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Universele Thesaurus Universel (UTU)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782804416454 2804416453 Year: 2008 Publisher: Bruxelles : Larcier,

The accidental taxonomist
ISBN: 9781573873970 9781573879187 1573879185 1573873977 128323890X 9786613238900 6613238902 Year: 2010 Publisher: Medford, N.J. : Information Today,

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The Accidental Taxonomist is the most comprehensive guide available to the art and science of building information taxonomies. Heather Hedden-one of today's leading writers, instructors, and consultants on indexing and taxonomy topics-walks readers through the process, displaying her trademark ability to present highly technical information in straightforward, comprehensible English.


Classification --- Cross references (Information retrieval) --- Indexing --- Information organization --- Subject headings --- Thesauri --- 020 --- 654 --- AA / International- internationaal --- Encyclopedias and dictionaries --- Catalog cross references --- Cross references (Cataloging) --- References (Information retrieval) --- Syndetic structure (Information retrieval) --- Information retrieval --- Controlled vocabularies (Subject headings) --- Headings, Subject --- Indexing vocabularies --- Lists of subject headings --- Structured vocabularies (Subject headings) --- Subject authorities (Information retrieval) --- Subject authority files (Information retrieval) --- Subject authority records (Information retrieval) --- Subject heading lists --- Subject headings, English --- Vocabularies, Controlled (Subject headings) --- Vocabularies, Structured (Subject headings) --- Thesauri (Controlled vocabularies) --- Authority files (Information retrieval) --- Subject cataloging --- FRSAD (Conceptual model) --- Books --- Index preparation --- Preparation of indexes --- Subject analysis --- Filing systems --- Knowledge, Classification of --- Information storage and retrieval --- Organization of information --- Information science --- Information storage and retrieval systems --- Bibliotheekwezen: algemeenheden --- Informatieverwerking. Bureautica --- Information organization. --- Classification. --- Indexing. --- Subject headings. --- Thesauri. --- classification --- thesaurus --- document retrieval --- document indexing --- computer applications --- klassifikazzjoni --- osztályozás --- Klassifikation --- klasifikācija --- classificatie --- klasifikim --- ταξινόμηση --- klasyfikacja --- класификација --- klasifikácia --- klassifikatsioon --- clasificare documentară --- klassifikation --- класификация --- klasifikacija --- klasificiranje --- luokitus --- aicmiúchán --- klasifikace --- clasificación --- klassificering --- classificação --- classificazione --- κύριο υλικό --- liigitus --- klasifikimi universal me presje dhjetore --- antraštė --- priekšmeta rubrika --- Schlagwort --- Egyetemes Tizedes Osztályozás --- Stichwort --- emneord --- universele decimale classificatie --- üldine kümnendliigitus --- sistema di classificazione --- universaldecimalklassifikation --- titull --- razredba --- encabezamiento por materia --- luokka --- voce principale --- universalioji dešimtainė klasifikacija --- universelle Dezimalklassifikation --- märksõna --- univerzálna desiatková klasifikácia --- vedette-matière --- jelzet --- heading --- clasificare zecimală universală --- UDK --- παγκόσμια δεκαδική ταξινόμηση --- subiecte --- CDU --- universal decimal classification --- universālā decimālā klasifikācija --- θεματικό λήμμα --- yleinen kymmenluokittelu --- ETO --- clasificación decimal universal --- classificazione decimale universale --- classificação decimal universal --- ämnesord --- KUPDH --- Национална класификација на дејности --- classification décimale universelle --- položka --- UDC --- universiella decimalklassifikationen --- компютърни приложения --- rakendusinformaatika --- εφαρμοσμένη πληροφορική --- informática aplicada --- toegepaste informatica --- aplikovaná informatika --- angewandte Informatik --- računalniške aplikacije --- tietotekniikkasovellukset --- počítačové aplikácie --- informatica applicata --- kompiuterių taikymas --- aplicații pe calculator --- informatique appliquée --- računalni namjenski program --- aplikacione kompjuteri --- рачунарске апликације --- applikazzjonijiet informatiċi --- informatyka stosowana --- datora lietojumprogrammas --- anvendt datamatik --- tillämpad informatik --- alkalmazott számítástechnika --- компјутерска наменска програма --- užitá informatika --- компјутерска апликација --- arvutirakendused --- applied computer science --- soveltava tietotekniikka --- shkenca e aplikuar e kompjuterave --- računalna aplikacija --- taikomoji kompiuterija --- alkalmazott informatika --- aplikacijski program --- lietišķā datorzinātne --- aplikovaná počítačová veda --- aplikovaná počítačová věda --- informatică aplicată --- indeksiranje dokumenta --- indicizzazione di documenti --- indexação de documentos --- indización documental --- indeksowanie --- индексирање документи --- indeksointi --- dokumentu indeksēšana --- indexation documentaire --- dokumentų indeksavimas --- indexace dokumentů --- indiċjar tad-dokumenti --- dokumentide indekseerimine --- dokumentumindexelés --- indexeren van teksten --- indexácia dokumentov --- индексирање докумената --- индексиране на документи --- indexarea documentelor --- indeksim i dokumentit --- indeksering af dokumenter --- dokumentindexering --- ευρετηρίαση τεκμηρίων --- Dokumentenindexierung --- deskriptorius --- Deskriptor --- não descritor --- deskriptor --- indexación documental --- deszkriptor --- descriptor --- дескриптор --- descritor --- σύνταξη ευρετηρίου τεκμηρίωσης --- kuvaaja --- indeksim përshkrues --- descrittore --- deskriptors --- αποδελτίωση τεκμηρίων --- tárgyszavazás --- опишувач --- indexering --- non descrittore --- Indexierung von Dokumenten --- tárgyszó --- περιγραφέας --- descripteur --- indexeren van documenten --- vyhledávání dokumentů --- dokumentarisk søgning --- пребарување документи --- iskanje dokumentov --- dokumentu izguve --- dokumentarische Recherche --- documentenonderzoek --- cercetare documentară --- tiftix tad-dokumenti --- aineiston haku --- dokumentsökning --- recherche documentaire --- wyszukiwanie dokumentów --- dokumentumok visszakeresése --- dokumentų paieška --- тражење докумената --- pretraživanje dokumenta --- búsqueda documental --- pesquisa documental --- dokumendiotsing --- tërheqje e dokumentit --- ricerca documentaria --- τεκμηριωτική έρευνα --- документално изследване --- vyhľadávanie dokumentov --- истражување документи --- documenten-onderzoek --- Wiederauffinden von Dokumenten --- investigación documental --- bibliográfiai kutatás --- Informationsretrieval --- библиографско истражување --- pronalaženje dokumenta --- tesaurus --- појмовник --- tezaur-instrument bibliografic --- tezaver --- tēzaurs --- pojmovnik --- Thesaurus --- tezaurus --- teżawru --- thésaurus --- tezauras --- тезаурус --- tezaurusz --- θησαυρός --- tesauro --- kontrolliertes Vokabular --- поимник --- thesaurus tematico --- thesausus alfabetico --- EUROVOC --- речник на синоними --- лексикон

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