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Die aufgrund gravierender Gesetzesänderungen bereits in kurzer Zeit fällig gewordene Neuauflage bringt das Werk wieder auf den aktuellen Stand. In der Neuauflage wurden bereits berücksichtigt:- das Gesetz zur Klärung der Vaterschaft unabhängig vom Anfechtungsverfahren vom 26. März 2008; - das Gesetz zur Ergänzung des Rechts zur Anfechtung der Vaterschaft vom 13. März 2008 - und das Gesetz zur Erleichterung familiengerichtlicher Maßnahmen bei Gefährdung des Kindeswohls vom 4. Juli 2008. Neben der Einarbeitung der gesetzlichen Neuregelungen bezieht die Neuauflage das bis einschließlich Mitte Juli 2008 veröffentlichte Schrifttum in die Darstellung mit ein. Das Werk bietet eine zusammenhängende und zugleich komprimierte Gesamtdarstellung des Rechts der Abstammung sowie der elterlichen Sorge. Es wendet sich in erster Linie an den juristischen Leserkreis und damit an Rechtspfleger, Rechtsanwälte und Richter sowie an Studierende der Fachhochschulen und Universitäten sowie Referendare, bietet aber auch Konsularbeamten und Mitarbeitern der Jugend- und der Standesämter und juristischen Laien eine grundlegende und systematische Darstellung zu Voraussetzungen, Inhalt und den Schranken des Rechts der elterlichen Sorge.
Domestic relations. --- Parent and child (Law) --- Domestic relations --- Guardian and ward --- Paternity --- Families --- Family law --- Marriage --- Persons (Law) --- Sex and law --- Law and legislation --- Parental care (law). --- child custody law.
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Résumé Introduction : L’adolescence est une période d’entre-deux, ce qui demande une prise en charge adaptée à ce stade de développement spécifique [1,2]. C’est pourquoi, en termes de maladies chroniques, il émerge depuis quelques années le concept de transition, c’est-à-dire un processus de passage du service de pédiatrie au service de soins adultes [3]. Néanmoins, en Belgique, il subsiste des services prenant en charge des maladies rares, dans lesquels il n’y a pas de passage en service de soins adultes. C’est le cas du service Pinocchio. Beaucoup d’acteurs sont essentiels à une transition optimale dont les parents [4,5]. Cette situation particulière nous a amenés à nous interroger sur le rôle des parents dans le processus d’autonomisation du jeune, lorsqu’il restera pris en charge, dans le même service et par la même équipe, à l’âge adulte. L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer comment est perçu le rôle du parent dans le processus empowerment des adolescents, par les parents eux-mêmes et les soignants du centre dans lequel ils sont pris en charge, afin d’adapter la prise en charge des parents grâce à l’éducation thérapeutique du patient. Matériel et méthodes : Cette recherche adopte une approche qualitative. Le design sélectionné est la théorisation ancrée. Les données ont été collectées sous forme d’entretiens semi-structurés sur base d’un guide d’entretien auprès de 15 parents d’adolescents atteints d’une maladie chronique métabolique rare et auprès des 6 soignants du centre dans lequel ils étaient pris en charge. L’exploration porte sur le rôle perçu des parents dans le processus d’empowerment des adolescents. Résultats : Les résultats appuient l’importance du rôle de soutien des parents mais mettent également en évidence l’importance de promouvoir l’équilibre de la relation adolescents-parents. Le régime inhérent aux maladies métaboliques rares impacte cette relation adolescents-parents en raison des représentations propres à chacun et constitue un véritable terrain de mise en place de l’éducation thérapeutique. Conclusion : Les parents sont des acteurs essentiels à l’adhésion au traitement mais ils semblent aveuglés par leurs représentations. Il apparait élémentaire de s’attarder à ces dernières avec leurs sources afin d’adapter la prise en charge. Mots-clés: Maladie chronique, Empowerment en santé, Prise en charge des adolescents, Prise en charge des parents, Éducation thérapeutique du patient. Abstract Introduction: Adolescence is an in-between period which requires a management adapted to this specific development stage [1,2]. This is the reason why, in terms of chronic diseases, the concept of transition has emerged in recent years, i.e. a process of moving from the pediatric department to the adult care department [3]. Nevertheless, in Belgium, there are still departments for rare diseases where there is no transition to adult care. This is the case of Pinocchio department. Many actors are essential for an optimal transition, including the parents [4,5]. This particular situation led us to wonder about the role of parents in the process of empowerment of the young person when he/she remains in charge of the same department and of the same team in adulthood. The aim of this study is to explore how the role of the parents in the empowerment process of adolescents is felt by the parents themselves and the caregivers of the center in which they are cared for, in order to adapt parental care through a therapeutic patient education. Material and methods: This research adopts a qualitative approach and the selected design is Grounded Theory. Data were collected in the form of semi-structured interviews based on an interview guide with 15 parents of adolescents with a rare chronic metabolic disease and with 6 caregivers of the center where they were cared for. The exploration is focused on the perceived role of the parents in the adolescent empowerment process. Results: The results focus on the importance of the supportive role of parents but also highlight the importance of promoting balance in the adolescent-parent relationship. The way of life inherent to rare metabolic diseases impacts this adolescent-parent relationship because of the representations specific to everyone and constitutes a real ground for the implementation of therapeutic education. Conclusion: Parents are key players in adherence to treatment but they seem blinded by their representations. It looks elementary to focus on these representations with their sources in order to adapt the management.
Empowerment en santé --- Prise en charge des parents --- Prise en charge des adolescents --- Éducation thérapeutique du Patient --- Chronic Disease --- Health empowerment --- Adolescents Care --- Parental care --- Therapeutic Patient Education --- Sciences de la santé humaine > Endocrinologie, métabolisme & nutrition
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This volume constitutes a commentary on Article 20 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, dealing with children deprived of their family environment. It is part of the series, A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child , which provides an article by article analysis of all substantive, organizational and procedural provisions of the CRC and its two Optional Protocols. For every article, a comparison with related human rights provisions is made, followed by an in-depth exploration of the nature and scope of State obligations deriving from that article. The series constitutes an essential tool for actors in the field of children’s rights, including academics, students, judges, grassroots workers, governmental, non- governmental and international officers. The series is sponsored by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office .
Status of persons --- Human rights --- Family law. Inheritance law --- 180.1 Kinderrechten - internationaal --- Children without parental care --- Family environment --- Children (International law) --- Children's rights. --- Convention on the Rights of the Child --- Children without parental care. --- Family environment. --- Children (International law). --- Children's rights --- Child rights --- Children --- Children's human rights --- Rights of children --- Rights of the child --- International law --- Civil rights --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc.
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Advances in the Study of Behavior was initiated over 40 years ago to serve the increasing number of scientists engaged in the study of animal behavior. That number is still expanding. This thematic volume makes another important ""contribution to the development of the field"" by bringing together material that aggregates studies conducted on the behavior of tropical animals. Advances in the Study of Behavior is now available online at ScienceDirect--full-text online from volume 30 onward.
Parental behavior in animals --- Care of the young (Animal behavior) --- Maternal behavior in animals --- Parental care in animals --- Parenting in animals --- Paternal behavior in animals --- Paternalism in animals --- Animal behavior --- Cooperative breeding in animals --- Animal behavior. --- Human behavior. --- Psychology, Comparative. --- Behavior. --- Animaux --- Comportement humain --- Psychologie comparée --- Mœurs et comportement --- Maternal Behavior --- Paternal Behavior --- Animals
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This book presents cutting edge research on the basic neurobiology of parental behavior as it relates to behavioral disorders, including postpartum depression, anxiety, and inadequate parental bonding to infants. Internationally recognized basic and clinical researchers present new research findings in humans and animals that elucidate the roles of the brain, physiological state, genes and environment in maternal and paternal care. By bridging the gap between basic and clinical research, new understandings of how the biology of the brain and the reproductive state of the parent impact their me
Parental behavior in animals --- Animal behavior --- Physiological aspects. --- Animals --- Animals, Habits and behavior of --- Behavior, Animal --- Ethology --- Animal psychology --- Zoology --- Ethologists --- Psychology, Comparative --- Care of the young (Animal behavior) --- Maternal behavior in animals --- Parental care in animals --- Parenting in animals --- Paternal behavior in animals --- Paternalism in animals --- Cooperative breeding in animals --- Behavior
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In this natural history of primate parenting, Smith compares parenting by nonhuman and human primates. In a narrative rich with vivid anecdotes derived from interviews with primatologists, from her own experience breeding cottontop tamarin monkeys for over thirty years, and from her clinical psychology practice, Smith describes the ways that primates care for their offspring, from infancy through young adulthood.
Parenting. --- Primates --- Parental behavior in animals. --- Care of the young (Animal behavior) --- Maternal behavior in animals --- Parental care in animals --- Parenting in animals --- Paternal behavior in animals --- Paternalism in animals --- Animal behavior --- Cooperative breeding in animals --- Parent behavior --- Parental behavior in humans --- Child rearing --- Parent and child --- Parenthood --- Behavior.
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Parental care includes a wide variety of traits that enhance offspring development and survival. It is taxonomically widespread and is central to the maintenance of biodiversity through its close association with other phenomena such as sexual selection, life-history evolution, sex allocation, sociality, cooperation and conflict, growth and development, genetic architecture, and phenotypic plasticity.This novel book provides a fresh perspective on the study of the evolution of parental care based on contributions from some of the top researchers in the field. It provides evidence that the dyna
Parental behavior in animals. --- Evolution (Biology) --- Animal evolution --- Animals --- Biological evolution --- Darwinism --- Evolutionary biology --- Evolutionary science --- Origin of species --- Biology --- Evolution --- Biological fitness --- Homoplasy --- Natural selection --- Phylogeny --- Care of the young (Animal behavior) --- Maternal behavior in animals --- Parental care in animals --- Parenting in animals --- Paternal behavior in animals --- Paternalism in animals --- Animal behavior --- Cooperative breeding in animals
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Cooperative breeders are species in which individuals beyond a pair assist in the production of young in a single brood or litter. Although relatively rare, cooperative breeding is widespread taxonomically and continues to pose challenges to our understanding of the evolution of cooperation and altruistic behavior. Bringing together long-term studies of cooperatively breeding birds, mammals, and fishes, this volume provides a synthesis of current studies in the field. The chapters are organised by individual studies of particular species or (in the case of mole-rats) two closely related cooperatively breeding species. Each focuses not only on describing behavior and ecology but also on testing evolutionary hypotheses for the form and function of the diverse and extraordinary cooperative breeding lifestyles that have been discovered. This unique and comprehensive text will be of interest to graduate students and researchers of behavioral ecology and the evolution of cooperation.
Parental behavior in animals. --- Animal societies. --- Social behavior in animals --- Care of the young (Animal behavior) --- Maternal behavior in animals --- Parental care in animals --- Parenting in animals --- Paternal behavior in animals --- Paternalism in animals --- Animal behavior --- Cooperative breeding in animals --- Parental behavior in animals --- Animal societies --- Comportement parental chez les animaux --- Sociétés animales
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The biparental care behaviour of the social Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) was quantified from birth to weaning of the young under laboratory conditions. Nestbuilding, nest-residence, and retrieving of the offspring were measured. The behaviour of the parents was registered per video-observation on days 2, 5, 8, 13, and 20 after the birth of the young, each for 24 h. To obtain control data, we additionally observed all pairs for 24 h without progeny. The objective of our study was to evaluate the paternal and maternal efforts in rearing the young and to focus on parental time sharing in the nest. The female made the greatest contribution to care since there was no paternal support in building of the litter-nest and retrieving of the young. However, both adults cooperated via their synchronized presence with the young (temporal coordination or time sharing in the nest). We suggest that via this mutual behavioural synchronization the physiological strains of the female caused, e. g., by lactational hyperthermia are reduced
Adult. --- Behaviour. --- Biparental care. --- Birth. --- Boxes. --- Care. --- Control. --- Disruption. --- Dwarf hamsters phodopus. --- Female. --- Gerbil. --- Hyperthermia. --- Laboratory. --- Maternal-behavior. --- Maternal. --- Meriones unguiculatus. --- Meriones-unguiculatus. --- Mongolian gerbil. --- Mongolian-gerbil. --- Nest. --- Parental care. --- Physiological. --- Rearing. --- Reproduction. --- Retrieving. --- Rodents. --- Social. --- Temperature. --- Time sharing. --- Time. --- Unguiculatus. --- Weaning. --- Young.
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Birds --- Animal ethology and ecology. Sociobiology --- Parental behavior in animals --- 598.2 --- 591.56 --- Care of the young (Animal behavior) --- Maternal behavior in animals --- Parental care in animals --- Parenting in animals --- Paternal behavior in animals --- Paternalism in animals --- Animal behavior --- Cooperative breeding in animals --- Behavior --- Aves. Birds in general. Ornithology --- Provision for posterity. Care of young. Brood care --- Animal behavior. --- Parental behavior in animals. --- Behavior. --- 591.56 Provision for posterity. Care of young. Brood care --- 598.2 Aves. Birds in general. Ornithology
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