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Scholars who actually shape the fields they work in remain few and far between. University of Notre Dame professor James VanderKam, renowned for his writings on the Dead Sea Scrolls, is one of them. This volume represents the best of Professor VanderKam's non-Qumran articles covering Second Temple Judaism, Hebrew Bible, apocalypticism, and key essays on 1 Enoch and Jubilees. Researchers and students will welcome having all of these readily available. Anyone working in these areas will appreciate VanderKam's contributions to discussions concerning calendars and festivals, the high priesthood, and prophecy and apocalyptic in the ancient Near East. A new essay on the development of Scripture's canon rounds out this essential collection. This publication has also been published in hardback, please click here for details.
Bible. --- Ethiopic book of Enoch --- Book of Jubilees --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Apocalyptic literature (Religion) --- Hermeneutics (Bible) --- Jewish literature --- Second Temple Period (Judaism) --- Jews --- Judaica --- Hebrew literature --- Literature
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This book includes an analysis of the Jehoash Inscription Tablet, which describes renovations made to the First Temple and is considered the only written evidence of its existence. At the same time, a new technique for authenticating artifacts is described: this is especially important in determining the authenticity of artifacts collected from unprovenanced sites. Other subjects treated in the book are: the only known stone oil lamp with שבעת המינים carved onto seven nozzles, which was archaeometrically analyzed to verify its authenticity, and is thought to have been used during the Second Temple Period in rituals that necessitated that laws of purity be followed; and the James Ossuary, displaying the Aramaic inscription Ya'akov bar-Yosef akhui diYeshua (James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus), which, if genuine, might provide archaeological evidence for Jesus of Nazareth and indicate that the ossuary was that of James the Just, the older brother of Jesus.
Archaeological geology --- Archaeogeology --- Geoarchaeology --- Geological archaeology --- Geology --- First Temple. --- Geoarchaeology Israel. --- Israel. --- James Just. --- Jehoash. --- Jerusalem. --- Jesus Nazareth. --- Jesus. --- Second Temple Period. --- Solomon. --- archaeometry. --- artifacts. --- caves. --- dust. --- geology Israel. --- geology. --- oxygen. --- stone oil lamp. --- temple. --- trial.
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Khirbet el-Maqatir lies 16 km north of Jerusalem. The Associates for Biblical Research excavated 14 summer seasons and 5 winter seasons between 1995 and 2016. The remains range from Middle Bronze Age to Early Islamic and include a Bronze Age fortress, a Late Hellenistic/Early Roman village, and a Byzantine ecclesiastical complex. Volume 2 focuses on the later time periods.
Asia --- History --- ARCHAEOLOGY --- SOCIAL SCIENCE --- History. --- Asia. --- Archaeology --- Social science --- Social sciences --- Social Science / Archaeology --- Archaeology. --- Late Second Temple Period --- Great Revolt --- Stone Vessels --- Bar Kokhba Revolt --- Fortifications --- Mikvaot --- Militaria
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The City of David, more specifically the southeastern hill of first- and second-millennium BCE Jerusalem, has long captivated the imagination of the world. Archaeologists and historians, biblical scholars and clergy, Christians, Muslims, and Jews, and tourists and armchair travelers from every corner of the globe, to say nothing of politicians of all stripes, look to this small stretch of land in awe, amazement, and anticipation.In the City of David, in the ridge leading down from the Temple Mount, hardly a stone has remained unturned. Archaeologists have worked at a dizzying pace digging and analyzing. But while preliminary articles abound, there is a grievous lack of final publications of the excavations--a regrettable limitation on the ability to fully integrate vital and critical results into the archaeological reconstruction of ancient Jerusalem.Excavations of the City of David are conducted under the auspices of the Israel Antiquities Authority. The Authority has now partnered with the Center for the Study of Ancient Jerusalem and its publication arm, the Ancient Jerusalem Publication Series, for the publication of reports that are written and designed for the scholar as well as for the general reader. Excavations in the City of David (APJ 1), is the first volume in this series.
Pottery, Ancient --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Jerusalem --- ʻIr Daṿid (Jerusalem) --- Antiquities. --- City Dump. --- City of David. --- Excavation report. --- Fortifications. --- Gihon Spring. --- Iron Age II. --- Jerusalem. --- Middle Bronze Age II. --- Second Temple period. --- Water systems. --- early Roman period.
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The articles in this volume investigate changes in texts that became to be regarded as holy and unchangeable in Judaism and Christianity. The volume seeks to draw attention to the "empirical" evidence from Qumran, the Septuagint as well as from passages in the Hebrew Scriptures that have been shaped by the use of other texts. The contributions are divided into three main sections: The first section deals with methodological questions concerning textual changes. The second section consists of concrete examples from the Hebrew Bible, Qumran and Septuagint on how the texts were changed, corrected, edited and interpreted. The contributions of the third section will investigate the general influence and impact of Deuteronomistic ideology and phraseology on later texts.
221.015 --- Oud Testament: literaire kritiek; authenticiteit; bronnenstudie; Formgeschiche; Traditionsgeschichte; Redaktionsgeschichte --- 221.015 Oud Testament: literaire kritiek; authenticiteit; bronnenstudie; Formgeschiche; Traditionsgeschichte; Redaktionsgeschichte --- Transmission of texts. --- Literary transmission --- Manuscript transmission --- Textual transmission --- Criticism, Textual --- Editions --- Manuscripts --- Bible --- Criticism, Textual. --- RELIGION / Bible / Biography / General. --- Deuteronomistic Literature. --- Parabiblical Literature. --- Rewritten Scripture. --- Scriptural Interpretation. --- Second Temple Period.
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Throughout history, the relationship between Jews and their land has been a vibrant, much-debated topic within the Jewish world and in international political discourse. Identity and Territory explores how ancient conceptions of Israel-of both the land itself and its shifting frontiers and borders-have played a decisive role in forming national and religious identities across the millennia. Through the works of Second Temple period Jews and rabbinic literature, Eyal Ben-Eliyahu examines the role of territorial status, boundaries, mental maps, and holy sites, drawing comparisons to popular Jewish and Christian perceptions of space. Showing how space defines nationhood and how Jewish identity influences perceptions of space, Ben-Eliyahu uncovers varied understandings of the land that resonate with contemporary views of the relationship between territory and ideology.
Space --- Jews --- Judaism --- Religious aspects --- Identity --- History --- Palestine --- In Judaism --- Judaism. --- boundaries. --- contemporary. --- debate. --- global. --- government. --- holy land. --- holy sites. --- ideology. --- international. --- israel. --- jewish history. --- jewish holy land. --- jewish holy sites. --- jewish identity. --- jewish. --- jews. --- judaism. --- land boundaries. --- land ownership. --- land rights. --- maps. --- nationhood. --- political discourse. --- politics. --- rabbi. --- rabbinic literature. --- religion. --- religious identities. --- religious identity. --- religious studies. --- second temple period. --- territory. --- worldwide.
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Discovered in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of ancient Israelite documents, many of which were written by a Jewish sectarian community at Qumran living in self-exile from the priesthood of the Second Temple. This first book-length study of the rhetoric of these texts illustrates how the Essenes employed different rhetorics over time as they struggled to understand God's word and their mission to their people, who seemed to have turned away from God and his purposes.Applying methods of rhetorical analysis to six substantive texts-Miqṣat Maʿa"7;eh ha-Torah, Rule of the Community, Damascus Document, Purification Rules, Temple Scroll, and Habakkuk Pesher-Bruce McComiskey traces the Essenes' use of rhetorical strategies based on identification, dissociation, entitlement, and interpretation. Through his analysis, McComiskey uncovers a unique, fascinating story of an ancient religious community that had sought to reintegrate into Temple life but, dejected, instead established itself as the new covenant people of God for this world, only to turn ultimately to a trust in a metaphysical afterlife.Presenting forms of ancient Jewish rhetoric largely uninfluenced by classical rhetoric, this book broadens our understanding of human and religious rhetorical practice, even as it provides new insight into the events that led to the emergence of the Talmudic period. Rhetoric and the Dead Sea Scrolls will be useful to scholars working in the fields of religious rhetoric, Jewish studies, and early Christianity.
Dead Sea scrolls. --- Dead Sea Scrolls. --- Essenes. --- Jerusalem. --- Qumran. --- Second Temple period. --- Second Temple. --- Temple. --- Zadok. --- Zadokite. --- covenant. --- dissociation. --- distinction. --- embodiment. --- erasure. --- hermeneutics. --- identification. --- impurity. --- initiation. --- interpretation. --- moral impurity. --- performative rhetoric material rhetoric. --- pesher. --- priests. --- purification. --- purity. --- rhetoric. --- rhetorical ecology. --- rhetorical theory. --- ritual impurity. --- speech acts.
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Biblical Period --- 1600-538 B.C.E. --- Second Temple Period --- 538 B.C.E.-70 C.E. --- Rabbinic period --- 70-600 C.E. --- Medieval Period --- 600-1450 --- Modern Times --- 1450-1750 --- Early Modern Times --- 1750-1917 --- the Modrn Era --- 1918 to present --- Judaism --- the patriarch Abraham --- the Middle east --- Jewish history --- Moses --- the Talmud --- Spain --- Maimonides --- the State of Israel --- September 11 --- the Iraq War --- Muslim fundamentalism --- European antisemitism
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This is the first of a three-volume final report on the Tel Aviv–Heidelberg Renewed Excavations at Ramat Raḥel, 2005–2010. It presents the stratigraphy and architecture of the excavation areas, including portions of the palatial compound, the subterranean columbarium complex, and the Late Roman cemetery; site formation of the tell; twentieth-century fortifications at the site; and the ancient garden and its water installations.
Excavations (Archaeology) --- Ramat Raḥel (Israel) --- Antiquities. --- Ramat Rachel (Israel) --- Ramat RahÌ£el (Israel) --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Ancient Gardens. --- Archaeology of the Byzantine Period. --- Archaeology of the Hellenistic Period. --- Archaeology of the Muslim Period. --- Archaeology of the Roman Period. --- Assyrian Empire. --- Assyrian Period. --- Babylonian Empire. --- Babylonian Period. --- Biblical Archaeology. --- Biblical History. --- First Temple Period. --- Jerusalem. --- Judah in the Biblical Period. --- Judah. --- Persian Empire. --- Persian Period. --- Ramat Rael. --- Second Temple Period. --- Twentieth-century Fortifications. --- Yehud Stamp Impressions. --- Ramat Rahel (Israel)
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When thinking about psalms and prayers in the Second Temple period, the Masoretic Psalter and its reception is often given priority because of modern academic or theological interests. This emphasis tends to skew our understanding of the corpus we call psalms and prayers and often dampens or mutes the lived context within which these texts were composed and used. This volume is comprised of a collection of articles that explore the diverse settings in which psalms and prayers were used and circulated in the late Second Temple period. The book includes essays by experts in the Hebrew bible, the Dead Sea scrolls, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, and the New Testament, in which a wide variety of topics, approaches, and methods both old and new are utilized to explore the many functions of psalms and prayers in the late Second Temple period. Included in this volume are essays examining how psalms were read as prophecy, as history, as liturgy, and as literature. A variety methodologies are employed, and include the use of cognitive sciences and poetics, linguistic theory, psychology, redaction criticism, and literary theory.
Judaism --- Psalmody --- Prayers, Early Christian --- 223.3 --- 223.3 Psalmen --- 223.3 Psaumes --- Psalmen --- Psaumes --- Early Christian prayers --- Choral singing --- Music --- Jews --- Religions --- Semites --- History and criticism --- Religious aspects --- Religion --- Bible. --- Antico Testamento --- Hebrew Bible --- Hebrew Scriptures --- Kitve-ḳodesh --- Miḳra --- Old Testament --- Palaia Diathēkē --- Pentateuch, Prophets, and Hagiographa --- Sean-Tiomna --- Stary Testament --- Tanakh --- Tawrāt --- Torah, Neviʼim, Ketuvim --- Torah, Neviʼim u-Khetuvim --- Velho Testamento --- Biblos Psalmon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Buch der Preisungen (Book of the Old Testament) --- Liber Psalmorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Mazāmīr (Book of the Old Testament) --- Preisungen (Book of the Old Testament) --- Psalmen (Book of the Old Testament) --- Psalmoi (Book of the Old Testament) --- Psalms (Book of the Old Testament) --- Psalms of David (Book of the Old Testament) --- Psaumes (Book of the Old Testament) --- Pseaumes de Dauid (Book of the Old Testament) --- Salmenes bok (Book of the Old Testament) --- Salmos (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shihen (Book of the Old Testament) --- Sifr al-Mazāmīr (Book of the Old Testament) --- Soltar (Book of the Old Testament) --- Tehilim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Tehillim (Book of the Old Testament) --- תהלים (Book of the Old Testament) --- Zsoltárkönyv (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Prayer --- Prayer (Judaism) --- Judaism. --- To 1500 --- Psalm. --- Second Temple period. --- prayer.
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