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The green bloc : neo-avant-garde art and ecology under socialism
ISBN: 6155225923 9786155225925 Year: 2015 Publisher: Budapest : Central European university press,

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On ideology
ISBN: 9781844672028 1844672026 Year: 2008 Volume: 26 Publisher: London: Verso,

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The publication of For Marx and Reading Capital established Louis Althusser as one of the most controversial figures in the Western Marxist tradition, and one of the most influential renewals of Marxist thought. Collected here are Althusserʹs most significant philosophical writings from the late sixties and through the seventies. Intended to contribute, in his own words, to a "left-wing critique of Stalinism that would help put some substance back into the revolutionary project here in the West", they are the record of a shared history. At the same time they chart Althusserʹs critique of the theoretical system unveiled in his own major works, and his developing practice of philosophy as a "revolutionary weapon."--Publisher description.

Između srpa i čekića
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8651910649 9788651910640 Year: 2006 Publisher: Beograd : Službeni glasnik,

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Il secolo breve : 1914-1991
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788817071352 8817071358 Year: 2014 Publisher: Milano : Rizzoli,

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»Ne le kruh, tudi vrtnice!« : Potrošnja, tehnološki razvoj in emancipacija žensk v socialistični Sloveniji
Year: 2017 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The book contributes new insights to the research in the field of anthropology of (post)socialism, culture of consumption, gender and memory. It is based on the testimony of interlocutors who offer an insight into the “structure of the feeling” of the socialist era through the practice of consumption, from which on the one hand the complex economic and political dynamics and diverse disciplinary regimes are being reflected and the understanding of power, resistance and emancipation on the other. Author establishes critical distance towards the approach, which discusses socialism as a totalitarianism and shows that socialist policies were not simply dictated from above, but negotiated between the state and its citizens. The female consumer in socialism did not only respond to social barriers and obstacles of history, but she also actively co-created social time. By studying how consumers interpreted and created mutual connections between material objects, moral reputation and (self)respect, the book also shows certain specific elements of Slovenian and Yugoslav development of the European countries after the Second World War. Knjiga prispeva nove uvide k raziskavam na področju antropologije (po)socializma, kulture potrošnje, spola in spomina. Temelji na pričevanju sogovornic in sogovornikov, ki ponudijo vpogled v “strukturo občutenja« socialističnega obdobja skozi prakso potrošnje, iz katere se zrcalijo kompleksne ekonomske in politične dinamike ter raznoliki disciplinski režimi na eni strani in razumevanje moči, upora in emancipacije na drugi. Avtorica vzpostavi kritično distanco do pristopa, ki obravnava socializem kot totalitarizem in pokaže, da socialistične politike niso bile preprosto diktirane od zgoraj, ampak izpogajane med državo in državljani/državljankami, pri čemer pa se ženska potrošnica v socializmu ni zgolj odzivala na družbene prepreke in ovire zgodovine, ampak je aktivno soustvarjala družbeni čas. S preučevanjem tega, kako so potrošniki in potrošnice interpretirali in ustvarjali medsebojne povezave med materialnimi predmeti, moralnim ugledom in (samo)spoštovanjem, knjiga pokaže tudi določene specifične prvine slovenskega in jugoslovanskega razvoja evropskih držav po 2. svetovni vojni.

The rhetorical foundations of society
ISBN: 9781781681701 9781781681718 1781681708 1781681716 Year: 2014 Publisher: London Brooklyn, NY Verso

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"The essays collected in this volume develop the theoretical perspective initiated in Laclau and Mouffe's classic "Hegemony and Socialist Strategy", taking it in three principal directions. First, this book explores the specificity of social antagonisms and answers the question "What is an antagonistic relation?"--An issue which has become increasingly crucial in our globalized world, where the proliferation of conflicts and points of rupture is eroding their links to the social subjects postulated by classical social analysis. This leads Laclau to a second line of questioning: What is the ontological terrain that allows us to understand the nature of social relations in our heterogeneous world?" This is a task he addresses with theoretical instruments drawn from analytical philosophy and from the phenomenological and structuralist traditions. Finally, central to the argument of the book is the basic role attributed to rhetorical tropes--metaphor, metonymy, catachresis--in shaping the "non-foundational" grounds of society"--

Amérique latine : vers le socialisme du 21e siècle?
ISBN: 2870900627 9782870900628 Year: 2009 Volume: 125 Publisher: Bruxelles Contradictions

Tito : une vie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782271090126 2271090121 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris : CNRS éditions,

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La 4ème de couv. indique : "Voici enfin traduite en français la grande biographie de Tito par Joze Pirjevec, saluée mondialement comme l'ouvrage le plus abouti sur l'ancien maître de la Yougoslavie. Fondée sur une quantité impressionnante d'archives inédites - découvertes à Belgrade mais aussi aux Etats-Unis, en Russie, en Grande-Bretagne, en Allemagne -, l'étude de Pirjevec explore les zones d'ombre, fait revivre les paradoxes et les ambiguïtés d'un Tito que rien ne semblait destiné à se hisser au rang des chefs d'Etat les plus influents du XXe siècle. Comment ce fils d'apprenti, ancien ouvrier d'usine, est-il parvenu à s'emparer du Parti communiste yougoslave ? Quelle fut la nature de son engagement dans les Brigades internationales du temps de la guerre d'Espagne_ ? Comment comprendre son rôle de partisan, passé maître dans l'art de la guérilla, durant l'occupation de son pays par les nazis ? Quelle fut sa responsabilité dans le massacre des Croates oustachis en 1945 ? Staline a-t-il vraiment cherché à l'empoisonner ? Comment, dans l'après-guerre, Tito s'est-il imposé comme l'une des principales figures des non-alignés ? Pirjevec n'élude aucune de ces questions, poussant son enquête dans les replis les plus intimes de ce grand amateur de femmes et de luxe, fasciné par le pouvoir qu'il exerça d'une main de fer malgré quelques timides concessions à la démocratie"

Biti direktor v času socializma : Med idejami in praksami
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9610502830 961254106X Year: 2008 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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This book ('Company Directors under Communism. Between Ideas and Practice') is the result of a study of archival and other documentary material and interviews with prominent Slovenian company directors from pre-1991 Yugoslavia. It presents the basic structural characteristics and configurations of the communist socioeconomic system in which, despite ideological obstacles, Slovenian entrepreneurship and company directors developed after 1960. Knjiga je rezultat študija arhivskega in drugega dokumentarnega gradiva in uporabljenih intervjujev s pomembnimi slovenskimi direktorji iz časa druge jugoslovanske države. Prikazane so temeljne strukturne značilnosti in konfiguracije socialističnega družbeno ekonomskega sistema, v katerem se je kljub ideološkim oviram po 1960 razvijalo slovensko podjetništvo in direktorji.

Rooddruk voor een nieuw socialisme
ISBN: 9789064450624 Year: 2009 Publisher: Berchem Epo

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Bibliotheek François Vercammmen


Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- anno 2000-2009 --- Belgium --- 382 Sociaal-democratie --- #SBIB:323H312 --- BPB0904 --- Socialisme --- Parti politique --- Communauté flamande --- Belgische politieke partijen: B.S.P. - P.S.B. / S.P. - P.S. / SP.a --- Politieke partij --- Vlaamse Gemeenschap --- Socialism --- Socialist parties --- History --- socialismus --- Sozialismus --- socijalizam --- socialismo --- sotsialism --- soċjaliżmu --- sociālisms --- sosialismi --- socializem --- socjalizm --- socialism --- socializmas --- социализъм --- socialisme --- σοσιαλισμός --- socializmus --- socializëm --- социјализам --- szocializmus --- socialismus s „lidskou tváří“ --- социјалистички општествен поредок --- socialistický řád --- flämische Gemeinschaft --- Komuniteti Flaman --- Komunità Fjamminga --- flaamikeelne kogukond --- flámska komunita --- Comunità fiamminga --- wspólnota flamandzka --- Flāmu kopiena --- Flemish Community --- flamanska zajednica --- comunidade flamenga --- flanderská oblast --- Comunitatea Flamandă --- flamandų bendruomenė --- фламандска общност --- flamländskt språkområde --- flamand közösség --- Comunidad flamenca de Bélgica --- Φλαμανδική Κοινότητα --- flaaminkielinen yhteisö --- фламанска заједница --- фламанска заедница --- Flamska skupnost --- det flamske sprogsamfund --- Belgium flamand közössége --- Flaami kogukond --- sóisialachas --- An Pobal Pléimeannach --- Communauté flamande

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