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Sovereign Wealth Funds and Long-Term Investments in Sub-Saharan Africa
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper explores the landscape, contributions, and determinants of sovereign wealth funds' long-term investments in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study finds that of all regions, Africa receives the lowest share of investment from sovereign wealth funds, and the landscape is dominated by Asian funds. The investment strategies of sovereign wealth funds established by African countries tend to be to invest less domestically and more abroad, contrary to Asian funds. In addition, using an enriched simple mean-variance portfolio model with an exponential utility function, the analysis shows that the investment rate of return and political connections have a positive and significant effect on sovereign wealth fund investments, and risk exerts a negative but not significant effect. The paper confirms these results empirically, using a database that includes 26 sovereign wealth fund investments over 1985-2013. Hence, sovereign wealth funds investing in Africa care more about high returns and the political interests of their country of origin than the risk of their investment.

Unexploited gains from international diversification : patterns of portfolio holdings around the world
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research,

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"This paper studies how portfolios with a global investment scope are actually allocated internationally using a unique micro dataset on U.S. equity mutual funds. While mutual funds have great flexibility to invest globally, they invest in a surprisingly limited number of stocks, around 100. The number of holdings in stocks and countries from a given region declines as the investment scope of funds broadens. This restrictive investment practice has costs. A mean-variance strategy shows unexploited gains from further international diversification. Mutual funds investing globally could achieve better risk-adjusted returns by broadening their asset allocation, including stocks held by more specialized funds within the same mutual fund family (company). This investment pattern is not explained by lack of information or instruments, transaction costs, or a better ability of global funds to minimize negative outcomes. Instead, industry practices related to organizational factors seem to play an important role"--National Bureau of Economic Research web site.

Robo-Advisors, does complexity mean performance ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This master thesis aims to study the existence of a link between the sophistication of roboadvisors and the returns they generate. Our analysis covers the period from may 2015 to April&#13;2021. The data set we exploit comes from a major German comparison website for online&#13;brokers and digital asset managers,;Since returns are not published in the same way and some robo-advisors were created at&#13;dates later than our first data, we divided our sample into 5 sub-samples. In addition to monthly&#13;returns, through several risk adjusted performance measures such as the Sharpe ratio, Omega&#13;ratio, Calmar ratio, or Jensen’s alpha we measured the performance of robo-advisors. The&#13;variables we have chosen to reflect complexity of robo-advisors are: the number of offers, the&#13;human involvement in the portfolio management process, the management style, the frequency&#13;of rebalancing and the investment strategy. We have tried to account for the degree of influence&#13;that these variables have on the performance measures calculated on the basis of the monthly&#13;returns, first in a discrete way, then in a compiled way via a score constructed on the basis of&#13;these complexity proxies variables.&#13;Our findings show that there is indeed a link between complexity and robo-advisors’ fees.&#13;But the low statistical significance and small sample size do not allow us to assert any link&#13;between complexity and performance measures

Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions 2011.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 146397499X 1616352035 1463979584 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Published since 1950, this authoritative, annual reference is based upon a unique IMF database that tracks exchange and trade arrangements for all 186 IMF member countries, along with Hong Kong SAR, Aruba, and the Netherlands Antilles. The Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (AREAER) draws together information available to the IMF from a number of sources, including during official IMF staff visits to member countries. There is a separate chapter for each of the 189 countries included, and these are presented in a clear, easy-to-read tabular format. A summary table allows for simple cross-country comparisons of key features of their exchange and trade regimes. The report's introduction summarizes recent global trends and developments. It discusses such topical issues as exchange rate arrangements, current or capital transactions, or prudential regulations. The individual country chapters outline exchange measures in place, the structure and setting of exchange rates, arrangements for payments and receipts, procedures for resident and nonresident accounts, mechanisms for import and export payments and receipts, controls on capital transactions, and provisions specific to the financial sector. The report now provides more detailed information on the operations of foreign exchange markets and exchange rate mechanisms and better describes the regulatory framework for current and capital account transactions.

Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions 2012.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1475548478 1475563558 Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Published since 1950, this authoritative annual reference is based on a unique IMF database that tracks exchange and trade arrangements for 187 IMF member countries, along with Hong Kong SAR, Aruba, and Curaçao and Sint Maarten. The Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (AREAER) draws together information available to the IMF from a number of sources, including during official IMF staff visits to member countries. There is a separate chapter for each of the 189 countries included, and these are presented in a clear, easy-to-read tabular format. A summary table allows for simple cross-country comparisons of key features of their exchange and trade regimes. The report's introduction summarizes recent global trends and developments. It discusses such topical issues as exchange rate arrangements, current or capital transactions, or prudential regulations. The individual country chapters outline exchange measures in place, the structure and setting of exchange rates, arrangements for payments and receipts, procedures for resident and nonresident accounts, mechanisms for import and export payments and receipts, controls on capital transactions, and provisions specific to the financial sector. The report now provides more detailed information on the operations of foreign exchange markets and exchange rate mechanisms and better describes the regulatory framework for current and capital account transactions.

Gestion des affaires publiques et lutte contre la corruption dans les États baltes et les pays de la CEI : Le rôle du FMI
Authors: ---
ISBN: 146237042X 1452744300 Year: 2000 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Sur la base de récents exemples de corruption dans les États baltes et l'ancienne Union soviétique, cette brochure analyse les liens entre la gestion des affaires publiques et la corruption, et souligne les coûts économiques élevés qu'entraîne la corruption. Elle fait le point sur les mesures que prend le FMI pour aider les pays de l'ancienne Union soviétique à réduire la corruption et à mettre en place les réformes réglementaires et juridiques nécessaires à la bonne gestion.

Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions 2009.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462308899 1452703965 Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Published since 1950, this authoritative, annual reference is based upon a unique IMF database that tracks exchange and trade arrangements for all 185 IMF member countries, along with Hong Kong SAR, Aruba, and the Netherlands Antilles. The Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (AREAER) draws together information available to the IMF from a number of sources, including during official IMF staff visits to member countries. There is a separate chapter for each of the 187 countries included, and these are presented in a clear, easy-to-read tabular format. A summary table allows for simple cross-country comparisons of key features of their exchange and trade regimes. The report's introduction summarizes recent global trends and developments. It discusses such topical issues as exchange rate arrangements, current or capital transactions, or prudential regulations. The individual country chapters outline exchange measures in place, the structure and setting of exchange rates, arrangements for payments and receipts, procedures for resident and nonresident accounts, mechanisms for import and export payments and receipts, controls on capital transactions, and provisions specific to the financial sector. The report now provides more detailed information on the operations of foreign exchange markets and exchange rate mechanisms and better describes the regulatory framework for current and capital account transactions.

La privatisation dans les pays en transition : Leçons de la première décennie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462372449 1452748349 Year: 2000 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Il y a dix ans, avec l'effondrement de l'Union soviétique et le lancement de réformes visant à assurer l'établissement de l'économie de marché dans un grand nombre des anciennes économies socialistes de l'Europe du Centre et de l'Est, la perspective de privatiser les entreprises publiques peu efficaces était le sujet de choix des ouvrages populaires et spécialisés. En tant qu'événement de premier plan symbolisant le passage de la planification centrale au capitalisme, la privatisation semblait offrir la possibilité d'en finir avec les insuffisances de la planification centrale — de libérer les ressources et talents de cette vaste région et d'aligner son niveau de vie sur celui des pays industrialisés. Quelles sont les grandes leçons à tirer de l'expérience de ces dix dernières années ? Si elle a été marquée par des succès, leur histoire récente s'est aussi caractérisée par de gros échecs, en particulier dans le cas de la Russie et d'autres pays de l'ex-Union soviétique. Aussi leur reste-t-il dans l'ensemble beaucoup à accomplir pour faire de la vision initiale — celle d'une plus grande liberté et d'une vie meilleure — une réalité.

Privatization in Transition Countries : Lessons from the First Decade
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1455254959 1452799792 Year: 2000 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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A decade ago, with the breakup of the Soviet Union and the start of market-oriented reforms in many former socialist economies of Central and Eastern Europe, the prospect of privatizing inefficient state-owned companies figured prominently in both popular and academic writings. As the headline event symbolizing change from central planning to capitalism, privatization seemet to promise an end to the inefficiencies of central planning- the key to freeing the resources and talents of this huge area and lifting its living standards to those of the industrial countries. What broad lessons were learned from the experience of the past ten years? Along with their successes, prominent failures have also marked this recent history, especially in Russia and in other countries of the former Soviet Union. The overall task ahead thus remains vast if the original vision of greater freedom and higher living standards is to be realized.

Mejora de la gestión pública y lucha contra la corrupción en los países bálticos y de la CEI : La función del FMI
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1455243868 1452796777 Year: 2000 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Este folleto se centra en ejemplos recientes de corrupción en los países bálticos y la ex Unión Soviética para analizar los vínculos entre la gestión de gobierno y la corrupción, y hace hincapié en el alto costo económico que esta última supone. Describe el trabajo conjunto del FMI y los países de la ex Unión Soviética para poner freno a la corrupción y llevar a cabo los cambios reglamentarios y legislativos necesarios para respaldar un buen gobierno.

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