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Entwicklungswerkzeuge für die Fahrzeugklimatisierung von Nutzfahrzeugen
ISBN: 1000047128 3731503840 Year: 2015 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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The development of measures enhancing efficiency within a vehicle is very complex due to the interaction with other vehicle systems. Consequently, developers must be equipped with appropriate tools for successful execution of a development task. This book deals with ""simulation"" and ""complete vehicle test rig"" development tools for air conditioning systems in general and the efficient implementation and adaption of these two development tools for the fields of application of trucks.

Development of a wind tunnel test bench for the characterisation of the aerodynamic performances of a micro-drone
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This thesis focuses on the design of an experimental test bench optimised for fast and&#13;efficient measurements using an automatic processing of the test parameters. This test&#13;bench has been developed to characterise the aerodynamic performances of a single&#13;ducted fan UAV developed by the start-up Fleye - Flying Robot.&#13;The UAV and its aerodynamic characteristics are determined based on the interpretation&#13;of experimental measurements in the second part of this work. It includes a discussion&#13;on the main ducted fan aerodynamic effects such as the ram drag, the improved&#13;propeller efficiency and the control surfaces authority inside a duct. Furthermore, the&#13;potential of this test bench for performance optimisation of the UAV current design&#13;has been illustrated through a case study discussing the influence of the control surface&#13;geometry.&#13;Finally, the stability of the UAV and its design parameters have been discussed to&#13;provide information and guidelines for improvements of the current Fleye UAV prototype.

Master thesis : Characterization of the performance of an analog Image acquisition chain using a custom-made automated test bench
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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High-Performance cameras are being used in an increasing number of applications. It requires designs that are more and more challenging. In order to validate these camera designs, a reusable automated test setup has been implemented to characterize the static performances of an image acquisition chain. This automated test setup features the characterization of the input referred noise, the integral non linarity (INL), the differential non linearity (DNL), the gain error, the offset error and the total unadjusted error (TUE) of the chain. By collecting samples out of the acquisition chains to build histograms, the static parameters can be computed.&#13;By using samples associated to a DC level applied to the acquisition chain and by computing&#13;the standard deviation of the built histogram, the input referred noise is computed.&#13;Based on coherent sampling condition, a sine signal is applied to the acquisition chain. The collected samples allow to build a sine histogram that can be compared with an ideal sine histogram in order to compute the TUE, the INL, the DNL, the gain and the offset error.&#13;In order to validate the measurement methods, a custom PCB has been designed. The PCB&#13;features the acquisition chains to test, as well as a FPGA and a USB interface to collect data on&#13;an external computer. After having programmed the FPGA to interface with the acquisition chain&#13;and the USB port, samples can be collected. A remote control of the signal sources (DC and sine&#13;generator) has also been implemented using a VISA interface to ease the acquisition and automate the test process.&#13;From the collected samples the static performances of the acquisition chain can be computed.&#13;The computation is done in post processing on a computer. From these computed performances,&#13;the test protocol can be validated. Most of the obtained results are already promising since they&#13;are coherent with the theoretical ones, even if improvements can still be brought to them.

Développement d'un interféromètre de nulling en bande L.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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L’interférométrie de nulling est une branche d’interférométrie. En exoplanétologie, elle permet « d’éteindre » une étoile afin de pouvoir observer d’éventuelles exoplanètes orbitant dans sa zone habitable. Ce type d’interférométrie apporte une meilleure résolution et un meilleur contraste ainsi que la possibilité d’étudier la composition chimique de l’atmosphère de jeunes exoplanètes.&#13;Dans ce travail nous allons faire revivre le banc interférométrique CELINE afin de faire de l’interférométrie de nulling en bande L. Cette bande est intéressante car elle permettrait une meilleure étude de certaines bandes d’absorption de molécules présentes dans l’atmosphère d’exoplanète comme l’H2O, le CH4, le CO2, C2H2 et l’HCN.

Conception et programmation du banc d'essai de Redebel - RRA pour la caractérisation des sprays agricoles par imagerie rapide PIV
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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La pulvérisation agricole a attiré l’attention pendant des décennies dû à leur inefficacité d’application. En effet, la dérive des gouttes des produits phytosanitaires est un problème récurrent qu’il apparait de limiter. Les impacts de cette inefficacité sur l’économie, l’environnement et la santé humaine sont non négligeable. Les facteurs principaux influençant le phénomène de dérive sont les tailles et les vitesses des gouttes pulvérisées.&#13;Pour accompagner les industriels dans le développement et la conformité des produits de pulvérisation, Redebel – RRA (Redebel Regularity Affairs), en collaboration avec le laboratoire Digital Energy & Agricultural Lab, souhaite mettre en place un banc d’essai autonome fonctionnant avec la technique de l’ombroscopie. Le banc d’essai est conçu et contient principalement un système de déplacement, un système d’automate et un système d’acquisition d’image. Les ombres des gouttes sont photographiées. Un algorithme en langage Python est proposé pour l’analyse des images afin de déterminer la population des tailles et des vitesses des gouttes du produit pulvérisé. &#13;Les résultats avec de l’eau de ville montrent une augmentation des gouttes fines avec la pression. Ils mettent en évidence également l’importance de la configuration des paramètres comme le niveau de zoom ou la fréquence d’acquisition pour obtenir une évaluation complète et rigoureuse sur la granulométrie des sprays agricoles Agricultural spray has attracted attention for decades due to their inefficiency of application. Indeed, the drift of the drops of phytosanitary products is a recurrent problem that it appears to limit. The impacts of this inefficiency on the economy, the environment and human health are not negligible. The main factors influencing the phenomenon of drift are the size and velocity of the sprayed drops.&#13;In order to support the industries in the development and the conformity of the spraying products, Redebel - RRA (Redebel Regularity Affairs), in collaboration with the Digital Energy & Agricultural Lab, would to set up an autonomous test bench functioning with the ombroscopy technology. The test bench is designed and contains mainly a displacement system, a PLC system and an image acquisition system. The shadows of the drops are photographed. An algorithm in Python language is proposed to analyze images to identify the population of drop sizes and velocities of the sprayed product. &#13;The results with tap water show an increase of small drops with pressure. They also highlight the importance of the configuration of parameters such as the zoom level or the acquisition frequency to obtain a complete and rigorous evaluation of the granulometry of agricultural sprays.

Analyse des besoins et propositions de réorganisation des interventions sur site dans le cadre de l'activité "Support, maintenance et services"
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Dans le cadre de ma dernière année d’études de master à HEC-ULg, j’ai choisi comme finalité la réalisation d’un mémoire projet. J’ai ainsi travaillé dans le département Test Cells de l’entreprise Safran Aero Boosters, spécialisée dans l’aéronautique, du groupe Safran. Ma mission consista à développer un projet concret répondant à un besoin réel du département. De manière générale, ce besoin fut tout d’abord défini par une amélioration de la maintenance des produits du département, c’est-à-dire les cellules d’essais pour moteurs aéronautiques. La norme française NF EN 13306 X 60-319 défini la maintenance comme : "l'ensemble de toutes les actions techniques, administratives et de management durant le cycle de vie d'un bien, destinées à le maintenir ou à le rétablir dans un état dans lequel il peut accomplir la fonction requise''. Etant donné que les produits de Safran Test Cells sont répartis à travers le monde, ce projet se concentre ainsi sur l’amélioration des missions sur site. Ce besoin en maintenance fut appuyé par la création d’une nouvelle cellule : la cellule SMS (Support, Maintenance et Services), que j’ai de ce fait, intégrée. Nous avons ainsi défini mon projet, comme énoncé dans le titre : &#13;« Analyse des besoins et propositions de réorganisation des interventions sur site&#13;dans le cadre de l’activité « Support, Maintenance et Services » »&#13;&#13;Le raisonnement de ce mémoire s’est basé sur la maintenance d’un produit précis : le capot, qui appartient à la gamme de produits des équipements d’essai moteurs. Après analyse, cette gamme de produits est apparue comme celle présentant le potentiel de développement de valeur le plus élevé. Les analyses démontrèrent également que le « capot » constitue l’équipement le plus complexe et le plus critique de cette gamme. De cette manière, les conclusions et solutions apportées équivaudront pour les autres équipements d’essai et pourront être aisément étendues à l’ensemble de la gamme de produits.&#13;Au cours de mon stage, mon maître de stage m’a demandé de communiquer avec les collaborateurs extérieurs en tant que « Supply Chain Manager ». Enfin, il est à repréciser que les informations et analyses contenues dans ce rapport sont strictement confidentielles.

Battery Management Systems of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The topics of interest in this book include significant challenges in the BMS design of EV/HEV. The equivalent models developed for several types of integrated Li-ion batteries consider the environmental temperature and ageing effects. Different current profiles for testing the robustness of the Kalman filter type estimators of the battery state of charge are used in this book. Additionally, the BMS can integrate a real-time model-based sensor Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) scheme for a Li-ion cell undergoing degradation, which uses the recursive least squares (RLS) method to estimate the equivalent circuit model (ECM) parameters. This book will fully meet the demands of a large community of readers and specialists working in the field due to its attractiveness and scientific content with a great openness to the side of practical applicability. This covers various interesting aspects, especially related to the characterization of commercial batteries, diagnosis and optimization of their performance, experimental testing and statistical analysis, thermal modelling, and implementation of the most suitable Kalman filter type estimators of high accuracy to estimate the state of charge

Battery Management Systems of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The topics of interest in this book include significant challenges in the BMS design of EV/HEV. The equivalent models developed for several types of integrated Li-ion batteries consider the environmental temperature and ageing effects. Different current profiles for testing the robustness of the Kalman filter type estimators of the battery state of charge are used in this book. Additionally, the BMS can integrate a real-time model-based sensor Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) scheme for a Li-ion cell undergoing degradation, which uses the recursive least squares (RLS) method to estimate the equivalent circuit model (ECM) parameters. This book will fully meet the demands of a large community of readers and specialists working in the field due to its attractiveness and scientific content with a great openness to the side of practical applicability. This covers various interesting aspects, especially related to the characterization of commercial batteries, diagnosis and optimization of their performance, experimental testing and statistical analysis, thermal modelling, and implementation of the most suitable Kalman filter type estimators of high accuracy to estimate the state of charge

Battery Management Systems of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The topics of interest in this book include significant challenges in the BMS design of EV/HEV. The equivalent models developed for several types of integrated Li-ion batteries consider the environmental temperature and ageing effects. Different current profiles for testing the robustness of the Kalman filter type estimators of the battery state of charge are used in this book. Additionally, the BMS can integrate a real-time model-based sensor Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) scheme for a Li-ion cell undergoing degradation, which uses the recursive least squares (RLS) method to estimate the equivalent circuit model (ECM) parameters. This book will fully meet the demands of a large community of readers and specialists working in the field due to its attractiveness and scientific content with a great openness to the side of practical applicability. This covers various interesting aspects, especially related to the characterization of commercial batteries, diagnosis and optimization of their performance, experimental testing and statistical analysis, thermal modelling, and implementation of the most suitable Kalman filter type estimators of high accuracy to estimate the state of charge

Advanced Testing of Soft Polymer Materials
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3036562230 3036562249 Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Manufacturers of soft polymer products, as well as suppliers and processors of polymers, raw materials, and compounds or blends are compelled to use predictive and advanced laboratory testing in their search for high-performance soft polymer materials for future applications. The collection of 12 publications contained in this edition therefore presents different methods used to solve problems in the characterization of various phenomena in soft polymer materials, asks relevant questions and offers appropriate solutions.

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