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Les schismes dans l'islam.Introduction à une étude de la religion musulmane
Authors: ---
Year: 1965 Publisher: Paris Editions Payot

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Les Cathares
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ISBN: 2911515285 9782350800448 9782911515286 Year: 2000 Publisher: Vic-en-Bigorre: MSM,

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Hymnes contre les hérésies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2251448225 9782251448220 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris: Les Belles Lettres,

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Le christianisme syriaque nous a légué le troisième corpus littéraire du monde chrétien ancien, le plus important après le grec et le latin. Les écrits poétiques d’Éphrem de Nisibe (306-373) comptent sans aucun doute parmi ses plus belles pages. Les Hymnes contre les hérésies présentées ici, outre leur qualité littéraire, ont la valeur d’un texte de fondation. Alors que la légende veut qu’Édesse, ville-berceau des chrétiens syriaques, ait été convertie au temps de Jésus, le chantre de Nisibe nous fait découvrir l’élaboration complexe de l’« orthodoxie » au IVe siècle, au cœur de multiples courants religieux. C’est cette orthodoxie, construite sur des oppositions, alternant attaque et défense, qui constitua par la suite la « tradition syriaque » tout court.Ces 56 hymnes composent un ensemble théologique à l’architecture admirable où une conception précise de Dieu, du monde, de l’homme et du salut est définie contre des croyances alternatives – celles des systèmes de Bardesane, Marcion et Mani principalement. Elles permettent en creux de mieux connaître les premières formes de christianisme de la région.L’engagement dans la lutte théologique s’incarne dans une écriture poétique dense, qui fourmille d’images entrelaçant allusions bibliques, scènes de la vie courante et monde naturel. Éphrem n’hésite pas à s’adresser à ses destinataires – ses coreligionnaires rassemblés lors de la liturgie – ou à ses adversaires, par de vives interpellations qui viennent animer le texte et lui donner sa force persuasive.

Les sectes
ISBN: 2715410670 9782715410671 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris: Que sais-je ? ,

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Le phénomène sectaire n'est pas nouveau. Il suscite depuis toujours des réactions aussi passionnées que variées de l'individu, de la société comme des Etats. Un regard historique, sociologique et anthropologique sur le fonctionnement interne de ces groupes porteurs de valeurs apparemment religieuses, sur leurs types de dérives possibles mais aussi sur la diversité des réponses politiques aux sectes, permet à Nathalie Luca d'analyser en quoi et comment ces organes sont en rupture avec l'ordre social.

Les schismes dans l'Islam : introduction a une etude de la religion musulmane
Year: 1965 Publisher: Paris : Payot,

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Reading heresy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110555943 3110555948 9783110556827 9783110556032 9783110556834 3110556839 3110556030 3110556820 3110556030 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berlin/Boston

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Heresy studies is a new interdisciplinary, supra-religious, and humanist field of study that focuses on borderlands of dogma, probes the intersections between orthodoxy and heterodoxy, and explores the realms of dissent in religion, art, and literature. Free from confessional agendas and tolerant of both religious and non-religious perspectives, heresy studies fulfill an important gap in scholarly inquiry and artistic production. Divided into four parts, the volume explores intersections between heresy and modern literature, it discusses intricacies of medieval heresies, it analyzes issues of heresy in contemporary theology, and it demonstrates how heresy operates as an artistic stimulant. Rather than treating matters of heresy, blasphemy, unbelief, dissent, and non-conformism as subjects to be shunned or naively championed, the essays in this collection chart a middle course, energized by the dynamics of heterodoxy, dissent, and provocation, yet shining a critical light on both the challenges and the revelations of disruptive kinds of thinking and acting.

La préhistoire des Témoins de Jéhovah
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9791041520800 Year: 2023 Publisher: Sarreguemines Editions de l'AEIMR

Late Medieval heresy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781903153826 1903153824 9781787443327 1787443329 Year: 2018 Publisher: Suffolk Boydell & Brewer

The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate (NHC I, 5): A Study of Determinism and Early Christian Philosophy of Ethics
ISSN: 09292470 ISBN: 9789004407756 9004407758 9789004407763 9004407766 Year: 2019 Volume: 95 Publisher: Brill

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In The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate (NHC I, 5) Paul Linjamaa offers the first full length thematical monograph on the longest Valentinian text extant today. By investigating the ethics of The Tripartite Tractate , this study offers in-depth exploration of the text's ontology, epistemology, theory of will, and passions, as well as the anthropology and social setting of the text. Valentinians have often been associated with determinism, which has been presented as “Gnostic” and then not taken seriously, or been disregarded as an invention of ancient intra-Christian polemics. Linjamaa challenges this conception and presents insights into how early Christian determinism actually worked, and how it effectively sustained viable and functioning ethics.

Contesting Orthodoxy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe : Heresy, Magic and Witchcraft
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783319323848 3319323849 9783319323855 3319323857 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book breaks with three common scholarly barriers of periodization, discipline and geography in its exploration of the related themes of heresy, magic and witchcraft. It sets aside constructed chronological boundaries, and in doing so aims to achieve a clearer picture of what 'went before', as well as what 'came after'. Thus the volume demonstrates continuity as well as change in the concepts and understandings of magic, heresy and witchcraft. In addition, the geographical pattern of similarities and diversities suggests a comparative approach, transcending confessional as well as national borders. Throughout the medieval and early modern period, the orthodoxy of the Christian Church was continuously contested. The challenge of heterodoxy, especially as expressed in various kinds of heresy, magic and witchcraft, was constantly present during the period 1200-1650. Neither contesters nor followers of orthodoxy were homogeneous groups or fractions. They themselves and their ideas changed from one century to the next, from region to region, even from city to city, but within a common framework of interpretation. This collection of essays focuses on this complex. .

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