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The 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children
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ISBN: 9781846615313 1846615313 Year: 2012 Publisher: Bristol : Family Law,

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"The 1996 Hague Convention came into force in the United Kingdom on 1 November 2012 and is intended to improve the protection of children in international situations. It provides for the recognition and enforcement of orders and other measures intended to protect a child or a child's property in all the Contracting States, and the co-operation between them necessary to achieve its purposes. The Convention covers a wide range of orders about children, including parental responsibility orders, the appointment of guardians and special guardians, residence, contact, specific issue and prohibited steps orders and injunctions, as well as care and supervision orders. This book provides a comprehensive guide to the complexities of the 1996 Convention, including detailed coverage of the relationship with other international instruments such as the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention and the revised Brussels II Regulation. The Appendices contain all relevant source material including the full text of the Convention"--Provided by publisher.

A British Childhood? Some Historical Reflections on Continuities and Discontinuities in the Culture of Anglophone Childhood
ISBN: 3039219359 3039219340 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book considers how adults attempt to socialise young children into the adults it aspires to produce, from a number of diverse perspectives. The evolution of storytelling and its impact upon child development is initially explored, followed by the consideration of how social class, ethnicity, culture, and colonialism impact upon the ways that societies ‘school’ children about what to expect from adulthood. Different perspectives of early years education and growing up within a British/British colonial perspective are discussed and analysed. There is a focus throughout upon the way that children are constructed by the society in question, particularly those who are considered to be of lower status in terms of being poor, orphaned, or from ethnic groups against which the dominant culture discriminates. Topics covered by the chapters include topics covered by this Special Issue: current and historical constructions of childhood; the development of linguistic and ‘storying’ skills in childhood; childhood play and recreation; childhood and ‘folk’ narratives; philosophies of childhood; childhood and industrialisation; childhood and post-industrialisation; childhood education; childhood health; and cultures of childcare.

International issues in family law : the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Brussels IIa
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 1784731528 9781784731526 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bristol : Family Law,

The Psychology of Family Law
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1479882607 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York : Baltimore, Md. : New York University Press, Project MUSE,

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Bridges family law and current psychological research to shape understanding of legal doctrine and policy Family law encompasses legislation related to domestic relationships—marriages, parenthood, civil unions, guardianship, and more. No other area of law touches so closely to home, or is changing at such a rapid pace—in fact, family law is so dynamic precisely because it is inextricably intertwined with psychological issues such as human behavior, attitudes, and social norms. However, although psychology and family law may seem a natural partnership, both fields have much to learn from each other. Our laws often fail to take into account our empirical knowledge of psychology, falling back instead on faulty assumptions about human behavior. This book encourages our use of psychological research and methods to inform understandings of family law. It considers issues including child custody, intimate partner violence, marriage and divorce, and child and elder maltreatment. For each topic discussed, Eve Brank presents a case, statute, or legal principle that highlights the psychological issues involved, illuminating how psychological research either supports or opposes the legal principles in question, and placing particular emphasis on the areas that are still in need of further research. The volume identifies areas where psychology practice and research already have been or could be useful in molding legal doctrine and policy, and by providing psychology researchers with new ideas for legally relevant research.

Brussels II-ter : cross-border marriage dissolution, parental responsibility disputes and child abduction in the EU
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781780688442 178068844X Year: 2024 Publisher: Cambridge : Intersentia,

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"The ‘Brussels II’ Regulations have a long history and provide the EU’s rules on jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of matrimonial matters, matters of parental responsibility, and international child abduction. In 2016, the EU Commission published its Proposal for recasting what was then Council Regulation No 2201/2003 (‘Brussels II-bis’). There followed lengthy negotiations that resulted in the recast Council Regulation No 2019/1111 (‘Brussels II-ter’), which came into force in August 2022. Brussels II-ter has made substantial changes. Brussels II-ter is the key EU instrument for dealing with cross-border issues involving recognition of divorce, custody and access disputes over children, international abduction and the placement of children from one Member State to another. This book provides an in-depth discussion of this complex Regulation. Written by three renowned experts, this comprehensive analysis benefits from the collective scope of their experience and knowledge, not only of their respective jurisdictions (Italy, Sweden and the UK) but also more generally of international family law and private international law. Brussels II-ter: Cross-border Marriage Dissolution, Parental Responsibility Disputes and Child Abduction in the EU provides not only a clear exposition of the Regulation’s provisions, but also a critical evaluation of them. Rather than an Article-by-Article analysis, the book instead comprises separate chapters on discrete parts covered by the Regulation—namely, on the history and scope of Brussels II-ter; common rules on court proceedings; jurisdiction in matrimonial matters; parental responsibility; coordination of proceedings; international child abduction; the hearing of the child; recognition, enforcement, authentic instruments and agreements; and cooperation in matters of parental responsibility. An exposition of the relationship between the EU and the UK following Brexit concludes this volume, which discusses, among other issues, the often problematic inter-relationship between Brussels II-ter and the 1996 Hague Child Protection Convention."--

Ouders zijn ook maar mensen : wat is een parentale burn-out en hoe kom je er bovenop?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789401480109 Year: 2021 Publisher: Tielt Lannoo

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Ouder zijn is een erg veeleisend beroep. Veel ouders leggen de lat bovendien ontzettend hoog, waardoor ze steeds opnieuw het gevoel hebben te falen. Een parentale burn-out loert dan om de hoek. In dit toegankelijke en herkenbare boek bundelen Moïra Mikolajczak en Isabelle Roskam - de grondleggers van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar parentale burn-out - hun kennis en ervaring. Ze leggen helder uit wat een parentale burn-out is, hoe je tijdig de symptomen kunt herkennen en vooral: hoe je je ouderlijke veerkracht kunt terugvinden. Zo helpen ze ouders om weer in hun kracht te staan en hen opnieuw te laten genieten van het ouderschap.


Burn-out --- Ouderschap --- Parentale burn-out --- Opvoeding --- Stress --- Ouders --- Veerkracht (weerbaarheid) --- ouderschap --- burn-out --- stress --- mentale spanning --- ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid --- odpowiedzialność rodziców --- родитељска одговорност --- forældreansvar --- rodičovská zodpovednosť --- szülői felelősség --- vanemlik vastutus --- tėvų atsakomybė --- rodičovská odpovědnost --- starševske dolžnosti --- responsabbiltà tal-ġenituri --- родителска отговорност --- vanhempain vastuu --- responsabilitate părintească --- elterliche Haftung --- përgjegjësi prindërore --- родителска одговорност --- föräldraansvar --- roditeljska odgovornost --- responsabilité parentale --- responsabilidad de los padres --- responsabilidade paternal --- freagracht tuismitheoirí --- ευθύνη των γονέων --- responsabilità parentale --- parental responsibility --- vecāku atbildība --- Haftung der Eltern --- vanemate vastutus --- elterliche Sorgfaltspflicht --- odpovědnost rodičů --- родителска должност за грижа --- одговорност на родителите --- tėvų pareigos --- tension mentale --- stress mentali --- henkinen paine --- stres mendor --- psichinė įtampa --- psykisk spænding --- mental stress --- solicitare psihică --- психички стрес --- vaimne pinge --- стрес --- stres --- διανοητική ένταση --- strus meabhrach --- psychické vypětí --- tensione mentale --- stressz --- psiholoģiskais stress --- tensión psíquica --- psihički stres --- Streß --- duševní vypětí --- mental anspänning --- stresas --- работа под притисок --- mentális feszültség --- στρες --- душевна состојба --- psychická zátěž --- vypätie/stres --- tensão mental --- estado depressivo --- psykisk spänning --- stressi --- spriedze --- ansia --- υπερένταση --- psychický stress --- duševní zátěž --- estrés

European commentaries on private international law ECPIL : commentary.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783504080204 9783504388218 Year: 2023 Publisher: Köln : Otto Schmidt,

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Procédure (droit européen). --- Juridiction --- Jugements étrangers (droit européen). --- European law --- International private law --- European Union --- Procédure (droit européen) --- Conflit de juridictions --- Jugements étrangers (droit européen) --- Droit international privé (droit européen) --- Entraide judiciaire internationale. --- Conflict of laws --- Judicial assistance --- Judgments, Foreign --- Jurisdiction --- Executions (Law) --- Juridiction (Droit international privé) --- Assistance juridique internationale --- Jugements étrangers --- Voies d'exécution --- European Parliament. --- Child welfare --- Protection de l'enfance --- Parent and child --- Parents et enfants --- Marriage law European Union countries. --- Mariage --- Parental kidnapping --- Enlèvement d'enfant par les parents --- Droit --- Law and legislation --- Council Regulation (EU) No 2019/1111 of 25 june 2019 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responibility, and on international child abduction (recast) --- Entraide judiciaire européenne --- Voies d'exécution (Droit international privé) --- Conflicts of laws --- Parents et enfants (Droit international privé) --- Divorce (Droit international privé) --- Mariage (Droit international privé) --- Executions --- Divorce --- Marriage --- Council Regulation (EU) No 2019/1111 of 25 june 2019 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, and on international child abduction (recast)

Minderjarigen en hun vermogen: overzicht van de regelgeving inzake ouderlijk goederenbeheer
ISBN: 9789400013681 940001368X Year: 2021 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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Ouders die het ouderlijk gezag uitoefenen, staan ook in voor het beheer van de goederen van hun minderjarig(e) kind(eren) en treden op als zijn (hun) vertegenwoordiger. Sinds de Voogdijwet van 29 april 2001 moeten de ouders, net zoals de voogd, een machtiging van de vrederechter krijgen om welbepaalde rechtshandelingen te stellen. Het werk gaat diepgaand in op de materie van het ouderlijk goederenbeheer, waarbij het een volledig en actueel overzicht biedt van de gepubliceerde Belgische rechtspraak en doctrine. Hierbij wordt aandacht geschonken aan knelpunten, onduidelijkheden, tegenstrijdigheden en lacunes in het recht.


Family law. Inheritance law --- Belgium --- BPB2108 --- STRADALEX --- ouderlijke macht --- minderjarigen --- goederenbeheer --- vermogen --- poder paternal --- vanema õigused --- родитељско право --- parental authority --- rodičovská pravomoc --- autoritet prindëror --- autorité parentale --- szülői jog --- starševske pravice --- autoritate părintească --- patria potestad --- rodičovské práva a povinnosti --- awtorità tal-ġenituri --- föräldrarätt --- vecāku vara --- tėvų teisės ir pareigos --- potestà genitoriale --- władza rodzicielska --- roditeljsko pravo --- γονική μέριμνα --- forældremyndighed --- родителски права --- údarás tuismitheora --- elterliche Gewalt --- vanhempien määräysvalta --- potestà dei genitori --- Entzug der elterlichen Sorge --- odvzem starševskih pravic --- decadenza della potestà genitoriale --- pozbavenie rodičovských práv --- pozbytí rodičovských práv --- γονική εξουσία --- potestà parentale --- έκπτωση από τη γονική μέριμνα --- privación de la patria potestad --- губитак родитељског права --- izguba starševskih pravic --- roditeljska skrb --- rinunzja tal-awtorità tal-ġenituri --- heqje e të drejtave prindërore --- fratagelse af forældremyndighed --- отнемане на родителски права --- tėvystės teisių netekimas --- pierderea drepturilor părintești --- pozbawienie władzy rodzicielskiej --- förlust av föräldrarätt --- pozbawienie praw rodzicielskich --- privación de los derechos parentales --- právní odpovědnost rodiče --- лишаване от родителски права --- heqje e përgjegjësisë prindërore --- privation des droits parentaux --- a szülői jogoktól való megfosztás --- oduzimanje roditeljskih prava --- vanhempainoikeuksien menettäminen --- одузимање родитељског права --- forfeiture of parental rights --- zbavení rodičovských práv --- vecāku varas atņemšana --- губење родителско право --- strata rodičovských práv --- privação de direitos parentais --- tneħħija tal-awtorità tal-ġenituri --- vanema õiguste äravõtmine --- szülői jogok elvesztése --- престанок на родителско право --- déchéance parentale --- decădere din drepturile părintești --- autorita rodičů --- privazione dei diritti genitoriali --- vanhempainoikeuksien pois ottaminen --- Entziehung des Sorgerechts --- στέρηση των γονικών δικαιωμάτων --- gubitak roditeljskih prava --- ontzetting uit de ouderlijke macht --- tėvystės teisių atėmimas --- perda do poder paternal --- divestment of parental responsibility --- одземање родителско право --- mineurs --- gestion des biens --- fortune --- E-books --- 140 Burgerlijk recht --- Mineurs (droit) --- Tutelle et curatelle. --- Parents et enfants (droit) --- Actes d'administration. --- Belgique. --- Belgique

La responsabilité du mineur et de ses parents : du fait dommageable à l'indemnisation de la victime
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2807939295 9782807939295 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bruxelles: Larcier,

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Quand « adolescence » rime avec « assurance » et « parentalité » avec « responsabilité ».Plusieurs acteurs sont sur la scène du fait dommageable : le mineur « fautif », ses parents, leur éventuelle assurance R.C. Vie Privée, la victime et son assurance. Tout ce monde se côtoie devant le tribunal civil, mais également devant le tribunal de la jeunesse et sans forcément se comprendre.Comment (re) qualifier la faute du mineur ? Quelles procédures s’appliquent devant le tribunal de la jeunesse lorsqu’il y a plusieurs mineurs « auteurs » et la capacité de discernement du mineur est-elle encore prise en compte par les tribunaux ?Au niveau des parents, le constat des praticiens interpelle : peu de parents se risquent à renverser leur présomption de responsabilité, pourquoi ? Quelles seront les conséquences de l’entrée en vigueur du livre 6 sur la responsabilité extracontractuelle ?Enfin, comment la victime peut-elle faire valoir ses droits et se voir indemnisée intégralement s’il n’y a pas d’assurance R.C. Vie Privée et que l’auteur et ses parents sont insolvables ? Quels sont les conditions et les écueils de la prise en charge par l’assurance du dommage de la victime ?La question « des intérêts civils » est vaste et nébuleuse pour certain(e)s. Elle mérite bien un ouvrage à son sujet.Ce dernier, fruit du colloque organisé par la Conférence du jeune barreau de Bruxelles le 1er juin 2023, ambitionne de traiter diverses questions autour de chacun des acteurs, mais aussi de déterminer comment le juge évalue les dommages et le rôle de l’huissier chargé d’exécuter les jugements.


Minors --- Torts --- Respondeat superior --- Insurance law --- Damages --- Juvenile courts --- Mineurs (Droit) --- Responsabilité civile --- Responsabilité du fait d'autrui --- Assurance --- Dommages-intérêts --- Tribunaux pour enfants et adolescents --- Droit --- BPB9999 --- Responsabilité civile --- Responsabilité pénale des mineurs --- Tribunaux pour mineurs --- Responsabilité du fait d'autrui --- Parents et enfants (droit) --- BPB2307 --- responsabilité pénale des mineurs --- responsabilité parentale --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- odpowiedzialność rodziców --- родитељска одговорност --- forældreansvar --- rodičovská zodpovednosť --- szülői felelősség --- vanemlik vastutus --- tėvų atsakomybė --- rodičovská odpovědnost --- ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid --- starševske dolžnosti --- responsabbiltà tal-ġenituri --- родителска отговорност --- vanhempain vastuu --- responsabilitate părintească --- elterliche Haftung --- përgjegjësi prindërore --- родителска одговорност --- föräldraansvar --- roditeljska odgovornost --- responsabilidad de los padres --- responsabilidade paternal --- freagracht tuismitheoirí --- ευθύνη των γονέων --- responsabilità parentale --- parental responsibility --- vecāku atbildība --- Haftung der Eltern --- vanemate vastutus --- elterliche Sorgfaltspflicht --- odpovědnost rodičů --- родителска должност за грижа --- одговорност на родителите --- tėvų pareigos --- responsabilitatea penală a minorilor --- odpowiedzialność karna nieletnich --- përgjegjësi penale e të miturve --- responsabilidad penal del menor --- alaikäisten rikosoikeudellinen vastuu --- наказателна отговорност на малолетни лица --- responsabilidade penal dos menores --- criminal responsibility of minors --- freagracht choiriúil mionaoiseach --- responsabbiltà kriminali tal-minuri --- alaealiste kriminaalvastutus --- strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von Minderjährigen --- trestní odpovědnost mladistvých --- кривична одговорност малолетника --- кривична одговорност на малолетници --- mindreåriges strafansvar --- responsabilità penale dei minori --- ποινική ευθύνη των ανηλίκων --- nepilnamečių baudžiamoji atsakomybė --- fiatalkorúak büntetőjogi felelőssége --- trestnoprávna zodpovednosť maloletých --- nepilngadīgo kriminālatbildība --- kazenska odgovornost mladoletnikov --- minderårigas straffansvar --- kaznena odgovornost maloljetnika --- strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid van minderjarigen --- возраст за кривична одговорност --- minderårigas straffrättsliga ansvar --- возраст на кривична одговорност --- věková hranice trestní odpovědnosti

ISBN: 9782804497644 Year: 2017 Publisher: Larcier

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Het werk geeft een grondige analyse van de rechtspraak en rechtsleer over de begroting van kinderalimentatie, met inbegrip van een ‘stappenplan’ met vier stappen die de practicus moeten helpen door de bomen van de diverse rekenmethodes het bos nog te zien


alimentatievorderingen --- STRADALEX --- onderhoudsgeld --- ocmw --- fiscale voordelen --- BPB1709 --- créances alimentaires --- pension alimentaire --- cpas --- avantages fiscaux --- Divorce --- Obligation alimentaire --- Droit de la famille --- Responsabilité parentale --- odpowiedzialność rodziców --- родитељска одговорност --- forældreansvar --- rodičovská zodpovednosť --- szülői felelősség --- vanemlik vastutus --- tėvų atsakomybė --- rodičovská odpovědnost --- ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid --- starševske dolžnosti --- responsabbiltà tal-ġenituri --- родителска отговорност --- vanhempain vastuu --- responsabilitate părintească --- elterliche Haftung --- përgjegjësi prindërore --- родителска одговорност --- föräldraansvar --- roditeljska odgovornost --- responsabilidad de los padres --- responsabilidade paternal --- freagracht tuismitheoirí --- ευθύνη των γονέων --- responsabilità parentale --- parental responsibility --- vecāku atbildība --- Haftung der Eltern --- vanemate vastutus --- elterliche Sorgfaltspflicht --- odpovědnost rodičů --- родителска должност за грижа --- одговорност на родителите --- tėvų pareigos --- liġi tal-familja --- οικογενειακό δίκαιο --- obiteljsko pravo --- Derecho de familia --- perekonnaõigus --- perhelainsäädäntö --- ģimenes tiesības --- family law --- prawo rodzinne --- familjerätt --- семејно право --- družinsko pravo --- e drejta e familjes --- rodinné právo --- породично право --- familierecht --- familieret --- Familienrecht --- šeimos teisė --- семейно право --- dlí teaghlaigh --- dreptul familiei --- családjog --- diritto di famiglia --- direito da família --- Anerkennung der Mutterschaft --- zákon o rodině --- родителско право --- obrigação alimentar --- vyživovací povinnost --- обавеза издржавања --- išlaikymo prievolė --- обврска за издржување --- underhållsskyldighet --- ülalpidamiskohustus --- elatusvelvollisuus --- obveza uzdržavanja --- Unterhaltspflicht --- obbligo degli alimenti --- uzturēšanas pienākums --- obligație de întreținere --- alimentatieplicht --- underholdspligt --- oibleagáid chothabhála --- задължение за издръжка --- υποχρέωση διατροφής --- ħlas ta' manteniment --- maintenance obligation --- vyživovacia povinnosť --- obligación de alimentos --- preživninska obveznost --- detyrim për ushqim --- obowiązek alimentacyjny --- tartási kötelezettség --- alimentacija --- захтев за издржавање --- forsørgelseskrav --- išlaikymo išmokos --- zahtevek za preživnino --- obbligazione alimentare --- pensione alimentare --- Unterhaltszahlung --- alimenti --- onderhoudsplicht --- ülalpidamistoetus --- pensão alimentar --- naknada za uzdržavanje djeteta --- maintenance claim --- preživnina --- alimentační povinnost --- tartási követelés --- elatussaatava --- elatusapusaatava --- alimenty --- gesetzlicher Unterhalt --- elatusmaksut --- издршка --- underhållsbidrag --- dliteanas an teaghlach a chothabháil --- алиментација --- alimendid --- παροχή διατροφής --- underholdsbidrag --- право на издръжка --- crédito alimentar --- Unterhaltsanspruch --- Alimente --- alimentatie --- uzturlīdzekļi --- maintenance payments --- αξίωση διατροφής --- příspěvek na výživu --- assegno alimentare --- underhållskrav --- издржавање --- szülőtartás --- výživné --- pensión de alimentos --- парична издръжка --- wierzytelność alimentacyjna --- alimentos --- Unterhaltsforderung --- periodiskt understöd --- alimentai --- alimentatievordering --- törvényes tartás --- pensión alimentaria --- uztura prasījums --- crédito alimentario --- créance alimentaire --- krav på underhåll --- плаћање издржавања --- pagesa për mbajtje me ushqim --- elatusraha --- feleségtartás --- credito alimentare --- gyermektartás --- išlaikymo skola --- kërkesë për mbajtje me ushqim --- pensie alimentară --- świadczenia alimentacyjne --- preživninske terjatve --- оброци издржавања --- pohledávka výživného --- pohľadávka na výživné --- uzturnauda --- divorzio --- rozwód --- divorț --- razvod --- divorzju --- laulības šķiršana --- razveza zakonske zveze --- divorcio --- zgjidhje e martesës --- skilsmisse --- skilsmässa --- развод --- divorce --- avioero --- echtscheiding --- divórcio --- abielulahutus --- házasság felbontása --- διαζύγιο --- rozvod --- santuokos nutraukimas --- colscaradh --- Ehescheidung --- äktenskapsskillnad --- skyrybos --- repudio --- válás --- forstødelse --- feleség eltaszítása --- Scheidung --- zrušení manželství --- ločitev zakona --- repudiere --- šķiršanās --- bontóper --- ero --- odtrącenie małżonka --- ripudio --- repudiação --- répudiation --- διάζευξη --- jednostranné vypovedanie manželstva --- изгонване на съпруг(а) --- развод на брак --- разведување на брак --- ištuoka --- rozvodovost --- verstoting --- lahutus --- Verstoßung --- стапка на разводи --- Support (Domestic relations) --- Child support --- Pension alimentaire pour enfants

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