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Dieren : recht en ethiek
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789463713092 9463713093 Year: 2021 Publisher: Antwerpen Gompel&Svacina

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Mogen we dieren behandelen zoals een tafel of een appel? Mogen we hen gebruiken voor onze behoeften en hen zelfs opeten? Lange tijd antwoordden het recht en de ethiek daarop: ja! Maar in de laatste decennia groeide het maatschappelijke bewustzijn dat dieren meer zijn dan onbezielde gebruiksvoorwerpen. Zo wordt dierenmishandeling, zelfs in culturele en religieuze contexten, steeds vaker als immoreel beschouwd. Ook klinken luide protesten tegen de kwalificatie van dieren als goederen. Het Belgische rechtssysteem worstelt met de implicaties van dergelijke verschuivingen in de maatschappelijke opvattingen. Moeten we aan dieren een morele status geven, en gaat die dan zover dat dieren morele en zelfs juridische rechten krijgen? In welke mate houdt het huidige recht reeds rekening met de bijzonderheden van dieren, en hoe moet het gewijzigd worden om aan de eigenheid van dieren recht te doen? Moeten alle dieren daarenboven op dezelfde manier behandeld worden? In verschillende deeldomeinen van het recht rijzen deze vragen. In deze unieke bundeling geven specialisten elk op hun deeldomein de actuele stand van zaken en knelpunten.


BPB9999 --- General ethics --- Animal ethology and ecology. Sociobiology --- BPB2108 --- dierenbescherming --- ethiek --- juridische wetenschap --- fauna --- huisdier --- dierenmi --- koduloom --- mājdzīvnieks --- kućni ljubimac --- animale domestico --- animal domestic --- kafshe shtëpiake --- domácí zvíře --- domača žival --- annimal domestiku --- domestic animal --- animal doméstico --- husdyr --- naminis gyvūnas --- Haustier --- домаћа животиња --- domáce zviera --- zwierzęta domowe --- домашно животно --- háziállat --- kotieläin --- animal domestique --- οικόσιτο ζώο --- tamdjur --- kæledyr --- animal de compañía --- mačka --- selskabsdyr --- gezelschapsdier --- pet --- domestic cat --- ζώα συνοδείας --- kedvtelésből tartott állat --- припитомено животно --- Schoßtier --- gyvūnas augintinis --- domaća životinja --- animal de compagnie --- pas --- animal de companhia --- sällskapsdjur --- домашен миленик --- kisállat --- Kleinhaustier --- lemmikkieläin --- animal de companie --- lemmikloom --- kafshë shtëpiake --- domáce zvieratko --- domestic dog --- lolojumdzīvnieks --- animale da compagnia --- životinjski svijet --- фауна --- živalstvo --- животињски свет --- gyvūnija --- eläinkunta --- fawna --- állatvilág --- živočíšna ríša --- animal life --- животински свет --- faune --- πανίδα --- faună --- jeta e kafshëve --- loomariik --- Tierwelt --- zwierzęta --- živočišná říše --- Fauna --- άγριο ζώο --- volně žijící zvěř --- wild dier --- divlje životinje --- kafshë e egër --- divoká zvířata --- animale selvatico --- metsloom --- savvaļas dzīvnieks --- vilde dyr --- animal sălbatic --- animal sauvage --- divá zver --- wild animal --- villieläin --- vadállat --- диво животно --- frei lebendes Tier --- vilda djur --- laukinis gyvūnas --- dyreverden --- animal salvaje --- vadon élő állat --- pravna znanost --- shkencë juridike --- tiesību zinātne --- jogtudomány --- právní věda --- Rechtswissenschaft --- teisės mokslas --- drept --- xjenza tad-dritt --- právna veda --- oikeustiede --- science juridique --- scienze giuridiche --- rättsvetenskap --- õigusteadus --- правна наука --- legal science --- retsvidenskab --- νομική επιστήμη --- nauka prawa --- ciencia jurídica --- ciência jurídica --- δίκαιο --- jog --- jura --- diritto --- ligj --- právo --- juridik --- pravo --- наука за правото --- věda o právu --- law --- право --- tieslietas --- droit --- Recht --- Derecho --- jurisprudence --- теорија на право --- recht --- ret --- Ethik --- ethics --- etyka --- ética --- etikë --- etica --- éthique --- ētika --- етика --- etika --- etică --- moral --- ηθική δεοντολογία --- eetika --- etik --- etiikka --- moralės mokslas --- dorovės mokslas --- veda o morálke --- moral science --- mravnost --- morale --- Moral --- morálka --- moraal --- erkölcsfilozófia --- moraali --- ethica --- morāles mācība --- filosofía moral --- erkölcstan --- morală --- shkencë morale --- dorotyra --- ηθική --- zedenleer --- заштита животиња --- защита на животните --- protezzjoni tal-annimali --- beskyttelse af dyr --- protection des animaux --- protección de los animales --- mbrojtje e kafshëve --- djurskydd --- protezione degli animali --- zaštita životinja --- zaščita živali --- eläinsuojelu --- ochrana zvierat --- заштита на животните --- Tierschutz --- ochrana zvířat --- protection of animals --- προστασία των ζώων --- gyvūnų apsauga --- dzīvnieku aizsardzība --- loomakaitse --- protecția animalelor --- állatvédelem --- ochrona zwierząt --- proteção dos animais --- Црвена листа --- protezione delle specie in via d'estinzione --- заштита на загрозени животни --- zaštićena pasmina --- protezione delle specie animali --- protecção dos animais --- Црвена книга --- ochrana živočichů --- CITES --- állatok védelme --- 351.765 --- 179.3 --- 179.3 Dierenmishandeling. Dierenbescherming --- Dierenmishandeling. Dierenbescherming --- 351.765 Maatregelen i.v.m. dierenbescherming, i.v.m. uitroeiing van schadelijke dieren --- Maatregelen i.v.m. dierenbescherming, i.v.m. uitroeiing van schadelijke dieren --- dierenmishandeling --- ainmhí clóis --- beatha ainmhíoch --- eolaíocht dhlíthiúil --- eitic --- cosaint ainmhithe --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Dieren --- Rechten --- Human rights --- Law of real property --- Animals --- Animaux --- Animal rights --- Animal welfare --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Droits --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Protection --- Aspect moral

Personal computer magazine
ISSN: 07728077 Year: 1983 Publisher: Amsterdam

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informatica --- Computer. Automation --- Périodiques --- Tijdschriften --- 681.3 --- #TS:WDEP --- 05 --- Current periodicals --- Informatique domestique --- Ordinateur --- 096 Informatica --- bedrijfsbeheer --- gezondheidszorg --- lerarenopleiding --- HB-I --- handelswetenschappen en bedrijfskunde --- media --- 654 --- NL / Netherlands - Nederland - Pays Bas --- Published Monthly --- abonnementen --- microcomputers --- personal computers --- Informatica (computers) --- PC's --- Informatica --- Automatisering --- Elektromechanica --- Elektronica-ICT --- Elektrotechniek --- Toegepaste informatica --- Pc's --- Computer science --- periodieken - tijdschriften --- Privé-gebruik computer --- Computer --- Informatieverwerking. Bureautica. --- Periodicals --- tijdschriften --- Closed periodicals --- tijdschriften. --- Tijdschriften. --- Informatieverwerking. Bureautica --- 681.3* / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / --- privé-gebruik computer --- компјутер за домашна употреба --- informatica domestica --- folosirea computerului la domiciliu --- Datenverarbeitung im privaten Bereich --- domowe zastosowanie komputera --- sadzīves dators --- кућна информатика --- обработка на данни в частната сфера --- kućno računalstvo --- informatika domestika --- uporaba domačega računalnika --- työskentely kotitietokoneella --- home computing --- koduarvutiga töötamine --- informática doméstica --- informatikë shtëpiake --- buitinių duomenų apdorojimas --- využitie počítačov v domácnosti --- hjemmedatamatik --- otthoni számítástechnika --- hemdatorindustri --- οικιακές εφαρμογές της πληροφορικής --- informatica per usi domestici --- primjena računala u kući --- οικιακός υπολογιστής --- koduarvuti --- domácí počítač --- familiedatamatik --- ordenador doméstico --- otthoni számítógép --- calcolatore domestico --- výpočetní technika v domácnosti --- buitinis kompiuteris --- informatica a domicilio --- huiscomputer --- mājas dators --- kompjuter shtëpie --- hjemmedatamat --- informatique familiale --- Home-Computer --- informática familiar --- ordinateur domestique --- Heimcomputer --- kotitietokone --- domáci počítač --- informatica familiare --- buitinė informatika --- počítač v domácnosti --- informatica voor privé-gebruik --- calcolatore per usi domestici --- home computer --- informatique domestique --- dator --- calculator --- računalo --- komputer --- kompiuteris --- computador --- datamat --- dators --- számítógép --- počítač --- kompjuter --- calcolatore elettronico --- ordenador --- рачунар --- ηλεκτρονικός υπολογιστής --- arvuti --- tietokone --- компютър --- računalnik --- computer --- компјутер --- miniskaitļotājs --- Hardware --- Rechner --- minikompiuteris --- ενδιάμεσος υπολογιστής --- elaboratore elettronico --- minidators --- minipočítač --- миникомпјутер --- сметач --- pientietokone --- mainframe --- mini-computer --- minikompjuter --- computadora electrónica --- edb-maskine --- miniordenador --- Η/Υ --- gegevensmateriaal --- minidatamat --- Kleinrechner --- miniarvuti --- elektronhjerne --- minicalcolatore --- minicalculator --- minicomputer --- mini-ordinateur --- Minicomputer --- kompjutor --- minidator --- Computers --- ICT --- ríomhaireacht bhaile --- ríomhaire --- 681.3*

Les femmes aiment-elles la guerre ?
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782800416199 280041619X Year: 2017 Volume: 34 Publisher: Bruxelles Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles

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"Les femmes aiment-elles la guerre?". Au vu des nombreuses mobilisations de femmes en faveur de la paix, nous serions tenté·e·s de répondre à cette question par la négative. A bien y regarder cependant, les femmes ont de tout temps pris part à la guerre, d'une manière ou d'une autre. Pour quelles raisons certaines œuvrent-elles avec acharnement pour la paix alors que d'autres s'engagent comme résistantes, combattantes ou "terroristes" ? Quels sont les vécus des femmes dans les luttes guerrières ou pacifistes ? Malgré leur motivation, les femmes rencontrent-elles des obstacles dans les institutions liées à l'univers de la guerre ? A partir de regards psychosociaux, sociologiques, historiens et politologiques, les textes qui composent ce volume apportent des réponses à ces questions. En mettant en lumière les multiples manières de penser le lien entre femmes, guerre et paix, ils permettent d'interroger davantage le rôle des femmes et les rapports de genre à l'œuvre dans nos sociétés (source : 4e de couv.).


Women and war --- Women and peace --- Gender studies --- Feminism --- Women in war --- Women soldiers --- Femmes et guerre --- Femmes et paix --- Etudes sur le genre --- Féminisme --- Guerre --- Femmes militaires --- Political aspects --- Aspect politique --- Participation des femmes --- Guerre et femmes --- Oorlog en vrouwen --- Vrouwen en oorlog --- War and women --- Féminisme --- BPB9999 --- BPB1812 --- Femme au foyer --- Mouvement de femmes --- Oorlog --- Huisvrouw --- Vrouwenbeweging --- Sex role --- Frauenbewegung --- покрет жена --- movimento de mulheres --- kvinnorörelse --- women's movement --- naisliike --- kvindebevægelse --- женско движение --- lëvizje e grave --- moterų judėjimas --- ženské hnutie --- mișcare feministă --- ženski pokret --- sieviešu kustība --- женско движење --- movimiento feminista --- vrouwenbeweging --- ruch kobiet --- movimento femminista --- ženské hnutí --- γυναικείο κίνημα --- naisliikumine --- žensko gibanje --- nőmozgalom --- moviment tan-nisa --- women's organisation --- naisorganisatsioon --- феминизам --- organizzazione femminista --- svaz žen --- feminizmas --- feminismi --- feminismus --- φεμινισμός --- organização feminina --- naisjärjestö --- ženská organizácia --- γυναικεία οργάνωση --- движење за рамноправност на жените --- movimento feminista --- feministisk organisation --- feminizëm --- feminizmus --- kvinnoorganisation --- organizzazione femminile --- ženská organizace --- feminisme --- движење за женски права --- Feminismus --- organización femenina --- feminisms --- organizație de femei --- feminismo --- organizim i grave --- Frauenverband --- hnutí za ženská práva --- vrouwenorganisatie --- hnutí žen --- feminizam --- ženska organizacija --- feminism --- sieviešu organizācija --- moterų organizacija --- движење за правата на жените --- Frauenorganisation --- kvindeorganisation --- organisation féminine --- féminisme --- pokret žena --- organizace žen --- домакиня --- hemmafru --- housewife --- husmoder --- koduperenaine --- kućanica --- namų šeimininkė --- žena v domácnosti --- huisvrouw --- домаќинка --- mara tad-dar --- casnică --- doméstica --- mājsaimniece --- casalinga --- kotirouva --- οικοκυρά --- gospodyni domowa --- Hausfrau --- gospodinja --- háztartásbeli --- ama de casa --- shtëpiake --- домаћица --- dona-de-casa --- főállású anya --- domaćica --- hjemmegående husmoder --- háború --- karas --- rat --- karš --- luftë --- válka --- Krieg --- wojna --- војна --- war --- sota --- krig --- рат --- πόλεμος --- vojna --- война --- război --- guerra --- sõda --- oorlog --- gwerra --- ozbrojený konflikt --- relvastatud konflikt --- fegyveres konfliktus --- väpnad konflikt --- aseellinen selkkaus --- conflitto --- oružani sukob --- válečný konflikt --- conflitto armato --- invasione armata --- bewaffneter Konflikt --- konflikt i armatosur --- εμπόλεμη κατάσταση --- armed conflict --- conflit armé --- ginkluotas konfliktas --- σύρραξη --- apertura delle ostilità --- gewapend conflict --- væbnet konflikt --- bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung --- conflict armat --- relvakonflikt --- dichiarazione di guerra --- conflito armado --- conflicto armado --- ozbrojený útočný čin --- ένοπλη σύγκρουση --- вооружен судир --- gluaiseacht na mban --- bean tí --- cogadh --- mouvement de femmes --- femme au foyer --- guerre

ISSN: 13779273 Year: 1996 Publisher: Turnhout Turnhout Groot-Bijgaarden Minoc media services Minoc business press Clickx

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Annuaires --- Internet --- Jaarboeken --- 681.3 --- 05 --- Current periodicals --- Informatique domestique --- Revue périodique --- 096 Informatica --- Tijdschrift --- CD-ROMS --- Computer & Internet ; Clickx cd-rom ; voor pc en mac --- ICT --- computers --- 520.2 --- HB-I --- communicatiemedia --- tijdschriften informatica --- internet --- informatica --- 004.738.5 --- Communicatie --- Computergebruik --- Computers --- Informatica --- Informaticatechnologie --- Informaticatoepassingen --- abonnementen --- 520 --- CD --- Dvd --- Fotocamera's --- Informatica (computers) --- Website --- Windows xp --- E-mail --- Multimedia --- Tools --- Demo's --- Ontspanning --- Virusscanners --- Muziek --- Veiligheid --- Antivirus --- Photoshop --- Software --- Chat --- Flash 4 --- Anti-virusprogramma's --- Explorer 5.0 --- Frontpage 2000 --- Sitebeheer --- Automatisering --- Elektronica-ICT --- computer --- personal computer (pc) --- website --- multimedia --- software --- Pc's --- Fotografie ; software --- Computerwetenschap --- periodieken - tijdschriften --- Privé-gebruik computer --- Computer. Informatica. Automatisering --- Industrie ; computerprogramma's --- informatica, informatietechnologie - tijdschriften --- Tijdschriften en seriewerken Informatica - Automatisering --- Informatica - Automatisering --- (zie ook: boekhouden (software)) --- Periodicals --- Contains audio-visual material --- C --- 681.3* / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- privé-gebruik computer --- компјутер за домашна употреба --- informatica domestica --- folosirea computerului la domiciliu --- Datenverarbeitung im privaten Bereich --- domowe zastosowanie komputera --- sadzīves dators --- кућна информатика --- обработка на данни в частната сфера --- kućno računalstvo --- informatika domestika --- uporaba domačega računalnika --- työskentely kotitietokoneella --- home computing --- koduarvutiga töötamine --- informática doméstica --- informatikë shtëpiake --- buitinių duomenų apdorojimas --- využitie počítačov v domácnosti --- hjemmedatamatik --- otthoni számítástechnika --- hemdatorindustri --- οικιακές εφαρμογές της πληροφορικής --- informatica per usi domestici --- primjena računala u kući --- οικιακός υπολογιστής --- koduarvuti --- domácí počítač --- familiedatamatik --- ordenador doméstico --- otthoni számítógép --- calcolatore domestico --- výpočetní technika v domácnosti --- buitinis kompiuteris --- informatica a domicilio --- huiscomputer --- mājas dators --- kompjuter shtëpie --- hjemmedatamat --- informatique familiale --- Home-Computer --- informática familiar --- ordinateur domestique --- Heimcomputer --- kotitietokone --- domáci počítač --- informatica familiare --- buitinė informatika --- počítač v domácnosti --- informatica voor privé-gebruik --- calcolatore per usi domestici --- home computer --- sraitheachán --- ríomhaireacht bhaile --- 681.3* --- Revue périodique

Droit et objets connectés / The law and connected objects
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 17802369 ISBN: 9782807920552 2807920551 Year: 2020 Publisher: larcier

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En lien étroit avec la place grandissante du numérique dans les sociétés contemporaines, l’essor des objets connectés entraîne une migration massive de la norme vers des objets techniques qui, dans une certaine mesure, échappent à la maîtrise humaine et à celle du droit. En dépit de leurs atouts, ils bouleversent ainsi le système normatif classique. Fondée sur une approche transdisciplinaire, la présente étude analyse les difficultés et les enjeux juridiques soulevés par les objets connectés et identifie quelques pistes d’évolution juridique susceptibles d’accompagner l’évolution technologique qui les sous-tend. L’étude s’articule autour de quatre points : le potentiel des objets connectés à accroître l’effectivité du droit, les difficultés de qualification juridique, et donc, d’application du droit en présence d’objets connectés, les risques technologiques et juridiques suscités par ce phénomène et le paradigme d’un droit et d’un régime propres aux objets connectés. Elle s’adresse à un public varié de juristes et de non-juristes, de praticiens, d’universitaires et d’étudiants et au-delà, à tout citoyen qui s’intéresse aux métamorphoses du système normatif à l’ère du numérique


Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Internet of things --- Privacy, Right of --- Contracts --- Insurance law --- Computer crimes --- Internet des objets --- Droit à la vie privée --- Contrats --- Assurance --- Criminalité informatique --- Law and legislation. --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- informatique domestique --- science juridique --- BPB2011 --- pravna znanost --- shkencë juridike --- tiesību zinātne --- jogtudomány --- právní věda --- Rechtswissenschaft --- teisės mokslas --- drept --- xjenza tad-dritt --- juridische wetenschap --- právna veda --- oikeustiede --- scienze giuridiche --- rättsvetenskap --- õigusteadus --- правна наука --- legal science --- retsvidenskab --- νομική επιστήμη --- nauka prawa --- ciencia jurídica --- ciência jurídica --- δίκαιο --- jog --- jura --- diritto --- ligj --- právo --- juridik --- pravo --- наука за правото --- věda o právu --- law --- право --- tieslietas --- droit --- Recht --- Derecho --- jurisprudence --- теорија на право --- recht --- ret --- privé-gebruik computer --- компјутер за домашна употреба --- informatica domestica --- folosirea computerului la domiciliu --- Datenverarbeitung im privaten Bereich --- domowe zastosowanie komputera --- sadzīves dators --- кућна информатика --- обработка на данни в частната сфера --- kućno računalstvo --- informatika domestika --- uporaba domačega računalnika --- työskentely kotitietokoneella --- home computing --- koduarvutiga töötamine --- informática doméstica --- informatikë shtëpiake --- buitinių duomenų apdorojimas --- využitie počítačov v domácnosti --- hjemmedatamatik --- otthoni számítástechnika --- hemdatorindustri --- οικιακές εφαρμογές της πληροφορικής --- informatica per usi domestici --- primjena računala u kući --- οικιακός υπολογιστής --- koduarvuti --- domácí počítač --- familiedatamatik --- ordenador doméstico --- otthoni számítógép --- calcolatore domestico --- výpočetní technika v domácnosti --- buitinis kompiuteris --- informatica a domicilio --- huiscomputer --- mājas dators --- kompjuter shtëpie --- hjemmedatamat --- informatique familiale --- Home-Computer --- informática familiar --- ordinateur domestique --- Heimcomputer --- kotitietokone --- domáci počítač --- informatica familiare --- buitinė informatika --- počítač v domácnosti --- informatica voor privé-gebruik --- calcolatore per usi domestici --- home computer --- E-books --- droit international --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- международно право --- internationaal recht --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- international law --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- BPB9999. --- Droit. --- Contrats. --- Criminalité informatique. --- Droit de l'homme. --- Law. --- Contracts. --- Insurance law. --- Computer crimes. --- Human rights. --- Union européenne --- eolaíocht dhlíthiúil --- ríomhaireacht bhaile --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- Criminalité informatique. --- Union européenne

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