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"Plant Health Progress is a multidisciplinary science-based journal covering all aspects of applied plant health management. Both peer-reviewed and fully citable, the journal is an online-only publication. Plant Health Progress is a not-for-profit collaborative endeavor of the plant health community at large, serving practitioners worldwide. Its primary goal is to provide a comprehensive one-stop Internet resource for plant health information."--Journal vision statement.
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"Plant Health Progress is a multidisciplinary science-based journal covering all aspects of applied plant health management. Both peer-reviewed and fully citable, the journal is an online-only publication. Plant Health Progress is a not-for-profit collaborative endeavor of the plant health community at large, serving practitioners worldwide. Its primary goal is to provide a comprehensive one-stop Internet resource for plant health information."--Journal vision statement.
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"Plant Health Progress is a multidisciplinary science-based journal covering all aspects of applied plant health management. Both peer-reviewed and fully citable, the journal is an online-only publication. Plant Health Progress is a not-for-profit collaborative endeavor of the plant health community at large, serving practitioners worldwide. Its primary goal is to provide a comprehensive one-stop Internet resource for plant health information."--Journal vision statement.
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Plant health covers topics such as the safe handling and movement of germplasm and seed, as well as the range of biotic threats faced by crops and the ways they can be managed to optimise yields and ensure safety and quality in crop production. These threats include viral, bacterial and fungal diseases as well as the impact of insect pests and weeds. This collection summarises 50 years of research on plant health by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) to improve the health of crops in Africa. The first part of the book reviews general issues such as pest and disease surveillance and the range of viruses affecting key African crops. Part 2 summarises key research on improving the health of major crops such as cassava, maize, yams and cocoyams, bananas and plantains, legumes, vegetables and tree fruits. The final part of the book discusses ways of improving integrated pest management of insect pests, diseases and weeds in sub-Saharan Africa.
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biotic and abiotic constraints, disease cycle, epidemiology and sustainable disease management strategies.
Plant health. --- India.
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Plant diseases. --- Plant health. --- Plants, Protection of.
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arthropod pests --- Insecticides --- plant health --- plant pests
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La page de pre´sentation indique : "Les milieux agricoles, tout artificiels qu'ils soient, abritent une biodiversite´ complexe. Ils he´bergent tant des espe`ces qui affectent la sante´ des cultures (plantes adventices, insectes ravageurs, pathoge`nes ...) que d'autres, dites auxiliaires, qui re´gulent ces bioagresseurs, ou des espe`ces pollinisatrices contribuant directement aux productions. Par leurs effets be´ne´fiques sur les cultures, ces espe`ces auxiliaires et pollinisatrices participent a` une biodiversite´ fonctionnelle sur laquelle l'agriculture cherche de plus en plus a` s'appuyer pour produire de manie`re durable.La gestion de la biodiversite´ fonctionnelle a longtemps e´te´ seulement pense´e a` l'e´chelle de la parcelle. Les limites sont pourtant poreuses et de nombreuses espe`ces exploitent des ressources en dehors de la parcelle cultive´e et se de´placent au cours d'une saison de culture, ou d'une anne´e a` l'autre, selon la localisation des cultures dans l'espace agricole. L'e´chelle bien plus globale du paysage est ainsi essentielle pour organiser dans l'espace et dans le temps les habitats cultive´s et non cultive´s, et ge´rer la biodiversite´ fonctionnelle recherche´e. Comment donc concevoir au mieux les organisations paysage`res les plus profitables? Comment mettre cela en œuvre? Ce sont les nouveaux axes de la recherche en agro-e´cologie que les auteurs de cet ouvrage se proposent de de´tailler et d'e´valuer ici. Cet ouvrage pluridisciplinaire fait le point sur les connaissances the´oriques, les de´marches de recherche et les principaux travaux portant sur la re´ponse des bioagresseurs, des auxiliaires et des pollinisateurs a` l'organisation spatiale et temporelle du paysage. Il pre´sente aussi des cas d'e´tudes concrets visant une gestion concerte´e de paysages pour la sante´ des cultures. L'objectif est non seulement de donner au lecteur les principaux re´sultats sur cette question mais e´galement les cle´s pour prendre du recul.".
Agricultural ecology. --- Agriculture durable. --- Plant health.
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arthropod pests --- plant health --- plant pests
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arthropod pests --- plant health --- plant pests
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