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Coming-out - Queere Identitäten zwischen Diskriminierung und Emanzipation
ISBN: 3863883586 Year: 2018 Publisher: Leverkusen Budrich UniPress

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Trotz der Wandlungsprozesse innerhalb der Diskurse um Geschlecht und Sexualität bleibt die Diskriminierung queerer Identitäten ein virulentes Problem. Die Formen dieser Diskriminierung untersucht die Autorin in ihrer Studie. Anhand von Interviews zeichnet sie die Auswirkungen der Heteronormativität auf die Betroffenen nach und mittels einer Diskursanalyse untersucht sie die historischen Wandlungsprozesse in der Konstruktion queerer Identitäten. Daraus leitet die Autorin die fortbestehende Notwendigkeit konkreter politischer und gesellschaftlicher Emanzipation ab. Bärbel Schomers Buch ist ein ambitioniertes Werk, welches eindeutig mit viel Engagement und Aufwandv erfasst wurdeAnthropos 114.2019 "Die Dissertation von Bärbel Schomers bietet eine überaus lesenswerte, viele innovative Aspekte beinhaltende sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch wohl fundierte Lektüre, die - da bin ich mir sicher - auch als Buchpublikation zu einem in unserer Gesellschaft noch immer weit verbreiteten Tabu ihren LeserInnenkreis finden wird." Hier finden Sie die ganze Rezension:

ISSN: 16896637 Publisher: Poland OÅrodek Studiów AmerykaÅskich Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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Widersprüche des Medizinischen : eine wissenssoziologische Studie zu Konzepten der "Transsexualität"
ISBN: 9783837926286 3837926281 Year: 2016 Publisher: Gießen Psychosozial-Verlag

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Queer Insists (for José Esteban Muñoz)
Authors: ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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Queer Insists is a memorial essay, a work of mourning, written for the queer theorist and performance scholar Jose Esteban Muñoz (1967-2013) shortly after his untimely death in December 2013. In a series of fragments, not unlike Roland Barthes's Mourning Diary, Michael O'Rourke shares memories of Muñoz, the stories and reflections of his friends in the wake of his passing, and readings of his work from Disidentifications to Cruising Utopia and beyond. O'Rourke argues that, for Muñoz, queer does not exist, per se, but rather insists, soliciting us from the future to-come. Muñoz reached towards teleopoietic worlds as he invented a queer theory we have yet to find, but are invited to glimpse.Among the Muñozian themes this chapbook discusses are hope, utopia, affect, punk rock, heresy, the undercommons, temporality, hauntology, forgetting, loss, ephemera, partage, sense, incommensurability, the event and democracy.In reading Muñoz as a Rogue Theorist, this book borrows many of the gifts we have received (and have yet to receive) from him, marking the force and luminescence of his thought, and insisting upon the rare and precious singularity of his work. Muñoz bequeaths to us a queer studies without condition which it is our duty to foster and to bear as we carry it and him into the unknowable futures of an indiscipline.

Suture : trauma and trans becoming
Year: 2021 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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"The landscape of trauma is scattered with ghosts. Wolves hunkering in the shadows. Memory’s spectral persistence and evasion. Leaky bodies and selves gathered up in the storm of pain. Genders imposed and genders made. History’s cruel excisions, scars, the spillage of wounds. A landscape in which we are nevertheless called to build home. Here, “storytelling is a kind of suturing.”Combining memoir, lyrical essay, and cultural criticism, KJ Cerankowski's Suture: Trauma and Trans Becoming stitches together an embodied history of trauma and its ongoing impacts on the lived realities of trans, queer, and other marginalized subjects. Suture is a conjuration, a patchwork knitting of ghost stories attending to the wound as its own archive. It is a journey through many “transitions”: of gender; through illness and chronic pain; from childhood to adulthood and back again; of psyche and form in the wake of abuse and through the work of healing; and of the self, becoming in and through the ongoingness of settler colonial violence and its attendant subjugations of diverse forms of life.Refusing a traditional binary-based gender transition narrative, as well as dominant psychoanalytic narratives of trauma that center an individual process of symptom, diagnosis, and cure, Suture explores the refractive nature of trauma’s dispersed roots and lingering effects. If the wounds of trauma are disquiet apparitions—repetitions within the cut—these stories tend the seams through which the simultaneous loneliness of mourning and togetherness of queer intersubjective relations converge. Across these essays, healing, and indeed living, is a state of perpetual becoming, surviving, and loving, in the nonlinearities of trauma time, body-time, and queer time."

Clinical Encounters in Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Practice and Queer Theory
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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Clinical Encounters in Sexuality makes an intervention into the fields of clinical psychoanalysis and sexuality studies, in an effort to think about a range of issues relating to sexuality from a clinical psychoanalytic perspective. The editors have chosen queer theory as an interlocutor for the clinical contributors, because it is at the forefront of theoretical considerations of sexuality, as well as being both reliant upon and suspicious of psychoanalysis as a clinical practice and discourse. The book brings together a number of psychoanalytic schools of thought and clinical approaches, which are sometimes at odds with one another and thus tend not to engage in dialogue about divisive theoretical concepts and matters of clinical technique. The volume also stages, for the first time, a sustained clinical psychoanalytic engagement with queer theory. The central questions we present to readers to think about are: What are the discourses of sexuality underpinning psychoanalysis, and how do they impact on clinical practice? In what ways does sexuality get played out for, and between, the psychoanalytic practitioner and the patient? How do social, cultural and historical attitudes towards sexuality impact on the transference and countertransference, consciously and unconsciously? Why is sexuality so prone to reification?

The End of Man
Authors: ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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Masculinity? This book attempts to answer this one-word question by revisiting key philosophical concepts in the construction of masculinity, not in order to re-write or debunk them again, but in order to provide a radically new departure to what masculinity means today. This new departure focuses on an understanding of sexuality and gender that is neither structured in oppositional terms (masculine-feminine, male-female, man-woman) nor in performative terms (for which the opposition remains always secretly in play), but in a perpendicular relation akin to that which brings space and time together. In doing so, this book doesn't aim to establish yet another theory within the field of masculism or men's studies, but to put forward a personal account of how a revised understanding of the relationship between space, time, and gender can thoroughly alter concepts of masculinity.

Homotopia?: Gay Identity, Sameness &amp; the Politics of Desire
Year: 2015 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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Do opposites attract? Is desire lack? These assumptions have become so much a part of the ways in which we conceive desire that they are rarely questioned. Yet, what do they say about how homosexuality -- a desire for the same -- is viewed in our culture? This book takes as its starting point the absence of a suitable theory of homosexual desire, a theory not predicated on such heterological assumptions. It is an investigation into how such assumptions acquired meaning within homosexual discourse, and as such is offered as an interruption within the hegemony of desire. As such, homosexual desire constitutes the biggest challenge to Western binaric thinking in that it dissolves the sacred distinctions between Same/Other, Desire/Identification, subject/object, male/female. Homotopia? (composed in 1997 but not published until now) investigates the development of a homosexual discourse at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, and reveals how that discourse worked within heterosexualized models of desire. Andre Gide's Corydon, Edward Carpenter's The Intermediate Sex, and John Addington Symond's A Problem in Modern Ethics are all pseudo-scientific texts written by non-medical men of letters, and were, in their time, highly influential on the emerging homosexual discourse. The fourth text, the twenty-odd pages of Marcel Proust's novel A la recherche de temps perdu usually referred to as 'La Race maudite,' is the most problematic, in that it appeared under the guise of fiction. But Proust originally planned this 'essay-within-a-novel' to be published separately. In it, he offers a pseudo-scientific theory of male-male love. These four texts were published between the years 1891 and 1924, an historical moment when the concept of a distinct homosexual identity took shape within a medicalized discourse centered on essential identity traits and characteristics, and they all work within the rubric of science, contributing to a discourse which saw the human race divided into two distinct categories: heterosexuals and homosexuals. How did this division come about, and what were its effects? How was this discourse sustained, and how were the meanings it produced received? For men whose erotic interest was exclusively in other men, what did it mean to see oneself and one's desires as the outcome of biology rather than moral lapse?

Lambda nordica
ISSN: 11002573 20017286

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Journal for interdisciplinary Biblical studies.
ISSN: 26330695 Year: 2019 Publisher: Sheffield : Sheffield Institute for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies,

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