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Analyse des facteurs menant au succès d'une stratégie Lean
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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FACTOR ANALYSIS LEADING TO A SUCCESSFUL LEAN STRATEGY&#13;&#13;Many companies are willing to achieve operational excellence. In order to do so, they try to implement powerful managerial approaches. Lean philosophy is one of them. This philosophy is not that easy to implement but it is the key to cost reducing and waste eliminating. Lean is a long way to success for a company. &#13;&#13;The Lean philosophy includes many tools, way of thinking and righteous procedures. But as there is a lot of theses tools, the way to implement them differ according to the company’s industry, size, or even processes. The implementation of such a philosophy depends on key factors. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the Lean philosophy and thereafter find out how do we implement such a philosophy, tools and what are the success factors. &#13;&#13;This thesis is to analyze individual concrete cases on “how to”. An empirical research has been carried out with the purpose of confirming or refuting the findings published in the literature. A subset of companies and people in particular has been asked to fulfill a questionnaire. Answers provided are to be compared with the literature, leading to the thesis conclusion. &#13;&#13;As a matter of fact, a good Lean implementation relies on a right combination between “soft-practices” such as human resource management, organizational culture and “hard-practices”, which refer to Lean tools and practices.

Détermination des facteurs clés de réussite des monnaies locales complémentaires en fonction de leurs types
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Over the past few years, a new system of currency has appeared in our daily life: the&#13;complementary community currency. Indeed, more than 5,000 complementary currencies have&#13;been established lately. As its name suggests, it is a currency used in parallel with the national&#13;currency within a given territory. Based on the principle of local production, sustainable and&#13;social economy, the users are citizens of common life who choose to change their way of living&#13;by adopting responsible acts. Local communities pool their efforts to recognize unmet needs&#13;and to bring solution to create systems that benefit to local producers rather than mass retails.&#13;This works attempts to clarify the different types of complementary community currencies and&#13;to provide the key success factors of those initiatives. Many factors have been found by the&#13;review of the scientific literature and several specific projects were interviewed to validate those&#13;assumptions. It appears that different characteristics should be brought to light in order to offer&#13;successful project depending on the type: either LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) or&#13;local currency.&#13;The qualitative analysis enables us to qualify the type and number of initiators, the size of the&#13;network, the type of financing, the support of the public authorities as some characteristics&#13;among others that will have to be discussed and appropriately chosen to make the project a real&#13;success and to help it succeed in the long run

What are the key success factors of Open Innovation approaches in large companies ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Over the last ten years, there have been multiple examples of established corporations that have fallen on difficult times. Companies that have been disrupted, wiped out or relegated to the sidelines after having once dominated their industries. How can companies avoid this future? The answer is simple: innovation. &#13;&#13;To survive and grow, corporations have now commonly understood that they must deal with external threats by opening their innovation process. Building an ecosystem of partners is a key to access additional competence, find new ideas and technologies, and improve the time to market.&#13;&#13;This master’s thesis aims to identify a set of key success factors of Open Innovation through three case-studies conducted within large organizations. Once these factors are determined, the results are contrasted to those obtained from an extensive literature review. The outcome is a concise set of factors facilitating the implementation of Open Innovation in big corporations.&#13;&#13;This work highlighted the fact that Open Innovation implies a set of changes related to the culture, strategy and structure of the company. First, it emphasized the need for the support of top management. Second, it confirmed the cultural shift through which every company must pass. Moreover, it proposes three factors which were less emphasized by existing researches: the autonomy of a separate entity, a short feedback loop with a need to pivot when an idea is not valuable, and the creation of a startup mindset using the concepts defined in the Lean Startup model.&#13;&#13;Having completed the work, the main recommendations to address the challenges large companies are facing are to remain open-minded to new ideas while collaborating with others at the highest level possible, accept external inputs as willingly as internal ones, and validate ideas by rapid experimentation in the marketplace.

Comment évolue la productivité des PME manufacturières belges après l'implémentation d'une technologie de l'industrie 4.0 et quels sont les facteurs clés de succès qui favorisent une augmentation de cette productivité?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Nous vivons dans un monde en perpétuelle évolution, les technologies sont de plus en plus présentes dans notre quotidien et dans les entreprises. Depuis 2011, les notions de quatrième révolution industrielle ou d’industrie 4.0 sont de plus en plus présentes. Les grandes sociétés sont généralement à jour technologiquement. Néanmoins, ce n’est pas toujours le cas pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). Cependant, il existe un paradoxe (Solow paradox) très souvent débattu par les auteurs dans la littérature économique. Certaines études ont en effet démontré un paradoxe de productivité entre l’implémentation d’une nouvelle innovation dans une firme et l’augmentation de la productivité. La productivité peut être mesurée à l’aide de données financières et non-financières. Pour cette étude, nous nous concentrons sur des aspects non-financiers.&#13;Notre premier objectif est donc d’évaluer la présence ou l’absence du paradoxe de productivité et le niveau de l’amélioration de productivité d’une PME manufacturière belge à la suite de l’implémentation d’une technologie de l’industrie 4.0. Notre second objectif est de déceler les facteurs clés de succès de cette amélioration de productivité. &#13;Pour répondre à ces objectifs, nous avons effectué une étude qualitative de 15 interviews réalisées auprès de managers de PME manufacturières belges. Nous nous sommes aidés de la méthode de Yin (2016) pour la méthodologie de collecte, d’analyse et d’interprétation des données récoltées.&#13;Nous observons une absence du paradoxe de productivité et une amélioration de la productivité au niveau des facteurs de la productivité du travail, de la communication et du service client. Les principaux facteurs clés de succès pour les PME sont les connaissances et l’audace des chefs d’entreprise pour se lancer dans un projet de transformation vers les technologies 4.0, les compétences des travailleurs et la collaboration avec les acteurs internes et externes à la firme. We live in an ever-changing world, with technologies becoming more and more present in our daily lives and in companies. Since 2011, we have been talking about the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0. If large companies are generally technologically up to date, this is not always the case for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, there is a paradox (Solow paradox) that is often discussed by authors in the literature on the subject. Some studies have demonstrated a productivity paradox between the implementation of a new innovation in a firm and the increase in productivity. Productivity can be measured using financial and non-financial data. In this study, we will focus on non-financial aspects.&#13;My first objective is therefore to assess the presence or absence of the productivity paradox and the level of productivity improvement of a Belgian manufacturing SME following the implementation of an Industry 4.0 technology. My second objective is to identify the key success factors of this productivity improvement. &#13;To meet these objectives, we conducted a qualitative study of 15 interviews with managers of Belgian manufacturing SMEs. We used the method of Yin (2016) for the methodology of collection, analysis and interpretation of the collected data.&#13;We observe an absence of the productivity paradox and a positive productivity improvement regarding the factors of work productivity, communication and customer service. The main key success factors for SMEs are the knowledge and boldness of managers to embark on a project of transformation towards 4.0 technologies, the skills of the workers and the collaboration with actors internal and external to the firm.

Etude du développement de la démarche Lean dans les entreprises en province de Liège : un premier pas vers l'excellence opérationnelle.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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To continue to survive in a difficult economic environment, in the literature we talk about the benefits and contributions of Lean thinking.&#13;This approach aims to improve the performance of the organization, to maximize the value of products and services for customers, to make the company more agile and more efficient in its operations...&#13;However, does this approach concretely become widespread among the organizations of our regions? &#13;Concerning the organizations that have implemented Lean thinking, what is their level of development or maturity in the approach? &#13;What are the main brakes and key success factors for the development of it in Lean organizations?&#13;What are the main barriers faced by companies which did not wish to be involved in Lean thinking?&#13;In order to achieve this study successfully among the organizations of the manufacturing sector in the Province of Liège, we have developed a questionnaire which allows to supply answers to the questions asked. Moreover, it assesses the development of the approach in applying the practices, principles, concepts and tools of Lean methodology. &#13;We have also established a representative sample of the sector and area fixed.&#13;The results of the study show that it is very rarely applied in the manufacturing sector of the Province of Liège, although this sector has been hard hit.&#13;The study evaluates a trend of the overall development level of Lean thinking in the manufacturing sector in.the Province of Liège and offers a diagnosis which allows to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the development.&#13;For the companies that have implemented Lean approach, the survey highlights among the key success factors and obstacles identified in the literature those which favor or hinder the most the development of this approach.&#13;In addition, a SWOT analysis has been conducted on the basis of interviews. This analysis confirms the results of the study, reveals other key success factors and other obstacles.&#13;For enterprises which did not implement the Lean approach, the study identifies a trend for brakes which are specific to large companies and another one for the obstacles which are specific to manufacturing SMEs in the Province of Liège.

Secteur des magasins de bricolage et des matériaux de construction : quel avenir pour les petits commerces face aux grandes surfaces en région wallonne ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The do-it-yourself and building materials sector in Wallonia is divided between small businesses and big stores, which are analysed during this work. Everyone feels involved in this sector because everyone has already been in this kind of shops.&#13;After setting the context by explaining the do-it-yourself and building materials sector in Wallonia and its history, this master thesis tries to clear up the choice of the different ratios and the success and risk factors for small businesses. The different studied brands are the following for big stores : Brico, Hubo, Brico Plan It, Gamma and Arma, BigMat Cataldo, Brico Targez, Moline Habitat, Dartevelle, Garsou et Royal Tapis for small businesses. These theoretical parts show us an increased competition between the different brands and a saturated market. Every business shows us that the competition can not increase in the next years if everyone wants to survive.&#13;Then, the practical part deals with the presentation of the market by summarising all the numerical informations for big stores but also for small businesses. The purpose of this work is to examine the viability of the sector, and particularly the viability of small businesses in front of big stores, by analysing liquidity, profitability and solvency of the different businesses. This is the quantitative analysis of the master thesis and it includes the choice of the period of six years beginning in 2010 until 2015 and the analysis strictly speaking. This analysis allows us to have an overview of the sector which seems to be in a good shape even if few businesses seem to have some small weaknesses.&#13;Thereafter, we determine the success and risk factors for small businesses in front of big stores. A qualitative analysis allows us to validate the theoretical success and risk factors and complete them with the practical aspect of the sector.&#13;To conclude, the quantitative and qualitative analyses give the same results. The small businesses benefit from more success than risk factors. Moreover, the results of the financial analysis of small shops are higher than those from big stores. But it is still difficult to determine the future of the sector because the evolution of the sector is unpredictable.

Critical competencies and skills as a driver for enterprise resource planning implementation projects' success
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Through the substantial expansion of digitalization in the economy in recent years, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have lately drawn significant attention and become more and more popular among various types of organizations. However, practical evidence has shown that many ERP implementation projects still do not achieve their planned objectives and end up failing. In that context, KPMG Luxembourg noticed a real market opportunity locally which has led the firm to focus on the development of its ERP consultancy services. &#13;By highlighting the required competencies and skills of external consultants to favor success in such implementation projects, this report aims at providing valuable information and human resources-based tools for the progression of KPMG’s business activities in this realm. First, an extensive literature review focused on the roots and consequences of ERP implementation failures put forward numerous critical failure factors. These factors were classified into eight categories: “organizational”; “project management”; “human resources”; “managerial”; “vendor and consultant”; “processes”; “technical” and “culture and environment”. From then on, three of the most significant factors linked to external consultants were selected for in-depth analysis. To be the basis for relevant best practices and actions for KPMG Luxembourg, these three factors were studied from the perspective of key/critical success factors, i.e. “formal project management”, “effective education and training” and “successful ERP (software package) selection”. The results underlined suitable methodologies, models and advice. Following this theoretical research, a connection with the concept of “skills management” was made and the detailed methodology pursued during the internship was presented. This methodology resulted in the production of three HR tools (i.e. a competency framework; a skills matrix and a responsibility assignment matrix) for the SAP Advisory practice at KPMG Luxembourg. Recommendations were also formulated in the form of an action plan regarding the proper implementation of these frameworks.

Innovative SAP SuccessFactors recruiting : a guide to creating custom integration and automation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1484274253 1484274245 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York, NY : Apress,

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Get creative and optimize your SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting implementation with this guide, which examines a variety of integration and automation opportunities throughout the recruiting process outside of the standard integrations. Innovative SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting walks you through the end-to-end recruiting process and highlights opportunities to create interfaces and automation at each stage using a variety of methods and tools. After a brief overview of the market demands driving growth in this area and an introduction to OData, Anand Athanur, Mark Ingram and Michael A. Wellens detail each step in the recruiting process, starting with automating and integrating requisition creation using APIs and middleware. They then explore ways of enhancing candidate attraction and experience for the initial application process. After that, they jump into automation for overall candidate selection and processing, including automation using Robotic Process Automation, Integration center, the assessment integration framework, custom OData integrations, the background check integration framework, and Business Rules. Additionally, you'll be shown onboarding optimization techniques using Intelligent Services, as well as hiring into third-party HRIS systems. After finishing this book, you will have a thorough understanding of how to utilize SAP SuccessFactors to recruit the right candidates for every position. What You Will Learn Integrate and automate the requisition creation process in innovative ways outside of SAP documentation Enhance candidate attraction and experience Leverage integration and automation opportunities within the application processing stage Automate hiring into third-party HRIS systems Who this Book For Customers, Consultants, and 3rd Party Vendors wishing to connect their solutions to SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting.

Innovation Ecosystems: A Sustainability Perspective
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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To be competitive, companies must develop capabilities that allow them to react rapidly to market demands. The innovation methods of the past are not adapted to the turbulence of the modern world. In the last decade, increasing globalization of markets and Industry 4.0 have caused profound changes in the best way to manage the innovation process. This e-book includes a collection of thirteen papers that discuss theoretical approaches, case studies, and surveys focused on issues related to open innovation and its mechanisms.


Technology: general issues --- eco-innovation --- cleaner production --- strategy --- performance --- natural resource-based view --- stakeholder theory --- decision making --- forest management --- Nash Bayesian Equilibrium (NBE) --- Harsanyi’s Transformation (HT) --- risk management --- project management --- sustainability --- social network analysis --- collaborative networks --- project lifecycle --- project critical success factors --- open innovation --- predictive model --- project outcome likelihood --- organizational competencies --- innovation ecosystem --- evolutionary economics --- Panarchy --- resilience --- adaptation --- competitiveness --- innovation --- new products --- functional framework --- SIFSNPIP --- case studies --- ecosystem --- organic wine --- Tuscany --- virtual enterprise --- fuzzy logic --- systems engineering --- entrepreneurship --- technopreneurial intentions --- grand challenges --- innovation ecosystems --- mission-oriented innovation --- SDGs --- sustainable innovation --- systematic literature review --- SLR --- transformative innovation --- typology --- architecture engineering and construction (AEC) industry --- building information modelling (BIM) --- cultivation --- Technological Readiness Level --- smart farming --- viticulture --- lean --- business model canvas --- circular economy --- user integration --- cars --- electric vehicles --- biofuels --- logit models --- n/a --- Harsanyi's Transformation (HT) --- Technology.

Project Risk Assessment and Corporate Behavior: Creating Knowledge for Sustainable Business
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous), organizations, in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, must learn to mitigate risk and prioritize performance and innovation. In the last decade, as a way to respond to market demands, projects emerge as a way for organizations to implement their strategic objectives in order to respond to a need, opportunity, or threat in an efficient way. This e-book includes a collection of 11 papers that discuss theoretical approaches and case studies, focused on a combined effect between Project Risk Assessment and corporate behaviour in order to support the sustainability and business resilience in a competitive environment. The e-book will be of particular interest to entrepreneurs, researchers, and policymakers.


Business strategy --- Management of specific areas --- the ECA method --- UN SDGs --- COVID-19 coronavirus --- Islamic banking --- Maqasid al-Shariah --- sustainability practices --- sustainability indicators --- SDG governance --- green human resource management practices --- corporate sustainability --- developing country --- industry perspective --- renewable energy --- emerging management practices --- knowledge management --- decentralization --- sustainable organizational performance --- entrepreneurial orientation --- innovation performance --- organizational commitment --- transformational leadership --- small and medium-sized enterprises --- communication --- formal communication --- informal communication --- communication willingness --- conflict --- project manager --- project management --- risk management --- social network analysis --- cooperative networks --- business intelligence --- project cooperative risks --- knowledge creation --- sustainable business --- project risks --- corporate behavior --- project critical success factors --- sustainable cooperative partnerships --- entrepreneurial leadership --- product innovation performance --- risk --- design thinking --- intra-firm networks --- absorptive capacity --- collaborative innovation project --- sustainable development --- project performance --- influencing factors --- SEM --- sustainability --- collaborative networks --- logistics --- transportation sector --- risk assessment and management --- Monte Carlo method --- graph-centrality metrics --- project outcome --- project lifecycle --- individual performance --- collective performance --- correlation

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