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Tras las crisis financieras periodicas de finales de los noventa, las instituciones financieras internacionales y muchos expertos han comenzado a ser conscientes de la necesidad de una estrategia encaminada a evitar y paliar la severidad de las crisis en el sector corporativo. Resolver este problema exige el esfuerzo coordinado de los encargados de formular politicas, los reguladores, los juristas, los expertos en quiebras, los especialistas en reestructuracion de sociedades mercantiles y los financistas. Este libro hace un analisis detenido de los esfuerzos que se han emprendido en Indonesia, Corea, Malasia y Tailandia, entre otros paises, para resolver las crisis de las empresas, y estudia el papel crucial que juegan los gobiernos para garantizar un sistema legal de habilitacion, reestructuraciones eficaces extrajudiciales, regimenes tributarios de apoyo, asi como otras iniciativas de politicas y de normatividad que buscan resolver las dificultades graves sistematicas de las sociedades.
Accounting --- Banking Reforms --- Crisis --- Inequality --- Spanish Translation
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This paper exploits variations in the timing of telecommunications reforms across Europe to analyze the relationship between the rise of alternative work arrangements and the emergence of the Internet. The paper evaluates whether sectors that are technologically more dependent on information and communications technologies experienced disproportionately larger changes in their employment outcomes after telecommunications reforms were introduced. The main results point to a disproportionate increase in total employment, part-time work, and home-based work among information and communications technologies-intensive sectors after the implementation of telecommunications reforms. The analysis does not find a link between the incidence of temporary employment, self-employment, second job holding, and telecommunications reforms. The main results are robust to several specifications.
Internet --- Labor Market Arrangements --- Reforms --- Telecommunications
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Éducation --- Bargaining --- Democracy --- Social reforms --- Students --- Universities
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Thirty case studies of health care reform across the country.
Health care reform --- Medical policy --- Medical care --- Health Care Reform. --- Services de sant --- Politique sanitaire --- Soins médicaux --- Healthcare Reform --- Health Care Reforms --- Healthcare Reforms --- Reform, Health Care --- Reform, Healthcare --- Reforms, Health Care --- Reforms, Healthcare --- Réforme --- Canada.
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Turkish language --- Türk dili --- History. --- Reforms. --- Reformlar. --- Tarih.
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En 1994, le gouvernement camerounais a initie des reformes legales et commerciales visant a reguler les droits d'acces et d'usage des forets tropicales, qui constituent une richesse incontestable pour le pays. Ces reformes cherchaient a equilibrer les interets publics et prives et a plus largement integrer les perspectives economiques, culturelles et environnementales. Aujourd'hui, plus de 60 pourcent des forets tropicales du Cameroun sont exploitees selon un plan d'amenagement agree. L'exploitation illegale dans les forets amenagees a significativement diminue, la biodiversite est protegee plus efficacement et l'industrie forestiere, restructuree, adhere largement aux pratiques de gestion durable reconnues internationalement. Base sur des donnees historiques, des recherches specifiques et des travaux analytiques, 'Forets tropicale humides du Cameroun : Une decennie de reformes' presente la genese et le deploiement de ces reformes. Ce livre identifie les politiques qui ont porte leur fruit, celles qui n'ont pas fonctionne et propose des ameliorations. Bien que ces reformes aient ete elaborees et mises en oeuvre dans un contexte specifique, les enseignements tires de cette experience pourront servir a d'autres pays, connaissant des realites similaires. Ce livre devrait etre notamment utiles aux analystes politiques et experts du developpement, ainsi qu'aux gouvernements, aux populations et aux agences de developpement des pays riches en forets tropicales, en Afrique et ailleurs.
Biodiversity --- Environment --- Forest Industry --- French Translation --- Reforms --- Tropical Forests
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Unemployment and underemployment are global development challenges. The situation in Ghana is no different. In 2016, it was projected that, given the country's growing youth population, 300,000 new jobs would need to be created each year to absorb the increasing numbers of unemployed young people. Yet the employment structure of the Ghanaian economy has not changed much from several decades ago. Most jobs are low skill, requiring limited cognitive or technology know-how, reflected in low earnings and work of lower quality. An additional challenge for Ghana is the need to create access to an adequate number of high-quality, productive jobs. This report seeks to increase knowledge about Ghana's job landscape and youth employment programs to assist policy makers and key stakeholders in identifying ways to improve the effectiveness of these programs and strengthen coordination among major stakeholders. Focused, strategic, short- to medium-term and long-term responses are required to address current unemployment and underemployment challenges. Effective coordination and synergies among youth employment programs are needed to avoid duplication of effort while the country's economic structure transforms. Effective private sector participation in skills development and employment programs is recommended. The report posits interventions in five priority areas that are not new but could potentially make an impact through scaling up: (1) agriculture and agribusiness, (2) apprenticeship (skills training), (3) entrepreneurship, (4) high-yielding areas (renewable energy+ solar, construction, tourism, sports, and green jobs), and (5) preemployment support services. Finally, with the fast-changing nature of work due to technology and artificial intelligence, Ghana needs to develop an education and training system that is versatile and helps young people to adapt and thrive in the twenty-first century world of work.
Disability --- Education reforms --- Employment program --- Labor policy --- Unemployment --- Youth employment
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This paper presents the initial findings from six rounds of research conducted between 2012 and 2016 on livelihoods and social change in rural Myanmar, undertaken as part of the Qualitative Social and Economic Monitoring initiative. These data provide unique insights into the ways in which broad processes of democratization and globalization-put into effect following Myanmar's historic reforms beginning in 2011-are experienced at the village level. The analysis focuses on three key aspects of the "social contract": local governance mechanisms, shifting expectations of the state, and changes in the types of networks connecting villagers to regional and global markets. Remarkable social progress has been made in Myanmar since 2012, yet there are no grounds for complacency. Managing ongoing transformations in these three domains, in ways perceived to be locally legitimate and effective, will be crucial if the initial gains are to be consolidated and expanded.
Governance Reforms --- Networks --- Social Transformation --- State-Society Relations
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This guide is designed to assist all those who are responsible for providing or overseeing formal education or practical experience that forms part of the initial professional development of aspiring professional accountants, or the continuing professional development of professional accountants. It is particularly relevant to professional accountancy organizations. It is also intended for policy makers and regulators who determine which organizations are licensed to certify professional accountants and related specializations, for example, audit professionals.The purpose of the guide is to - increase understanding of the gap between the current skills of many accountants in some regions and the skills that are relevant in increasingly digitized and globalized economies;- convey the essential features of Competency-Based Accounting Education, Training, and Certification (CBAETC);- provide a common reference framework for organizations pursuing CBAETC and the consultants working with them;- assist countries in developing in-country plans and implementing in-country processes that produce accountants with higher-order skills relevant to their economy's rapidly evolving needs; and- improve financial reporting, auditing, and regulation.This guide complements and builds on International Education Standards (IES) of the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB).
Accounting --- Accounting Education --- Certification Program --- Competence --- Competency Maps --- Education Reforms --- Initial Professional Development --- Learning Outcomes --- Lifelong Learning --- Professional Accounting --- Reforms
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management and marketing --- developed and developing countries economy --- economic reforms in Russia --- economic reforms in commonwealth countries --- globalization --- economic integration --- economic reforms in russia --- Economics --- Economics. --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man
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