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Health services administration --- Servicios de Salud --- Health insurance --- Seguro de salud --- Gestión
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"This report assesses the impact on citizens and businesses of the administrative simplification measures carried out by the Mexican Social Security Institute. Administrative burdens are measured in the time it takes citizens and businesses to complete forms and wait in line to request or deliver information to the government. Using an adaptation of the Standard Cost Model, this report finds that such burdens for users have decreased by at least 25% thanks to the simplification and digitalisation of administrative formalities. It also suggests how the Institute could reduce burdens even further. By promoting the use of online formalities, IMSS could reduce administrative burdens by an additional 11%."--Page 4 of cover.
Social security. --- Insurance, Social --- Insurance, State and compulsory --- Social insurance --- Insurance --- Income maintenance programs --- E-books --- Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. --- IMSS --- I.M.S.S. --- Mexico. --- Mexican Institute of Social Security --- Instituto del Seguro Social de México
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Seguro Popular was introduced in 2002 to provide health insurance to the 50 million Mexicans without Social Security. This paper tests whether the program has had unintended consequences, distorting workers' incentives to operate in the informal sector. The analysis examines the impact of Seguro Popular on disaggregated labor market decisions, taking into account that program coverage depends not only on the individual's employment status, but also that of other household members. The identification strategy relies on the variation in Seguro Popular's rollout across municipalities and time, with the difference-in-difference estimation controlling for household fixed effects. The paper finds that Seguro Popular lowers formality by 0.4-0.7 percentage points, with adjustments largely occurring within a few years of the program's introduction. Rather than encouraging exit from the formal sector, Seguro Popular is associated with a 3.1 percentage point reduction (a 20 percent decline) in the inflow of workers into formality. Income effects are also apparent, with significantly decreased flows out of unemployment and lower labor force participation. The impact is larger for those with less education, in larger households, and with someone else in the household guaranteeing Social Security coverage. However, workers pay for part of these benefits with lower wages in the informal sector.
Health Monitoring & Evaluation --- Housing & Human Habitats --- Informality --- Labor Markets --- Labor Policies --- Macroeconomics and Economic Growth --- Non-contributory social programs --- Population Policies --- Seguro Popular --- Social assistance --- Mexico
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Flood insurance --- Insurance, Flood --- Insurance --- Law and legislation --- Subsidies --- National Flood Insurance Program (U.S.) --- United States. --- Programa Nacional de Seguro Contra Inundación (U.S.) --- NFIP --- N.F.I.P.
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De auteur bespreekt en analyseert in dit geactualiseerde handboek de meest gangbare bijzonder gereglementeerde verzekeringscontracten die een verzekerde aangaat in het kader van zijn privéleven. De advocaten, magistraten, verzekerings- en bedrijfsjuristen worden dan ook in hun praktijk het meest geconfronteerd met deze verzekeringsovereenkomsten, als daar zijn: de brandverzekering, met inbegrip van de verplichte natuurrampendekking, de gezinsaansprakelijkheids- of familiale verzekering, de motorrijtuigen- of autoverzekering, de levensverzekering, de rechtsbijstandsverzekering. In dit up-to-date boek, bijgewerkt tot juni 2022, komen de wetenschappelijke expertise van de auteur en de uitgebreide ervaring die hij als advocaat en als gedelegeerd bestuurder van Assuralia opbouwde perfect tot uiting. De duidelijke structuur, de systematiek en helderheid van de uiteenzetting, evenals de accurate en daar waar nodig kritische commentaar maken van dit meest actuele handboek verzekeringsrecht niet alleen een betrouwbaar referentiewerk voor alle verzekeringsspecialisten, maar ook een snel en gemakkelijk te raadplegen vraagbaak voor iedereen die minder frequent in contact komt met deze belangrijke rechtstak. Het volledig nieuw en bijzonder gedetailleerd trefwoordenregister vergemakkelijkt de raadpleging voor de practicus. Een onmisbaar naslagwerk!
Insurance law --- verzekeringswezen --- verzekeringsrecht --- Belgium --- BPB2209 --- levensverzekering --- verzekeringsovereenkomst --- schadeverzekering --- personenverzekering --- seguro de personas --- personas apdrošināšana --- assicurazione di persone --- pojištění osob --- осигурање лица --- assigurazzjoni personali --- осигурување лица --- árachas pearsanta --- isikukindlustus --- personal insurance --- ubezpieczenie osobowe --- personförsäkring --- asmens draudimas --- személybiztosítás --- sigurim personal --- ασφάλιση προσώπων --- osobné poistenie --- personskadeforsikring --- assurance des personnes --- asigurare personală --- Personenversicherung --- osebno zavarovanje --- henkilövakuutus --- osobno osiguranje --- seguro de pessoas --- застраховка на лица --- vahinkovakuutus --- ubezpieczenie od szkody --- kárbiztosítás --- seguro de daños --- assicurazione danni --- asigurare pentru daune --- poistenie proti škode --- assurance dommages --- sigurim i dëmshpërblimit --- skadeförsäkring --- обезщетяване на загуба --- assigurazzjoni ta’ indennizz --- seguro contra danos --- atlīdzības apdrošināšana --- indemnity insurance --- osiguranje protiv štete --- skadesforsikring --- draudimas nuo nuostolių --- осигурање од штете --- pojištění proti škodě --- árachas neamhshaoil --- kahjukindlustus --- škodno zavarovanje --- ασφάλιση ζημιών --- Schadenversicherung --- осигурување од штета --- inboedelverzekering --- osiguranje od požara --- apdrošināšana zādzības gadījumam --- Versicherung gegen Naturereignisse --- assurance incendie --- assurance non vie --- Feuerversicherung --- sigurim kundër zjarrit --- brandforsikring --- seguro de accidentes y riesgos diversos --- seguro contra calamidades naturais --- seguro contra incêndio --- asigurare împotriva accidentelor --- vandskadeforsikring --- kompensācijas apdrošināšana --- nezgodno zavarovanje --- isikukahjude kindlustus --- storm insurance --- draudimas nuo audros --- draudimas nuo gaisro --- osiguranje od krađe --- seguro de robo --- osiguranje od posljedica nevremena --- seguro de daños naturales --- apdrošināšana vētras gadījumam --- pojištění majetku proti škodě --- protipožární pojištění --- biztosítás vihar okozta kárra --- πυρασφάλεια --- asigurare de calamități naturale --- assigurazzjoni kontra l-inċidenti --- assurance vol --- verzekering tegen natuurschade --- seguro de incendios --- Diebstahlversicherung --- brandverzekering --- осигурување од пожар и некои други опасности --- poistenie proti živlom --- palovakuutus --- pojištění proti krádeži --- sigurim kundër stuhisë --- assurance dégât naturel --- brandförsäkring --- asigurare de incendiu --- осигурување од провална кражба и разбојништво --- seguro contra roubo --- storm- og haglskadeforsikring --- neživotní pojištění --- non-life insurance --- fire insurance --- poistenie proti požiaru --- assicurazione antincendio --- застраховане за злополука --- biztosítás természeti csapás okozta kárra --- tormikindlustus --- seguro de acidentes e riscos diversos --- naturskadeförsäkring --- pojištění domácnosti --- tyveriforsikring --- osiguranje od moguće štete --- varguskindlustus --- assicurazione antifurto --- nelaimes gadījumu apdrošināšana --- осигурување од поплава --- myrskyvakuutus --- casualty insurance --- ασφάλεια πυρός --- õnnetuskindlustus --- apdrošināšana ugunsgrēka gadījumam --- draudimas nuo vagystės --- tűzbiztosítás --- ασφάλεια κλοπής --- assicurazione contro gli incidenti --- осигурување од луња --- neživotné poistenie --- esinevakuutus --- stöldförsäkring --- balesetbiztosítás --- verzekering tegen diefstal --- draudimas nuo nelaimingų atsitikimų --- poistenie proti krádeži --- assicurazione per danni naturali --- varkausvakuutus --- asigurare pentru furt --- ασφάλιση απώλειας --- sigurim kundër vjedhjes --- tulekindlustus --- pojištění proti požáru --- lopásbiztosítás --- theft insurance --- seguros não-vida --- contract de asigurare --- уговор о осигурању --- draudimo sutartis --- biztosítási szerződés --- apdrošināšanas līgums --- umowa ubezpieczenia --- застрахователен договор --- kuntratt ta' assigurazzjoni --- insurance contract --- vakuutussopimus --- ασφαλιστήριο συμβόλαιο --- kindlustusleping --- forsikringsaftale --- ugovor o osiguranju --- försäkringsavtal --- Versicherungsvertrag --- pojistná smlouva --- kontratë sigurimi --- zavarovalna pogodba --- contrat d'assurance --- apólice de seguros --- contratto assicurativo --- conradh árachais --- договор за осигурување --- poistná zmluva --- póliza de seguro --- Versicherungspolice --- kindlustuspoliis --- försäkringsbrev --- contrato de seguro --- forsikringspolice --- vakuutuskirja --- polica osiguranja --- policë sigurimi --- polizza assicurativa --- pojistka --- verzekeringspolis --- полиса --- poliță de asigurare --- apdrošināšanas polise --- ασφαλιστήριο --- biztosítási kötvény --- draudimo liudijimas --- осигурителна полиса --- forsikringskontrakt --- draudimo polisas --- poistka --- insurance policy --- police d'assurance --- životno osiguranje --- životné poistenie --- Lebensversicherung --- life assurance --- assicurazione sulla vita --- življenjsko zavarovanje --- livförsäkring --- henkivakuutus --- asigurare de viață --- ασφάλεια ζωής --- осигурање живота --- životní pojištění --- livsforsikring --- elukindlustus --- dzīvības apdrošināšana --- életbiztosítás --- seguro de vida --- застраховка живот --- gyvybės draudimas --- assigurazzjoni tal-ħajja --- животно осигурување --- assurance vie --- sigurim i jetës --- árachas saoil --- ubezpieczenie na życie --- sigurim i trashëgimisë --- kapitalikogumiskindlustus --- doživotno osiguranje --- assurance directe sur la vie --- assicurazione diretta sulla vita --- poistenie pre prípad dožitia --- direkt livförsäkring --- whole life assurance --- kaupiamasis gyvybės draudimas --- celoživotné poistenie --- täielik elukindlustus --- endowment assurance --- elämisenvaravakuutus --- elämänvaravakuutus --- осигурување на живот --- asigurare directă pe viață --- άμεση ασφάλεια ζωής --- gyvybės draudimas iki gyvos galvos --- sigurim i plotë i jetës --- directe levensverzekering --- seguro de vida direto --- life insurance --- Insurance policies --- Assurance --- Droit --- Polices
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Insurance law --- Belgium --- Reparation (Criminal justice) --- Personal injuries --- Damages --- Mortality --- Annuities --- Réparation (Droit) --- Dommage corporel --- Dommages-intérêts --- Mortalité --- Rentes --- Tables --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- BPB1002 --- Assurance dommages --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 368.00 --- 347.737 --- 347.4 <493> --- 10.03.j --- Schadeverzekering --- Theorieën over verzekeringen. Actuariële wetenschappen. --- Wetgeving i.v.m. verzekeringen. --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- Actuariaat ; Schadeverzekeringen --- 347.4 <493> Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- Réparation (Droit) --- Dommages-intérêts --- Mortalité --- vahinkovakuutus --- ubezpieczenie od szkody --- kárbiztosítás --- seguro de daños --- assicurazione danni --- asigurare pentru daune --- poistenie proti škode --- sigurim i dëmshpërblimit --- skadeförsäkring --- обезщетяване на загуба --- assigurazzjoni ta’ indennizz --- seguro contra danos --- atlīdzības apdrošināšana --- indemnity insurance --- osiguranje protiv štete --- skadesforsikring --- draudimas nuo nuostolių --- осигурање од штете --- pojištění proti škodě --- árachas neamhshaoil --- kahjukindlustus --- škodno zavarovanje --- ασφάλιση ζημιών --- Schadenversicherung --- осигурување од штета --- schadeverzekering --- inboedelverzekering --- osiguranje od požara --- apdrošināšana zādzības gadījumam --- Versicherung gegen Naturereignisse --- assurance incendie --- assurance non vie --- Feuerversicherung --- sigurim kundër zjarrit --- brandforsikring --- seguro de accidentes y riesgos diversos --- seguro contra calamidades naturais --- seguro contra incêndio --- asigurare împotriva accidentelor --- vandskadeforsikring --- kompensācijas apdrošināšana --- nezgodno zavarovanje --- isikukahjude kindlustus --- storm insurance --- draudimas nuo audros --- draudimas nuo gaisro --- osiguranje od krađe --- seguro de robo --- osiguranje od posljedica nevremena --- seguro de daños naturales --- apdrošināšana vētras gadījumam --- pojištění majetku proti škodě --- protipožární pojištění --- biztosítás vihar okozta kárra --- πυρασφάλεια --- asigurare de calamități naturale --- assigurazzjoni kontra l-inċidenti --- assurance vol --- verzekering tegen natuurschade --- seguro de incendios --- Diebstahlversicherung --- brandverzekering --- осигурување од пожар и некои други опасности --- poistenie proti živlom --- palovakuutus --- pojištění proti krádeži --- sigurim kundër stuhisë --- assurance dégât naturel --- brandförsäkring --- asigurare de incendiu --- осигурување од провална кражба и разбојништво --- seguro contra roubo --- storm- og haglskadeforsikring --- neživotní pojištění --- non-life insurance --- fire insurance --- poistenie proti požiaru --- assicurazione antincendio --- застраховане за злополука --- biztosítás természeti csapás okozta kárra --- tormikindlustus --- seguro de acidentes e riscos diversos --- naturskadeförsäkring --- pojištění domácnosti --- tyveriforsikring --- osiguranje od moguće štete --- varguskindlustus --- assicurazione antifurto --- nelaimes gadījumu apdrošināšana --- осигурување од поплава --- myrskyvakuutus --- casualty insurance --- ασφάλεια πυρός --- õnnetuskindlustus --- apdrošināšana ugunsgrēka gadījumam --- draudimas nuo vagystės --- tűzbiztosítás --- ασφάλεια κλοπής --- assicurazione contro gli incidenti --- осигурување од луња --- neživotné poistenie --- esinevakuutus --- stöldförsäkring --- balesetbiztosítás --- verzekering tegen diefstal --- draudimas nuo nelaimingų atsitikimų --- poistenie proti krádeži --- assicurazione per danni naturali --- varkausvakuutus --- asigurare pentru furt --- ασφάλιση απώλειας --- sigurim kundër vjedhjes --- tulekindlustus --- pojištění proti požáru --- lopásbiztosítás --- theft insurance --- seguros não-vida --- Theorieën over verzekeringen. Actuariële wetenschappen --- Wetgeving i.v.m. verzekeringen --- Belgique --- Droit civil --- Obligations (droit) --- Obligations quasi-délictuelles --- Evaluation du dommage
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Insurance --- Belgium --- 140 Burgerlijk recht --- verzekeringen --- (493) België --- 368 verzekeringen --- BPB1008 --- Assurance --- 02.01.B --- Verzekering --- Verzekeringswezen ; Algemeen ; België --- Versicherung --- assicurazione --- ασφάλιση --- seguro --- kindlustus --- assigurazzjoni --- försäkring --- sigurime --- osiguranje --- pojištění --- zavarovanje --- ubezpieczenie --- draudimas --- застраховка --- forsikring --- verzekering --- осигурање --- biztosítás --- vakuutus --- apdrošināšana --- осигурување --- poistenie --- asigurare --- árachas --- insurance --- Versicherungsschutz
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BPB1012 --- Assurance --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 368.00 --- Verzekering --- Theorieën over verzekeringen. Actuariële wetenschappen. --- Insurance --- Belgium --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Versicherung --- assicurazione --- ασφάλιση --- seguro --- kindlustus --- assigurazzjoni --- försäkring --- sigurime --- osiguranje --- pojištění --- zavarovanje --- ubezpieczenie --- draudimas --- застраховка --- forsikring --- verzekering --- осигурање --- biztosítás --- vakuutus --- apdrošināšana --- осигурување --- poistenie --- asigurare --- árachas --- insurance --- Versicherungsschutz --- Theorieën over verzekeringen. Actuariële wetenschappen
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Shore protection --- Flood damage prevention --- National Flood Insurance Program (U.S.) --- Beach erosion --- Coast protection --- Coast protective works --- Prevention --- United States. --- Programa Nacional de Seguro Contra Inundación (U.S.) --- NFIP --- N.F.I.P. --- Coastal zone management --- Coastal engineering --- Hydraulic engineering --- Reclamation of land
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Emergency management --- National Flood Insurance Program (U.S.) --- United States. --- United States Fire Administration. --- Programa Nacional de Seguro Contra Inundación (U.S.) --- NFIP --- N.F.I.P. --- Administración de Incendios de los Estados Unidos --- U.S. Fire Administration --- USFA --- First Responder Network Authority (U.S.) --- FirstNet (U.S.) --- Federal Emergency Management Agency (U.S.) --- FEMA
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