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Wil je weten wat echt een succesvolle influencer maakt? In dit boek leert u de basisprincipes van marketing op Instagram, YouTube, Facebook en Co.Iedereen kent tegenwoordig de sociale media en veel mensen maken er al gebruik van - bewust of onbewust. Maar wat is social media nu precies en hoe kan het u als dienstverlener, start-up of bedrijf helpen succesvoller te worden? Je leert ook hoe je gemakkelijk en snel aan de slag kunt in social media marketing, wat een goede influencer maakt en welk platform het meest geschikt is voor jouw carrière.Bron:
Sociale media --- Marketing --- Onlinemarketing --- Digitalisering --- Advertentie --- Storytelling --- Ondernemingsplan --- Zoekmachineoptimalisatie --- Search Engine Advertising
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Snel Grafics is a B2B belgian company operating in the field of offset and digital printing technology. In 1995, the firm was taken over by two new owners, former CEOs of photo-engraving companies. Along the years, they have been able to make the right decisions to ensure the development of their new acquisition. However, new challenges have recently emerged. On one side, Snel has been confronted to an internal problem: the productivity of its printing press cannot be optimized because of a bottleneck that takes place at the order stage and delays the production phase. Those delays are caused by customers who fail to respect the deadlines given to them to send their printing files, and whose files are often of poor quality. On another side, it is known that the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds are disappearing, which leads to the fragmentation of media and to globalization. This digital shift is followed by the printing sector: companies tend to diversify their offer by selling their products online through Web-To-Print platforms. This is why, in December 2017, Snel decided to rise up to this challenge by introducing their own e-commerce website: In order to launch that platform, they partnered with an external firm. The aim of is to provide the internet user with standardized products that could easily fit in the production schedule. They target offline customers who buy standardized products from Snel while those products could be produced by eSnel, offline customers who already place orders on another online printing platform, as well as new professional prospects that exclusively order their printed products online. As an intern within the company, my job was to ‘develop a digital marketing strategy as a complement to an offline commercial approach’ for the new platform. To do so, I conducted a market study in order to learn about the audience’s needs and buying journey as well as about the competitors’ offers. Thanks to this market survey, I was able to segment the target audience based on their profile and expectations, and to suggest SMART objectives for the digital strategy. Only then was I able to start developing a digital marketing strategy that would reach the prospects at every step of their buying journey.
E-commerce --- Digital marketing --- Digital strategy --- B2B --- Web-To-Print --- Search Engine Optimization --- Search Engine Advertising --- Social Media Optimization --- Emailing --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing
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Google est la plus grande avenue commerçante de Belgique. Cependant, seulement une minorité des entreprises wallonnes semblent vouloir s’y établir. Pourtant, avec 92 % de parts de marché en Belgique et sept milliards de recherches quotidiennes à l’échelle mondiale, le moteur de recherche ne semble pas à court d’arguments. Les objectifs de ce mémoire sont divers. Tout d’abord, il tente de mieux informer les entreprises wallonnes sur les moteurs de recherche ainsi que les techniques de référencement naturel et de référencement payant. Ensuite, il vise à mieux comprendre le comportement des utilisateurs sur la page de résultats de recherche et surtout comment ils réagissent face aux résultats organiques payants. Enfin, et c’est la question principale de ce mémoire, nous enquêtons sur une possible complémentarité entre les deux types de résultats dans le cadre de recherches transactionnelles. L’étude observatoire quantitative de ce mémoire a été réalisée en reproduisant artificiellement des pages de résultats Google. L’observation nous a permis d’observer le comportement des utilisateurs lors de leur utilisation de ce moteur de recherche. Cela nous a également permis d’observer l’évolution du taux de clic d’un résultat organique cible en fonction de deux variables : sa position sur la page de résultats et la présence d’une annonce payante pour le même site web. Il en résulte que la position du résultat organique influence le taux de clic de ce résultat. Au plus haut se trouve le résultat sur la page de résultats, au plus le taux de clic est élevé. L’analyse révèle également que la présence d’un résultat payant pour le même site web affecte positivement le taux de clic du résultat naturel. Bien qu’elle ait ses limites, cette étude quantitative révèle des résultats intéressants pouvant servir d’hypothèses lors de futures recherches sur le sujet. Google is the largest shopping avenue in Belgium. However, only a few of Walloon companies seem to be willing to establish themselves there. Yet, with a 92% market share in Belgium and seven billion daily searches worldwide, the search engine does not seem to be short of arguments. This paper has various objectives. First, it tries to better inform Walloon companies about search engines as well as search engine optimization and search engine advertising techniques. Secondly, it aims to better understand the behavior of users on the search results page and especially investigate how they react to organic and paid results. Eventually, and this is the main question of this thesis, we investigate a possible complementarity between the two types of results in the context of transactional search intent. The quantitative observational study of this thesis was conducted by artificially reproducing Google results pages. The observation allowed us to observe the behavior of users when they use the search engine. It also allowed us to observe the evolution of the click-through rate of a target organic result according to two independent variables: its position on the search engine results page and the presence of a paid advertisement for the same website. The results show that the position of the organic result influences its click-through rate. The higher the result is on the results page, the higher the click-through rate. The analysis also reveals that the presence of a paid result for the same website positively affects the click-through rate of the organic result. Although it has its limitations, this quantitative study reveals interesting results that can be used as hypotheses for future research on the subject.
search engine --- seach engine optimization --- search engine advertising --- search intent --- search engine marketing --- référencement naturel --- référencement payant --- moteurs de recherche --- marketing des moteurs de recherche --- intention de recherche --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing
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Orthodyne, une entreprise active dans le domaine de la chromatographie en phase gazeuse, aimerait accroître son assise sur son marché en utilisant des techniques de marketing digital. Par conséquent, la mission confiée est la suivante : définition et mise en place d’une stratégie de marketing digital pour une PME à caractère international. Pour accomplir cette mission, ce mémoire suit un flux logique en s’articulant autour de différents chapitres. Tout d’abord, l’introduction définit le contexte général, la mission et les objectifs. Ensuite, une section est dédiée à l’analyse de la situation où Orthodyne est examinée à l’aide de différents modèles. Cette étude permet ensuite d’identifier et de définir clairement les besoins à travers la formulation de différents business cases. Par ailleurs, une section théorique passe en revue les différentes méthodes de marketing digital pouvant répondre aux besoins d’Orthoyne. La (re)structuration d’un site internet et l’acquisition de trafic sont deux points qui seront abordés théoriquement dans ce chapitre. Une fois la compréhension théorique développée, une stratégie digitale est définie pour être ensuite appliquée au cas pratique. Une section est également dédiée aux aspects éthiques et soutenables des pratiques mises en œuvre. Enfin, ce travail se termine alors par la rédaction de recommandations opérationnelles pour guider les futures actions de l’entreprise analysée. Orthodyne is a medium-sized business that recognised a need to design and implement a digital marketing strategy. The mission of this project-dissertation was to define and implement a digital marketing strategy for this international business. It begins with the environmental situation where the needs and issues are set out following a review of them. This was done in order to come up with a tailor-made digital marketing strategy for the company. Specific objectives, methods and KPIs were then set up to suit Orthodyne’s profile and market. Following this, various digital concepts and activities matching the needs were theoretically analysed through a detailed review of the literature. These digital concepts include among others the (re)structuration of an online platform and different ways of attracting traffic to a website. The aim of the literature review was to gain a broader understanding of the differing digital marketing activities before putting them into practice. Thirdly, in the practical chapter, it was demonstrated how the digital marketing strategy could be implemented. Finally, this project-dissertation highlights the ethical and durable dimensions of the activities implemented and suggests short-term and long-term recommendations to steer the company and guide it in the future.
digital marketing strategy --- search engine marketing --- search engine optimisation --- search engine advertising --- website restructuration --- social media --- traffic acquisition --- brand awareness --- brand image --- brand visibility --- Orthodyne --- marketing digital --- stratégie de marketing digital --- référencement --- structuration d'un site web --- réseaux sociaux --- acquisition de trafic --- notoriété --- image de marque --- visibilité en ligne --- Orthodyne --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing
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Méca-Fluid is a company providing equipment such as industrial valves and pneumatic components. In a more and more digitalized environment and a world ruled by new technologies, the company realized the importance of an active online presence. By wishing to launch an e-commerce, the company pursues three main goals: first, the company wants to offer a brand new sales channel and quality services to its consumers, then it wishes to increase its visibility and develop this new prospecting and sales channel and finally to develop and strengthen its brand awareness and brand image as a specialist. In order to suggest a strategy to fulfill these goals, I carried out a business model of the company. It allowed me to discover how important the quality of the relationships the company maintains with its consumers is. Then, I conducted a benchmark analysis which showed me that only one competitor of Méca-Fluid actually sells its products online. This brought me to the realization that an ecommerce represents a real growth opportunity for the company. After that, I carried out a customer survey which, among others, made me realize how customers are attached to the quality of services provided by Méca-Fluid, that only a few of them spend time on social medias during business hours whereas lots of them use search engines and some of them show interest in an industrial blog and newsletters. Since the company has a limited budget, it can’t afford to implement all the digital marketing tools I suggested. This is why I ranked the tools to implement first to offer a great service quality for consumers on the website, to increase company’s visibility on search engines and to develop the company’s brand awareness and brand image. Finally, after launching its website, I advise the company to carry out a user testing and implement websites analytics tools in order to get precious information about its audience and its behavior.
digital marketing, --- omnichannel, --- business model, --- benchmark, --- website --- user survey --- Search Engine Optimization --- Search Engine Advertising --- chat marketing --- mobile users --- native apps --- web apps --- responsive design --- content marketing --- blog --- webinar --- curation --- email marketing --- social networks --- user testing --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing
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Dit boek wil je niet leren schrijven. Dat kan je al. Dit boek wil je wél de technieken aanreiken om met de juiste set van woorden je lezer in beweging te brengen. In actie. Maar dat is niet evident. Want ook al lezen we veel meer dan vroeger, we lezen ook veel oppervlakkiger. Vluchtiger. Je lezer kijkt en klikt zo weg als hij niet meteen een meerwaarde ziet om verder te lezen. Net daarom is copywriting de overtreffende trap van schrijven. Het is dansen op dunne lijnen van bondig, concreet en eenvoud. En tegelijk de lezer, het merk en de deadline recht in de ogen kijken. Maak kennis met de basics van copywriting toegelicht met voorbeelden, onderzoek en oefeningen. Vertaald naar digital copy: SEO, SEA, UX, Conversion Copy en Social Copy. Maar ook Storytelling en Campagne Copy over baselines en headlines wordt stap voor stap toegelicht. En leer zelf om de tone of voice in kaart te brengen.
#KVHA:Communicatiestrategieën --- #KVHA:Copywriting --- #KVHA:Schrijfvaardigheid --- #KVHA:Storytelling --- Schrijven --- Schriftelijke communicatie --- Schriftelijke taalvaardigheid --- Tekstschrijven --- Schrijfstijl --- Schrijftechniek --- Copywriting --- Digitale communicatie --- Storytelling --- Marketingcommunicatie --- Cursus bachelor in de Journalistiek --- 305.8 --- schrijven --- copywriting --- communicatie --- marketingcommunicatie --- schrijfvaardigheden - schrijven --- Advertising. Public relations --- reclamepsychologie --- reclameteksten --- reclameboodschappen --- media-analyse --- adverteren --- Communication écrite Schriftelijke communicatie --- Communication (langue néerlandaise) Communicatie (Nederlandse taal) --- 658.8 --- Bachelor in de journalistiek --- #KVHA:Communicatiestrategieën. --- #KVHA:Copywriting. --- #KVHA:Schrijfvaardigheid. --- #KVHA:Storytelling. --- 658.8. --- Communication (langue néerlandaise) Communicatie (Nederlandse taal). --- Communication écrite Schriftelijke communicatie. --- Copywriting. --- Schrijven. --- Storytelling. --- copywriting. --- marketingcommunicatie. --- schrijfvaardigheden - schrijven. --- schrijven. --- Communicatie. --- horizoncollectie --- 360 --- bedrijfscommunicatie --- pers en communicatie --- presse et communication --- Authorship --- Technieken --- Lezen --- Zoekmachineoptimalisatie --- Search Engine Advertising --- Gebruikerservaring --- Campagne --- Schrijfmethode --- Schrijfstrategie --- Langues --- Étude et enseignement. --- Marketingcommunicatie. --- Étude et enseignement
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