Association Centres in Gambia --- the Baha'i faith --- new religious movements --- Liberia --- Aladura Church --- the South African Nazaretha Church --- the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God --- pneumatic Christianity in postcolonial societies --- Sierra Leone --- the United Brethren in Christ --- prophecy --- ideologies of time and space --- Afrika-Studiecentrum in Leiden --- masculinity politics --- sermons --- gender and Islam --- Islamic activism --- preaching --- preachers --- The Gambia --- Tabligh --- reform Islam --- Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) --- nonproselytizing Faith-Based Organisations (FBOS) --- the limits of Pentecostal political power in Nigeria --- Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity and the(im-)moralization of urban femininities in contemporary Kinshasa --- Salafism in Côte d'Ivoire --- radicalization of Ivoirian Islam --- spiritual insecurity --- religious importation --- Benin --- social change --- post-abolition Zanzibar --- Judaism --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- the politics of contradictory discourses --- Islamic reform in twentieth-century Africa --- ASCL --- political theology --- Pentecostalism (Nigeria) --- Christian femininities --- technology --- Kinshasa (Congo) --- terrorism --- Ivory Coast --- Voodoo --- Christian and Islamic Preaching in West Africa --- Salafi aesthetics --- the Sunnance in Niamey, Nigeria --- Zongos --- Asante, Ghana --- pedagogies of preaching --- Pentecostal Bible School --- oral transmission of the sacred --- Christ Embassy and NASFAT in Abuja --- Niamey --- Niger --- Sunnance --- wazu --- aesthetics --- charisma --- mimesis --- Pentecostal preaching --- history of religions --- ritual theory --- Abrahamic Traditions --- Fiasidi --- Southeastern Ghana --- 'Water Babies' (Zaza Rano) --- 'Real Human Beings' (Vrai Humains) --- rituals of blessing for the newly born in Diégo Suarez, Madagascar --- religious diversity --- 'ulama --- Mecca --- Medina --- Jawab al-Ifriqi --- Christian origins in Muslim Northern Nigeria --- divination --- ethnographic research --- interdenominational relations --- religious mobility --- Neo-Pentecostal Christianity --- Anlo-Ewe --- trokosi --- African religions --- ancestors --- birth rituals --- African Traditional Religion --- manifestation of spirit --- mysticism and metaphysics in West African religions --- the Second Coming --- successful life --- Guinea --- Evangelicalism --- Guinea-Bissau --- Edmond Perregaux --- the Akan --- African Hindus in Ghana --- religious space and identity --- spirit children --- modern Muslims --- Sudan --- South African Ngoma tradition --- Islamic education in Africa --- initiation --- living tradition --- oral tradition --- African metaphysics --- African mysticism --- Amadou Hampaté Bâ --- African indigenous religions --- evangelical Christianity --- Basel Mission --- identity formation --- Akan-Ashanti --- Gold Coast (Ghana) --- pluralism --- African Hindus --- hijab --- economic change --- legislation --- religious scandals --- religious regulation --- fundamentalism --- Vatican Missionary Exhibition (1925) --- exhibitions --- Vatican --- Spiritans --- missions --- Rwandan Genocide --- White Fathers --- autobiography --- ontological alterity --- occult economies --- gift exchange --- Evangelical Christianity --- Acholi --- relationality --- materiality --- entanglement --- translation --- African Association for the Study of Religions (ASSR) --- theological reductionism --- Covid-19 --- African Christian practice --- enduring covenant --- African Spirituality --- traditional religions --- African Ontology --- Cultural Appreciation Movement --- Vodún --- Vodu --- Togo --- Togolese politics --- Mawu Lisa --- Vodún Rituals --- African sexuality --- homosexuality --- homophobia --- spiritual warfare --- gay rights --- gay-conversion therapies --- Mountain of Fire and Miracles (MFM) --- LGBT+ rights --- LGBT+ --- Prayer-Warriors --- militarisation --- social justice --- ethnographic theology --- xenophobia --- traditional leaders --- festivals --- Fetu Afahye festival --- pandemic --- Coastal Kenya --- Religious Coexistence --- Interfaith --- Indigenous African Religious Traditions --- referral --- African healing shrines --- Christian prayerhouses --- East Africa --- material culture --- miraculous medal --- youth --- spirituality --- values education --- concordat --- empire --- Holy See --- Portugal --- Credo Mutwa --- sangoma --- Zulu mythology --- Zulu religion --- African communitarianism --- collectivism --- communitarian liberalism --- liberal communitarianism --- presidential speeches --- Believers --- Greater Accra --- religious extremism --- interfaith relations --- Christians --- sususma --- kla --- spiritual world and spiritual cause --- rituals of affliction --- affliction --- black cat (alͻnte diŋ) --- Pentecostal Faith Movement --- African traditional religious practices --- Ulo Ubu --- prayer camps --- mental health --- Shona religion --- christian women --- Zimbabwe --- hate speech --- Nyaminyami (Water Spirit) --- BaTonga people --- religious pluralism --- extremist christian movements --- extremism --- prestidigitation --- sorcery --- trickery --- majini --- wachawi --- faith movements --- Pentecost --- charismatic movements --- African traditional religion --- social control --- beliefs --- gender studies --- cultural studies --- mental illnesses --- ecology --- climate change --- attitudes --- ethical practical bridge --- mutuality model --- interreligious dialogue --- christianity --- patriarchal --- media --- second Republic of Zimbabwe --- christian response --- traditional beliefs --- diffusion --- Kariba Gorge --- civic pluralism --- Mombassa --- methodology --- methodologies --- axioms --- definitions --- propositions --- theory of religion --- jihadism --- Central Africa Republic --- morality --- belief --- Kongo --- Nzambi --- earth spirits --- bisimbi --- chthonic beings --- Mabel Shaw (1889-1973) --- community of saints --- ancestor veneration --- polygamy --- fulfilment theology --- culture brokers --- demonisation --- Banamè Church --- Morocco --- Spanish Guinea --- catholicism --- transnational networks --- culture --- Wollo --- peaceful co-existence --- togetherness --- Born-again Christianity --- United Kingdom (UK) --- neo-prophetic Christianity --- Tchamba cults --- Ifá --- Odù Ifá --- Ifá corpus --- Yorùbá religion --- Òrìṣà logics --- cultural reconstruction --- cultural revival --- Igbo-Ukwu --- ọzọ title taking --- corona --- foreign relations --- Israel --- Akan --- Kwame --- Twereduampon --- decolonisation --- Twereduampon Kwame --- Akan religion --- Adventism in Africa --- early missionaries --- indigenous contributions --- global Christianity --- Seventh-day Adventist Church in Africa --- Seventh-day Adventism --- religiousness --- early career professionals --- religious coping --- Ghana’s public universities --- subjective well-being --- life satisfaction --- accommodation theory --- Yorùbá --- conceptual categories --- Jaime Pedro Gonçalves (1936-2016) --- religion and politics --- history of Mozambique --- official narratives --- emancipation --- Pokot --- Karimojong --- Asis --- Tororot

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