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Der vorliegende Band vereinigt die Akten des internationalen Schleiermacher-Kongresses 2021 und nimmt den Philosophen, Theologen, Pädagogen und Übersetzer Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834) als Kommunikationstheoretiker in den Blick. Ob als Universitätslehrer, Kanzelredner, als politischer Reformer, Publizist, Salongänger oder Briefeschreiber – Schleiermacher war selbst ein begnadeter Kommunikator und im Begriff der Kommunikation bündeln sich wie in einem Brennglas viele zentrale Aspekte seines Denkens. Seine Philosophie, Theologie und philologische Praxis zeichnen sich durch ihre emphatische Prozesshaftigkeit jenseits starrer Systeme aus. Sich in Sprache manifestierendes Wissen, moralisches Handeln, religiöses Erleben und der Entwurf gemeinschaftlicher Institutionen sind im beständigen Werden und nur im Austausch der miteinander streitenden, sich liebenden und hassenden, Ideen und Sinn entwerfenden und um Gemeinschaft und Individualität ringenden Menschen wirklich. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen Schleiermachers Werk ebenso wie seiner gesellschaftlichen, kirchlichen und philologischen Praxis vor dem Hintergrund ihrer ideengeschichtlichen Verflechtung nach und aktualisieren sein Denken in Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichen Positionen der Gegenwart. The proceedings of the 2021 International Schleiermacher Congress examine philosopher, theologian, pedagogue, translator, and education reformer Friedrich Schleiermacher as a communication theorist. Whether as a university teacher, pulpit orator, political reformer, journalist, frequenter of salons, or letter writer – Schleiermacher was a gifted communicator, and many central aspects of his thinking come together in the concept of communication.
Schleiermacher. --- cultural techniques. --- nineteenth century. --- theory of communication.
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In a world subject to constant change and reconfiguring, societies, previously understood as mono-cultural, have incontestably been refashioned multicultural. The permeability of frontiers made individuals realize that, as denizens of the world, rather than citizens of a country, we live in and through the cultural encounter. Survival is about learning to live at the border, or rather across the borders, where the essential skill is to sense and value diversity and thus cherish the cultural dialogue. Fiction in dialogue with other art forms; fiction as an act of resistance; fiction across cultural borders; cultures in contact; the cultural clash; identity and the cultural and linguistic conflict and dialogue; migration and its linguistic challenges have offered the authors the chance to meet and exchange ideas.
Intercultural communication --- Multiculturalism --- Multiculturalism in literature --- Culture --- Philosophy --- Social Sciences --- Language and Literature Studies --- Gender Studies --- Media studies --- Studies of Literature --- Social Philosophy --- Communication studies --- Sociology --- Romanian Literature --- Theory of Communication --- Victimology --- Sociology of Culture --- British Literature --- American Literature
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In het vakgebied van de communicatie heeft zich in het laatste decennium een revolutie voorgedaan. Het is daarom de vraag of de houdbaarheidsdatum van de bestaande communicatietheorieën inmiddels niet verstreken is. In 'Het groot communicatiedenkboek' biedt Susanne Piët in een nieuwe kijk op communicatie. Zoals de titel aangeeft, is dit niet het zoveelste handboek met hapklare samenvattingen. Het wil de lezer inspireren, prikkelen en aanzetten om tot eigen ideeën over communicatie te komen. Het doel is een referentiekader te bieden waarin theorie en praktijk tegen elkaar afgewogen kunnen worden. Susanne Piët put uit haar jarenlange ervaring om communicatie vanuit alle mogelijke invalshoeken te benaderen; als concept, als fenomeen, als instrument. Het resultaat is een boek met een persoonlijke inslag, waarin naast wetenschappelijke theorie plaats is voor praktische checklists en relativerende columns.
Communicatiemanagement. --- communicatietheorieën --- radio (technologie) --- communication [function] --- television [telecommunication system] --- communicatiewetenschappen --- communicatievaardigheden --- communicatie --- TV (televisie) --- radio receivers --- Mass communications --- communicatietheorie --- 695 Communicatie --- #KVHB:communicatie --- 659 --- 800.5 --- Communicatie in en door de onderneming --- Nederlands, communicatie --- 305.8 --- Communicatie --- Massacommunicatie --- Media --- Interview --- Onderhandelen --- 316.77 --- Communicatie ; algemeen --- Massamedia --- Communicatieve vaardigheden --- Organisatieculturen --- Communicatiestrategieën --- Checklists --- Casestudies --- Theorieën --- Communicatietheorieën --- Organisatiecultuur --- Communicatiestrategie --- Checklist --- Casestudy --- Theorie --- Communicatietheorie --- Verpleegkunde --- Verplegingswetenschap --- 05.02 philosophy and theory of communication studies. --- 05.10 information and communication: general. --- Communicatie. --- Radio --- Television. --- Télévision. --- communicatie. --- communication [function]. --- radio receivers. --- television (telecommunication system). --- Receivers and reception. --- Récepteurs et réception.
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Each step in a company's manufacturing, service, and information processes uses, creates, supplies, and stores information. In many businesses, the information processes are managed separately from other business processes. However, they should be considered together with other operations in a process to develop more effective and less-expensive methods for acquiring and using that information. Using a conversational tone, the author discusses a number of the procedural and managerial policy considerations for small and large businesses regarding information technology, process management, and business choices. The discussion focuses more on informing the reader about process-oriented concepts and management options available rather than providing specific recommendations regarding which process or information strategy to use.
Business information services. --- Information resources management. --- Decision support systems. --- Management information systems. --- information processes --- service processes --- manufacturing processes --- process management --- information technology --- enterprise software solutions --- stochastic data --- deterministic data --- service blueprint --- block diagram --- cross- functional diagram --- information flow --- information transfer --- information standardization --- information medium --- cyber security --- value-added step --- dematerialization --- food service information processes --- DSS --- ERP --- MRP --- CRM --- SPC --- PDM --- SaaS --- Big Data --- data mining --- SMB --- decision support systems --- business intelligence --- Shannon theory of communication --- cloud computing --- BYOD --- VoIP --- barcode --- OCR --- RFID --- inventory tracking
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Boolean algebra, also called Boolean logic, is at the heart of the electronic circuitry in everything we use-from our computers and cars, to home appliances. How did a system of mathematics established in the Victorian era become the basis for such incredible technological achievements a century later? In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras-mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon-advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital machines, in order to explore computing and its possible limitations in the twenty-first century and beyond.
Logic circuits. --- Computer logic. --- Electrical engineers --- Logicians --- Computer science logic --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Philosophers --- Circuits, Logic --- Computers --- Digital electronics --- Electronic circuits --- Interface circuits --- Switching circuits --- Switching theory --- Circuits --- Shannon, Claude Elwood, --- Boole, George, --- Computer logic --- Logic circuits --- Boole, George --- Shannon, C. E. --- Shannon, Claude E., --- Mathematicians --- Information theory --- Boole, George, - 1815-1864 --- Shannon, Claude Elwood, - 1916-2001 --- A Mathematical Theory of Communication. --- Aristotelian logic. --- Boolean algebra. --- Boolean analysis. --- Boolean functions. --- Boolean logic. --- Claude Shannon. --- George Boole. --- NOR latch. --- The Language Clarifier. --- Turing machines. --- biography. --- communications age. --- computers. --- computing machines. --- conditional probability. --- digital circuitry. --- digital machine design. --- digital technology. --- electrical engineer. --- electromagnetic relays. --- electronic communications. --- error correction. --- error detection. --- flip-flops. --- information transmission. --- legalese. --- mathematical logic. --- mathematicians. --- mathematics. --- physics. --- relays. --- sequential-state problems. --- sets. --- switches.
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