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Exhibitions --- Rote Armee Fraktion --- Red Army Faction --- Baader-Meinhof Gang --- Baader-Meinhof Group --- RAF (Red Army Faction) --- Vörös Hadsereg Frakció --- In art --- Press coverage
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Anarchists --- Terrorism --- Anarchism and anarchists --- Anarchism --- Baader, Andreas, --- Meinhof, Ulrike. --- Meinhof, Ulrike Marie --- Rote Armee Fraktion. --- Red Army Faction --- Baader-Meinhof Gang --- Baader-Meinhof Group --- RAF (Red Army Faction) --- Vörös Hadsereg Frakció --- Criminology. Victimology --- Germany
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Gudrun Ensslin - Pastorentochter, Studienstiftlerin, Terroristin: Was sagen diese Schlagworte über die Person? Wie kam es zu ihrer Radikalisierung? Im Fokus des Buches steht die Kehrtwendung Gudrun Ensslins aus einer vornehmlich bürgerlichen Existenz zu einem Dasein im Untergrund. Diese Wende der späteren Mitbegründerin der RAF in die Militanz und den Terrorismus scheint sich ohne nennenswerten ideologischen Anlauf vollzogen zu haben. Bis ins Jahr 1967 nimmt Ensslin beispielsweise kaum an Demonstrationen teil. Im Vordergrund steht für sie der Aufstieg ins linksliberale Kulturestablishment der Bundesrepublik, eine geplante Dissertation über Hans Henny Jahnn, schließlich auch ihr Kind. Der Tod Benno Ohnesorgs am 2. Juni 1967 markiert den Beginn ihrer Radikalisierung, die sie geradezu zur Kaufhausbrandstiftung und daran anschließend zur RAF-Gründung katapultiert. Was den Zeitgenossen damals schon rätselhaft erschien, ist auch heute für uns ein aktuelles Problem. Immer wieder fragen wir uns, wie Radikalisierung unbemerkt entstehen konnte (und kann). Folgt man dem Radikalisierungsverlauf Gudrun Ensslins durch die Bildungsinstitutionen hindurch, dann wird sichtbar, wie sich darin langsam das Erleben von Bildung und das von Radikalität immer ähnlicher werden. Alex Aßmann rekonstruiert den Weg Ensslins von der Studentenbewegung in den Linksradikalismus als Bildungsgeschichte. Ihren Ausgang nimmt diese Entwicklung in den 1940er und 50er Jahren, denen das besondere Augenmerk des Autors gilt. Sein Buch eröffnet auf diese Weise einen neuen Blick auf die RAF-Protagonistin und räumt mit weit verbreiteten Missverständnissen auf.
Biografie --- 1968 --- extremism --- Extremismus --- left wing terrorism --- Linksterrorismus --- radicalism --- Radikalismus --- RAF --- red army fraction --- student protests --- Studentenbewegung --- biography --- Terrorists --- Women political prisoners.
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Destined to rank among the most eloquent and thorough examinations of a major suite of paintings, Gerhard Richter: October 18, 1977 combines a lean, persuasively argued text with an elegantly sober design suited to the subject matter. Richter's 15 black-and-white paintings commemorate the day two leaders of the radical German Baader-Meinhof group, disillusioned men and women in their 30s and early 40s whose loyalty to the dogma of the Red Army Faction had led them to commit numerous terrorist acts, were found dead in their prison cells. Gudrun Ensslin appeared to have hung herself. Andreas Baader had been fatally shot. Jan-Carl Raspe was near death from a bullet wound. Two other members of the group had died in prison earlier in the '70s: Holger Meins after a hunger strike; Ulrike Menihof, by hanging. On the Left, there was widespread suspicion the dead had been murdered. Photographs of the Baader-Meinhof members were ubiquitous in newspapers of the day; their images were as familiar to Germans as machine gun-toting Patty "Tania" Hearst was to Americans. Using photographs as models, Richter painted the dead with a subtle technique--a blurring of certain details and an elegiac use of gray--that calls into question the murkiness of historical "knowledge" and emphasizes the uneasy mixture of compassion and horror evoked by the group's fate. Yet, even though Richter waited until 1988 to paint the series, he was denounced either for glorifying a bunch of killers or for using his international fame to exploit the Left. Author Robert Storr, a curator at MoMA, which now owns the series, answers these arguments by looking systematically at postwar German politics, the tradition of history painting, and the dilemmas and decisions of a leading contemporary painter. --(Cathy Curtis).
Richter, Gerhard --- Richter, Gerhard, --- Rote Armee Fraktion --- In art --- Robert Storr --- kunst --- twintigste eeuw --- schilderkunst --- Duitsland --- Richter Gerhard --- Baader-Meinhof --- 75.071 RICHTER --- Rote Armee Fraktion. --- Red Army Faction --- Baader-Meinhof Gang --- Baader-Meinhof Group --- RAF (Red Army Faction) --- Vörös Hadsereg Frakció --- Richter, Gerhard, - 1932- - 18 Oktober 1977 - Exhibitions --- Richter, Gerhard, - 1932- - 18 Oktober 1977
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China. Chung-kuo jen min chieh fang chun --- -History --- China. --- Zhongguo ren min jie fang jun --- Chūgoku Jinmin Kaihōgun --- 中國人民解放軍 --- 中国人民解放军 --- Chinese People's Liberation Army --- PLA --- NOAK --- P.L.A. --- Chińska Armia Ludowo-Wyzwoleńcza --- Chinesische Volksbefreiungsarmee --- Chinese Red Army --- Red Army (China) --- VBA --- People's Liberation Army (China) --- Zhongguo gong nong hong jun --- History.
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In this first comprehensive comparison of left-wing violence in the United States and West Germany, Jeremy Varon focuses on America's Weather Underground and Germany's Red Army Faction to consider how and why young, middle-class radicals in prosperous democratic societies turned to armed struggle in efforts to overthrow their states. Based on a wealth of primary material, ranging from interviews to FBI reports, this book reconstructs the motivation and ideology of violent organizations active during the 1960s and 1970s. Varon conveys the intense passions of the era--the heat of moral purpose, the depth of Utopian longing, the sense of danger and despair, and the exhilaration over temporary triumphs. Varon's compelling interpretation of the logic and limits of dissent in democratic societies provides striking insights into the role of militancy in contemporary protest movements and has wide implications for the United States' current "war on terrorism." Varon explores Weatherman and RAF's strong similarities and the reasons why radicals in different settings developed a shared set of values, languages, and strategies. Addressing the relationship of historical memory to political action, Varon demonstrates how Germany's fascist past influenced the brutal and escalating nature of the West German conflict in the 60s and 70s, as well as the reasons why left-wing violence dropped sharply in the United States during the 1970s. 'Bringing the War Home' is a fascinating account of why violence develops within social movements, how states can respond to radical dissent and forms of terror, how the rational and irrational can combine in political movements, and finally how moral outrage and militancy can play both constructive and destructive roles in efforts at social change.
Baader-Meinhof gang. --- New Left --- Political violence --- Radicalism --- History --- Weather Underground Organization. --- Weatherman (Organization). --- Baader-Meinhof Gang --- Baader-Meinhof Group --- Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe --- Baader-Meinhofgroep --- Bande à Baader --- Collectif RAF --- FAR --- Fraction Armée rouge --- Groupe Baader-Meinhof --- RAF (Red Army Faction) --- Red Army Faction --- Rote Armee Fraktion --- Germany [West ] --- 20th century --- United States --- Weather Underground Organization
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Baader-Meinhof Gang --- Baader-Meinhof Group --- Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe --- Baader-Meinhofgroep --- Bande à Baader --- Collectif RAF --- FAR --- Fraction Armée rouge --- Groupe Baader-Meinhof --- RAF (Red Army Faction) --- Red Army Faction --- Terroristen --- Terrorists --- Bin Laden, Osama --- Ku Klux Klan --- Oumu Shinrikyo (religious organization) --- Rote Armee Fraktion --- Carlos
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Die Frage nach dem Mythos RAF und seinen Bestandteilen geistert durch die Terrorismus-Debatten der letzten Jahre, ohne dass genauere Definitionen oder Erklärungen greifbar wären.Welche Mythen zirkulieren über die »Rote Armee Fraktion« und wer hat sie geschaffen? Welche Mythenbestandteile sind heute noch von Bedeutung und welche Bilder der RAF werden dabei vermittelt? Und nicht zuletzt: Welche Bedeutung haben die Wandlungen des Mythos RAF für die bundesrepublikanische Erinnerungskultur? Anhand von Motiven aus Spielfilmen und Romanen zeigt Cordia Baumann nicht nur Ansatzpunkte zur Mythenbildung auf, sondern verfolgt auch die Entwicklung und Veränderung einzelner Mythen um die RAF und ihre Protagonistinnen und Protagonisten.
Terrorism in literature. --- Terrorism in motion pictures. --- Motion pictures --- Rote Armee Fraktion --- Red Army Faction --- Baader-Meinhof Gang --- Baader-Meinhof Group --- RAF (Red Army Faction) --- Vörös Hadsereg Frakció --- In literature. --- In motion pictures. --- allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft --- Filmgeschichte --- Filmkritik --- Filmtheorie --- Literatur --- Literaturwissenschaft
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A poignant account of the perils and fortunes of an indomitable survivor of violence in Eastern Europe during World War II. In 1939, to escape Nazi occupation, 14-year-old Adam Broner and his older brother Sam left their home and family in Lodz, Poland, and made their way to the Soviet Union. Adam enlisted in the Red Army to join the fight against the Nazis but was sent to work in a Siberian coal mine instead when his nationality was discovered. After a bold and daring escape from Siberia, Broner reached the Soviet Polish Kosciuszko Army, joined the struggle against the Nazis,
Jews --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Participation, Jewish. --- Broner, Adam, --- Poland. --- Soviet Union. --- Russian S.F.S.R. --- Red Army (Soviet Union) --- RKKA SSSR --- R.K.K.A. S.S.S.R. --- צבא האדום --- רױטע ארמײ
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In a definitive new account of the Soviet Union at war, Alexander Hill charts the development, successes and failures of the Red Army from the industrialisation of the Soviet Union in the late 1920s through to the end of the Great Patriotic War in May 1945. Setting military strategy and operations within a broader context that includes national mobilisation on a staggering scale, the book presents a comprehensive account of the origins and course of the war from the perspective of this key Allied power. Drawing on the latest archival research and a wealth of eyewitness testimony, Hill portrays the Red Army at war from the perspective of senior leaders and men and women at the front line to reveal how the Red Army triumphed over the forces of Nazi Germany and her allies on the Eastern Front, and why it did so at such great cost.
World War, 1939-1945 --- Campaigns. --- Battles, sieges, etc. --- Military operations --- Soviet Union. --- History --- Red Army (Soviet Union) --- RKKA SSSR --- R.K.K.A. S.S.S.R. --- צבא האדום --- רױטע ארמײ --- Russian S.F.S.R.
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