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Paix et désarmement
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2870900651 Year: 2010 Volume: 129 Publisher: Bruxelles Contradictions

Pacifier et punir.. 2, La force du droit international et le marché de la paix
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782020974974 2020974975 Year: 2008 Volume: 174 Publisher: Paris: Seuil,

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The frontlines of peace : an insider's guide to changing the world
ISBN: 9780197530351 0197530354 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York (N.Y.): Oxford university press,

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"The word "peacebuilding" evokes a story we've all heard over and over: violence breaks out, foreign nations are scandalized, peacekeepers and million-dollar donors come rushing in, warring parties sign a peace agreement and, sadly, within months the situation is back to where it started--sometimes worse. But what strategies have worked to build lasting peace in conflict zones, particularly for ordinary citizens on the ground? And why should other ordinary citizens, thousands of miles away, care? In The Frontlines of Peace, Severine Autesserre, award-winning researcher and peacebuilder, examines the well-intentioned but inherently flawed peace industry. With examples drawn from across the globe, she reveals that peace can grow in the most unlikely circumstances. Contrary to what most politicians preach, building peace doesn't require billions in aid or massive international interventions. Real, lasting peace requires giving power to local citizens. The Frontlines of Peace tells the stories of the ordinary yet extraordinary individuals and organizations that are confronting violence in their communities effectively. One thing is clear: successful examples of peacebuilding around the world, in countries at war or at peace, have involved innovative grassroots initiatives led by local people, at times supported by foreigners, often employing methods shunned by the international elite. By narrating success stories of this kind, Autesserre shows the radical changes we must take in our approach if we hope to build lasting peace around us--whether we live in Congo, the United States, or elsewhere"--


Peace --- Peace-building. --- Peaceful change (International relations) --- Citizen participation. --- paix --- violence --- politique internationale --- BPB2107 --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- international affairs --- medzinárodná politika --- rahvusvaheline poliitika --- internationale politiek --- politikë ndërkombëtare --- международна политика --- política internacional --- međunarodni poslovi --- internationell politik --- mednarodna politika --- међународна политика --- affarijiet internazzjonali --- international politik --- διεθνής πολιτική --- nemzetközi ügyek --- меѓународна политика --- kansainvälinen politiikka --- internationale Politik --- politică internațională --- starptautiski jautājumi --- mezinárodní politika --- polityka międzynarodowa --- tarptautinė politika --- politica internazionale --- medzinárodné záležitosti --- international politics --- starptautiskā politika --- asuntos internacionales --- világpolitika --- assuntos internacionais --- mezinárodní záležitosti --- affaires internationales --- internationale Angelegenheiten --- internationale zaken --- politici internaționale --- nemzetközi politika --- affari internazionali --- internacionální záležitosti --- internacionální politika --- tarptautiniai reikalai --- διεθνή θέματα --- Weltpolitik --- geweld --- βία --- vardarbība --- violență --- насилие --- násilie --- násilí --- väkivalta --- smurtas --- vjolenza --- violenza --- erőszak --- violência --- насилство --- przemoc --- vold --- nasilje --- violencia --- Gewalt --- насиље --- vägivald --- våld --- dhunë --- smurtavimas --- agresivita --- физичко насилство --- агресивност --- violenza fisica --- violenza morale --- Peace-building --- Citizen participation --- gnóthaí idirnáisiúnta --- foréigean --- International relations. Foreign policy --- Polemology --- síocháin --- Peace - Citizen participation

Le maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales : recueil d'études de Josiane Tercinet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2802735810 9782802735816 Year: 2012 Publisher: Bruxelles: Bruylant,

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Peacekeeping forces. --- Security, International --- Maintien de la paix --- Sécurité internationale --- United Nations --- Peacekeeping forces --- EPUB-ALPHA-M EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- Paix --- BPB1303 --- Sécurité internationale --- equilibrio internacional --- internationell jämvikt --- međunarodna ravnoteža --- světová rovnováha --- διεθνής ισορροπία --- ekuilibër ndërkombëtar --- medzinárodná rovnováha --- tarptautinė pusiausvyra --- меѓународна рамнотежа --- internationaal evenwicht --- equilíbrio internacional --- drošības intereses --- starptautiskais līdzsvars --- internationales Gleichgewicht --- nemzetközi egyensúly --- international balance --- Διάσκεψη του Ελσίνκι --- equilibrio internazionale --- rahvusvaheline tasakaal --- echilibru internațional --- équilibre international --- mezinárodní rovnováha --- διεθνής ασφάλεια --- internationale Sicherheit --- international sikkerhed --- tarptautinis saugumas --- kansainvälinen turvallisuus --- international security --- меѓународна безбедност --- medzinárodná bezpečnosť --- siguri ndërkombëtare --- rahvusvaheline julgeolek --- internationell säkerhet --- segurança internacional --- международна сигурност --- starptautiskā drošība --- seguridad internacional --- sicurezza internazionale --- mednarodna varnost --- slándáil idirnáisiúnta --- bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe --- međunarodna sigurnost --- mezinárodní bezpečnost --- међународна безбедност --- internationale veiligheid --- nemzetközi biztonság --- securitate internațională --- sigurtà internazzjonali --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- síocháin --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- Security [International ] --- International relations --- United Nations. Security Council

RD Congo : pays de l'avenir : contruisons ensemble une paix durable pour un meilleur destin : livre ouvert
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789075376555 9075376553 Year: 2010 Volume: 87 Publisher: S.l. : S.l. : Universités et ONG Conglaises ; International Peace Research Association (IPRA),

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International movements --- Congo --- Peace-building --- Consolidation de la paix --- Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Congo (République démocratique) --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- Congo (Republique democratique) --- Academic collection --- Paix --- BPB1011 --- #SBIB:328H412 --- #SBIB:327.5H21 --- 308 <675> --- 327.36 <6> --- Kongo --- Vrede --- Instellingen en beleid: Zaïre / Congo --- Vrede – oorlog, oorlogssituaties --- Sociografie. Sociaal economische geografie. Sociale toestand--Zaïre. Belgisch Kongo --- Vredesbewegingen. Pacifistische bewegingen. Vredesbewegingen. Wereldvredebeweging--Afrika --- 327.36 <6> Vredesbewegingen. Pacifistische bewegingen. Vredesbewegingen. Wereldvredebeweging--Afrika --- 308 <675> Sociografie. Sociaal economische geografie. Sociale toestand--Zaïre. Belgisch Kongo --- Congo (République démocratique) --- History --- Civil War (1997- ) --- 1997 --- -Congo (Democratic Republic) --- -Peace --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- Κονγκό --- Конго --- Kongó --- Kongas --- Congo-Brazzaville --- il-Kongo --- Republikken Congo --- Kongo Respublika --- Congo Brazzaville --- ir-Repubblika tal-Kongo --- Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό --- Kongo Francez --- Конго-Бразавил --- République du Congo --- Kongo Republika --- Kongo Brazavilë --- Република Конго --- Brazzavillen Kongo --- French Congo --- Republika e Kongos --- Repubblica del Congo --- Republica Congo --- Republiken Kongo --- Republika Kongo --- Konžská republika --- Kongo (Brazaville) --- Republika Konga --- República do Congo --- Kongon tasavalta --- Konžská lidová republika --- Republiek Congo --- die Republik Kongo --- Kongo Vabariik --- Kongo-Brazzaville --- República del Congo --- Republic of the Congo --- Kongói Köztársaság --- síocháin --- An Congó --- Binnenlandse politiek. --- Nationale veiligheid. --- Kongo (Kinshasa)

Geweld herdacht : voorbij oorlog en vrede
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789033498053 Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven Den Haag Acco

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Philosophical anthropology --- History of civilization --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- # BIBC : Academic collection --- BPB1502 --- Guerre --- Violence --- Paix --- Oorlog --- Geweld --- Vrede --- Philosophy --- War --- Moral and ethical aspects --- háború --- karas --- rat --- karš --- luftë --- válka --- Krieg --- wojna --- војна --- war --- sota --- krig --- рат --- πόλεμος --- vojna --- война --- război --- guerra --- sõda --- oorlog --- gwerra --- ozbrojený konflikt --- relvastatud konflikt --- fegyveres konfliktus --- väpnad konflikt --- aseellinen selkkaus --- conflitto --- oružani sukob --- válečný konflikt --- conflitto armato --- invasione armata --- bewaffneter Konflikt --- konflikt i armatosur --- εμπόλεμη κατάσταση --- armed conflict --- conflit armé --- ginkluotas konfliktas --- σύρραξη --- apertura delle ostilità --- gewapend conflict --- væbnet konflikt --- bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung --- conflict armat --- relvakonflikt --- dichiarazione di guerra --- conflito armado --- conflicto armado --- ozbrojený útočný čin --- ένοπλη σύγκρουση --- вооружен судир --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- geweld --- βία --- vardarbība --- violență --- насилие --- násilie --- násilí --- väkivalta --- smurtas --- vjolenza --- violenza --- erőszak --- violência --- насилство --- przemoc --- vold --- nasilje --- violencia --- Gewalt --- насиље --- vägivald --- våld --- dhunë --- violence --- smurtavimas --- agresivita --- физичко насилство --- агресивност --- violenza fisica --- violenza morale --- foréigean --- síocháin --- cogadh --- Politieke filosofie --- Vredesethiek

La paix contre la justice ? : Comment reconstruire un Etat avec des criminels de guerre
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782874950803 2874950807 Year: 2010 Volume: 1 Publisher: Bruxelles: André Versaille,

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Pierre Hazan analyse l’un des grands paradoxes de ce siècle : Faut-il juger les chefs d’État criminels ou pardonner au nom de la paix ? Quel doit-être le rôle de la justice internationale ? La question se pose désormais à chaque conflit. Réfutant les réponses simplistes, l’auteur tente d’en clarifier les enjeux en les illustrant d’éléments concrets, ce qui confère à son ouvrage un caractère véritablement pédagogique. Parmi les écrits traitant de justice transitionnelle, ce livre est l’un des premiers à traiter le fond de cette problématique aigüe : la Paix contre la Justice.


Law of armed conflicts. Humanitarian law --- Polemology --- Peace --- Crimes against humanity --- War crime trials --- Peace-building --- Paix --- Crimes contre l'humanité --- Procès (Crimes de guerre) --- Consolidation de la paix --- Amnesty --- International crimes --- Transitional justice --- War crimes --- International criminal courts --- Human Rights --- Truth commissions --- Justice, Administration of --- Political aspects --- Justice, Administration ofPolitical aspects --- BPB1011 --- Coopération judiciaire --- 327.5 --- Justitiële samenwerking --- Vrede --- conflicten, internationale --- Crimes contre l'humanité --- Procès (Crimes de guerre) --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- retsligt samarbejde --- Zusammenarbeit der Justizbehörden --- oikeudellinen yhteistyö --- współpraca sądowa --- súdna spolupráca --- kohtualane koostöö --- δικαστική συνεργασία --- tiesu iestāžu sadarbība --- cooperazione giudiziaria --- kooperazzjoni ġudizzjarja --- cooperação judiciária --- cooperare judiciară --- samarbete mellan rättsinstanser --- igazságügyi együttműködés --- justitiële samenwerking --- сарадња правосудних органа --- юридическо сътрудничество --- teisminis bendradarbiavimas --- cooperación judicial --- judicial cooperation --- bashkëpunim gjyqësor --- pravosudna suradnja --- судска соработка --- pravosodno sodelovanje --- soudní spolupráce --- entraide judiciaire --- ömsesidig hjälp i juridiska ärenden --- savstarpēja palīdzība tieslietu jomā --- teismo institucijų bendradarbiavimas --- mutua assistenza giudiziaria --- tiesu iestāžu sadarbība krimināllietās --- soudní výpomoc --- vastavuoroinen avunanto oikeudellisissa asioissa --- gerechtelijke samenwerking --- vzájemná pomoc v právních záležitostech --- asistencia judicial mutua --- ndihmë e ndërsjellë në çështje ligjore --- vastastikune abistamine õigusasjades --- auxílio mútuo judiciário --- kölcsönös jogsegély --- mutual assistance in legal matters --- justitiële onderlinge hulp --- заемна правна помош --- savstarpēja palīdzība krimināllietās --- předávání vězňů --- zwischenstaatliche Rechtshilfe --- suradnja u pravnim pitanjima --- judicielt samarbejde --- δικαστική αλληλοβοήθεια --- tiesu iestāžu sadarbība civillietās --- vzájomná pomoc v právnych náležitostiach --- savstarpēja palīdzība civillietās --- asistență mutuală în probleme juridice --- comhar breithiúnach --- síocháin --- Justice, Administration of - Political aspects --- Coopération judiciaire --- Crimes de guerre --- Processus de paix --- Droit pénal international --- Monnaie --- Procès --- Droit

Building peace after war
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780415474368 0415474361 Year: 2009 Publisher: Abingdon : London : Routledge ; International Institute for Strategic Studies,

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#SBIB:327.5H20 --- BPB0911 --- 856.6 Vredesopbouw --- Instauration de la paix --- Paix --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- síocháin --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- totstandbrenging van de vrede --- fredsskapande --- establishment of peace --- успостављање мира --- rauhan rakentaminen --- uspostava mira --- stabiliment tal-paċi --- instauración de la paz --- instauração da paz --- opnåelse af fred --- ustanovenie mieru --- εγκαθίδρυση της ειρήνης --- vzpostavitev miru --- bunú na síochána --- rahu kehtestamine --- taikos įvedimas --- instaurazione della pace --- béketeremtés --- krijim i paqes --- stabilirea păcii --- воспоставување мир --- zaprowadzenie pokoju --- miera nodibināšana --- Herbeiführung des Friedens --- nastolení míru --- установяване на мир --- costruzione della pace --- αποκατάσταση της ειρήνης --- graditev miru --- consolidação da paz --- tiswir tal-paċi --- starptautiskā miera un drošības saglabāšana --- consolidarea păcii --- mírová smlouva --- rétablissement de la paix --- taikos procesas --- fredsproces --- rauhan aikaansaaminen --- rivendosje e paqes --- ostvarenje mira --- Wiederherstellung des Friedens --- budovanie mieru --- ripristino della pace --- fredsbyggande åtgärder --- vredesopbouw --- proces i paqes --- restablecimiento de la paz --- consolidamento della pace --- taikos atkūrimas --- miera atjaunošana --- mírový proces --- proces de pace --- peacebuilding --- bewerkstelligen van de vrede --- miera līgums --- budování míru --- miera panākšana --- processo de paz --- dosažení míru --- taikos nustatymas --- rahuprotsess --- obnovení míru --- fredsbevarande åtgärder --- békeépítés --- Friedensaufbau --- οικοδόμηση της ειρήνης --- ponovna uspostava mira --- proceso de paz --- rauhanprosessi --- herstellen van de vrede --- izgradnja mira --- dojednání míru --- arritje e paqes --- miera veidošana --- budowanie pokoju --- estabelecimento da paz --- peace process --- consolidación de la paz --- Daytonski sporazum --- achievement of peace --- restabilirea păcii --- consolidation de la paix --- miera process --- békefolyamat --- rahu taastamine --- construção da paz --- taikos kūrimas --- vredesproces --- fredsopbygning --- restabelecimento da paz --- rahu saavutamine --- rahu tagamine --- fredsstiftande --- genoprettelse af fred --- Friedensprozess --- rauhan palauttaminen --- изграждане на мира --- re-establishment of peace --- béke helyreállítása --- mirovni proces --- znovunastolení míru --- Vredesonderzoek: algemeen --- Peace-building --- Intervention (International law) --- Consolidation de la paix --- Intervention (Droit international) --- International cooperation. --- Coopération internationale

De strijd voor vrede : en hoe we die kunnen winnen
ISBN: 9789463102223 9463102221 Year: 2017 Publisher: Antwerpen Polis

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Onze wereld staat in brand, maar we kunnen die brand blussen. Tom Sauer pleit onomwonden tegen het doemdenken. Uiteraard moeten we eerst begrijpen waarom Poetin Oekraïne onveilig maakt, terroristen zich opblazen in Brussel en Parijs, en er nog altijd vijftienduizend kernwapens zijn.In De strijd voor vrede beschrijft Tom Sauer haarfijn hoe al die bedreigingen niet zomaar uit de lucht komen vallen. De complexe gevaren in onze wereld hebben duidelijke oorzaken die we vaak zijn vergeten of negeren. De rode draad in dit verhelderende boek is het gevoel dat individuen en staten verbindt. Omdat ze zich genegeerd voelen, vallen ze ten prooi aan frustratie en woede. Met alle gevolgen van dien. We kunnen de strijd voor vrede winnen door te streven naar meer gezamenlijkheid.Bron :


Polemology --- Sociology of minorities --- International relations. Foreign policy --- Social psychology --- Vrede --- Actualiteit --- Politiek --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen --- Sociologie --- Oorlog --- #SBIB:327.5H20 --- BPB1712 --- Maintien de la paix --- Coexistence pacifique --- Paix --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- мирно съвместно съществуване --- coexistență pașnică --- miroljubno sobivanje --- coesistenza pacifica --- coexistencia pacífica --- peaceful co-existence --- mierīga līdzāspastāvēšana --- rauhanomainen rinnakkainolo --- coexistência pacífica --- mírové soužití --- békés együttélés --- bashkëjetesë paqësore --- friedliche Koexistenz --- vreedzame coëxistentie --- fredlig samlevnad --- fredelig sameksistens --- мирољубива коегзистенција --- pokojowe współistnienie --- mierové spolužitie --- taikus sambūvis --- ειρηνική συνύπαρξη --- rahumeelne kooseksisteerimine --- miroljubiva koegzistencija --- koeżistenza paċifika --- detanta --- d´étente --- uvolňování napětí --- a nemzetközi politikai helyzet enyhülése --- mírová koexistence --- Entspannung --- afspænding --- avspänning --- detant --- distensione --- liennytys --- popuštanje napetosti --- mírové spolužití --- enyhülés --- zmírňování napětí --- ύφεση --- pingelõdvendus --- desanuviamento --- ontspanning --- izvairīšanās no konflikta --- distensión --- détente --- distensão --- tarptautinių santykių įtampos (su)mažėjimas --- соживот --- taikos palaikymas --- мироопазване --- Erhaltung des Friedens --- rauhanturvaaminen --- miera uzturēšana --- udržování míru --- fredsbevarande --- udržiavanie mieru --- menținerea păcii --- opretholdelse af fred --- handhaving van de vrede --- mantenimento della pace --- żamma tal-paċi --- ohranjanje miru --- utrzymywanie pokoju --- peacekeeping --- одржавање мира --- paqeruajtëse --- manutenção da paz --- rahuvalve --- békefenntartás --- održavanje mira --- διατήρηση της ειρήνης --- mantenimiento de la paz --- одржување на мирот --- oddálení války --- ruajtje e paqes --- rahutagamine --- zachovanie mieru --- Sicherung des Friedens --- мировна мисија --- taikos išsaugojimas --- sauvegarde de la paix --- osiguranje mira --- udržiavanie pokoja --- miera nodrošināšana --- zabezpečenie mieru --- keeping the peace --- Wahrung des Friedens --- safeguarding peace --- uchování míru --- salvaguardia de la paz --- obrana míru --- rauhan säilyttäminen --- békemegőrzés --- preserving peace --- salvaguarda da paz --- mirovna misija --- bevarelse af fred --- Friedenssicherung --- zabezpečení míru --- bewaren van de vrede --- mbajtja e paqes --- διαφύλαξη της ειρήνης --- salvgardarea păcii --- rauhan turvaaminen --- taikos saugojimas --- prodloužení míru --- zajištění míru --- pokoj --- posílení míru --- rahukaitse --- zachování míru --- očuvanje mira --- salvaguardia della pace --- säkerställande av fred --- Vredesonderzoek: algemeen --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling --- Propaganda --- Recht --- Scheepvaart --- Maatschappij --- Film --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- síocháin --- cómhaireachtáil shíochánta --- an tsíocháin a choimeád --- C5 --- Maatschappelijke organisaties en maatschappelijk leven --- Terrorism. --- World politics --- BPB2410

Ius contra bellum : le droit international relatif au maintien de la paix
ISBN: 9782802726319 9783719027308 2802726315 3719027309 Year: 2009 Volume: *6 Publisher: Bruxelles: Bruylant,

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Coexistence pacifique --- Conflits internationaux--Règlement pacifique --- Conventions de Genève --- Conventions humanitaires --- Différends internationaux--Règlement pacifique --- Dispute settlement [Peaceful ](International relations) --- Disputes [Pacific settlement of international ] --- Droit humanitaire --- Droit humanitaire international --- Droit international humanitaire --- Droits de l'homme dans les conflits armés --- Forces d'interposition --- Forces de maintien de la paix --- Humanitair recht --- Humanitarian conventions --- Humanitarian law --- International disputes [Pacific settlement of ] --- International humanitarian law --- Interposition de forces de maintien de la paix --- Interventions extérieures pour le maintien de la paix --- Litiges internationaux--Règlement pacifique --- Négociations de paix --- Opérations de maintien de la paix --- PSD (Pacific settlement of international disputes) --- Pacific settlement of international disputes --- Pacific settlement of international disputes--Law and legislation --- Peaceful dispute settlement (International relations) --- Peaceful settlement of international disputes --- Peacekeeping (Military science) --- Peacekeeping forces --- Processus de paix--Intervention extérieure --- Règlement de conflits internationaux --- Règlement des différends internationaux --- Règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux --- Règlement pacifique des différends internationaux --- Résolution de conflits internationaux --- Settlement of international disputes [Pacific ] --- Vredesmachten --- Vreedzame regeling van internationale geschillen --- Maintien de la paix --- Recours à la force --- Nations Unies. --- BPB0904 --- Droit international --- Paix --- Charte des Nations unies --- 821.1 Volkenrecht --- 811.1 Rechtvaardige oorlog --- Internationaal recht --- Vrede --- Handvest van de Verenigde Naties --- Peacekeeping forces. --- Recours à la force armée --- United Nations. Security Council --- Maintien de la paix. --- Règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux. --- Recours à la force armée. --- Повелба на Обединетите нации --- Karta Narodów Zjednoczonych 1945 --- Carta de las Naciones Unidas --- Charta Spojených národov --- καταστατικός χάρτης των Ηνωμένων Εθνών --- Povelja Ujedinjenih naroda --- charta Spojených národů --- Charta der Vereinten Nationen --- Харта на Обединените нации --- Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas harta --- Повеља Уједињених нација --- Carta ONU --- Karta e Organizatës së Kombeve të Bashkuara --- Carta das Nações Unidas --- Ustanovna listina Združenih narodov --- Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsiooni põhikiri --- Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien peruskirja --- Jungtinių Tautų Chartija --- Karta tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti --- Egyesült Nemzetek Alapokmánya --- Carta delle Nazioni Unite --- FN-pagten --- United Nations Charter --- Förenta nationernas stadga --- charta OSN --- Повелба на ОН --- Carta dell'ONU --- pokój --- Friede --- pace --- peace --- taika --- miers --- mier --- mír --- mir --- rauha --- fred --- rahu --- paqe --- мир --- paċi --- vrede --- paz --- béke --- ειρήνη --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- международно право --- internationaal recht --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- international law --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- Cairt na Náisiún Aontaithe --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- síocháin --- Nations Unies

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