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Le naufrage des civilisations
ISBN: 9782246852179 224685217X Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris: Grasset,

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"Il faut prêter attention aux analyses d'Amin Maalouf : ses intuitions se révèlent des prédictions, tant il semble avoir la prescience des grands bouleversements de l'Histoire. Il s'inquiétait il y a vingt ans de la montée des "identités meurtrières" ; il y a dix ans du "dérèglement du monde". Il nous explique aujourd'hui pourquoi toutes les aires de civilisation sont menacées de naufrage. Depuis plus d'un demi-siècle, l'auteur observe le monde, et le parcourt. Il était à Saigon à la fin de la guerre du Vietnam, à Téhéran lors de l'avènement de la République islamique. Dans ce livre puissant et ample, il fait oeuvre de spectateur engagé et de penseur, mêlant récits et réflexions, racontant parfois des événements majeurs dont il s'est trouvé être l'un des rares témoins oculaires, puis s'élevant en historien au-dessus de sa propre expérience afin de nous expliquer par quelles dérives successives l'humanité est passée pour se retrouver ainsi au seuil du désastre. "C'est à partir de ma terre natale que les ténèbres ont commencé à se répandre sur le monde", écrit-il, avant d'évoquer l'extinction du Levant pluriel et les secousses sismiques du monde arabo-musulman, dont les répliques ont affecté, de proche en proche, la planète entière. Il émet l'hypothèse neuve d'un "grand retournement" qui aurait métamorphosé toutes les sociétés humaines, et dont nous serions à présent les héritiers hagards. Un sursaut s'impose, conclut-il. Le paquebot des hommes ne peut continuer à naviguer ainsi vers sa perte."--Page 4 of cover.


Social change --- Civilization, Modern --- East and West --- International relations --- Culture conflict --- Globalization --- Arab countries --- Social conditions --- Relations internationales --- Géopolitique --- Liban --- Relations extérieures. --- Géopolitique --- Relations extérieures. --- BPB --- civilisation --- essai --- тестирање --- testiranje --- ensayo --- testowanie --- testing --- provning --- bandymai --- testaus --- testování --- testovanie --- proef --- preizkušanje --- тестване --- testēšana --- ensaio --- провера --- ittestjar --- Erprobung --- forsøg --- collaudo --- testim --- vizsgálat --- testare --- katsetamine --- δοκιμή --- izmēģinājums rūpniecībā --- industriell provning --- próba --- försök --- esperimento pilota --- technischer Test --- tööstuslik katsetamine --- πειραματικό στάδιο --- pilotný experiment --- teimimine --- teste industriale --- tests --- pramoninis bandymas --- försöksverksamhet --- δοκιμαστικό στάδιο --- ispitivanje --- test --- kísérlet --- проверка --- tesztelés --- ensaio industrial --- essai industriel --- proovikatse --- expérience pilote --- experimentación --- experiência-piloto --- ensayo industrial --- ipari tesztelés --- Produktprüfung --- expérimentation --- teste --- kokeiluhanke --- testim industrial --- пилот-експеримент --- fabriekstest --- eksperiments --- eksperiment pilot --- eksperiment --- индустриско тестирање --- Testlauf --- prova del prodotto --- тест --- modelonderzoek --- industrielt forsøg --- experimento piloto --- priemyselné testovanie --- teszt --- testi --- experimente --- teollinen testaus --- pilot experiment --- pagrindinis eksperimentas --- experimentação --- пробно испитување --- eksperimentas --- kokeilu --- pokus --- βιομηχανική δοκιμή --- experimente pilot --- ievadeksperiments --- експеримент --- pilotforsøg --- collaudo industriale --- industrial testing --- termékvizsgálat --- experiment --- proefneming --- katse --- civilización --- civilizáció --- tsivilisatsioon --- sivistys --- цивилизация --- civilizacija --- πολιτισμός --- Zivilisation --- beschaving --- civilizace --- civiltà --- civilizācija --- civilização --- cywilizacja --- civilizație --- ċivilizzazzjoni --- цивилизација --- qytetërim --- civilizácia --- civilization --- uljudba --- Philosophical anthropology --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- World history --- History of civilization --- sibhialtacht --- tástáil --- Arab countries - Social conditions --- Relations extérieures

De pikorde: mannen en testosteron
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9052408572 9789052408576 Year: 2006 Publisher: Antwerpen Houtekiet

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Mannen zijn doorgaans dominanter, competitiever, agressiever en egocentrischer dan vrouwen. Ze hechten minder belang aan interacties met anderen, in relaties bijvoorbeeld, daar waar vrouwen een stuk socialer zijn. Ze kunnen zich beter concentreren op één taak, terwijl vrouwen in staat zijn met verschillende dingen tegelijk bezig te zijn. Mannen hebben een grotere spiermassa en relatief minder vet dan vrouwen. Ze hebben meer lichaamsbeharing (behalve op hun hoofd) en sterkere botten. Mannen gaan ook anders om met seks en lust dan vrouwen. Veel, maar niet alle verschillen tussen mannen en vrouwen worden door hormonen bepaald. Testosteron, het mannelijk hormoon bij uitstek, speelt daarbij een centrale rol. Steeds meer ouder wordende mannen gebruiken testosteronproducten om hun mannelijkheid op te krikken. Zelfs vrouwen nemen het om steviger op hun benen te staan of om hun lustgevoelens aan te scherpen. Maar kloppen die verhalen wel? Hoe ver staat de wetenschap eigenlijk? Wat is waar en wat is niet waar? In De pikorde brengen de auteurs de wetenschappelijke waarheid over testosteron en haar werkelijke invloed op de man, van in de wieg tot in het graf, op een vlot leesbare en toegankelijke manier samen.

Prenatal testosterone in mind
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0262524562 0262025639 0262267748 0262250551 9780262267748 9780262025638 9780262524568 Year: 2004 Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press

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This pioneering study looks at the effects of prenatal testosterone on postnatal development and behavior. Hormonal effects on behavior have long been studied in animals; the unique contribution of this book is to suggest a connection between human fetal hormones and later behavior. It details for the first time testosterone's effect on social and language development, opening a new avenue of research for cognitive neuroscience. The authors look at samples of amniotic fluid taken during amniocentesis at 16 weeks' gestation, and relate the fetal level of testosterone (which is present in fetuses of both sexes, although in different quantities) to behavior at ages 1, 2, and 4 years. They argue that the amniotic fluid provides a window into the child's past -- a chemical record of that child's time in the womb -- that allows informed prediction about the child's future brain, mind, and behavior. This is not the retrospective speculation of psychoanalysis, they point out, but an opportunity to study development prospectively and trace developmental precursors and causes of later cognition. The study suggests that prenatal levels of testosterone affect a range of later behaviors in children, from the inclination to make eye contact with others to the size of the vocabulary. It also suggests that prenatal testosterone level may be related to the development of typically "masculine" and "feminine" behaviors. The study's ongoing research explores whether fetal testosterone has any link with the risk of developing autism. Connecting endocrinology and psychology, the authors propose that there is a biological component to behaviors often thought to be produced by the social environment.


Amniotic liquid --- Fetus --- Testosterone --- Child Development --- Fetal Development --- Embryonic Development --- Embryonic and Fetal Development --- Testosterone Congeners --- Human Development --- Androstenols --- Reproduction --- Morphogenesis --- Androstenes --- Growth and Development --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Gonadal Steroid Hormones --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Reproductive Physiological Processes --- Gonadal Hormones --- Androstanes --- Physiological Processes --- Hormones --- Reproductive Physiological Phenomena --- Steroids --- Physiological Phenomena --- Polycyclic Compounds --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomena --- Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists --- Phenomena and Processes --- Chemicals and Drugs --- Gynecology & Obstetrics --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Analysis --- Growth --- Testosterone. --- Analysis. --- Growth. --- Reproductive Physiologic Concepts --- Reproductive Physiological Phenomenon --- Reproductive Physiological Process --- Reproductive Physiological Concepts --- Concept, Reproductive Physiologic --- Concept, Reproductive Physiological --- Concepts, Reproductive Physiologic --- Concepts, Reproductive Physiological --- Phenomena, Reproductive Physiological --- Phenomenon, Reproductive Physiological --- Physiologic Concept, Reproductive --- Physiologic Concepts, Reproductive --- Physiological Concept, Reproductive --- Physiological Process, Reproductive --- Physiological Processes, Reproductive --- Process, Reproductive Physiological --- Processes, Reproductive Physiological --- Reproductive Physiologic Concept --- Reproductive Physiological Concept --- Hormones, Substitutes, Antagonists --- Physiology, Reproductive and Urinary --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomenon --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Concepts --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomenon --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Concepts --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomena --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomenon --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiology --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomena --- Compounds, Polycyclic --- Physiological Concepts --- Physiological Phenomenon --- Physiological Process --- Concept, Physiological --- Concepts, Physiological --- Phenomena, Physiological --- Phenomenas, Physiological --- Phenomenon, Physiological --- Physiological Concept --- Process, Physiological --- Processes, Physiological --- Catatoxic Steroids --- Steroids, Catatoxic --- Hormone --- Hormone Receptor Agonists --- Agonists, Hormone Receptor --- Receptor Agonists, Hormone --- Hormones, Gonadal --- Sex Hormones --- Sex Steroid Hormones --- Hormones, Gonadal Steroid --- Hormones, Sex Steroid --- Steroid Hormones, Gonadal --- Steroid Hormones, Sex --- Development and Growth --- Human Reproductive Index --- Human Reproductive Indexes --- Reproductive Period --- Human Reproductive Indices --- Index, Human Reproductive --- Indexes, Human Reproductive --- Indices, Human Reproductive --- Period, Reproductive --- Periods, Reproductive --- Reproductive Index, Human --- Reproductive Indices, Human --- Reproductive Periods --- Development, Human --- Anabolic Steroids --- Androgen Analogs --- Androgen Analogues --- Androgens, Synthetic --- Synthetic Androgens --- Analogs, Androgen --- Analogues, Androgen --- Steroids, Anabolic --- Prenatal Programming --- Embryo and Fetal Development --- Programming, Prenatal --- 17-beta-Hydroxy-4-Androsten-3-one --- 17-beta-Hydroxy-8 alpha-4-Androsten-3-one --- 8-Isotestosterone --- AndroGel --- Androderm --- Andropatch --- Androtop --- AstraZeneca Brand of Testosterone --- Auxilium Pharmaceuticals Inc. Brand of Testosterone --- Bartor Brand of Testosterone --- CEPA Brand of Testosterone --- Dr. Kade Brand of Testosterone --- Faulding Brand of Testosterone --- Ferring Brand of Testosterone --- GlaxoSmithKline Brand of Testosterone --- Hauck Brand of Testosterone --- Histerone --- Ortho Brand of Testosterone --- Paladin Brand of Testosterone --- Pasadena Brand of Testosterone --- Schering Brand of Testosterone --- SmithKline Beecham Brand of Testosterone --- Solvay Brand of Testosterone --- Sterotate --- Sustanon --- Testim --- Testoderm --- Testolin --- Testopel --- Testosterone Sulfate --- Ulmer Brand of Testosterone --- Unimed Brand of Testosterone --- Watson Brand of Testosterone --- 17 beta Hydroxy 4 Androsten 3 one --- 17 beta Hydroxy 8 alpha 4 Androsten 3 one --- 8 Isotestosterone --- Embryonic Programming --- Post-implantation Embryo Development --- Postnidation Embryo Development --- Postnidation Embryo Development, Animal --- Pre-implantation Embryo Development --- Prenidation Embryo Development, Animal --- Embryo Development --- Embryogenesis --- Postimplantation Embryo Development --- Preimplantation Embryo Development --- Development, Embryo --- Development, Embryonic --- Development, Postnidation Embryo --- Embryo Development, Post-implantation --- Embryo Development, Postimplantation --- Embryo Development, Postnidation --- Embryo Development, Pre-implantation --- Embryo Development, Preimplantation --- Embryonic Developments --- Embryonic Programmings --- Post implantation Embryo Development --- Pre implantation Embryo Development --- Embryo, Mammalian --- Embryo, Nonmammalian --- Fetal Growth --- Fetal Programming --- Development, Fetal --- Fetal Programmings --- Growth, Fetal --- Infant Development --- Development, Child --- Development, Infant --- Fetal growth --- Intrauterine growth --- Liquor amnii --- growth & development --- Hydroxyandrostenes --- Endocrine Disruptors --- Hydrocarbons, Cyclic --- Endocrine Glands --- Developmental Biology --- Epigenesis, Genetic --- Psychology, Developmental --- Beginning of Human Life --- Psychology, Child --- Androgens --- Body fluids --- Embryology --- Pregnancy --- Humans --- NEUROSCIENCE/General

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