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Premio Nadal. --- Spanish fiction --- Bio-bibliography. --- History and criticism.
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Premio Murat. --- French literature --- Appreciation --- History --- Majorano, Matteo.
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Fondation internationale prix e. balzan --- Premio eugenio balzan --- Recherche
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Italian literature --- Premio Rappallo Carige --- Women authors --- History and criticism --- History
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Premio eugenio balzan --- Prix et recompenses --- Italie --- 20e siecle --- 21e siecle
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PARADISE LOST is het meesterwerk van de 17e eeuwse Engelse dichter JOHN MILTON. De bekroonde Spaanse illustrator PABLO AULADELL (1972) bewerkte het meer dan 10.000 versregels tellende gedicht tot een beeldroman van ruim 300 pagina's. Het klassieke verhaal van de opstand van de engel Lucifer tegen de almacht van God, zijn verbanning uit de hemel en hoe hij Eva en Adam verleidde tot ongehoorzaamheid, waardoor zij uit de Tuin van Eden werden verstoten, blijft eeuwig fascineren. Je hoeft niet gelovig te zijn om geraakt te worden door de kracht van de vertelling en de magistrale beelden van Auladell.
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Christian De Duve, prix Nobel de médecine, retrace ici les grandes étapes d'une existence exceptionnelle qui lui a permis d'assister en témoin privilégié aux progrès révolutionnaires de notre compréhension de la vie accomplis, depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, d'en connaître les principaux protagonistes et même d'ajouter sa propre pierre à l'édifice. A ces mémoires scientifiques s'ajoutent des souvenirs personnels, des portraits, des anecdotes.Le récit d'une vie hors du commun.
Physiologists --- Nobel Prize winners --- Physiologistes --- Lauréats du Prix Nobel --- Biography --- Biography. --- Biographies --- De Duve, Christian. --- De Duve, Christian --- BPB1305 --- Distinction honorifique --- Médecine --- Biographie --- Eervolle onderscheiding --- Geneeskunde --- Biografie --- Lauréats du Prix Nobel --- Biologists --- Medical scientists --- Nobel Prizes --- de Duve, Christian. --- mjekësi --- Medizin --- lekárstvo --- medicin --- lékařství --- medycyna --- medicine --- geneeskunde --- meditsiin --- mediċina --- orvoslás --- медицина --- lääketiede --- medicina --- ιατρική --- zāles --- medicină --- medicína --- orvostan --- medicina interna --- интерна медицина --- lægevidenskab --- fisiologia --- arstiteadus --- elulookirjeldus --- bijografija --- biography --- elämäkerta --- biografia --- biografija --- biografía --- βιογραφία --- biografie --- životopis --- življenjepis --- биография --- биографија --- életrajz --- biogrāfija --- biografi --- autobiografi --- önéletrajz --- autobiography --- gyvenimo aprašymas --- autobiografija --- autobiografía --- semblanza --- biografický slovník --- autobiografie --- autobiogrāfija --- автобиографија --- omaelämäkerta --- självbiografi --- biográfia --- biograafia --- autobiografia --- önéletírás --- selvbiografi --- αυτοβιογραφία --- Autobiografie --- memoárová literatura --- autobiographie --- autobiograafia --- distinzione onorifica --- vyznamenání --- odznaczenie --- distinción honorífica --- ehrende Auszeichnung --- чест --- pagerbimas --- premju --- ocenenie --- τιμητική διάκριση --- hædersbevisning --- kunnianosoitus --- utmärkelse --- почаст --- auavaldus --- kitüntetés --- почетно отличие --- godalga --- eervolle onderscheiding --- distinção honorífica --- častno odlikovanje --- počast --- nder --- honour --- distincție onorifică --- Nobela prēmija --- mitali --- hedersbevisning --- europäische Auszeichnung --- Preis für Spitzenleistungen --- izcilības raksts --- μετάλλιο --- garbės apdovanojimas --- prix Nobel --- ocenění --- βραβείο αριστείας --- Nobelin palkinto --- medal --- premio a la excelencia --- premju Nobel --- Nobelova cena --- decorație --- európai érem --- pris för utomordentliga insatser --- Premiul Nobel --- rendjel --- condecoración --- becsület-érdemrend --- Europese medaille --- premio d'onore --- vyznamenanie --- medalja --- Европска медаља --- Nobelpreis --- prix d'excellence --- τιμητικό βραβείο --- décoration --- одликување --- награда --- státní vyznamenání --- huippuosaamispalkinto --- medalie europeană --- médaille européenne --- medaile --- medalje europiane --- европейски медал --- medaille --- отличие --- priznanje --- Ehrenzeichen --- medalla europea --- nagrada za odličnost --- Nobelova nagrada --- medalja Ewropea --- prémio de excelência --- premio de honor --- odlikovanje --- častna nagrada --- европски медал --- riconoscimento onorifico --- почесно признание --- onorificenza --- медаља --- nagrada --- prix d'honneur --- titolo onorifico --- apbalvojums --- ordinas --- condecoração --- europæisk medalje --- nagroda Nobla --- europeisk medalj --- Nobelio premija --- почесна награда --- Eurooppa-mitali --- prize for excellence --- udmærkelse --- prémio de honra --- uhonorowanie --- evropska medalja --- Eiropas medaļa --- Nobeli preemia --- Nobelprijs --- medalha --- medaila --- onorifiċenza --- premiu de onoare --- decoratie --- dekorazzjoni --- medal europejski --- decoration --- ευρωπαϊκό μετάλλιο --- βραβείο Νόμπελ --- Çmimi Nobel --- kunniamerkin myöntäminen --- cena za excelentnosť --- evropská medaile --- řád --- медал --- medalha europeia --- premiu de excelență --- orden --- Europos medalis --- dekorim --- Nobel-díj --- balva --- odličje --- παράσημο --- teenetemärk --- apdovanojimas --- medaļa --- hedersbetygelse --- premio di eccellenza --- ærespris --- médaille --- premju ta' unur --- medaglia europea --- kunniapalkinto --- premio Nobel --- award --- medalj --- decorazione --- Нобелова награда --- medalla --- Nobelpris --- çmim për ekselencë --- почетна награда --- Prémio Nobel --- орден --- premju ta' eċċellenza --- honorowe odznaczenie --- európska medaila --- hedersutmärkelse --- награда за върхови постижения --- priznanje i nagrada --- Ehrenpreis --- medaglia --- kiválósági díj --- aumärk --- medalis --- medalie --- Nobel Prize --- Orden --- Euroopa medal --- European medal --- medalje --- čestné ocenenie --- ordensdekoration --- leigheas --- beathaisnéis --- honra --- onóir --- unur --- Saharov-palkinto --- Nagroda im. Sacharowa --- Sakharovprisen --- Sacharovo premija --- nagrada Saharova --- Sakharov Prize --- Premju Sakharov --- Sacharow-Preis --- Βραβείο Ζαχάρωφ --- Szaharov-díj --- Sahharovi auhind --- Sacharovpriset --- Sacharovova cena --- Prémio Sakharov --- Sacharovprijs --- Наградата „Сахаров“ --- Premio Sacharov --- Premio Sájarov --- Premiul Saharov --- Saharova balva --- prix Sakharov --- Nagrada Saharov --- de Duve, Christian René Marie Joseph --- de Duve, Christian --- Physiologists - Belgium - Biography --- Nobel Prize winners - Belgium - Biography --- medicīna --- Médecine --- Academic collection
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In this magisterial work, Joseph O'Callaghan offers a detailed account of the establishment of Alfonso X's legal code, the Libro de las leyes or Siete Partidas, and its applications in the daily life of thirteenth-century Iberia, both within and far beyond the royal courts. O'Callaghan argues that Alfonso X, el Sabio (the Wise), was the Justinian of his age, one of the truly great legal minds of human history.Alfonso X, the Justinian of His Age highlights the struggles the king faced in creating a new, coherent, inclusive, and all-embracing body of law during his reign, O'Callaghan also considers Alfonso X's own understanding of his role as king, lawgiver, and defender of the faith in order to evaluate the impact of his achievement on the administration of justice. Indeed, such was the power and authority of the Alfonsine code that it proved the king's downfall when his son invoked it to challenge his rule. Throughout this soaring legal and historical biography, O'Callaghan reminds us of the long-term impacts of Alfonso X's legal works, not just on Castilian (and later, Iberian) life, but on the administration of justice across the world.
Law, Medieval. --- Law --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- Medieval law --- History --- Alfonso --- Influence. --- Alfonso X, el Sabio, Spain, Iberia, religion, law and justice, Siete Partidas, Especulo, Fuero real, kingship, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Premio del Rey, enactments of Cortes, king of Castile-Leon, Libro de las Leyes, municipal law, Holy oOman Emperor-elect, Emperor Justinian.
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