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AFRH, Armed Forces Retirement Home.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : [Washington, D.C.] : Armed Forces Retirement Home Government Publishing Office,

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The Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH) is an independent Federal agency under the oversight of the Department of Defense Chief Management Officer, which provides residences and services qualified retired and former members of the United States Armed Forces. Their website includes information about the services provdied to residents of the retirement homes, administrative information about the management of the agency and the homes, and social media. The archive also includes a separate site with information about planned development of a portion of the Washington, D.C. campus, and an interactive database that contains maps of the grounds and historical information.

Shenandoah Retirement Home fire, Roanoke County, Virginia (December 14, 1989)
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1990 Publisher: [Emmitsburg, Md.] : Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Fire Administration, National Fire Data Center,

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Sick to death and not going to take it anymore!
ISBN: 0520931424 1417540796 9780520931428 0520243005 9780520243002 9781417540792 Year: 2004 Publisher: Berkeley, Calif. New York University of California Press Milbank Memorial Fund

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Just a few generations ago, serious illness, like hazardous weather, arrived with little warning, and people either lived through it or died. In this important, convincing, and long-overdue call for health care reform, Joanne Lynn demonstrates that our current health system, like our concepts of health and disease, developed at a time when life was mostly short, serious illnesses and disabilities were common at every age, and dying was quick. Today, most Americans live a long life, with the disabilities and discomforts of progressive chronic illness appearing only during the final chapters of their life stories. Sick to Death and Not Going to Take It Anymore! maintains that health care and community services are not set up to meet the needs of the large number of people who face a prolonged period of progressive illness and disability before death. Lynn offers what she calls an "owner's manual for the health care system," which lays out facts, concepts, strategies, and action plans for genuine reform and gives the reader new ways to interpret information creatively, imagine innovative possibilities, and take steps to implement them.

Energy Performance and Indoor Climate Analysis in Buildings
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3039213806 3039213792 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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HVAC systems, load shifting, indoor climate, and energy and ventilation performance analyses are the key topics when improving energy performance in new and renovated buildings. This development has been boosted by the recently established nearly zero energy building requirements that will soon be in use in all EU Member States, as well as similar long-term zero energy building targets in Japan, the US, and other countries. The research covered in this Special Issue provides evidence of how new technical solutions have worked, in practice, in new or renovated buildings, and also discusses problems and how solutions should be further developed. Another focus is on the more detailed calculation methods needed for the correct design and sizing of dedicated systems, and for accurate quantification of energy savings. Occupant behavior and building operation is also examined, in order to avoid common performance gaps between calculated and measured performance. These topics demonstrate the challenge of high performance buildings as, in the end, comfortable buildings with good indoor climate which are easy and cheap to operate and maintain are expected by end customers. Ventilation performance, heating and cooling, sizing, energy predictions and optimization, load shifting, and field studies are some of the key topics in this Special Issue, contributing to the future of high performance buildings with reliable operation.


indoor air quality --- stratification --- chiller plants --- alternate operation --- displacement ventilation --- draught rate --- building --- indoor temperature after renovation --- DHW heating --- daylight factor --- energy --- energy performance modeling --- hybrid displacement device --- building energy modelling --- energy performance of buildings directive --- condenser evaporative precooling --- DHW energy use --- heating mode --- ground source heat pump --- personalized ventilation --- daylight --- existing buildings --- optimal energy management --- cooling --- mixing ventilation --- daylight survey --- user behavior --- local air change effectiveness --- basketball hall --- CFD --- sizing --- electricity use --- control strategy --- HVAC systems --- ventilation --- occupant behavior --- smart readiness indicator --- energy signature --- standard use --- building energy simulation --- outdoor air --- monitoring measurements --- COP --- qualitative control --- wind pressure --- decentralized ventilation unit --- field measurement --- thermal comfort --- student dormitories --- data-driven analysis --- energy performance --- daylight simulations --- air jet --- ISO 52016-1 --- multiple sensor nodes --- downdraught --- energy efficiency --- building pressure condition --- meteorological reanalysis data --- ISO 7730 --- thermal analysis --- Monte Carlo method --- corner impinging jet --- greenhouse --- Pro-GET-onE H2020 --- in situ measurements --- smart buildings --- skin temperature --- retirement home --- demand side management --- indoor climate --- user input data --- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) --- ventilation renovation --- tracer gas --- gray box --- Jaya algorithm --- single room ventilation unit --- satellite-based solar radiation data --- chiller performance --- rooftop air conditioners --- smart grid --- TRNSYS --- stack effect --- space heating --- energy flexibility --- corner mixing ventilation --- load shifting --- heating power --- air exchange effectiveness --- indoor temperature uniformity --- demand response

De sociale verkiezingen ontrafeld
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789400002692 9400002696 Year: 2011 Publisher: Antwerpen: Intersentia,

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Social law. Labour law --- Belgium --- BPB1112 --- 331.152.01 --- Équipement social --- 351.83 --- 34 --- sociale verkiezingen - syndicale verkiezingen --- Sociale voorzieningen --- arbeidswetgeving - arbeidsrecht - sociaal recht (zie ook 331.16) --- recht - wetgeving --- Labor unions --- Elections --- Law and legislation --- Sozialeinrichtung --- sociální zařízení --- установе за збрињавање --- установи за социјална заштита --- social facilities --- socialinės globos įstaigos --- facilitate socială --- sociale voorzieningen --- socialna infrastruktura --- faċilitajiet soċjali --- sociálne zariadenie --- equipamiento social --- sociālā labierīcība --- equipamento social --- social infrastruktur --- sociala inrättningar --- sosiaalisen suojelun laitokset --- κοινωνικός εξοπλισμός --- infrastruktura społeczna --- szociális létesítmény --- ustanova socijalne skrbi --- социална инфраструктура --- attrezzatura sociale --- shërbime lehtësuese sociale --- sotsiaalhoolekandeasutused --- lar --- bujtinë --- hem för vård och boende --- asuntola --- residencia de la tercera edad --- centar za socijalnu skrb --- casa de repouso --- casa di riposo --- orfanato --- domovinka --- dieninės priežiūros centras --- центар за социјална работа --- varmestue --- centar za pomoć i njegu --- azil de bătâni --- asilo para menesterosos --- bejaardenhuis --- Obdachlosenheim --- centro di assistenza sociale --- casa de reposo --- dagcentral --- Wohlfahrtseinrichtung --- léčebna pro dlouhodobě nemocné --- Altenpflegeheim --- rusthuis --- rekreationshjem --- centru de primire minori --- idősek otthona --- κοινωνική υποδομή --- denné centrum --- Auffanglager --- dům s pečovatelskou službou --- nursing home --- day centre --- дом за деца без родители --- hoitokoti --- slaugos namai --- centro de refúgio --- účelové zařízení --- γηροκομείο --- κέντρο στέγασης --- hospice de vieillards --- pečovatelský dům --- ubytovna pro bezdomovce --- päiväkeskus --- verzorgingshuis --- Auffangstelle --- kopmītne --- vårdhem --- pensininkų namai --- vanhainkoti --- domov dôchodcov --- qendër ditore --- asilo de ancianos --- lar de terceira idade --- centru de zi --- stacionář --- centre d'accueil --- shtëpi pleqsh --- plejehjem --- aprūpes nams --- hostel --- dom socijalne skrbi --- centro de alojamento --- centro de acolhimento --- jauniešu viesnīca --- dom umirovljenika --- maison de repos --- hospicio de niños --- foyer --- hajléktalanszálló --- servicebostad --- obiteljski centar --- centro di alloggio --- vanadekodu --- ubytovňa --- infrastruttura sociale --- дневен центар --- ålderdomshem --- Altersheim --- old people's home --- kodutute varjupaik --- centre d'hébergement --- центар за жртви на семејно насилство --- vilohem --- päevakeskus --- senelių namai --- orfelinat --- κέντρο υποδοχής --- szociális otthon --- пензионерски дом --- bendrabutis --- εστία --- οίκος ευγηρίας --- centro associativo --- прифатен центар --- sociālās iestādes --- centru pentru persoane vârstnice --- veco ļaužu pansionāts --- domov důchodců --- lepokoti --- ospizio per anziani --- herberg --- pansionāts --- azil --- opvangcentrum --- centru hospice --- centro di accoglienza --- domov s opatrovateľskou službou --- retirement home --- hooldekodu --- establecimiento benéfico --- residencia de ancianos --- residencia geriátrica --- saoráidí sóisialta --- Belgique --- Équipement social --- Syndicats --- Élections professionnelles --- Droit du travail --- Représentation du personnel --- Droit social

ISBN: 9789403194707 9403194707 Year: 2022 Publisher: Amsterdam De Bezige Bij

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In Hemelrijk vertelt Chris de Stoop het onthutsende verhaal van een zorgcentrum dat, na het bezoek van een sinterklaas, catastrofaal door coronabesmettingen getroffen wordt.In het hart van de Kempen, op de hei, breekt een helse tijd aan wanneer een zorgcentrum na het bezoek van de goede sint getroffen wordt door corona. De sint, mantelzorger voor zijn oude moeder, wordt als superverspreider bestempeld en is een moment lang wereldnieuws.Honderden verzorgingstehuizen kampten met grote uitbraken, duizenden bejaarden stierven als vliegen, maar dit waargebeurde verhaal van een mantelzorger roept nu indringende vragen op over wat er echt gaande was. Hoe is het als je goed wilt doen maar kwaad aanricht? Wat is de nasleep van schuld en schaamte? Waarom is de ene mens minder mens dan de andere?Chris de Stoop, zelf jarenlang mantelzorger, met ook een coronadode onder zijn naasten, brengt een ingetogen kroniek van het drama, vermengd met zijn eigen familie-ervaringen. Een persoonlijk, ontroerend portret van binnenuit.


BPB9999 --- BPB2202 --- coronavirus disease --- bejaarde --- sociale voorzieningen --- zorg voor ouderen --- Sozialeinrichtung --- sociální zařízení --- установе за збрињавање --- équipement social --- установи за социјална заштита --- social facilities --- socialinės globos įstaigos --- saoráidí sóisialta --- facilitate socială --- socialna infrastruktura --- faċilitajiet soċjali --- sociálne zariadenie --- equipamiento social --- sociālā labierīcība --- equipamento social --- social infrastruktur --- sociala inrättningar --- sosiaalisen suojelun laitokset --- κοινωνικός εξοπλισμός --- infrastruktura społeczna --- szociális létesítmény --- ustanova socijalne skrbi --- социална инфраструктура --- attrezzatura sociale --- shërbime lehtësuese sociale --- sotsiaalhoolekandeasutused --- lar --- bujtinë --- hem för vård och boende --- asuntola --- residencia de la tercera edad --- centar za socijalnu skrb --- casa de repouso --- casa di riposo --- orfanato --- domovinka --- dieninės priežiūros centras --- центар за социјална работа --- varmestue --- centar za pomoć i njegu --- azil de bătâni --- asilo para menesterosos --- bejaardenhuis --- Obdachlosenheim --- centro di assistenza sociale --- casa de reposo --- dagcentral --- Wohlfahrtseinrichtung --- léčebna pro dlouhodobě nemocné --- Altenpflegeheim --- rusthuis --- rekreationshjem --- centru de primire minori --- idősek otthona --- κοινωνική υποδομή --- denné centrum --- Auffanglager --- dům s pečovatelskou službou --- nursing home --- day centre --- дом за деца без родители --- hoitokoti --- slaugos namai --- centro de refúgio --- účelové zařízení --- γηροκομείο --- κέντρο στέγασης --- hospice de vieillards --- pečovatelský dům --- ubytovna pro bezdomovce --- päiväkeskus --- verzorgingshuis --- Auffangstelle --- kopmītne --- vårdhem --- pensininkų namai --- vanhainkoti --- domov dôchodcov --- qendër ditore --- asilo de ancianos --- lar de terceira idade --- centru de zi --- stacionář --- centre d'accueil --- shtëpi pleqsh --- plejehjem --- aprūpes nams --- hostel --- dom socijalne skrbi --- centro de alojamento --- centro de acolhimento --- jauniešu viesnīca --- dom umirovljenika --- maison de repos --- hospicio de niños --- foyer --- hajléktalanszálló --- servicebostad --- obiteljski centar --- centro di alloggio --- vanadekodu --- ubytovňa --- infrastruttura sociale --- дневен центар --- ålderdomshem --- Altersheim --- old people's home --- kodutute varjupaik --- centre d'hébergement --- центар за жртви на семејно насилство --- vilohem --- päevakeskus --- senelių namai --- orfelinat --- κέντρο υποδοχής --- szociális otthon --- пензионерски дом --- bendrabutis --- εστία --- οίκος ευγηρίας --- centro associativo --- прифатен центар --- sociālās iestādes --- centru pentru persoane vârstnice --- veco ļaužu pansionāts --- domov důchodců --- lepokoti --- ospizio per anziani --- herberg --- pansionāts --- azil --- opvangcentrum --- centru hospice --- centro di accoglienza --- domov s opatrovateľskou službou --- retirement home --- hooldekodu --- establecimiento benéfico --- residencia de ancianos --- residencia geriátrica --- Coronavirus-Erkrankung --- boala provocată de coronavirus --- marda tal-coronavirus --- koronaviruso sukeliama liga --- koroonaviirushaigus --- coronavirusziekte --- koronavīrusa slimība --- malattia da coronavirus --- doença por coronavírus --- bolest uzrokovana koronavirusom --- ochorenie spôsobené koronavírusom --- koronavirusna bolezen --- koronavírus-betegség --- koronavirustauti --- coronavirusinfektion --- коронавирусна болест --- choroba koronawirusowa --- enfermedad por coronavirus --- νόσος από κορονοϊό --- coronavirussygdom --- galar coróinvíris --- maladie à coronavirus --- onemocnění koronavirem --- Artimųjų Rytų respiracinis sindromas --- αναπνευστικό σύνδρομο της Μέσης Ανατολής --- Sindromu Respiratorju tal-Lvant Nofsani --- Nahost-Atemwegssyndrom --- közel-keleti légzőszervi szindróma --- koronavirové onemocnění --- SARS --- coronavirus pandemic 2019-2020 --- syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient --- közel-keleti légzőszervi tünetegyüttes --- respirační syndrom z Blízkého východu --- sars-cov-1 --- mers --- Lähis-Ida respiratoorne sündroom --- covid-19-tauti --- bliskoistočni akutni respiratorni sindrom --- COVID-19 --- SARS-CoV-1 --- Middle East respiratory syndrome --- COVID --- близкоизточен респираторен синдром --- Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome --- közel-keleti respiratorikus szindróma --- blízkovýchodný respiračný syndróm --- заболяване от коронавирус --- síndrome respiratorio de Oriente Próximo --- SARS-CoV-2 --- síndrome respiratória do Médio Oriente --- Tuvo Austrumu respiratorais sindroms --- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome --- MERS-CoV --- bliskowschodni zespół niewydolności oddechowej --- Middle-East respiratory syndrome --- MERS --- sindrome respiratoria medio-orientale --- közel-keleti légúti szindróma --- Lähi-idän hengitystieoireyhtymä --- coronavirus disease 2019 --- skrb za starejše --- péče o seniory --- cúram do dhaoine aosta --- skrb za starije --- asistencia a las personas de edad avanzada --- Altenpflege --- care for the elderly --- грижи за възрастните --- eakate hoolekanne --- ældrepleje --- pagyvenusių žmonių priežiūra --- грижа за стари лица --- opieka nad osobami starszymi --- vanhusten hoito --- starostlivosť o starších --- assistenza agli anziani --- îngrijirea persoanelor vârstnice --- брига о старима --- indukrar tal-anzjani --- περίθαλψη ηλικιωμένων --- idősek ellátása --- vecu cilvēku aprūpe --- assistência aos idosos --- soins aux personnes âgées --- äldreomsorg --- kujdes për të moshuarit --- assistenza per gli anziani --- asistencia a la vejez --- assistência à terceira idade --- asistencia a ancianos --- Altersfürsorge --- péče o přestárlé --- грижа за стари и изнемоштени лица --- zorg voor bejaarden --- aide aux personnes âgées --- kura għall-anzjani --- помош на стари лица --- péče o staré lidi --- anziano --- person i moshuar --- elderly person --- tercera edad --- staršia osoba --- vanhus --- personne âgée --- osoba starsza --- idős személy --- pessoa idosa --- duine scothaosta --- starejša oseba --- starija osoba --- повозрасно лице --- pagyvenęs žmogus --- ældre person --- anzjan --- eakas inimene --- älterer Mensch --- стара особа --- vecs cilvēks --- starý člověk --- persoane vârstnice --- ηλικιωμένος --- äldre person --- възрастен човек --- terceira idade --- stara osoba --- velho --- gammel mand --- fjärde åldern --- senatvė --- ikääntynyt --- persona anziana --- občan důchodového věku --- vejez --- eakas --- senas žmogus --- terza età --- gammel kvinde --- Greis --- tredje åldern --- osoba v pokročilom veku --- vieillard --- občan třetího věku --- iäkäs henkilö --- senior --- alter Mensch --- old age --- stará osoba --- vecchiaia --- παρήλικας --- quatrième âge --- vanhuus --- γέρος --- stařec --- alderdom --- υπερήλικας --- anciano --- person në moshë --- vanur --- öregkor --- quarta età --- hohes Alter --- vieillesse --- tredje alder --- shtetas i moshuar --- ålderdom --- oude van dagen --- vierte Lebensphase --- velhice --- troisième âge --- quarta idade --- постаро лице --- időskor --- derde leeftijd --- starší osoby --- γήρας --- старо лице --- bătrâni --- vecchio --- pensinio amžiaus žmogus --- ouderdom --- pokročilý vek --- gamle folk --- γηρατειά --- starší občan --- dritte Lebensphase --- τέταρτη ηλικία --- gamla --- τρίτη ηλικία --- viejo --- stáří --- vysokověkost --- stařena --- aged person --- senyvo amžiaus žmogus --- elatanud inimene --- senior citizen --- treća dob --- pokročilý věk --- γέροντας --- old person --- i moshuar --- starost --- moshë e madhe --- vieux --- gamle mennesker --- vecums --- Lebensabend --- åldring --- persona de edad avanzada --- vanadus --- older people --- Dutch literature --- Corona --- Woonzorgcentrum --- NON-FICTIE --- Mantelzorg --- Ouderenzorg --- Coronacrisis

Privaatrechtelijke aspecten van assistentiewoningen onder toepassing van het decreet van 15 februari 2019 betreffende de woonzorg
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789403014234 Year: 2020 Publisher: Mechelen Wolters Kluwer

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zorg voor ouderen --- bejaarde --- sociale voorzieningen --- wetgeving --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- achtú --- legislation --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- législation --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- disposição legislativa --- zakonodavni akt --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- Sozialeinrichtung --- sociální zařízení --- установе за збрињавање --- équipement social --- установи за социјална заштита --- social facilities --- socialinės globos įstaigos --- facilitate socială --- socialna infrastruktura --- faċilitajiet soċjali --- sociálne zariadenie --- equipamiento social --- sociālā labierīcība --- equipamento social --- social infrastruktur --- sociala inrättningar --- sosiaalisen suojelun laitokset --- κοινωνικός εξοπλισμός --- infrastruktura społeczna --- szociális létesítmény --- ustanova socijalne skrbi --- социална инфраструктура --- attrezzatura sociale --- shërbime lehtësuese sociale --- sotsiaalhoolekandeasutused --- lar --- bujtinë --- hem för vård och boende --- asuntola --- residencia de la tercera edad --- centar za socijalnu skrb --- casa de repouso --- casa di riposo --- orfanato --- domovinka --- dieninės priežiūros centras --- центар за социјална работа --- varmestue --- centar za pomoć i njegu --- azil de bătâni --- asilo para menesterosos --- bejaardenhuis --- Obdachlosenheim --- centro di assistenza sociale --- casa de reposo --- dagcentral --- Wohlfahrtseinrichtung --- léčebna pro dlouhodobě nemocné --- Altenpflegeheim --- rusthuis --- rekreationshjem --- centru de primire minori --- idősek otthona --- κοινωνική υποδομή --- denné centrum --- Auffanglager --- dům s pečovatelskou službou --- nursing home --- day centre --- дом за деца без родители --- hoitokoti --- slaugos namai --- centro de refúgio --- účelové zařízení --- γηροκομείο --- κέντρο στέγασης --- hospice de vieillards --- pečovatelský dům --- ubytovna pro bezdomovce --- päiväkeskus --- verzorgingshuis --- Auffangstelle --- kopmītne --- vårdhem --- pensininkų namai --- vanhainkoti --- domov dôchodcov --- qendër ditore --- asilo de ancianos --- lar de terceira idade --- centru de zi --- stacionář --- centre d'accueil --- shtëpi pleqsh --- plejehjem --- aprūpes nams --- hostel --- dom socijalne skrbi --- centro de alojamento --- centro de acolhimento --- jauniešu viesnīca --- dom umirovljenika --- maison de repos --- hospicio de niños --- foyer --- hajléktalanszálló --- servicebostad --- obiteljski centar --- centro di alloggio --- vanadekodu --- ubytovňa --- infrastruttura sociale --- дневен центар --- ålderdomshem --- Altersheim --- old people's home --- kodutute varjupaik --- centre d'hébergement --- центар за жртви на семејно насилство --- vilohem --- päevakeskus --- senelių namai --- orfelinat --- κέντρο υποδοχής --- szociális otthon --- пензионерски дом --- bendrabutis --- εστία --- οίκος ευγηρίας --- centro associativo --- прифатен центар --- sociālās iestādes --- centru pentru persoane vârstnice --- veco ļaužu pansionāts --- domov důchodců --- lepokoti --- ospizio per anziani --- herberg --- pansionāts --- azil --- opvangcentrum --- centru hospice --- centro di accoglienza --- domov s opatrovateľskou službou --- retirement home --- hooldekodu --- establecimiento benéfico --- residencia de ancianos --- residencia geriátrica --- anziano --- person i moshuar --- elderly person --- tercera edad --- staršia osoba --- vanhus --- personne âgée --- osoba starsza --- idős személy --- pessoa idosa --- starejša oseba --- starija osoba --- повозрасно лице --- pagyvenęs žmogus --- ældre person --- anzjan --- eakas inimene --- älterer Mensch --- стара особа --- vecs cilvēks --- starý člověk --- persoane vârstnice --- ηλικιωμένος --- äldre person --- възрастен човек --- terceira idade --- stara osoba --- velho --- gammel mand --- fjärde åldern --- senatvė --- ikääntynyt --- persona anziana --- občan důchodového věku --- vejez --- eakas --- senas žmogus --- terza età --- gammel kvinde --- Greis --- tredje åldern --- osoba v pokročilom veku --- vieillard --- občan třetího věku --- iäkäs henkilö --- senior --- alter Mensch --- old age --- stará osoba --- vecchiaia --- παρήλικας --- quatrième âge --- vanhuus --- γέρος --- stařec --- alderdom --- υπερήλικας --- anciano --- person në moshë --- vanur --- öregkor --- quarta età --- hohes Alter --- vieillesse --- tredje alder --- shtetas i moshuar --- ålderdom --- oude van dagen --- vierte Lebensphase --- velhice --- troisième âge --- quarta idade --- постаро лице --- időskor --- derde leeftijd --- starší osoby --- γήρας --- старо лице --- bătrâni --- vecchio --- pensinio amžiaus žmogus --- ouderdom --- pokročilý vek --- gamle folk --- γηρατειά --- starší občan --- dritte Lebensphase --- τέταρτη ηλικία --- gamla --- τρίτη ηλικία --- viejo --- stáří --- vysokověkost --- stařena --- aged person --- senyvo amžiaus žmogus --- elatanud inimene --- senior citizen --- treća dob --- pokročilý věk --- γέροντας --- old person --- i moshuar --- starost --- moshë e madhe --- vieux --- gamle mennesker --- vecums --- Lebensabend --- åldring --- persona de edad avanzada --- vanadus --- older people --- skrb za starejše --- péče o seniory --- skrb za starije --- asistencia a las personas de edad avanzada --- Altenpflege --- care for the elderly --- грижи за възрастните --- kura għall-anzjani --- eakate hoolekanne --- ældrepleje --- pagyvenusių žmonių priežiūra --- грижа за стари лица --- opieka nad osobami starszymi --- vanhusten hoito --- starostlivosť o starších --- assistenza agli anziani --- îngrijirea persoanelor vârstnice --- брига о старима --- περίθαλψη ηλικιωμένων --- idősek ellátása --- vecu cilvēku aprūpe --- assistência aos idosos --- soins aux personnes âgées --- äldreomsorg --- kujdes për të moshuarit --- asistencia a la vejez --- asistencia a ancianos --- Altersfürsorge --- péče o přestárlé --- грижа за стари и изнемоштени лица --- zorg voor bejaarden --- aide aux personnes âgées --- помош на стари лица --- péče o staré lidi --- Social policy and particular groups --- Law of real property --- Belgium --- BPB2009 --- onroerend eigendom --- België --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- недвижен имот --- fast egendom --- nemovitý majetek --- propiedad inmobiliaria --- ingatlantulajdon --- proprjetà immobbli --- kinnisvara --- непокретна имовина --- недвижимо имущество --- nepremično premoženje --- propriété immobilière --- kiinteä omaisuus --- nehnuteľný majetok --- proprietà immobiliare --- nekretnina --- fast ejendom --- ακίνητη περιουσία --- proprietate imobiliară --- Eigentum an unbeweglichen Sachen --- real property --- pronë e paluajtshme --- nekustamais īpašums --- nekilnojamasis turtas --- propriedade imobiliária --- własność nieruchoma --- kinnisasi --- onroerende zaken --- retsregler om fast ejendom --- diritto immobiliare --- bene immobile --- patrimonio immobiliare --- bem imobiliário --- Liegenschaftsrecht --- kiinteistö --- bien raíz --- bien immeuble --- недвижност --- nekustama lieta --- nepokretna imovina --- droit immobilier --- bien immobilier --- reality --- δικαίωμα επί ακινήτου --- onroerend goed --- имотно право --- kinnisvaraõigus --- Liegenschaft --- real estate --- immovable property --- ligj i pronës së paluajtshme --- земјишна книга --- unbewegliches Vermögen --- bien inmueble --- Grundstück --- právo k nemovitostem --- unbewegliches Gut --- dreptul proprietății imobiliare --- Derecho inmobiliario --- nehnuteľnosť --- onroerende goederen --- bem imóvel --- law of real property --- ακίνητο --- pozemkové vlastnictví --- vlasništvo nad nekretninom --- nekustama manta --- direito imobiliário --- onroerendgoedrecht --- ingatlan tulajdonjoga --- ingatlanon fennálló dologi jog --- urørligt gods --- zákon o nehnuteľnostiach --- kinnisomand --- ακίνητη ιδιοκτησία --- kiinteistöoikeus --- nekilnojamojo turto teisė --- Immobilien --- ingatlan --- inmueble --- Derecho inmobiliario registral --- Immobilieneigentum --- Grundeigentum --- indukrar tal-anzjani --- assistenza per gli anziani --- assistência à terceira idade --- reachtaíocht --- maoin réadach --- saoráidí sóisialta --- cúram do dhaoine aosta --- duine scothaosta --- België --- 100 Recht --- 660 Welzijn --- 665.1 Woonzorgcentra --- 665 Ouderen --- Assistentiewoning --- Privaatrecht --- Woonzorg --- Zorgvastgoed

Tussen woonzorgvoorziening en woonvoorziening
ISBN: 9789046553268 9046553264 Year: 2013 Volume: *47 Publisher: Mechelen: Kluwer,

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Law of obligations. Law of contract --- vastgoed --- privaatrecht --- Law of real property --- serviceflats --- Social policy and particular groups --- Belgium --- Centers for elderly --- Centers for older people --- Elderly centers --- Habitation pour personnes âgées --- Older people, Centers for --- Senior centers --- Seniories --- Serviceflats --- Serviceresidenties --- BPB1305 --- Belgique --- Propriété immobilière --- Équipement social --- Personne âgée --- bejaardenbeleid --- onroerende goederen --- soins de sante --- assistent --- 347.4 <493> --- 347.451 <493> --- België --- Onroerend eigendom --- Sociale voorzieningen --- Bejaarde --- politique des seniors --- biens immobiliers --- gezondheidszorg --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- Koop. Verkoop. Afstand--(verbintenissenrecht)--België --- 347.451 <493> Koop. Verkoop. Afstand--(verbintenissenrecht)--België --- 347.4 <493> Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- Old age homes --- Flanders (Belgium) --- Law and legislation --- Older people --- Housing --- Propriété immobilière --- Équipement social --- Personne âgée --- België --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- Koop. Verkoop. Afstand--(verbintenissenrecht)--België --- anziano --- person i moshuar --- elderly person --- tercera edad --- staršia osoba --- vanhus --- osoba starsza --- idős személy --- bejaarde --- pessoa idosa --- starejša oseba --- starija osoba --- повозрасно лице --- pagyvenęs žmogus --- ældre person --- anzjan --- eakas inimene --- älterer Mensch --- стара особа --- vecs cilvēks --- starý člověk --- persoane vârstnice --- ηλικιωμένος --- äldre person --- възрастен човек --- terceira idade --- stara osoba --- velho --- gammel mand --- fjärde åldern --- senatvė --- ikääntynyt --- persona anziana --- občan důchodového věku --- vejez --- eakas --- senas žmogus --- terza età --- gammel kvinde --- Greis --- tredje åldern --- osoba v pokročilom veku --- vieillard --- občan třetího věku --- iäkäs henkilö --- senior --- alter Mensch --- old age --- stará osoba --- vecchiaia --- παρήλικας --- quatrième âge --- vanhuus --- γέρος --- stařec --- alderdom --- υπερήλικας --- anciano --- person në moshë --- vanur --- öregkor --- quarta età --- hohes Alter --- vieillesse --- tredje alder --- shtetas i moshuar --- ålderdom --- oude van dagen --- vierte Lebensphase --- velhice --- troisième âge --- quarta idade --- постаро лице --- időskor --- derde leeftijd --- starší osoby --- γήρας --- старо лице --- bătrâni --- vecchio --- pensinio amžiaus žmogus --- ouderdom --- pokročilý vek --- gamle folk --- γηρατειά --- starší občan --- dritte Lebensphase --- τέταρτη ηλικία --- gamla --- τρίτη ηλικία --- viejo --- stáří --- vysokověkost --- stařena --- aged person --- senyvo amžiaus žmogus --- elatanud inimene --- senior citizen --- treća dob --- pokročilý věk --- γέροντας --- old person --- i moshuar --- starost --- moshë e madhe --- vieux --- gamle mennesker --- vecums --- Lebensabend --- åldring --- persona de edad avanzada --- vanadus --- older people --- Sozialeinrichtung --- sociální zařízení --- установе за збрињавање --- установи за социјална заштита --- social facilities --- socialinės globos įstaigos --- facilitate socială --- sociale voorzieningen --- socialna infrastruktura --- faċilitajiet soċjali --- sociálne zariadenie --- equipamiento social --- sociālā labierīcība --- equipamento social --- social infrastruktur --- sociala inrättningar --- sosiaalisen suojelun laitokset --- κοινωνικός εξοπλισμός --- infrastruktura społeczna --- szociális létesítmény --- ustanova socijalne skrbi --- социална инфраструктура --- attrezzatura sociale --- shërbime lehtësuese sociale --- sotsiaalhoolekandeasutused --- lar --- bujtinë --- hem för vård och boende --- asuntola --- residencia de la tercera edad --- centar za socijalnu skrb --- casa de repouso --- casa di riposo --- orfanato --- domovinka --- dieninės priežiūros centras --- центар за социјална работа --- varmestue --- centar za pomoć i njegu --- azil de bătâni --- asilo para menesterosos --- bejaardenhuis --- Obdachlosenheim --- centro di assistenza sociale --- casa de reposo --- dagcentral --- Wohlfahrtseinrichtung --- léčebna pro dlouhodobě nemocné --- Altenpflegeheim --- rusthuis --- rekreationshjem --- centru de primire minori --- idősek otthona --- κοινωνική υποδομή --- denné centrum --- Auffanglager --- dům s pečovatelskou službou --- nursing home --- day centre --- дом за деца без родители --- hoitokoti --- slaugos namai --- centro de refúgio --- účelové zařízení --- γηροκομείο --- κέντρο στέγασης --- hospice de vieillards --- pečovatelský dům --- ubytovna pro bezdomovce --- päiväkeskus --- verzorgingshuis --- Auffangstelle --- kopmītne --- vårdhem --- pensininkų namai --- vanhainkoti --- domov dôchodcov --- qendër ditore --- asilo de ancianos --- lar de terceira idade --- centru de zi --- stacionář --- centre d'accueil --- shtëpi pleqsh --- plejehjem --- aprūpes nams --- hostel --- dom socijalne skrbi --- centro de alojamento --- centro de acolhimento --- jauniešu viesnīca --- dom umirovljenika --- maison de repos --- hospicio de niños --- foyer --- hajléktalanszálló --- servicebostad --- obiteljski centar --- centro di alloggio --- vanadekodu --- ubytovňa --- infrastruttura sociale --- дневен центар --- ålderdomshem --- Altersheim --- old people's home --- kodutute varjupaik --- centre d'hébergement --- центар за жртви на семејно насилство --- vilohem --- päevakeskus --- senelių namai --- orfelinat --- κέντρο υποδοχής --- szociális otthon --- пензионерски дом --- bendrabutis --- εστία --- οίκος ευγηρίας --- centro associativo --- прифатен центар --- sociālās iestādes --- centru pentru persoane vârstnice --- veco ļaužu pansionāts --- domov důchodců --- lepokoti --- ospizio per anziani --- herberg --- pansionāts --- azil --- opvangcentrum --- centru hospice --- centro di accoglienza --- domov s opatrovateľskou službou --- retirement home --- hooldekodu --- establecimiento benéfico --- residencia de ancianos --- residencia geriátrica --- недвижен имот --- fast egendom --- nemovitý majetek --- propiedad inmobiliaria --- ingatlantulajdon --- proprjetà immobbli --- kinnisvara --- непокретна имовина --- недвижимо имущество --- nepremično premoženje --- kiinteä omaisuus --- nehnuteľný majetok --- proprietà immobiliare --- nekretnina --- fast ejendom --- ακίνητη περιουσία --- proprietate imobiliară --- Eigentum an unbeweglichen Sachen --- real property --- pronë e paluajtshme --- nekustamais īpašums --- nekilnojamasis turtas --- onroerend eigendom --- propriedade imobiliária --- własność nieruchoma --- kinnisasi --- onroerende zaken --- retsregler om fast ejendom --- diritto immobiliare --- bene immobile --- patrimonio immobiliare --- bem imobiliário --- Liegenschaftsrecht --- kiinteistö --- bien raíz --- bien immeuble --- недвижност --- nekustama lieta --- nepokretna imovina --- droit immobilier --- bien immobilier --- reality --- δικαίωμα επί ακινήτου --- onroerend goed --- имотно право --- kinnisvaraõigus --- Liegenschaft --- real estate --- immovable property --- ligj i pronës së paluajtshme --- земјишна книга --- unbewegliches Vermögen --- bien inmueble --- Grundstück --- právo k nemovitostem --- unbewegliches Gut --- dreptul proprietății imobiliare --- Derecho inmobiliario --- nehnuteľnosť --- bem imóvel --- law of real property --- ακίνητο --- pozemkové vlastnictví --- vlasništvo nad nekretninom --- nekustama manta --- direito imobiliário --- onroerendgoedrecht --- ingatlan tulajdonjoga --- ingatlanon fennálló dologi jog --- urørligt gods --- zákon o nehnuteľnostiach --- kinnisomand --- ακίνητη ιδιοκτησία --- kiinteistöoikeus --- nekilnojamojo turto teisė --- Immobilien --- ingatlan --- inmueble --- Derecho inmobiliario registral --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Immobilieneigentum --- Grundeigentum --- Proprie&#x301;te&#x301; immobilie&#x300;re --- E&#x301;quipement social --- Personne a&#x302;ge&#x301;e --- star&#x161;ia osoba --- id&#x151;s szem&#xE9;ly --- starej&#x161;a oseba --- &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x43E;&#x437;&#x440;&#x430;&#x441;&#x43D;&#x43E; &#x43B;&#x438;&#x446;&#x435 --- pagyven&#x119;s &#x17E;mogus --- &#xE6;ldre person --- &#xE4;lterer Mensch --- &#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x440;&#x430; &#x43E;&#x441;&#x43E;&#x431;&#x430 --- vecs cilv&#x113;ks --- star&#xFD; &#x10D;lov&#x11B;k --- persoane v&#xE2;rstnice --- &#x3B7;&#x3BB;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3B9;&#x3C9;&#x3BC;&#x3AD;&#x3BD;&#x3BF;&#x3C2 --- &#xE4;ldre person --- &#x432;&#x44A;&#x437;&#x440;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43D; &#x447;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x435;&#x43A --- fj&#xE4;rde &#xE5;ldern --- senatv&#x117 --- ik&#xE4;&#xE4;ntynyt --- ob&#x10D;an d&#x16F;chodov&#xE9;ho v&#x11B;ku --- senas &#x17E;mogus --- terza et&#xE0 --- tredje &#xE5;ldern --- osoba v pokro&#x10D;ilom veku --- ob&#x10D;an t&#x159;et&#xED;ho v&#x11B;ku --- i&#xE4;k&#xE4;s henkil&#xF6 --- star&#xE1; osoba --- &#x3C0;&#x3B1;&#x3C1;&#x3AE;&#x3BB;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3B1;&#x3C2 --- quatri&#xE8;me &#xE2;ge --- &#x3B3;&#x3AD;&#x3C1;&#x3BF;&#x3C2 --- sta&#x159;ec --- &#x3C5;&#x3C0;&#x3B5;&#x3C1;&#x3AE;&#x3BB;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3B1;&#x3C2 --- person n&#xEB; mosh&#xEB --- &#xF6;regkor --- quarta et&#xE0 --- &#xE5;lderdom --- troisi&#xE8;me &#xE2;ge --- &#x43F;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x440;&#x43E; &#x43B;&#x438;&#x446;&#x435 --- id&#x151;skor --- star&#x161;&#xED; osoby --- &#x3B3;&#x3AE;&#x3C1;&#x3B1;&#x3C2 --- &#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x440;&#x43E; &#x43B;&#x438;&#x446;&#x435 --- b&#x103;tr&#xE2;ni --- pensinio am&#x17E;iaus &#x17E;mogus --- pokro&#x10D;il&#xFD; vek --- &#x3B3;&#x3B7;&#x3C1;&#x3B1;&#x3C4;&#x3B5;&#x3B9;&#x3AC --- star&#x161;&#xED; ob&#x10D;an --- &#x3C4;&#x3AD;&#x3C4;&#x3B1;&#x3C1;&#x3C4;&#x3B7; &#x3B7;&#x3BB;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3AF;&#x3B1 --- &#x3C4;&#x3C1;&#x3AF;&#x3C4;&#x3B7; &#x3B7;&#x3BB;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3AF;&#x3B1 --- st&#xE1;&#x159;&#xED --- vysokov&#x11B;kost --- sta&#x159;ena --- senyvo am&#x17E;iaus &#x17E;mogus --- tre&#x107;a dob --- pokro&#x10D;il&#xFD; v&#x11B;k --- &#x3B3;&#x3AD;&#x3C1;&#x3BF;&#x3BD;&#x3C4;&#x3B1;&#x3C2 --- mosh&#xEB; e madhe --- &#xE5;ldring --- soci&#xE1;ln&#xED; za&#x159;&#xED;zen&#xED --- &#x443;&#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x435; &#x437;&#x430; &#x437;&#x431;&#x440;&#x438;&#x45A;&#x430;&#x432;&#x430;&#x45A;&#x435 --- &#x443;&#x441;&#x442;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x438; &#x437;&#x430; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x446;&#x438;&#x458;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x43D;&#x430; &#x437;&#x430;&#x448;&#x442;&#x438;&#x442;&#x430 --- socialin&#x117;s globos &#x12F;staigos --- facilitate social&#x103 --- fa&#x10B;ilitajiet so&#x10B;jali --- soci&#xE1;lne zariadenie --- soci&#x101;l&#x101; labier&#x12B;c&#x12B;ba --- sociala inr&#xE4;ttningar --- &#x3BA;&#x3BF;&#x3B9;&#x3BD;&#x3C9;&#x3BD;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3CC;&#x3C2; &#x3B5;&#x3BE;&#x3BF;&#x3C0;&#x3BB;&#x3B9;&#x3C3;&#x3BC;&#x3CC;&#x3C2 --- infrastruktura spo&#x142;eczna --- szoci&#xE1;lis l&#xE9;tes&#xED;tm&#xE9;ny --- &#x441;&#x43E;&#x446;&#x438;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x43D;&#x430; &#x438;&#x43D;&#x444;&#x440;&#x430;&#x441;&#x442;&#x440;&#x443;&#x43A;&#x442;&#x443;&#x440;&#x430 --- sh&#xEB;rbime leht&#xEB;suese sociale --- bujtin&#xEB --- hem f&#xF6;r v&#xE5;rd och boende --- dienin&#x117;s prie&#x17E;i&#x16B;ros centras --- &#x446;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x430;&#x440; &#x437;&#x430; &#x441;&#x43E;&#x446;&#x438;&#x458;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x43D;&#x430; &#x440;&#x430;&#x431;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x430 --- centar za pomo&#x107; i njegu --- azil de b&#x103;t&#xE2;ni --- l&#xE9;&#x10D;ebna pro dlouhodob&#x11B; nemocn&#xE9 --- id&#x151;sek otthona --- &#x3BA;&#x3BF;&#x3B9;&#x3BD;&#x3C9;&#x3BD;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3AE; &#x3C5;&#x3C0;&#x3BF;&#x3B4;&#x3BF;&#x3BC;&#x3AE --- denn&#xE9; centrum --- d&#x16F;m s pe&#x10D;ovatelskou slu&#x17E;bou --- &#x434;&#x43E;&#x43C; &#x437;&#x430; &#x434;&#x435;&#x446;&#x430; &#x431;&#x435;&#x437; &#x440;&#x43E;&#x434;&#x438;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x438 --- centro de ref&#xFA;gio --- &#xFA;&#x10D;elov&#xE9; za&#x159;&#xED;zen&#xED --- &#x3B3;&#x3B7;&#x3C1;&#x3BF;&#x3BA;&#x3BF;&#x3BC;&#x3B5;&#x3AF;&#x3BF --- &#x3BA;&#x3AD;&#x3BD;&#x3C4;&#x3C1;&#x3BF; &#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3AD;&#x3B3;&#x3B1;&#x3C3;&#x3B7;&#x3C2 --- pe&#x10D;ovatelsk&#xFD; d&#x16F;m --- p&#xE4;iv&#xE4;keskus --- kopm&#x12B;tne --- v&#xE5;rdhem --- pensinink&#x173; namai --- domov d&#xF4;chodcov --- qend&#xEB;r ditore --- stacion&#xE1;&#x159 --- sht&#xEB;pi pleqsh --- apr&#x16B;pes nams --- jaunie&#x161;u viesn&#x12B;ca --- hospicio de ni&#xF1;os --- hajl&#xE9;ktalansz&#xE1;ll&#xF3 --- ubytov&#x148;a --- &#x434;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x432;&#x435;&#x43D; &#x446;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x430;&#x440 --- &#xE5;lderdomshem --- centre d'h&#xE9;bergement --- &#x446;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x430;&#x440; &#x437;&#x430; &#x436;&#x440;&#x442;&#x432;&#x438; &#x43D;&#x430; &#x441;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x435;&#x458;&#x43D;&#x43E; &#x43D;&#x430;&#x441;&#x438;&#x43B;&#x441;&#x442;&#x432;&#x43E --- p&#xE4;evakeskus --- seneli&#x173; namai --- &#x3BA;&#x3AD;&#x3BD;&#x3C4;&#x3C1;&#x3BF; &#x3C5;&#x3C0;&#x3BF;&#x3B4;&#x3BF;&#x3C7;&#x3AE;&#x3C2 --- szoci&#xE1;lis otthon --- &#x43F;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x437;&#x438;&#x43E;&#x43D;&#x435;&#x440;&#x441;&#x43A;&#x438; &#x434;&#x43E;&#x43C --- &#x3B5;&#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3AF;&#x3B1 --- &#x3BF;&#x3AF;&#x3BA;&#x3BF;&#x3C2; &#x3B5;&#x3C5;&#x3B3;&#x3B7;&#x3C1;&#x3AF;&#x3B1;&#x3C2 --- &#x43F;&#x440;&#x438;&#x444;&#x430;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43D; &#x446;&#x435;&#x43D;&#x442;&#x430;&#x440 --- soci&#x101;l&#x101;s iest&#x101;des --- centru pentru persoane v&#xE2;rstnice --- veco &#x13C;au&#x17E;u pansion&#x101;ts --- domov d&#x16F;chodc&#x16F --- pansion&#x101;ts --- domov s opatrovate&#x13E;skou slu&#x17E;bou --- establecimiento ben&#xE9;fico --- residencia geri&#xE1;trica --- &#x43D;&#x435;&#x434;&#x432;&#x438;&#x436;&#x435;&#x43D; &#x438;&#x43C;&#x43E;&#x442 --- nemovit&#xFD; majetek --- proprjet&#xE0; immobbli --- &#x43D;&#x435;&#x43F;&#x43E;&#x43A;&#x440;&#x435;&#x442;&#x43D;&#x430; &#x438;&#x43C;&#x43E;&#x432;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x430 --- &#x43D;&#x435;&#x434;&#x432;&#x438;&#x436;&#x438;&#x43C;&#x43E; &#x438;&#x43C;&#x443;&#x449;&#x435;&#x441;&#x442;&#x432;&#x43E --- nepremi&#x10D;no premo&#x17E;enje --- kiinte&#xE4; omaisuus --- nehnute&#x13E;n&#xFD; majetok --- propriet&#xE0; immobiliare --- &#x3B1;&#x3BA;&#x3AF;&#x3BD;&#x3B7;&#x3C4;&#x3B7; &#x3C0;&#x3B5;&#x3C1;&#x3B9;&#x3BF;&#x3C5;&#x3C3;&#x3AF;&#x3B1 --- proprietate imobiliar&#x103 --- pron&#xEB; e paluajtshme --- nekustamais &#x12B;pa&#x161;ums --- propriedade imobili&#xE1;ria --- w&#x142;asno&#x15B;&#x107; nieruchoma --- bem imobili&#xE1;rio --- kiinteist&#xF6 --- bien ra&#xED;z --- &#x43D;&#x435;&#x434;&#x432;&#x438;&#x436;&#x43D;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x442 --- &#x3B4;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3B1;&#x3AF;&#x3C9;&#x3BC;&#x3B1; &#x3B5;&#x3C0;&#x3AF; &#x3B1;&#x3BA;&#x3B9;&#x3BD;&#x3AE;&#x3C4;&#x3BF;&#x3C5 --- &#x438;&#x43C;&#x43E;&#x442;&#x43D;&#x43E; &#x43F;&#x440;&#x430;&#x432;&#x43E --- kinnisvara&#xF5;igus --- ligj i pron&#xEB;s s&#xEB; paluajtshme --- &#x437;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x458;&#x438;&#x448;&#x43D;&#x430; &#x43A;&#x43D;&#x438;&#x433;&#x430 --- unbewegliches Verm&#xF6;gen --- Grundst&#xFC;ck --- pr&#xE1;vo k nemovitostem --- dreptul propriet&#x103;&#x21B;ii imobiliare --- nehnute&#x13E;nos&#x165 --- bem im&#xF3;vel --- &#x3B1;&#x3BA;&#x3AF;&#x3BD;&#x3B7;&#x3C4;&#x3BF --- pozemkov&#xE9; vlastnictv&#xED --- vlasni&#x161;tvo nad nekretninom --- direito imobili&#xE1;rio --- ingatlanon fenn&#xE1;ll&#xF3; dologi jog --- ur&#xF8;rligt gods --- z&#xE1;kon o nehnute&#x13E;nostiach --- &#x3B1;&#x3BA;&#x3AF;&#x3BD;&#x3B7;&#x3C4;&#x3B7; &#x3B9;&#x3B4;&#x3B9;&#x3BF;&#x3BA;&#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3C3;&#x3AF;&#x3B1 --- kiinteist&#xF6;oikeus --- nekilnojamojo turto teis&#x117 --- B&#xE9;lgica --- Belgi&#xEB --- Be&#x13C;&#x123;ija --- &#x411;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x433;&#x438;&#x458;&#x430 --- &#x411;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x433;&#x438;&#x44F --- il-Bel&#x121;ju --- &#x392;&#x3AD;&#x3BB;&#x3B3;&#x3B9;&#x3BF --- Be&#x13C;&#x123;ijas Karaliste --- Belgick&#xE9; kr&#xE1;&#x13E;ovstvo --- Koninkrijk Belgi&#xEB --- Belgijos Karalyst&#x117 --- das K&#xF6;nigreich Belgien --- &#x392;&#x3B1;&#x3C3;&#x3AF;&#x3BB;&#x3B5;&#x3B9;&#x3BF; &#x3C4;&#x3BF;&#x3C5; &#x392;&#x3B5;&#x3BB;&#x3B3;&#x3AF;&#x3BF;&#x3C5 --- &#x41A;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x441;&#x442;&#x432;&#x43E; &#x411;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x433;&#x438;&#x458;&#x430 --- &#x41A;&#x440;&#x430;&#x459;&#x435;&#x432;&#x438;&#x43D;&#x430; &#x411;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x433;&#x438;&#x458;&#x430 --- Belgick&#xE9; kr&#xE1;lovstv&#xED --- Reino de B&#xE9;lgica --- ir-Renju tal-Bel&#x121;ju --- &#x41A;&#x440;&#x430;&#x43B;&#x441;&#x442;&#x432;&#x43E; &#x411;&#x435;&#x43B;&#x433;&#x438;&#x44F --- Mbret&#xEB;ria e Belgjik&#xEB;s --- Belga Kir&#xE1;lys&#xE1;g --- Kr&#xF3;lestwo Belgii --- Reino da B&#xE9;lgica --- 347.451 <493> Koop. Verkoop. Afstand--(verbintenissenrecht)--Belgi&#xEB --- Koop. Verkoop. Afstand--(verbintenissenrecht)--Belgi&#xEB --- 347.4 <493> Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--Belgi&#xEB --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--Belgi&#xEB --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--Belgie&#x308 --- Koop. Verkoop. Afstand--(verbintenissenrecht)--Belgie&#x308 --- duine scothaosta --- saoráidí sóisialta --- maoin réadach

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