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Vielfalt des Religiösen : Mittelalterliche Literatur im postsäkularen Kontext

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The phenomena of religious pluralization in medieval texts can be observed not just in dramatic transgressions but also in subtle variations. The contributions in this volume sound out these intra- and interreligious spaces from the perspectives of semantics, narratology, and discourse and transmission history, providing new insights into the diversification of religious difference in the pre-modern period. Während sich die Forschungsdiskussion zur Vielfalt religiöser Texte des Mittelalters zumeist auf spektakuläre Zuspitzungen und dramatische Überschreitungen konzentrierte, schlagen die Beiträge des Bandes eine andere Perspektive vor. Pluralisierung und Phänomene der Vervielfältigung werden auf ihre grundlegenden Bedingungen hin untersucht, um auch weniger radikale Formen von Vielfalt und allgemeinere Spielräume sichtbar zu machen, in denen vormoderne Texte intra- und interreligiöse Differenz zulassen und bearbeiten. Ausgehend von semantischen, narratologischen, diskurs- und überlieferungs-geschichtlichen Aspekten erkunden die Beiträge die unterschiedlichen Ausrichtungen, Integrationsformen, Bestimmungen und Bewertungen dieser Spielräume. ,Postsäkulare' Perspektiven werden dabei von pluralistischen Gesellschaften der Gegenwart zu der systematischen Frage umgelenkt, in welcher Form religiöse Texte des Mittelalters plurale Differenzen ermöglichten, erzeugten oder verarbeiteten. Ziel des Bandes ist so ein komplementärer Blick auf Spielräume, die nicht nur von markanten Leitdifferenzen, Überschreitungen und Übertragungen geprägt sind, sondern ebenso sehr von feinen Unterschieden leben.

La cohabitation des Dieux : Pluralité religieuse et laïcité
ISBN: 213073863X 9782130744313 2130744311 9782130738633 Year: 2004 Publisher: Paris (6, avenue Reille 75685) : P.U.F.,

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Malgré les crispations identitaires, les rencontres entre membres ou responsables de diverses religions se multiplient et prennent la forme d'événements publics auxquels participent même des élus, de conférences et d'actions communes au service du "vivre ensemble". S'appuyant sur la première enquête réalisée auprès d'associations et d'acteurs religieux, cet ouvrage montre comment laïcité et identités religieuses sont mises au défi de cette pluralité et oscillent entre crainte, mésestime et reconnaissance.

Religiöse Pluralitäten - Umbrüche in der Wahrnehmung religiöser Vielfalt in Deutschland
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3839451906 3837651908 9783839451908 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Unsere Alltagswelt gilt heute als zunehmend religiös pluralisiert. Führt aber die Wahrnehmung religiöser Pluralität zu einem »Plausibilitätsverlust« von Religion, wie dies Peter L. Berger konstatierte? Oder führt sie eher in eine Fundamentalisierung der eigenen Religion, wie Markttheorien dies zur Ausbildung von starken Marken nahelegen? Aus biografie- und diskursanalytischer Perspektive ergibt sich ein ganz anderes Bild: Sowohl generative Aspekte der Religionsgeschichte der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts als auch ein multi-relationales Netz aus biografischen Bedeutungen von Religion, das dem herkömmlichen Verständnis einer, wenn auch prozesshaft gedachten, religiösen Identität zuwiderläuft, treten hierbei zutage. »Das Buch zeigt, in welche gesellschaftlichen und persönlichen Deutungsdynamiken die Religion der anderen verstrickt ist und so das eigene Verhältnis zu Religion mit reguliert.« Oliver Neumann,, 17.10.2020

What is Religion?,
ISSN: 01698834 ISBN: 9004110224 9004379045 9789004110229 9789004379046 Year: 1998 Volume: 81 Publisher: Leiden,Boston Brill

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What is Religion? consists of fourteen essays written by a selection of scholars who represent a wide spectrum of approaches to the acedamic study of religion. Each of the essays is an effort not only to take stock of the present controversy concerning appropriate methodologies for the study of religion, but also to take one giant step beyond that to formulate a precise definition of religion. Given the considerable confusion today about what it is exactly that religious studies scholars take to be their subject matter when they presume to professionally teachabout religion, this volume provides a much needed forum for leading scholars to debate and clarify what professors of religious studies understand as the central object or objects under their scrunity.

Freedom of Religion and Belief: Europe's Story
Authors: ---
ISBN: 902323846X Year: 2002 Publisher: Assen Koninklijke Van Gorcum B.V.

Integrative religious education in Europe : a study-of-religions approach
ISBN: 3110971348 9783110971347 3110196611 9783110196610 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter,

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This book is a contribution to the development of the young discipline of the didactics of the Study of Religions (Religionswissenschaft) in international perspective. Integrative religious education refers to education about different religions in classrooms with children of various religious and non-religious backgrounds. Cornerstones of recent debates about theory and methodology in the academic study of religions and in education are discussed in the first chapter. They form the basis of the following analysis and evaluation of current approaches to integrative religious education in Europe, with a special focus on England and Sweden. Particular attention is paid to the different underlying concepts of religion, education and ways of representing religious plurality in these approaches. Building on a discussion of the current situation of teaching and learning about religions in schools in Europe in the context of wider cultural, social and political debates, the book concludes with the suggestion of a framework for integrative religious education in Europe, from a perspective that combines insights from the study of religions and education.

Religious Education Faces the Challenge of Religious Plurality : A Qualitative-Empirical Study in Vienna
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3830984952 3830934955 9783830984955 9783830934950 Year: 2016 Publisher: Münster Waxmann

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In Europe RE in schools is predominantly organised denominationally. Growing religious plurality in particular is increasingly presenting a challenge for this organisational model. The question of how RE should be organised is currently the subject of controversial debate within the field of religious education studies. Is an alternative format even thinkable for those who hold responsibility for RE in schools? This study dedicates itself to Vienna, which like other European cities, is characterised by a high degree of religious plurality. The study employs a qualitative-empirical approach, in order to take a close look at the discourse around RE within two schools for upper secondary education, where it is coming up against its organisational limits. This study analyses group discussions with RE teachers and with members of the school community committee (an elected body consisting of teacher, pupil and parent representatives, as well as the head of school). Research into these often implicit attitudes towards religion and RE is vital for the development of future oriented forms of RE. This study consequently offers a valuable contribution to context sensitive religious education studies. Die Studie besticht durch die sorgfältige Einbettung in den religionspädagogischen Diskurs um verschiedene Modelle des Religionsunterrichts und den hierfür relevanten empirischen Indizien. [...] Was die Arbeit von Klutz [...] leistet, ist ein Vademecum an hilfreichen Fragen bei der Implementierung jeglicher neuer Unterrichtsmodelle oder generell bei der Bewältigung von Schulentwicklungsprozessen, die doch allzu häufig ,top down' diktiert werden. - Dominik Helbling in: Österreichisches Religionspädagogisches Forum

Archeologies of confession : writing the German Reformation, 1517-2017
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781785335402 1785335405 9781785335419 1785335413 9781789204964 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Berghahn

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"Modern religious identities are rooted in collective memories that are constantly made and remade across generations. How do these mutations of memory distort our picture of historical change and the ways that historical actors perceive it? Can one give voice to those whom history has forgotten? The essays collected here examine the formation of religious identities during the Reformation in Germany through case studies of remembering and forgetting--instances in which patterns and practices of religious plurality were excised from historical memory. By tracing their ramifications through the centuries, Archeologies of Confession carefully reconstructs the often surprising histories of plurality that have otherwise been lost or obscured"--Provided by publisher.


Church historians --- Collective memory --- Geschichtsschreibung. --- Identification (Religion) --- Reformation --- Reformation. --- Religious pluralism --- Social aspects --- Historiography --- Germany --- Church history --- Historiography. --- Religious life and customs --- 284.1 <09> --- Historians, Church --- Historians --- Pluralism (Religion) --- Pluralism --- Religion --- Religions --- Protestant Reformation --- Counter-Reformation --- Protestantism --- 284.1 <09> Lutheraanse hervorming. Reformatie van Luther--Geschiedenis --- Lutheraanse hervorming. Reformatie van Luther--Geschiedenis --- Identity (Religion) --- Religious identity --- Psychology, Religious --- Social aspects&delete& --- History --- Weimar Republic --- Germanii︠a︡ --- Германия --- BRD --- FRN --- Jirmānīya --- جرمانيا --- Nimechchyna --- Gjermani --- Federalʹna Respublika Nimechchyny --- Veĭmarskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Ashkenaz --- Germanyah --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Deutschland --- Repoblika Federalin'i Alemana --- República Federal de Alemania --- Alemania --- República de Alemania --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Kholboony Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- KhBNGU --- ХБНГУ --- German Uls --- Germania --- Republika Federal Alemmana --- Deutsches Reich --- Grossdeutsches Reich --- Weimarer Republik --- Vācijā --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : British Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : French Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : Russian Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) --- Germany (East) --- Germany (West) --- Holy Roman Empire --- ドイツ --- Doitsu --- ドイツ連邦共和国 --- Doitsu Renpō Kyōwakoku --- 284.1 <43> "..." --- 284.1 <43> "..." Evangelische Kerk in Duitsland--"tijd" --- Evangelische Kerk in Duitsland--"tijd" --- ドイツ レンポウ キョウワコク --- Christian church history --- History of Germany and Austria --- anno 1500-1799 --- anno 1800-1999 --- Deguo --- 德国 --- Gėrman --- Герман Улс --- christianity. --- collection of essays. --- essays about reformation in germany. --- formation of religious identities. --- germany. --- modern religious identities. --- ramifications through centuries. --- religious plurality. --- studies of remembering and forgetting. --- surprising histories of plurality.

Social compass.

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Social compass provides a unique forum for all scholars in sociology, anthropology, religious studies and theology concerned with the sociology of religion. Each issue is devoted to a coherent thematic debate on a key issue in current social scientific research on religion in society.


Sociology of religion --- Périodiques --- Tijdschriften --- Religion and sociology --- Sociologie religieuse --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities. --- Religion --- Society and Culture --- General and Others. --- Social Sciences. --- Religion and sociology. --- 316:2 <05> --- Godsdienstsociologie--Tijdschriften --- Arts and Humanities --- General and Others --- Social Sciences --- 316:2 <05> Godsdienstsociologie--Tijdschriften --- Périodiques --- EJRELIG EJSOCIA EPUB-ALPHA-S EPUB-PER-FT SAGE-E --- Religion and society --- Religious sociology --- Society and religion --- Sociology, Religious --- Sociology and religion --- Sociology --- Religion and sociology - Periodicals --- Pays-Bas --- nouvelles religions --- sociologie de la religion --- sociology of religion --- new religions --- new religious movements (NRM) --- nouveaus mouvements religieux (NMR) --- Suisse --- Mahikari (真光) --- Japanese new religious movements --- Japan --- new new religions (shinshinshukyo) --- shinshinshukyo (新新宗教) --- God Light Association (GLA) --- Kofuku no Kagaku (幸福の科学) --- Institute for Research in Human Happiness (IHR) --- nouveaux mouvements religieux japonais --- France --- Soka Gakkai (創価学会) --- Reiyukai (霊友会) --- United States (US) --- anti-cultism --- American anti-cult movement (ACM) --- anti-sectes --- minority religions --- sociologie religieuse --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- United Kingdom (UK) --- Brésil --- Hongrie --- yukta-vairagya --- asrama --- cults --- sects --- sectes --- cultes --- North America --- religion védique --- Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998) --- pluralisation --- fondamentalisme --- Baptisme --- évangélisme --- Pèlerins d'Arès --- pèlerinages --- Nossa Senhora do Rosário (Brésil) --- catholicisme brésilien --- Denmark --- Baha'i --- Baháʼí Faith --- religious community --- Islamic Sociology of Religion --- spirituality --- homosexuality --- liberation theology --- queer theology --- Opus Dei --- christianisme --- Christianity --- Catholic religious orders --- Catholicism --- Catholicisme --- ordres religieux catholiques --- vie religieuse --- Espagne --- religious life --- Brazil --- Belgique --- sociologie des ordres religieux --- Europe --- Union Européenne --- Indian Catholic Church --- India --- African religiosity --- Afrique --- Africa --- syncretism --- trance culture --- divine healing --- African Christian Church --- Celestial Christianity --- faith healing --- faith-healers --- Assemblies of God Church (Burkina Faso) --- Christianisme Céleste --- Gontran Marcos --- Ivory Coast --- post-prophetism --- post-houphouëtism --- Congo --- Ayelesili (Congo) --- kimbanguism --- guérison divine --- mouridisme --- Medjugorje (Bosnia–Herzegovina) --- Marian apparitions --- Virgin Mary --- Christian consecrated life --- African Christianity --- Igbo-Africa --- Vicariat de Reyes (Bolivie) --- sociability --- Fire festival --- psychology --- psychological development --- Catholic ritual practices --- rituels catholiques --- Charleroi (Belgique) --- Montreal (Canada) --- Latin America --- Amérique latine --- protestantisme --- évangélisation --- religious affiliation --- Mexico --- Indian communities --- Indian Mexico --- Chiapas (Mexico) --- indigenous population --- pentecôtisme indigène --- Argentine --- Chaco (Argentine) --- population aborigène --- indigenous movement --- shamanism --- Wales --- anglican church --- clergy --- Italy --- Iran --- islam --- religiosité de la jeunesse --- musulmans --- théorie de la sécularisation --- philosophie des religions --- philosophie et religion --- néo-magie-religion --- nouvelles formes de religion --- syncrétisme --- Nouvel Age --- Ireland --- Northern Ireland --- fundamentalist protestantism --- religion and violence --- religion et violence --- mass suicide --- suicide cults --- anticult movement (ACM) --- anti-cult movement (ACM) --- new religious movements and violence --- human rights --- Poland --- Roman Catholic Church --- Catholic Church in Poland --- globalization --- globalization processes --- collective identities --- social research --- neo-hinduism --- neo-hindu movements --- mysticism --- charisma --- mysticisme --- mystique --- post-modernité --- mystique et illuminisme --- philosophy of religion --- Pays Basque (Espagne) --- Europe de l'Est --- Eastern Europe --- Orthodoxy --- religious transformations --- Russia --- Belarus --- Ukraine --- Islam --- religion and politics --- controversial religious groups --- Jehovah's Witnesses --- satanism --- Muslim Brotherhood --- Gramscian theory --- Scientology --- Lafayette Ronald Hubbard --- L. Ron Hubbard --- Asia --- China --- epistemic community --- New Age --- rationalization --- rationalisation --- traditional religion --- exceptionalism --- modernism --- postmodernism --- multiple modernities --- changement social et religion --- dynamique religieuse --- futur de la religion --- globalisation et religion --- tendances religieuses --- ordres religieux --- observation participante --- minorité cognitive --- interdisciplinarité --- histoire de la pensée sociologique --- méthode des sciences sociales --- Social Compass --- sociography of Catholicism --- sociology of Catholicism --- sociology of the sociology of religion --- analyse marxiste --- Asie --- Etats-Unis --- pays socialistes --- generation --- history --- charismatics --- Caraïbe --- commerce des esclaves --- traite des noirs --- religious movements --- intellectuals --- journalists --- jeunesse --- recompositions religieuses --- religions et générations --- sécularisation --- atheism --- communism --- social change --- Central Europe --- transmission --- bouddhisme --- Chine --- communisme chinois --- daoisme --- taoisme --- loi religieuse --- Chinese religion --- religious policy --- spiritual-religious groups --- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) --- controverses religieuses --- religious controversies --- Greece --- Grèce --- pluralism --- liberalism --- modernity --- Christodoulos (1939-2008) --- Orthodoxie --- école et religion --- Grèce et Orthodoxie --- éducation grecque --- pluralisme --- gender --- Greek Orthodoxy --- Mount Athos --- national identity --- tradition --- women --- Maroc --- Morocco --- religious expression --- islamisme --- enseignement --- Slovenia --- Moroccan society --- age and generation --- enseignement de l'islam --- terrorisme islamiste --- Hungary --- post-communist countries --- ethics --- religious practices --- socio-economic changes --- religious beliefs --- support pédagogique --- plaisirs --- transition --- denominational educational institutions --- religion and ethnicity --- Iranian women --- religion and generations --- ethno-religious identities --- boundaries --- interreligieux --- islamo-chrétien --- pluralité --- musulmans et non-musulmans --- Palestine --- collective memory --- Islamism --- political identity --- religious revitalization --- secular-nationalism --- Norway --- Nordic societies --- late modernity --- secularization --- religion and gender --- evangelicalism --- Switzerland --- Scandinavia --- morality --- moral principles --- surveys --- philosophie --- psychologie --- spiritualité --- individu --- immanence --- Christian profile --- church policy --- individualization --- Netherlands --- religious market --- organizational renewal --- civil union --- marriage --- Vermont (US) --- same-sex marriage --- guérison --- Lourdes --- miracles --- pentecôtisme --- sociologie des religions --- sociologie française --- théorie sociologique --- Marcel Mauss (1872-1950) --- syncretisme --- Burkina Faso --- Assembly of God Church of Burkina Faso (ADBF) --- Assemblies of God --- bricolage --- conversion --- healing --- identity --- Pentecostalism --- Mossi (people) --- symbolic systems --- après-mort --- croyances --- mort --- systèmes symboliques --- transactions symboliques --- Canada --- Anishinaabeg (peuple) --- Anichinabés --- nations autochtones --- Ojibwas (peuple) --- ojibwe --- résistance --- public religion --- bibliographie --- bibliography --- hybridity --- orthodoxy --- Christian identity --- Jewish identity --- Jews and Christians --- post-colonial theory --- German Reformation --- religious diversity --- identité religieuse --- heresiology --- patristics --- postcolonial --- rabbinics --- ars moriendi --- confessionalization --- Reformation --- Martin Luther (1483-1546) --- Kongo --- Haïti --- Pierre Bourdieu --- religion afro-catholique --- constructivism --- fundamentalism --- positivism --- syncretism and fundamentalism --- Indonesia --- religious pluralism --- Salamullah Movement --- Anand Ashram --- Brahma Kumaris Movement --- Falun Gong --- Falun Dafa --- Malaysia --- cosmology --- liminality --- migration --- transnationalism --- Belgium --- Igbo immigrants --- immigration --- religious markets --- marché religieux --- salvation goods --- religious bricolage --- religious goods --- rational choice --- religious field --- Max Weber (1864-1920) --- capital religieux --- changement religieux --- choix rationnel --- charismatic movement --- Pentecostal movement --- Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Brazil) --- Catholic Neo-Pentecostal Movement (Italy) --- rationalité économique --- pilgrimage --- yoga --- Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009) --- Ashtanga Yoga --- cultic milieu --- rites --- développement personnel --- Erich von Däniken --- Mystery Park --- foire de l'ésotérisme --- creativity --- emotional instability --- religious identity --- post-formal thinking --- law --- religious freedom --- state law --- Bryan R. Wilson (1927-2004) --- typologie --- societalization --- sectarianism --- mutations sociales --- privatisation --- identité --- modernité --- privatization --- post-communist society --- violence --- violence d'Etat --- violence privatisée --- crainte de Dieu --- imaginaire social --- société civile --- national religions --- religious location --- Yugoslavia --- politique --- borders --- frontiers --- Eastern Orthodoxy --- Croatia --- post-communism --- social roles of religion --- American Catholics --- civic engagement --- civil society --- production of culture --- religion et politique --- Christian Right --- Church-State --- Bill of Rights (US) --- constitution --- disestablishment --- ideology --- nationalism --- postmodern America --- religious fundamentalism --- avortement --- homosexualité --- moralité --- aliénation --- émancipation --- idéologie --- paradigme symbolique --- democracy and citizenship --- solidarity --- professional ethics --- morals --- Émile Durkheim (1858-1917) --- Afrique sub-saharienne --- démocratisation --- Église catholique --- social theory --- theoretical sociology of religion --- compromis --- communautarisme --- mimétisme --- processus de guerre civile --- Liban --- national church --- state regulation --- ethno-cultural distinction --- Orthodox Christian Churches --- church-type --- Roumanie --- post-socialisme --- Église gréco-catholique --- youth religiosity --- Chinese youth --- religious re-composition --- qigong (氣功) --- Chan --- christianisme européen --- Michel de Certeau (1925-1986) --- appartenance --- croyance --- beliefs --- denominations --- doctrine --- post-denominationalism --- enseignement religieux --- programme scolaire --- socialisation --- ethnic groups --- fitra --- Islamic identity --- Antwerp (Belgium) --- Orthodox Jewish community --- gender conservatism --- Antwerp Jewry --- haredim --- Haredi women --- orthodox Jews --- socialization processes --- vodou --- Église de l'Armée Céleste --- maladie et guérison --- Ba-Plato (Haïti) --- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland --- Finland --- Muslim Council of Britain --- laïcité --- Bosnia-Herzegovina --- pluralisation religieuse --- établissement religieux --- privatisation de la religion --- clergé --- liturgie --- vocation --- church employees --- narratives of faith --- narrative research --- religious authority --- religious change --- organizational secularization --- content analysis --- mobilité --- football --- inter-religious dialogue --- ritual --- phenomenology --- dissonance cognitive --- Judaïsme --- Beit Haverim --- Juifs homosexuels --- religious orientation --- femininity --- extrinsicness --- intrinsicness --- islam in Britain --- muslim organizations --- secularization theory --- frame analysis --- rural development --- rural parishes --- structural functionalism --- market theory conversion --- re-affliliation --- Rodney Stark (1934-2022) --- Roger Finke --- catholicisme concentrique --- catholicisme populaire --- exclusivism --- inclusivism --- religious attitudes --- islamism --- Muslim women --- democracy --- consumerism --- diversity --- post-modernism --- education --- feminism --- women and islamic laws --- code vestimentaire islamique --- hijab --- Shi'ite Islam --- individualized islam --- islam and music --- religion and music --- Moharrem --- tension psychologique --- délinquance juvénile --- art islamiste --- transcendance --- politics and religion --- European institutions --- Côte d’Ivoire --- totalitarisme --- Chile --- devil --- supernatural --- evil --- new religiosity --- néo-évangélisme --- évolution liturgique --- Neo-Shamanic divination --- neo-shamanism --- death --- philosophy --- Limburg (Netherlands) --- post-secularization --- moral orientation --- jeunesse néerlandaise --- subjectivisation --- culture jeune --- soutien psychologique --- symbolic healing --- divination --- charisme --- dédifférenciation --- réenchantement --- Serbian Orthodoxy --- extrinsic religiosity --- quest religiosity --- religious experiences --- Germany --- popular religion --- gendering secularization theory --- vitalité religieuse --- post-communist transformation --- East Germany --- secularization processes --- transcendence --- phenomenological sociology --- religious communication --- privatized religion --- non-religion --- Albert Piette --- Thomas Luckmann (1927-2016) --- Georg Simmel (1858-1918) --- economic market model --- women's employment --- individualisation --- perspective de genre --- territoriality --- bio-politics --- différenciation --- globalisation --- régulation --- Orthodox Church --- multiculturalisme --- religiosité populaire --- interculturality --- religious healing --- Australia --- Thailand --- African Brazilian religions --- religion and culture --- evangelical religions --- religiosité alternative --- théories du religieux --- culture populaire --- multiculturality --- esotericism --- healing practice --- intergenerational change --- judaïsme --- church attendance --- political engagement --- social capital --- voluntary religious organizations --- capital social --- Europe centrale --- éducation --- inégalité --- deprivation --- community cohesion --- muslims --- crime --- tolerance --- social attitudes survey --- antinomie --- identité culturelle --- infériorisation --- marginalisation --- voile --- port du voile --- Holiday of Holidays Festival --- Cyprus --- Chypre --- Church-state relations --- European Union --- intolerance --- religiosity --- christianisme orthodoxe --- Turkish Cypriots --- religious plurality --- ethno-religious minorities --- Turquie --- institutionnalisation --- zakat --- charity --- religious symbols --- religion and state --- neutrality --- Polynésie --- Market theory of religion --- sacralization --- rhetoric --- civil religion --- gender values --- enquêtes européennes --- European Social Survey (ESS) --- appartenance religieuse --- methodologie des enquêtes --- International Social Survey Program (ISSP) --- European Values Survey (EVS) --- témoignage --- souffrance --- théodicée --- stigmate --- asceticism --- religion and spirituality --- wellbeing --- health and salvation --- religion et langue --- langue et religion --- églises protestantes --- religion and economic phenomena --- market theory --- presidential rhetoric --- American myths --- Chinese religions --- Chinese legal history --- désécularisation --- resacralisation --- Églises africaines --- religious policies --- judicial rituals --- judicial practices --- bouddhisme chinois --- philanthropie --- religion et travail social --- religion and nation --- theory construction --- langue liturgique --- evangelical Christianity --- moralization --- obesity --- weight loss --- religion and health --- satanisme --- Nordic Satanism --- Italie --- heavy metal music --- Czech Republic --- religiosity and spirituality --- post-communist religion --- anti-religion --- anti-religious memory --- Abrahamic faiths --- islamic theology --- muslim world --- Satan --- Satanic metal --- Black metal --- moral panic --- popular culture --- social constructionism --- Bambini di Satana --- Bestie di Satana --- Bêtes de Satan --- Enfants de Satan --- Marco Dimitri --- sataniste --- imaginaire satanique --- Nordic countries --- welfare state --- Lutheranism --- Sweden --- pluralité religieuse --- Catholic youth --- extra-church spirituality --- Britain --- bisexuality --- Budapest --- religious education --- Bulgaria --- Bulgarian Orthodox Church --- capitalism --- thérapies alternatives --- candomblé --- conflit religieux --- cultes afro-brésiliens --- diabolisation --- néopentecôtisme --- hierarchical linear modeling --- racial homogeneity --- United States Congregational Life Survey --- religion and sexuality --- Vietnam --- Protestantism --- Hmong --- Protestant conversion --- Caodaism --- Bouddhisme Hòa Hảo --- monotheism --- polytheism --- Vietnamese religions --- transnationalisme --- colonization --- religious sectarianism --- spirit-mediumship --- doi mori --- Parti communiste vietnamien --- religious transnationalism --- soufisme --- soufism --- sufism --- rites soufis --- sufi rites --- Syria --- Lubavitcher Messianism --- Chabad messianism --- Hasidic Judaism --- cognitive dissonance --- rebbe --- messiah --- Hasidic movements --- Lubavitch Hasidism --- orthodox judaism --- pluralisme religieux --- quakerism --- quakers --- nonviolent political activism --- religion et musique --- espression soufie --- world music --- sama --- anthropology --- mystical experiences --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- Afrique Subsaharienne --- christianisation --- Cameroun --- Senegal --- Islamic teaching --- Afrique centrale --- mythic patterns --- Estonia --- Irish nationalism --- dehoniens --- Sacré-Coeur de Jésus (SCJ) --- Sufism --- Tijaniyya --- capitalisme --- colonisation --- fétichisme --- magie --- sociologie urbaine --- millénarisme --- groupes religieux minoritaires --- École de Chicago --- désorganisation sociale --- Tanzanie --- Iraquois --- différences religieuses --- genre --- myths --- paradigm shifts --- religious life stories --- Dominican order --- avant-garde --- student groups --- Turkey --- popular music --- Progressive Islam --- Paranaguá-mirim (Brazil) --- Danish civil religion --- Tunisie --- système scolaire français --- mouvements évangéliques --- prosélytisme --- souffrances sociales --- éthique du devoir --- dualisation --- Guatemala --- Maya --- political Islam --- Collège pour l'Amérique latine de Louvain (COPAL) --- Islam in Europe --- German Democratic Republic (GDR) --- consumer society --- société de consommation --- Irlande --- new spirituality --- téléprédication --- religious branding --- Islamic missionary movement --- Dawat-e Islami --- religious socialization --- Celtic Tiger --- Britney Spears --- celebrity --- celebrities --- religious marketing --- United Methodist Church (UMC) --- Barelwi --- Pakistan --- lay preachers --- South Asia --- Tablighi Jamaat (Propagators of the Faith) --- Buddhism --- Bouddhisme --- Buddhist revival --- renouveau bouddhique --- Tibetan Buddhism --- religious economics --- syncretic sects --- religious ecology --- commercialization of religion --- tourism --- Temples bouddhistes --- Chinese muslims --- islam in China --- Église Universelle du Royaume de Dieu (EURD) --- Cap-Vert --- dissidence --- Temple de la Restauration --- Gandhian economics --- sufficiency economy --- pélerinages --- pilgrimages --- Taiwan --- Dajia pilgrimage --- sociologie des pèlerinages --- pèlerinages et économie --- pèlerinage touristique --- Lourdes pilgrimage --- Éthiopie --- Korea --- Korean capitalism --- cult of saints --- franc-maçonnerie --- social Catholicism --- Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahedo Church (EOTC) --- antirétroviraux (ARV) --- South Korea --- ethnography --- Korean Protestantism --- Vatican --- biopolitics --- religious dualism --- Albania --- Naim Frashëri (1846-1900) --- Christianisme --- Kenya --- Wallonie --- Bruxelles --- individualism --- religion and individualism --- privatized religiosity --- grounded theory --- social structure --- congregations --- transformations symboliques --- analyse structurale --- élections --- developing countries --- Bektashi --- heterodoxy --- Catholic doctrine --- contraception --- religious organizations --- Lutheran Church --- Lutheran communities --- religion and community --- organisations laïques --- religious sociality --- religious collectivities --- diaspora --- diasporic communities --- functional differentiation --- meaning systems --- paradigms --- televangelism --- new religious forms --- ummah --- évènementisation --- spectacularisation --- event-structured religion --- social forms --- social differentiation --- Toldos Aharon --- anti-zionism --- Haredi Judaism --- Korean protestantism --- Pérou --- Spain --- religiosity and politics --- Islamist music --- Ultra-Orthodox Judaism --- social contract --- legal rationality --- Andes --- prophéties apocalyptiques --- Francoism --- Kemalism --- Atatürkism --- political ideology --- revue de littérature --- études électorales --- Emerging Church Movement --- Protestant movements --- secularisation --- prisons --- demonopolisation --- cremation --- burial customs --- African Americans --- qualitative research --- mixed couples --- inter-faith marriage --- Christian-Muslim couples --- disenchantment --- technology --- interreligious encounters --- networked religion --- internet --- internet communication --- cyber-balkanization --- congregational studies --- subcultural identity --- Cuba --- transnationalization of religion --- monasteries --- monastic economies --- West Africa --- bible school --- gypsies --- Roma church --- religious conversion --- Lutheran Church of Finland --- essentialisme --- islam en Europe --- islam en Suisse --- religion and homosexuality --- Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) --- neo-liberalism --- multiculturalism --- European Islam --- Twelver Shiism --- hawzas --- transnational education --- Argentina --- Argentine society --- Changement climatique --- Climate change --- Tzu-Chi movement --- Buddhist movements --- sustainability --- Amérique du Sud --- videogames --- ethnicisation --- radicalization --- European Muslim communities --- Chinese protestants --- ecology --- environmentalism --- transition énergétique --- online religion --- cyber funerals --- World of Warcraft --- Chinese evangelists --- Chinese Protestant Christianity --- missionisation --- organised crime --- São Paulo --- political violence --- islam in America --- England --- organisations islamiques --- Islamic schools --- Islamic education --- Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (1900-1986) --- Scotland --- Christian heavy metal --- religious heterogeneity --- suicide --- masculinity --- masculinities --- work ethic --- World Values Survey --- multilevel analysis --- consumer culture --- États-Unis --- American Muslims --- British Muslims --- food charity --- Norvège --- Ecuador --- congrégations --- maison de retraite --- religieuses --- vieillesse --- poststructuralism --- self-narratives --- urban rituals --- religious globalization --- Emmanuel Todd --- mouvement laïc luthérien --- systèmes familiaux --- tongue-speaking --- ethnographic research --- religion online --- Naqshbandi Haqqani --- Toronto blessing --- Christian revival --- religious imaginary --- Islamic religious education --- Tattoos --- cosmodicies --- cosmodicy --- Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) --- religious imagination --- visions --- deradicalization --- secularism --- Greater Seattle (US) --- homelessness --- faith-based organizations --- sacralization practices --- predestination --- neoliberalism --- Charismatic Evangelicalism --- mondialisation --- Amazonie --- champ religieux --- Minas Gerais (Brazil) --- muslim minorities --- traditionalism --- Christian Zionism --- Neo-Pentecostalism --- Judaizing groups --- spirit mediumship --- Vale do Amanhecer --- Valley of the Dawn --- UFO religions --- spiritualism --- Brazilian Pentecostalism --- megachurches --- Hillsong (megachurch) --- freedom of religion --- liberté religieuse --- discrimination --- religious minorities --- judicialization --- dejudicialization --- headscarves --- islam in Europe --- evangelical organizations --- state and religion --- political secularism --- social inclusion --- religious discrimination --- religious equality --- post-secularism --- European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) --- US Supreme Court --- cultural heritage --- de-secularization --- headscarf --- postcolonialism --- drugs --- Christianity in China --- ecologie --- hybridation --- céréales --- plantes --- ignames --- Kanaky Nouvelle-Calédonie (Océanie) --- cérémonies --- Arama --- rituals plants --- indigenous people --- Pangcah (Taiwan) --- ethnoecology --- Micronesia --- Serianthes --- traditional knowledge --- conservation --- Arctic Tundra --- mushrooms --- Chukotka (Russia) --- plant intelligence --- plants in rituals --- religious symbolism --- Afro-Cuban religion --- exorcism --- Guatemalan Pentecostalism --- ethnic churches --- Haitian Catholicism --- économie monastique --- monachisme --- République Tchèque --- nonreligion --- Polal-Katolik --- religious congruence --- Israeli–Arab conflict --- Judaism --- interreligious rituals --- Jaffa (Israel) --- Jews and Muslims --- Evangelical Christianity --- Evangelical Protestantism --- field theory --- Hayovel --- Israel --- Catholic women --- growth ethics --- premarital sexuality --- islamophobia --- islam in Spain --- microaggressions --- islamic conversion --- converts to Islam --- gender and family --- marital relations --- marital conflicts --- transnationalization --- Orisha religion --- Afro-Atlantic religions --- Yoruba --- hybrid transnational social protection --- religious institutions --- social networks --- Philippines --- corona --- coronavirus --- Covid-19 --- pandemic --- digital religion --- digital capitalism --- worldviews --- religious complexity --- worldview complexity --- prayer wheel --- Quebec --- biography --- islam et homosexualité --- interfaith families --- mixed marriages --- mixed families --- Muslim–Christian --- family transmission --- identity construction --- intergenerational transmission --- identity transmission --- female converts to Islam --- intermarriage --- Jewish-Muslim families --- Muslim and non-Muslims --- interreligious --- convivencia --- interreligious family --- marital norms --- Muslim minorities --- mixed unions --- ethnicity --- mixed-faith families --- interfaith couples --- ethnic identity --- exorcisme --- Burmese Buddhism --- music --- Gnawa --- exorcisme catholique --- Mali --- Uttarakhand (India) --- interreligious dialogue --- athéisme --- sécularisme --- transreligiosity --- multifaith movement --- activism --- adorcism --- spirit possession --- possession cults --- Bruno Latour (1947-2022) --- chaplaincy --- healthcare --- Shia lamentation rituals --- evangelical identity --- prophecy belief --- nouveaux mouvements religieux catholiques --- Ukrainian immigrants --- evangelical Protestantism --- prophetologists --- Israëlophilie --- culte des montagnes --- guerre spirituelle --- religion et guerre --- refus des vaccins --- antivax --- anti-vaccination --- pédagogies de conversion --- mouvement Jean XXIII --- photography --- Kerala (India) --- actant --- congregation --- freedom --- prayer --- subject formation --- monastic life --- transgender --- nonbinary --- god concept --- abortion --- family planning --- pastoral --- Catholic Conjugal Centres (CCC) --- bhaktiyoga --- sociology of prayer --- Anthony Paul Moo-Young (Mooji) --- spirituality in Australia --- covid-19 --- buddhism --- Japanese Buddhism --- Shingon Buddhism --- priesthood --- Koyasan (高野山) --- buddhist priests --- First Nations --- indigenous peoples --- Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg --- Kitigan Zibi (Quebec) --- intergenerational transmission of religion

Journal of contemporary religion
ISSN: 13537903 Publisher: London

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2 <05> --- 2 <05> Godsdienst. Theologie--Tijdschriften --- Godsdienst. Theologie--Tijdschriften --- Periodicals --- Religious studies --- religion --- contemporary religion --- comparative religion --- sociology of religion --- religious denominations --- world religions --- religious studies --- new age movement --- spirituality --- Third World politics --- evangelical politics --- evangelicalism --- global religion --- Mother Goddess --- hinduism --- KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) --- Draupadi --- fire walking --- Draupadi firewalking festival --- gender --- matriliny --- mother‐goddess religion --- book reviews --- new age ideology --- surveys --- sociology --- Africa --- Latin America --- matriarchy --- Theravada Buddhism --- British Theravada Buddhism --- Buddhism in Europe --- Western Buddhism --- funeral customs --- funerary rituals --- Japan --- Japanese death rituals --- British Forest Sangha --- living funeral --- seizenso (生前葬) --- non-religious funeral --- Christian Science --- Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) --- neo-pentecostalism --- deliverance --- charismatic movements --- quakerism --- British Quakerism --- quakers --- esotericism --- Western Esotericism --- Essenes --- New Age --- paganism --- Wicca --- Wiccan cosmology --- circle --- sacred circle --- sacred space --- witchcraft --- Modern Paganism --- George Gurdjieff (1866-1949) --- Gurdjieff Work --- ethnicity --- religious belonging --- religion and ethnicity --- Pentecostalism --- Mexico --- Mexican Pentecostalism --- speaking in tongues --- faith healing --- Zambia --- Frederick Chiluba --- Zambian Christianity --- religion and politics --- Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) --- religious education --- Brazil --- Catholicism --- Protestantism --- Evangelicalism --- Marcelo Rossi --- new Catholicism --- pillarization --- minority movements --- psychedelic communitas --- ritual --- Findhorn --- Paul Verhoeven --- René Girard --- exorcism --- Church of England --- Orthodox Church --- Orthodox theology --- female diaconate --- priesthood --- female priesthood --- new religious movements (NRM) --- scientology --- Soka Gakkai (創価学会) --- Japanese new religious movements --- psychedelic culture --- doof --- psychedelic dance music --- psychedelica --- film and literature --- Satan --- Goddess movement --- Goddess Feminism --- Marija Gimbutas (1921-1994) --- archaeology --- Malta --- science and religion --- science --- intermarriage --- American Jews --- Jewish identity --- training --- socialisation --- theological training --- Religion in the Netherlands --- Dutch ecumenical movement --- Ecumenism --- Christianization --- Christianisation --- Christianity --- Christianization of Europe --- theological education --- Scotland --- secularization --- secularisation --- religious decline --- evil --- communication --- storytelling --- demon possession --- supernatural assault --- combat narratives --- religiousness --- Anglicanism --- Anglican Church --- Anglican Clergy --- ordination --- Hungary --- Hungarian Jews --- mormonism --- mormons --- Chinese shamanic movements --- shamanism --- Chinese religious movements --- Malaysia --- Chinese shamanism --- Goddess of Mercy Devotional Society (GDMS) --- Guanyin --- Pray to the Heavenly Father (PHF) --- New Era Temple (NET) --- Confucianism --- Confucian Identity --- Transcendental Meditation (TM) --- Yoga --- Reiki (霊気) --- Western Spiritualism --- mediumship --- New Age Channelling --- neopaganism --- neo-paganism --- humanism --- philosophy --- Nagasaki Peace Park (Japan) --- atomic bomb --- buddhism --- Kannon (観音) --- Bodhisattva of Compassion --- Spirits of the Dead --- Spirit Appeasement --- World War II --- Transpersonal Psychology (TP) --- Ken Wilber --- consciousness --- Religious Pluralism --- Central Asia --- Unprogrammed Friends (Quakerism) --- comparative analysis --- American Catholic Identity --- Catholic Diocese --- Church-Going --- Christian counter-cult movement (CCM) --- anti-cult movement 'ACM) --- Vampire Subculture --- vampires --- vampirism --- J. K. Rowling --- Harry Potter books --- magic-as-technology --- fantasy --- children's literature --- fantasy literature --- fantasy novels --- fiction --- disenchantment --- new religions --- syncretic process --- Praxis theory --- Cognitive Anthropology --- Postmodernism --- Evangelism --- Alpha Programme (UK) --- cell church model --- religion and gender --- Damanhur (Italy) --- spiritual community --- ecovillages --- Game of Life --- Theory of Play --- Jewish Mysticism --- Judaism --- Ted Falcon --- Makom Ohr Shalom --- Heritage Front (Canada) --- neo-nazism --- white supremacy --- participant observation method --- Finland --- Finnish Church --- clergy --- religion and racism --- black clergy --- Wales (UK) --- Welsh Church --- European Union (EU) --- Orthodox Christianity --- Church of Greece --- Orthodox Church of Greece (OCG) --- religion and film --- Hollywood films --- medical staff --- nursing --- western spirituality --- Asian materialism --- immigration --- immigrants --- Immigrant religiosity --- ethnic identity --- Reformed Protestantism --- fundamentalism --- fundamentalist religions --- Fundamentalist Christianity --- Netherlands --- United Kingdom (UK) --- European Values surveys --- religion and state --- seva --- Hindu movements --- Ramakrishna Math --- Ramakrishna Mission --- iconography --- Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) --- Vivekananda (1863-1902) --- African witchcraft --- sangoma --- parapsychology --- Tibetan Buddhism --- guru-disciple --- Leonardo Boff --- theology --- trans-cultural phenomenology --- glossolalia --- Golden Light --- New Zealand --- christian glossolalia --- religious identity --- religious diversity --- spiritual love --- William James (1842-1910) --- Vatican --- Vatican documents --- New Age movement --- counterculture --- Alternative spirituality --- network models --- Vaisnava Hindu Association (Hungary) --- Govinda Maharaja --- France --- legislation --- Anti-Cult Law (France, 2001) --- ethnography --- Haitian Catholicism --- Marian devotion --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- anti-cult movement (ACM) --- voodoo --- United States (US) --- Sweden --- unchurched spirituality --- unchurched religions --- churched religions --- Singapore --- godly religions --- godless religions --- typology of religions --- Japanese religions --- religious pluralism --- religious harmony --- publishing industry --- Christian Book Industry --- Christian Publishing --- book trade --- Northern Ireland --- Northern Ireland conflict --- religious conflicts --- Toronto Blessing --- Christian revivalism --- Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) --- Alpha Course --- charismatic christianity --- futurology --- Norway --- Conservative Christian Organizations --- Agder (Norway) --- research --- implicit religion --- cross-cultural studies --- military chaplaincy --- military chaplains --- religious neutrality --- alternative religions --- lawsuits --- custody --- child custody disputes --- anti-semitism --- superstition --- Jews --- religion and media --- moral authority --- Drammen (Norway) --- morality --- ethics --- ethical values --- Council for Religious Studies (CONER-SC) --- Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994) --- Lubavitcher Rebbe --- Beis Menachem --- messianic movements --- Lubavitch Messianism --- prophecies --- Celtic Christianity --- psychological type theory --- organizational culture --- religious institutions --- Franciscan Order of Friars Minor (OFM) --- religious organizations --- popular culture --- religion and technology --- technology and religion --- science-fiction --- science fiction and fantasy --- Contemporary Paganism --- millenarianism --- new era millenarianism --- Kuan-yin --- Bodhisattva --- Kuan-yin Worship in America --- American Buddhism --- tourism and pilgrimage --- Israel --- Christian Zionism --- cults --- cult recruitment --- Cult Formation --- consumerism --- psychopathology model --- Fight Club (novel) --- Chuck Palahniuk --- Gujarati Hindu communities --- hinduism (UK) --- Hinduism (New Zealand) --- hindu traditions --- diaspora Hinduism --- Battlestar Galactica (TV series) --- monotheism and polytheism --- atheism --- Pentecostal women --- Prem Rawat --- Sant --- Divine Light Mission --- Hinduism --- Narasiṃha --- Andhra Pradesh (India) --- popular Hinduism --- Religious and Moral Pluralism (RAMP) --- antisemitism --- anti-Semitic beliefs --- psychology --- interreligious dialogue --- Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) --- China --- Chinese Protestantism --- Cyprus --- Orthodox Church of Cyprus (OCC) --- Korean Christianity --- South Korea --- Bible-Copying Movement --- copying the bible --- confucianism and christianity --- evangelical youth --- prayer meetings --- darshan --- Jagannath --- religion and internet --- online religion --- communication technology --- glocalization --- Cambodia --- ethnographic research --- Sikhism --- Sikh communities --- sikhism in Italy --- Left Behind (TV series) --- American entertainment industry --- violence and death --- End Times --- christian literature --- death pornography --- electronic dance music --- conscious partying movement --- psy-trance --- Greece --- European Values Study (EVS) --- Ireland --- Catholic Church --- Clerical Child Sex Abuse --- child abuse --- sexual abuse --- child sexual abuse --- Catholic Ireland --- marketing theory --- Neocatechumenal Way (NCW) --- religious marketing --- renewal movements --- Church as an inn --- rhetorical theory --- Joel Osteen --- Lakewood Church (Texas) --- Christian preachers --- Poland --- religious clothing --- religious habit --- religious dress --- Catholic sisters --- Catholic Nuns --- mixed-faith --- religious transmission --- Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) --- disasters --- 9-11 --- World Trade Center (WTC) --- Raja yoga --- Life Spirituality --- Anglo-Indian Christianity --- India --- Tamil Saivism --- bhakti movement --- Tamil Nadu (India) --- British Sikhism --- Italy --- Italian Religion and Spirituality Project --- Italian Catholicism --- vicarious religion --- Grace Davie --- British Deaf Community --- disenfranchised grief --- education systems --- faith-based schools --- Indian religion --- technology --- technological society --- technological progress --- role-playing games --- religious behavior --- virtual religions --- online religions --- Darkmists --- Finnish Wicca movement --- classifications --- church and state --- Finnish Free Wicca Association (FFWA) --- Asatru --- neopagan movement --- Germany --- Interpretive Drift --- Tanya Luhrmann --- Coming Home Experience (CHE) --- immigrant identity --- ethnic religiousness --- de-differentiation --- caregivers --- spiritual belief --- religious belief --- spiritual discrimination --- religious discrimination --- Religiosity and Altruism --- happiness --- religion and altruism --- christian values --- Law and legislation --- marriage --- Civil Partnership Act (UK) --- ceremonial law --- religious weddings --- marriage law --- British Social Attitudes Survey (BSA) --- religious affiliation --- multi-cultural society --- Catholic religious life --- consecration --- virginity --- consecration of virgins --- Evangelical Contribution on Northern Ireland (ECONI) --- chinese religion --- Chinese Christian Church --- bioethics --- medical ethics --- Joseph Ber Soloveitchik (1903-1993) --- Conspirituality --- New Age spirituality --- conspiracy thinking --- conspiracy theories --- conspiracism --- conspiracies --- religious micro public spheres --- Jürgen Habermas --- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) --- personal development --- management --- human resources (HR) --- ethics of sensitivity --- new age philosophy --- photography --- photographic research methods --- local churches --- freemasonry --- rituals --- ritual experiences --- Australia --- contemporary witchcraft --- wicca --- Rejection of Christianity Scale --- Paranormal Belief --- Jewish Spiritual Renewal (JSR) --- egalitarianism --- Haredi communities --- Ultra-Orthodox Jews --- homosexuality --- Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) --- World Youth Day (WYD) --- pilgrimage --- multi-religious society --- popular music --- religion and music --- heavy metal music --- christian metal music --- U2 (rock band) --- music and religion --- Gospel Hall Brethren --- British National Health Service (NHS) --- Israeli secularism --- traditionalism --- secularity --- non-religion --- education and non-religion --- religion and education --- acquisition of religion --- belief acquisition --- Credibility Enhancing Display (CRED) --- Indian atheist movement --- secularisation processes --- British secularity --- islam --- terrorism --- discrimination --- non-religious --- terminology --- anthropology --- divinisation of technology --- violence --- René Girard (1923-2015) --- warfare --- militainment --- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) --- contemporary spirituality --- comics --- comic books --- pluralism --- Danish Pluralism Project --- Denmark --- religious groups in Britain --- Polish migrants --- afterlife --- afterlife belief --- life after death --- Australian youth --- commitments --- religiosity --- Orthodox Jewish women --- Orthodox femininity --- religious writing --- Western Europe --- secularism --- Secular Religion --- Muslim women --- niqabs and burqas --- Islam in Europe --- islam in Britain --- integration --- islamophobia --- religious tolerance --- education --- segregation --- Marian apparition shrines --- Catholic Marian faith --- Virgin Mary --- Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) --- music --- religious music --- near-death experiences (NDE) --- Hans Schauder (1911-2001) --- Marcus Lefébure (1933-2012) --- counseling --- self-spirituality --- artificial insemination --- reproductive technology --- medicine --- religion and science --- Jewish medical ethics --- belief --- youth --- Evangelical Christianity --- Christian Identity --- English Universities --- religion and society --- Evangelical Anglicanism --- Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) --- performance of belief --- mourning events --- religious mediatisation --- religion in Poland --- Youth and Belief --- dimensions of belief --- hip hop --- Gospel rap --- Religion in Britain --- post-secularity --- religiosity in Britain --- Indonesia --- Indonesian Islam --- popular religion --- Islamic popular culture --- advertisements --- Israeli advertising --- corporatization --- Emerging Church --- protestantism --- Protestant movements --- personal religiosity --- Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism --- hermeneutics --- congregational hermeneutics --- Christian Zionist movement --- believers and non-believers --- atheists --- religious believers --- traditions --- Catholic ritual traditions --- All Souls’ Day --- ritual innovation --- collective commemoration of the dead --- Pentecostal spirituality --- phenomenology --- Nordic countries --- religion in the Nordic countries --- faith --- community --- Austria --- Muslim religiosity --- female migrants --- Ravidassia community --- Indian religions --- Britain --- sexual minority rights --- religion and sexuality --- tolerance --- islam in the Netherlands --- religion and security --- Latin-American Evangelicalism --- New Apostolic Reformation --- evangelical networks --- Carlos Annacondia --- South-American preachers --- evangelical social engagement --- Evangelical masculinity --- Acts29 --- Acts 29 --- deconversion --- testimony --- testimonials --- Evangelical Exit Narratives --- religious exiting --- Technology and Ecclesiology --- digital technology --- worship practices --- holistic spirituality --- holistic milieu --- Buddhism --- Buddhist identity --- Atheist Movement in the United States --- evangelical Pentecostalism --- death of a child --- soul contract theodicy --- Greek belief --- Thailand --- meditation --- Lithuania --- femininity --- Ultra-Orthodox thought --- inter-religious dialogue --- Catholicism in Britain --- abortion --- Bible --- Bible-centricism --- demography --- Spain --- Spanish religiosity --- religious groups --- Christian organisations --- religious plurality --- ecocentrism --- anthropocentrism --- buddhist lifestyle --- Magnolia Grove Monastery (US) --- global yoga --- social activism --- charity --- contemporary yoga --- channeling --- business consulting --- Lance Armstrong --- religion and spirituality --- symbolic culture --- religious symbols --- music consumption --- religious leadership --- disaster risk reduction --- religious faith --- social behaviour --- volunteering --- inclusive individualism --- religious indicators --- Catholicism in Ireland --- Catholic identity --- youth and religion --- Anglican cathedrals --- British Wicca --- radical feminism --- Goddess Spirituality --- Monica Sjöö (1938–2005) --- spirituality and conspiracism --- social media --- facebook --- alternative therapy --- alternative therapies --- secularisation theory --- Pentecostal conversion --- domestic violence --- socialism --- religion and socialism --- anti-religiosity --- LGBT activism --- religious minorities --- assimilation --- structural assimilation --- Milton Gordon (1918-2019) --- stages of assimilation --- ecology --- climate change --- eco-religion --- religion and ecology --- Treaty of Lisbon --- Portugal --- churches --- identity --- European integration --- women --- postsecularism --- secular-believer --- food assistance --- social space --- adult siblings --- family --- intimacy --- lateral reading --- sisters --- spiritual marketplace --- alternative fairs --- quantitative methods --- immigrant buddhists --- Buddhism in Denmark --- religious demography --- immigrant religion --- Harry Potter --- magic --- representation of religion --- pagans --- print media --- newspapers --- trope analysis --- catholicism --- Canada --- Catholic disaffiliation --- retention --- lapsation --- quantitative data --- anti-christian --- adolescents --- prejudice --- worship music --- third-space theory --- busking --- prayer room --- Senegal --- marabouts --- enchanted religious imagination --- spiritual capital --- religious capital --- Christian ritual --- ethnographic studies --- cross-cultural analysis --- ritual inefficacy --- Eastern Europe --- improvisation --- healing --- Transylvania --- canonization --- religious movements --- Swaziland --- African Independent Christianity --- AIDS (HIV) --- intergenerational relations --- risk --- Swazi Jerikho Zionism --- Guatemala --- religious contestation --- Q’eqchi’-Maya --- ritual authority --- Samoa --- intersectionality --- temporality --- failure --- Holy Land --- muslim identity --- Western Muslims --- identity development --- objectification --- international student migration --- international students --- Hillsong --- addiction --- modernity --- Charles Taylor --- malaise of modernity --- hegemony --- oratory --- discourse --- Muslims in Sweden --- creationist movement --- Creationism --- Ken Ham --- virtual communities --- digitisation --- Evangelical belief --- online Christianity --- emotion --- language --- online testimonies --- discourse analysis --- Nine Emperor Gods Festival --- religious festival --- religious practice in Singapore --- procession --- church community --- social actions --- relationships --- megachurch --- social capital --- social engagement --- Spanish Catholic Church --- economic recession --- social welfare --- spanish politics --- Irish society --- Irish Roman Catholic Church --- economic crisis --- Irish government --- religious cultures --- globalization --- globalisation --- symbolic boundary-making --- cultural difference --- religious knowledge --- gender roles --- parenthood --- gender equality --- childcare --- imagined future --- Brazilian culture --- female body --- national identity --- immigrant religiosity --- Mexican–American immigrants --- religious authority --- gender culture --- womanhood --- Roman Catholic Church --- migration --- Jainism --- second-generation Jains --- Jain dharma --- religious practices --- femininities and masculinities --- Switzerland --- female religious leadership --- female leadership --- congregations --- Russia --- religious freedom in Russia --- Pussy Riot --- Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) --- religious–secular boundary --- blasphemy --- religious feelings --- human rights --- punk prayer --- roadside memorials --- Chile --- commemorative sites --- ex-votos --- folk saints --- violent death --- animitas --- burkini --- Muslim head-coverings --- hijab --- burkini ban --- United Arab Emirates --- obscenity --- profanity --- offensive language --- Twitter --- Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark (ELCD) --- lived religion --- Halloween --- new religious practices --- Valentine's day --- Christian dance --- religious experience --- social psychology --- attachment theory --- correspondence hypothesis --- compensation hypothesis --- Asia --- philanthropy --- humanitarianism --- religious giving --- development ethics --- community development --- Myanmar --- gift-giving --- Buddhist ethics --- reciprocity --- hospitality --- dāna --- social relations --- debt --- vinaya --- discipline --- monastic behavior --- lay buddhists --- buddhist monks --- religious conversion --- Chinese–Indonesian religiosity --- interreligious relations --- anti-conversion legislation --- Nepal --- Sri Lanka --- religious nationalism --- proselytization --- theorizing --- study of religion --- practice theories --- individualism --- ritual theory --- ritual studies --- angel spirituality --- subjunctive --- ritual framing --- habitus --- capital --- generation --- normativity --- tradition --- relational --- animism --- fieldwork --- material religion --- religious materiality --- personhood --- phenomenological anthropology --- feminist critique --- ontology --- ontological turn --- hinduism in Norway --- Tamil Hindus --- online worship --- YouTube --- digital religion --- Irish mythology --- Morrigan --- e-community --- Orthodox Judaism --- omniscient gods --- Kabbalah --- Teshuva movement --- Cuba --- permaculture --- ecumenical --- sustainability --- religious upbringing --- religious nones --- Brexit --- anti-abortion activism --- Czech Republic --- Slovakia --- anti-abortion movement --- global conservative network --- Greek Orthodox Church --- religious change --- church politics --- Greek Orthodoxy --- lay involvement --- organisational reform --- ecclesiastical governance --- religious peacebuilding --- religion and peace --- rhetoric of love --- religion and violence --- Ethiopia --- religious organisations --- religion and integration --- demonology --- spirit-possession --- sexual difference --- spiritual warfare --- theologically engaged anthropology --- Deliverance church --- Emerging Church movement --- resonance --- congregational music --- interreligious marriage --- ethnic dilution --- mixed couples --- offspring --- identification processes --- interfaith families --- Damanhur Federation --- spiritual communities --- performative economics --- Taiwan --- Buddhism in Taiwan --- economy --- humanity --- alternative medicine --- complexity theory --- secularization theory --- religious complexity --- desecularization --- deprivatization --- black religious pluralism --- hip hop religion --- Universal Zulu Nation --- Afrika Bambaataa (Lance Taylor) --- hybridity --- African diaspora --- satanism --- hate speech --- The Satanic Temple (TST) --- black mass --- Satanist movement --- iTunes --- mobile applications --- mobile apps --- religious applications --- sacred texts --- japanese new religions --- cult controversy --- legitimation --- Tenrikyo (天理教) --- Peter Clarke --- Tenrikyo in France --- culture-free religion --- second generation --- Muslims --- children of immigrants --- Croatia --- welfare --- religious–secular competition theory --- dominant religion --- pro-Trump Evangelicalism --- Christian nationalism --- Intelligent Design (ID) --- Richard Dawkins --- inerrancy --- congregational boundary work --- biblical inerrancy --- Muslim pilgrimage --- hajj --- umrah --- reformism --- sufism --- Afghanistan --- Pakistan --- anti-colonialism --- Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidīyya Sufi order --- Bodh Gaya --- weikza-lam --- civil society --- children --- life satisfaction --- Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE) --- endogeneity --- Chinese international students --- conversion --- diversity --- British universities --- continuity and change --- Georg Simmel (1858-1918) --- conversion to Islam --- Pope Francis --- abuse scandals --- faith-based organizations --- universalism --- social services --- justice --- monism --- LGBT --- political participation --- group consciousness --- Neo-Pagan movement --- Rodoslavie --- anti-modernism --- radical Siberian Neo-Paganism --- Russian neo-paganism --- theism --- metaphysical beliefs --- religious beliefs --- theists --- digital activism --- internet --- Sikh women --- Sikh feminism --- fourth-wave feminism --- online religious spaces --- Hindu women --- Tamil diaspora --- digital counter-publics --- bhikkhuni ordination --- Thai Forest Tradition --- Buddhism in Australia --- online activism --- conversion narratives --- Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) --- Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) --- Brazilian pentecostalism --- Donald Trump --- evangelical identity --- sports chaplaincy --- women’s football --- pastoral care --- religion and sport --- Kenya --- missionary work --- religious competition --- religious aesthetics --- Christian-Muslim relations --- mihadhara --- Lebanon --- dehumanisation --- social inequalities --- Shi’ism --- Shi’i Islam --- Islam in Europa --- Karbala --- Sunni --- Shia --- Fredrik Barth (1928-2016) --- sectarianism --- Norwegian Muslims --- Sunni–Shia conflict --- diaspora --- high-tech industry --- workplace --- identity conflict --- Reform Judaism --- Reform Jewish ritual --- Norwegian Asatru --- heathenry --- Estonia --- commemorative rituals --- People’s Republic of China (PRC) --- war commemoration --- mourning --- Kuomintang (KMT) --- death ritual --- ritualised remembrance --- video games --- shinto (神道) --- Ōkami (大神) --- Japanese mythology --- Japanese religion --- fictional world --- South African Buddhism --- East Asian Buddhism --- Soka Gakkai International (SGI) --- Pure Land Buddhism --- Foguangshan --- Kwan Um School of Zen --- satsang dispositif --- self-transformation --- Mooji (Anthony Paul Moo-Young) --- neo-advaita --- Satsang-movement --- Islam in Poland --- Eastern European Islam --- Polish Islam --- religious attendance --- David Icke --- spirituality and media --- psalms --- cultural festival --- heritage studies --- nonreligious identity --- nonreligion --- cultural religion --- millennials --- multiple classification analysis (MCA) --- conversion and deconversion --- marginalization --- Catholic youth --- nationalism --- feminism --- charisma --- Church of Christ the King (CCK) --- pilgrimage studies --- pilgrimages --- African Pentecostalism --- Neo-Pentecostalism --- historical sociology --- narratives --- secular age --- social imaginaries --- intersubjectivity --- self-help literature --- institutional religion --- therapeutic culture --- contemporary art --- Japanese Buddhism --- buddhist economics --- affective retail --- capitalism --- butsudan (仏壇) --- opinion polls --- Yemeni refugees --- petitions --- Korean Muslims --- Islam in South Korea --- Iran --- historiography --- majority religion --- corona --- coronavirus --- covid-19 --- pandemic --- public health --- evangelical churches --- lockdown restrictions (US) --- Belgium --- England --- isomorphism --- gendered migration --- transnationalism --- seafarers --- chaplains --- port chaplains --- Doxecology

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