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Le handicap
ISBN: 9782130730972 2130730973 Year: 2015 Volume: 3638 Publisher: Paris : Presses universitaires de France,

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Lorsque les fonctions naturelles de l'homme, qu'il s'agisse de ses capacités physiques ou mentales, se dérèglent pour diverses raisons (accident, maladie. vieillesse...), sa vie se complique... Aujourd'hui, un Français sur dix souffre d'un handicap plus ou moins lourd. Agir dans ce domaine, c'est prendre en compte des réalités complexes et multiples, qu'elles soient physiologiques, psychologiques, sociales, historiques, juridiques et administratives ou encore technologiques. C'est aussi, grâce à ce regard transversal, comprendre que le handicap n'est pas uniquement la déficience mais une situation dans laquelle cette déficience devient une gêne, afin de mieux agir sur l'environnement de chacun


Disabilities --- People with disabilities --- Handicap --- Handicapés --- BPB1606 --- 351.84*1 <44> --- Handicapé --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Mindervaliden. Mutualiteit. Arbeidsongeschiktheid. R.I.Z.I.V.--(in de sociale wetgeving)--Frankrijk --- Gehandicapte --- 351.84*1 <44> Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Mindervaliden. Mutualiteit. Arbeidsongeschiktheid. R.I.Z.I.V.--(in de sociale wetgeving)--Frankrijk --- Handicapés --- deficiente --- άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- persuna b'diżabilità --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- Behinderter --- handicappet --- persoane cu dizabilități --- postihnutá osoba --- gehandicapte --- disabile --- osoba niepełnosprawna --- discapacitado --- fogyatékkal élő személy --- invalīds --- vammainen --- лице со посебни потреби --- funktionshindrad --- disabled person --- puudega inimene --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- the disabled --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- the handicapped --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- handikappad --- fogyatékos személy --- pessoa deficiente --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido

Les grands arrêts en matière de handicap
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782807922143 2807922147 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bruxelles Larcier

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L’accès à la justice des personnes en situation de handicap reste compliqué, et, lorsqu’elles existent, les décisions rendues en la matière par les organes de contrôle belges et internationaux demeurent méconnues. D’où le parti pris par Isabelle Hachez et Jogchum Vrielink de les rassembler dans cet ouvrage collectif, en les organisant autour de neuf thématiques (le handicap à travers les sources du droit ; les définitions du handicap ; handicap et dignité ; handicap et égalité ; handicap et capacité juridique ; handicap et autonomie individuelle ; handicap et participation sociale ; handicap et vie privée ; handicap et lieux privatifs de liberté). Au total, l’ouvrage compte quarante auteurs (des universitaires, francophones ou néerlandophones, mais aussi des praticiens), trente commentaires de décisions – parfois aussi d’avis – afférentes aux thématiques retenues, ainsi que des conclusions générales capitalisant sur les enseignements livrés par les commentaires en lien avec les cinq questions adressées aux auteurs à l’entame de la recherche. Celle-ci souligne notamment le caractère pluriel du handicap, lequel recouvre des situations diverses – quoique chacune unique – et fait l’objet, en droit belge, de définitions multiples, parfois éloignées des indications livrées par la Convention onusienne relative aux droits des personnes handicapées. Aussi est-ce en définitive la réalité belge du handicap – des handicaps – qui se dessine au fil des commentaires de l’ouvrage, avec, en arrière-fond, les contours de ce que pourrait être une société inclusive : celle que la Convention onusienne nous demande d’inventer. Si la perspective adoptée est avant tout juridique, cette recherche collective devrait intéresser tout qui porte attention au champ du handicap et aux droits des personnes handicapées : avocats, magistrats, services publics, chercheurs mais aussi associations et acteurs de la société civile.


Human rights --- Belgium --- BPB2011 --- handicapé --- jurisprudence --- Belgique --- STRADALEX --- cásdlí --- sodna praksa --- судска пракса --- case-law --- giurisprudenza --- jurisprudență --- съдебна практика --- судска практика --- każistika --- jurisprudência --- soudcovské právo --- Rechtsprechung --- prípadové právo --- pretsedendiõigus --- retspraksis --- jurisprudentie --- νομολογία --- orzecznictwo --- praktikë gjyqësore --- sudska praksa --- esetjog --- rättspraxis --- teismų praktika --- oikeuskäytäntö --- jurisprudencia --- tiesu prakse --- teismų teisė --- case law --- преседан --- precedents --- ítélkezési gyakorlat --- jurisprudencija --- deficiente --- άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- persuna b'diżabilità --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- duine faoi mhíchumas --- Behinderter --- handicappet --- persoane cu dizabilități --- postihnutá osoba --- gehandicapte --- disabile --- osoba niepełnosprawna --- discapacitado --- fogyatékkal élő személy --- invalīds --- vammainen --- лице со посебни потреби --- funktionshindrad --- disabled person --- puudega inimene --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- handikappad --- fogyatékos személy --- pessoa deficiente --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido --- Handicap --- Discrimination à l'égard des handicapés --- Égalité devant la loi --- Personnes (droit) --- Droit --- Disabilities --- Discrimination against people with disabilities --- Persons (Law) --- Personnes (Droit) --- Law and legislation --- Cases. --- Law and legislation. --- Juisprudence --- persona con discapacidad --- persoon met een beperking --- persona ar invaliditāti --- άτομο με αναπηρία --- fogyatékossággal élő személy --- vammainen henkilö --- лице с увреждания --- person med funktionsnedsättning --- persuna b'diżabbiltà --- persona con disabilità --- osoba z niepełnosprawnością --- person med handicap --- osoba so zdravotným postihnutím --- Mensch mit Behinderung --- handicapé --- Droit médical

Les politiques de protection des personnes handicapées en Europe et dans le monde : actes du colloque organisé le 15 mars 2007 à Paris par l'Association travail et handicap dans la recherche publique (ATHAREP)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782802727361 2802727362 Year: 2009 Volume: 86 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant ; Nemesis,

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Autonomie, participation, émancipation représentent autant de termes qui parlent aux personnes en situation de handicap. Evoquer la protection pour une personne handicapée peut prêter à discussion dès lors que ce terme s'entend dans sa connotation paternaliste, voire dominatrice. Ce n'est pourtant pas cette acception que le présent ouvrage retient du mot protection. La protection englobe ici l'ensemble des mécanismes destinés à assurer une vie digne à la personne en situation de handicap, à garantir à celle-ci la plénitude et l'effectivité des prérogatives reconnues à tout être humain. Autant dire que le contenu de cet ouvrage issu d'un colloque organisé à Paris le 15 mars 2007 s'inscrit dans la démarche entreprise par l'Association Travail et Handicap dans la Recherche publique depuis 1986. Analysant les modèles proposés par l'ONU, l'Union européenne, le Conseil de l'Europe, le Maghreb et différents Etats, confrontant ces modèles les uns aux autres dans leurs dimensions théorique et pratique, les interventions rassemblées ici délivrent des informations qui remettent parfois en cause quelques idées reçues et proposent des solutions concrètes, utiles au chercheur, à la personne handicapée, au travailleur social. Si la première série de contributions de l'ouvrage s'attache à l'examen prospectif de la protection des personnes handicapées dans une approche globalisante, la seconde série se consacre particulièrement à la confrontation de l'emploi au handicap, laquelle commence par une analyse économique. Autant dire que les employeurs et les travailleurs handicapés se nourriront d'éléments dont certains sont en pleine évolution et évolueront encore, notamment sous l'influence de la convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées du 13 décembre 2006.


People with disabilities --- Handicapés --- Protection --- Government policy --- Employment --- Rehabilitation --- Politique gouvernementale --- Travail --- Intégration --- Legal status, laws, etc --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- BPB1101 --- Handicapé --- Émancipation --- Gehandicapte --- Emancipatie --- Handicapés --- Intégration --- Cripples --- Disabled --- Disabled people --- Disabled persons --- Handicapped --- Handicapped people --- Individuals with disabilities --- People with physical disabilities --- Persons with disabilities --- Physically challenged people --- Physically disabled people --- Physically handicapped --- Persons --- Disabilities --- Sociology of disability --- deficiente --- άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- persuna b'diżabilità --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- Behinderter --- handicappet --- persoane cu dizabilități --- postihnutá osoba --- gehandicapte --- disabile --- osoba niepełnosprawna --- discapacitado --- fogyatékkal élő személy --- invalīds --- vammainen --- лице со посебни потреби --- funktionshindrad --- disabled person --- puudega inimene --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- the disabled --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- the handicapped --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- handikappad --- fogyatékos személy --- pessoa deficiente --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido --- emancipazione --- emancipação --- itsenäistyminen --- myndiggørelse --- emancipacija --- еманципация --- myndighetsförklaring --- emancipace --- Volljährigkeitserklärung --- emancipim --- emantsipatsioon --- emancipācija --- еманципација --- emanċipazzjoni --- emancipare --- emancipación --- emancipatie --- usamodzielnienie --- emancipácia --- χειραφεσία --- emancipáció --- emancipation --- еманципација на жената --- ослободување од зависност --- női emancipáció --- női egyenjogúság --- pilngadības sasniegšana --- duine faoi mhíchumas --- fuascailt --- People with disabilities - Legal status, laws, etc - Europe - Congresses --- People with disabilities - Employment - Government policy - Europe - Congresses --- People with disabilities - Legal status, laws, etc - Congresses --- People with disabilities - Employment - Government policy - Congresses --- persona con discapacidad --- persoon met een beperking --- persona ar invaliditāti --- άτομο με αναπηρία --- fogyatékossággal élő személy --- vammainen henkilö --- лице с увреждания --- person med funktionsnedsättning --- persuna b'diżabbiltà --- persona con disabilità --- osoba z niepełnosprawnością --- person med handicap --- osoba so zdravotným postihnutím --- Mensch mit Behinderung --- Handicapé --- Émancipation --- Droit international --- Défense des droits de l'homme --- Dignité de la personne --- Droit comparé --- Statut juridique

Onbekwaamheid en bescherming : praktische handleiding meerderjarige onbekwame
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789046568347 9046568342 Year: 2014 Publisher: Mechelen : Kluwer,

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De wetgeving inzake voorlopig bewind onderging in 2013 een grondige facelift. Een greep uit de inhoudelijke wijzigingen: Het toepassingsgebied werd uitgebreid. Ook bij een aantal persoonlijke aangelegenheden kan de bewindvoerder nu tussenkomen. Wat betreft de goederen werd een regeling ingevoerd inzake buitengerechtelijke bescherming op basis van een lastgevingovereenkomst. Deze regeling krijgt in principe de voorkeur op een rechterlijke bescherming via tussenkomst van de vrederechter. Maar de verandering omvat nog heel wat meer. Naast de inhoudelijke wijzigingen zijn formele aspecten veranderd. Een aantal procedureregels, zoals de aanstelling van de bewindvoerder, werden overgeheveld naar het Gerechtelijk Wetboek. Bovendien werd er gestreefd naar meer uniformiteit.


Family law. Inheritance law --- familierecht --- Belgium --- Incapacité (droit) --- Majorité (droit civil) --- BPB1412 --- Handicapé --- Émancipation --- Majorité civile --- Capacité juridique --- Tutelle --- Gehandicapte --- Emancipatie --- Meerderjarigheid --- Rechtsbevoegdheid --- Voogdijschap --- старателство --- επιτροπεία --- holhous --- tutela --- skrbništvo --- förmyndarskap --- Vormundschaft --- aizbildniecība --- voogdijschap --- eestkoste --- poručenství --- guardianship --- opiekuństwo --- caomhnóireacht --- globa --- gyámság --- poručníctvo --- varuštvo --- i vendosur në kujdestari --- tutelă --- старатељство --- настойничество --- værgemål --- poručnictví --- samværgemål --- autorità tutelare --- instituire curatelă --- curatela --- perdavimas globai --- mise sous tutelle --- tutore --- Anordnung der Vormundschaft --- eestkoste määramine --- onder curatele --- ustanovenie poručníctva --- curatelă --- opatrovnictví --- Vormundschaftsbestellung --- kura --- władza opiekuńcza --- holhoukseen asettaminen --- ustanovenie opatrovníctva --- kuratela --- svěření do opatrovnictví --- globos skyrimas --- starateljstvo --- edunvalvojan asettaminen --- instituire tutelă --- Pflegschaftsbestellung --- oddaja v rejništvo --- κηδεμονία --- старател --- edunvalvonta --- constitución de tutela --- opieka prawna --- rejništvo --- instauração de tutela --- svěření do poručenství --- попечителство над пълнолетно лице --- törvényes gyám --- nodošana aizgādnībā --- aizgādnība --- sometimiento a tutela --- Pflegschaft --- messa sotto curatela --- gondnokság alá helyezés --- Anordnung der Pflegschaft --- νόμιμη εκπροσώπηση των ανηλίκων --- mise sous curatelle --- поставяне под попечителство --- καθεστώς επιτροπείας --- hooldus --- hoolduse määramine --- dodelitev skrbništva --- godmanskap --- messa sotto tutela --- стављање под старатељство --- lavværgemål --- curatelle --- tutela di minori --- placed under guardianship --- gondnokság --- værgemål med fratagelse af den retlige handleevne --- poručník --- nodošana aizbildnībā --- поставяне под настойничество --- καθεστώς κηδεμονίας --- opatrovníctvo --- edunvalvojan määrääminen --- gyámság alá helyezés --- tutela legale --- правна и деловна способност --- rets- og handleevne --- zotësi juridike --- rättskapacitet --- ικανότητα δικαίου --- rechtsbevoegdheid --- jog- és ügyleti képesség --- tiesībspēja --- pravna i poslovna sposobnost --- capacidade jurídica --- zdolność prawna --- legal capacity --- юридически капацитет --- oikeudellinen kelpoisuus --- právní subjektivita --- Rechts- und Geschäftsfähigkeit --- правна и пословна способност --- pravna in poslovna sposobnost --- capacidad jurídica --- capacitate juridică --- õigus- ja teovõime --- kapaċità ġuridika --- veiksnumas --- spôsobilosť na právne úkony --- capacità giuridica --- jog- és cselekvőképesség --- incapacidade jurídica --- правна и деловна неспособност --- incapacitate juridică --- legal incapacity --- manglende rets- og handleevne --- incapacità giuridica --- neveiksnumas --- pravna i poslovna nesposobnost --- Rechts- und Geschäftsunfähigkeit --- bristande rättskapacitet --- ανικανότητα Δικαίου --- incapacité juridique --- nespôsobilosť na právne úkony --- paaftësi juridike --- rīcībnespēja --- niet rechtsbevoegd zijn --- oikeustoimikelvottomuus --- õigus- ja teovõime puudumine --- incapacidad jurídica --- maggiore età civile --- zletilost --- полнолетство --- pilngadība --- nagykorúság --- majoritate civilă --- пълнолетие --- ενηλικότητα κατά το αστικό δίκαιο --- пунолетство --- Volljährigkeit --- täisealisus --- pełnoletność --- punoljetnost --- moshë madhore --- myndighetsålder --- pilnametystė --- myndighedsalder --- plnoletosť --- maioridade --- age of majority --- età maġġuri --- täysivaltaisuusikä --- polnoletnost --- mayoría de edad civil --- meerderjarigheid --- maggiorità civile --- civiele meerderjarigheid --- plnoletost --- предвремена еманципација --- emancipazione --- emancipação --- itsenäistyminen --- myndiggørelse --- emancipacija --- еманципация --- myndighetsförklaring --- emancipace --- Volljährigkeitserklärung --- emancipim --- emantsipatsioon --- emancipācija --- еманципација --- emanċipazzjoni --- emancipare --- emancipación --- emancipatie --- usamodzielnienie --- emancipácia --- χειραφεσία --- emancipáció --- emancipation --- еманципација на жената --- ослободување од зависност --- női emancipáció --- női egyenjogúság --- pilngadības sasniegšana --- deficiente --- άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- persuna b'diżabilità --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- Behinderter --- handicappet --- persoane cu dizabilități --- postihnutá osoba --- gehandicapte --- disabile --- osoba niepełnosprawna --- discapacitado --- fogyatékkal élő személy --- invalīds --- vammainen --- лице со посебни потреби --- funktionshindrad --- disabled person --- puudega inimene --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- the disabled --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- the handicapped --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- handikappad --- fogyatékos személy --- pessoa deficiente --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido --- inniúlacht dhlíthiúil --- lán-aois --- fuascailt --- duine faoi mhíchumas --- Incapacité (droit) --- Majorité (droit civil) --- persona con discapacidad --- persoon met een beperking --- persona ar invaliditāti --- άτομο με αναπηρία --- fogyatékossággal élő személy --- vammainen henkilö --- лице с увреждания --- person med funktionsnedsättning --- persuna b'diżabbiltà --- persona con disabilità --- osoba z niepełnosprawnością --- person med handicap --- osoba so zdravotným postihnutím --- Mensch mit Behinderung --- Handicapé --- Émancipation --- Majorité civile --- Capacité juridique --- Belgique

Les personnes en situation de handicap.
ISBN: 9782130578000 2130578004 Year: 2010 Volume: 2556 Publisher: Paris PUF

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Intégration des handicapés --- Handicapé --- Discrimination fondée sur un handicap --- Désherbage --- Integratie van gehandicapten --- Gehandicapte --- Discriminatie op grond van een handicap --- Deselectie --- discriminazione basata su un handicap --- дискриминација по основ на ментална или телесна попреченост --- discriminación por motivo de minusvalía --- discriminare din motive de handicap --- διακρίσεις λόγω αναπηρίας --- vammaisuuteen perustuva syrjintä --- diskriminácia na základe postihnutia --- discriminação fundada na deficiência --- diskriminering av funktionshindrade --- diskriminazzjoni abbażi ta' diżabilità --- дискриминация базирана на инвалидност --- diskriminace na základě zdravotního postižení --- dyskryminacja niepełnosprawnych --- diskriminacija dėl negalios --- discrimination based on disability --- diskriminācija invaliditātes dēļ --- дискриминација по основу инвалидности --- diskriminacija zbog invalidnosti --- forskelsbehandling på grund af et handicap --- diskrimineerimine puude alusel --- fogyatékosság alapján történő megkülönböztetés --- discriminatie op grond van een handicap --- diskriminim për shkak të aftësive të kufizuara --- Diskriminierung aufgrund von Behinderung --- diskriminacija na podlagi invalidnosti --- diskriminace tělesně postižených --- discriminazione dei disabili --- discriminazione a motivo di un handicap --- diskriminacija zbog onesposobljenja --- fogyatékosság szerinti diszkrimináció --- diskriminace invalidů --- discriminatie uitsluitend op grond van handicaps --- diskriminace zdravotně postižených --- дискриминација поради инвалидитет --- discriminação das pessoas deficientes --- diskriminacija zbog hendikepiranosti --- Diskriminierung von Behinderten --- diskriminace invalidních občanů --- discriminazione basata sulla disabilità --- discrimination envers les handicapés --- διακρίσεις εις βάρος των αναπήρων --- diskriminace hendikepovaných --- discriminación hacia los minusválidos --- deficiente --- άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- persuna b'diżabilità --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- Behinderter --- handicappet --- persoane cu dizabilități --- postihnutá osoba --- gehandicapte --- disabile --- osoba niepełnosprawna --- discapacitado --- fogyatékkal élő személy --- invalīds --- vammainen --- лице со посебни потреби --- funktionshindrad --- disabled person --- puudega inimene --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- the disabled --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- the handicapped --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- handikappad --- fogyatékos személy --- pessoa deficiente --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido --- integrace postižených osob --- integracija osoba s invaliditetom --- ενσωμάτωση των ατόμων με ειδικές ανάγκες --- soziale Integration der Behinderten --- integrering av funktionshindrade --- integrácia ľudí s postihnutím --- puudega inimeste integreerimine --- интеграција на лицата со посебни потреби --- invalīdu integrācija --- integrazzjoni tad-diżabbli --- integración de los discapacitados --- integração dos deficientes --- укључење инвалида у друштво --- socialno vključevanje invalidov --- vammaisten integrointi --- integration af handicappede --- fogyatékkal élők integrációja --- integration of the disabled --- integrimi i personave me aftësi të kufizuar --- интегриране на инвалидите --- neįgaliųjų integravimas --- integrarea persoanelor cu dizabilități --- integrazione dei disabili --- integracja niepełnosprawnych --- integratie van gehandicapten --- општествена интеграција на лицата со посебни потреби --- integrace hendikepovaných osob --- integrácia hendikepovaných osôb --- integrering av handikappade --- integrácia invalidov --- integrace zdravotně postižených --- integrace postižených dětí --- integration of disabled persons --- sociálna integrácia postihnutých ľudí --- општествена интеграција на лицата со хендикеп --- integrace invalidních osob --- integracija hendikepiranih osoba --- integration of the handicapped --- integrim i personave me aftësi të kufizuara --- integrarea persoanelor cu handicap --- idirdhealú bunaithe ar mhíchumas --- duine faoi mhíchumas --- lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumas --- persona con discapacidad --- persoon met een beperking --- persona ar invaliditāti --- άτομο με αναπηρία --- fogyatékossággal élő személy --- vammainen henkilö --- лице с увреждания --- person med funktionsnedsättning --- persuna b'diżabbiltà --- persona con disabilità --- osoba z niepełnosprawnością --- person med handicap --- osoba so zdravotným postihnutím --- Mensch mit Behinderung --- Discrimination fondée sur un handicap --- Intégration des handicapés --- Handicapé

Enfants fragilisés
Authors: ---
ISSN: 20306628 ISBN: 9782804462109 2804462102 2804462862 Year: 2013 Volume: 1 Publisher: Larcier

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Family law. Inheritance law --- Belgium --- gezinsvermogen --- successierechten --- gehandicapten --- gestion --- BPB1304 --- Planification de la famille --- Droit de la famille --- Enfant --- Héritage --- Handicapé --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.0 --- 347.60 --- 347.61 --- 339.40 --- deficiente --- άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- persuna b'diżabilità --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- Behinderter --- handicappet --- persoane cu dizabilități --- postihnutá osoba --- gehandicapte --- disabile --- osoba niepełnosprawna --- discapacitado --- fogyatékkal élő személy --- invalīds --- vammainen --- лице со посебни потреби --- funktionshindrad --- disabled person --- puudega inimene --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- the disabled --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- the handicapped --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- handikappad --- fogyatékos személy --- pessoa deficiente --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido --- palikimas --- наследство --- arv --- trashëgimi --- eredità --- herança --- ostavina --- perintö --- pärand --- wirt --- mantošana --- succesiuni --- erfenis --- наследување --- dediščina --- dědictví --- herencia --- dziedziczenie --- pozostalosť --- κληρονομιά --- Erbschaft --- öröklés --- inheritance --- dědění --- opvolging --- hagyaték --- successie --- will --- successione testamentaria --- tiesību un pienākumu pārņemšana --- arvföljd --- sucessão --- successione ereditaria --- διαδοχή --- perimys --- testaments --- dědický díl --- Vermächtnis --- mantojums --- testamentum --- pärandvara --- κληρονομική διαδοχή --- оставинска маса --- testamentas --- végrendelet --- pēdējā griba --- nalatenschap --- Testament --- testamentti --- végrendelkezés --- testamento --- testament --- sucesión --- dedičstvo --- оставина --- örökség --- transmissão de bens --- testamente --- oporuka --- право на наследство --- succession --- paveldėjimas --- право на нужен дел --- διαθήκη --- jogutódlás --- nasljedstvo --- dítě --- barn --- leanbh --- criança --- tfal --- Kind --- gyermek --- dijete --- дете --- dziecko --- dieťa --- niño --- kind --- παιδί --- child --- bambino --- bērns --- lapsi --- laps --- vaikas --- otrok --- copil --- person në moshë të mitur --- niñez --- detstvo --- children --- djeca --- νηπιακή ηλικία --- minori --- lapsepõlv --- vaikai --- gyerek --- barndom --- děti --- προσχολική ηλικία --- infancia --- lapsuus --- νήπιο --- fëmijë --- детство --- dětství --- gyermekkor --- Kindheit --- bērnība --- fëmijëri --- vaikystė --- деца --- enfance --- bērni --- fanciullo --- infância --- παιδική ηλικία --- páiste --- childhood --- dječja dob --- infanzia --- kinderjaren --- liġi tal-familja --- οικογενειακό δίκαιο --- obiteljsko pravo --- Derecho de familia --- perekonnaõigus --- perhelainsäädäntö --- ģimenes tiesības --- family law --- prawo rodzinne --- familjerätt --- семејно право --- družinsko pravo --- e drejta e familjes --- rodinné právo --- породично право --- familierecht --- familieret --- Familienrecht --- šeimos teisė --- семейно право --- dlí teaghlaigh --- dreptul familiei --- családjog --- diritto di famiglia --- direito da família --- Anerkennung der Mutterschaft --- zákon o rodině --- родителско право --- planificación familiar --- planifikim familjar --- планирање семејство --- pereplaneerimine --- plánovanie rodiny --- gezinsplanning --- familieplanlægning --- планирање породице --- Familienplanung --- familjeplanering --- planowanie rodziny --- planeamento familiar --- planiranje obitelji --- planificare familială --- családtervezés --- family planning --- šeimos planavimas --- ippjanar tal-familja --- načrtovanje družine --- ģimenes plānošana --- οικογενειακός προγραμματισμός --- perhesuunnittelu --- pianificazione familiare --- plánování rodičovství --- семейно планиране --- planning familial --- Familienplanungsprogramm --- програма за планирање семејство --- perhesuunnittelun järjestelmä --- rodičovské plánování --- šeimos planavimo projektas --- schéma plánovania rodiny --- skemë për planifikimin familjar --- family planning programme --- családtervezési program --- program rodičovského plánování --- programa de planeamento familiar --- perhesuunnittelun ohjelma --- programma voor gezinsplanning --- pereplaneerimisprogramm --- šeimos planavimo programa --- programa de planificación familiar --- ģimenes plānošanas programma --- plánované rodičovství --- strategie de planificare familială --- program për planifikimin familjar --- стратегија за планирање семејство --- programme de planning familial --- familjeplaneringsprogram --- family planning scheme --- programma di pianificazione familiare --- програма за семејно планирање --- familieplanlægningspolitik --- program plánovania rodiny --- patrimoine des menages --- droits de succession --- handicapes --- beheer --- Burgerlijk recht, privaatrecht: algemene werken en handboeken --- Familierecht.Erfopvolgingen (algemeenheden) --- Huwelijk. Huwelijkscontract --- Vermogenbeheer. financiële analyse (algemeenheden) --- Patrimoine --- Successions et héritages --- Gestion --- Parents of handicapped children --- Law and legislation --- Inheritance and succession --- Estate planning --- People with disabilities --- Financial planning industry --- Planification successorale --- Handicapés --- Planification financière personnelle --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- EPUB-ALPHA-M EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- E-books --- duine faoi mhíchumas --- oidhreacht --- pleanáil clainne --- Belgique --- persona con discapacidad --- persoon met een beperking --- persona ar invaliditāti --- άτομο με αναπηρία --- fogyatékossággal élő személy --- vammainen henkilö --- лице с увреждания --- person med funktionsnedsättning --- persuna b'diżabbiltà --- persona con disabilità --- osoba z niepełnosprawnością --- person med handicap --- osoba so zdravotným postihnutím --- Mensch mit Behinderung --- Handicapé --- Héritage

De doorwerking van het VN-verdrag inzake de rechten van personen met een handicap
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789400004924 9400004923 Year: 2014 Volume: 2 2 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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Het Verdrag inzake de rechten van personen met een handicap van 13 december 2006 (IVRPH) luidt een nieuwe fase in de internationale bescherming van de rechten van de mens in. Het bevat een brede waaier aan rechten die vaak al in andere mensenrechtenverdragen voorkwamen, maar die nu voor het eerst met een specifieke focus op personen met een handicap verenigd zijn in dit ene verdrag. Het is het eerste globale mensenrechtenverdrag dat in dit millennium tot stand kwam in de schoot van de Verenigde Naties.Het Verdrag kondigt een nieuwe aanpak aan ten aanzien van personen met een handicap. De rechten die hierin aan bod komen, zijn erg divers. Zowel rechten die traditioneel worden beschouwd als politieke en burgerlijke rechten, als economische, sociale en culturele rechten komen aan bod in het IVRPH. In dit boek wordt nagegaan welke gevolgen het IVRPH in de Belgische rechtsorde heeft. In de eerste plaats wordt onderzocht in hoeverre individuen zich rechtstreeks op het Verdrag kunnen beroepen voor een Belgische rechter. Waar een rechtstreeks beroep niet mogelijk is, is het belangrijk om te weten te komen wat de indirecte effecten van het Verdrag zouden kunnen zijn in de (sub)nationale rechtsorde. Ten slotte rijst de vraag naar de effecten van het feit dat ook de Unie partij is bij het Verdrag op de situatie in België.Het boek is als volgt opgebouwd. Eerst wordt kort stilgestaan bij de totstandkoming van het Verdrag en vervolgens wordt een algemeen overzicht gegeven van de bestaande technieken van doorwerking. De grootste aandacht gaat naar de economische, sociale en culturele rechten, aangezien er over de doorwerking van deze rechten nog de meeste twijfel bestaat. Daarbij wordt verwezen naar de ervaring met andere verdragen die economische, sociale en culturele rechten bevatten. In dit deel wordt ook al ingezoomd op de doorwerking van het IVRPH zelf. In het derde deel wordt op artikelsgewijze basis een overzicht gegeven van de bepalingen van het IVRPH en hierbij wordt gezocht naar de vormen van doorwerking die kans op slagen hebben. In het laatste deel wordt uitgelegd hoe de Europese Unie, die zelf ook partij is bij het Verdrag, de nationale evoluties kan beïnvloeden.


Social policy and particular groups --- Human rights --- mensenrechten --- personen met een beperking --- Belgium --- Gehandicapten --- Recht --- Discriminatie --- België --- Rechten van de mens --- Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées et protocole facultatif (2007) --- Handicapés --- Discrimination à l'égard des handicapés --- Statut juridique --- BPB1407 --- Handicapé --- Droits de l'homme --- 342.72/.73 <493> --- 667 Gehandicapten --- deficiente --- άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- persuna b'diżabilità --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- Behinderter --- handicappet --- persoane cu dizabilități --- postihnutá osoba --- gehandicapte --- disabile --- osoba niepełnosprawna --- discapacitado --- fogyatékkal élő személy --- invalīds --- vammainen --- лице со посебни потреби --- funktionshindrad --- disabled person --- puudega inimene --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- the disabled --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- the handicapped --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- handikappad --- fogyatékos személy --- pessoa deficiente --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido --- 342.72/.73 <493> Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie----België --- Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie----België --- človekove pravice --- derechos humanos --- ľudské práva --- prawa człowieka --- ljudska prava --- δικαιώματα του ανθρώπου --- човешки права --- human rights --- inimõigused --- cilvēktiesības --- rechten van de mens --- lidská práva --- cearta an duine --- ihmisoikeudet --- direitos humanos --- људска права --- emberi jogok --- menneskerettigheder --- човекови права --- drittijiet tal-bniedem --- mänskliga rättigheter --- žmogaus teisės --- të drejtat e njeriut --- diritti umani --- drepturile omului --- Menschenrechte --- kršenje ljudskih prava --- Verletzung der Menschenrechte --- diritti fondamentali dell'uomo --- Verteidigung der Menschenrechte --- nezadatelná práva --- ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα --- nepromlčitelná práva --- pasikėsinimas į žmogaus teises --- фундаментални слободи и права на човекот и граѓанинот --- zaštita ljudskih prava --- porušování lidských práv --- atentado a los derechos humanos --- Schutz der Menschenrechte --- mbrojtje e të drejtave të njeriut --- krænkelse af menneskerettighederne --- cilvēktiesību apdraudējums --- παραβίαση των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- violarea drepturilor omului --- aantasting van de rechten van de mens --- porušenie ľudských práv --- Beeinträchtigung der Menschenrechte --- emberi jogok védelme --- emberi jogok megsértése --- kränkning av mänskliga rättigheter --- atteinte aux droits de l'homme --- útok na ľudské práva --- ihmisoikeusloukkaus --- προσβολή των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- attack on human rights --- protección de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību aizsardzība --- bescherming van de rechten van de mens --- salvaguardia dei diritti dell'uomo --- proteção dos direitos humanos --- tilsidesættelse af menneskerettighederne --- ihmisoikeuksien suojelu --- protezione dei diritti umani --- Конвенција за заштита на човековите права и основните слободи --- skydd av mänskliga rättigheter --- violación de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību pārkāpums --- ochrana ľudských práv --- žmogaus teisių apsauga --- ihmisoikeuksien uhkaaminen --- prava čovjeka --- derechos del hombre --- rispetto dei diritti dell'uomo --- schending van de rechten van de mens --- inimõiguste kaitse --- protecția drepturilor omului --- shkelje e të drejtave të njeriut --- violação dos direitos humanos --- brott mot mänskliga rättigheter --- beskyttelse af menneskerettigheder --- ochrana lidských práv --- inimõiguste ohustamine --- violation des droits de l'homme --- повреда на граѓанските права --- cenim i të drejtave të njeriut --- žmogaus teisių pažeidimas --- cilvēka pamattiesības --- граѓански слободи и права --- προστασία των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- ofensa aos direitos humanos --- заштита на правата и слободите на граѓаните --- кршење на човековите права --- human rights violation --- violazione dei diritti umani --- protection of human rights --- inimõiguste rikkumine --- reato contro i diritti dell'uomo --- protection des droits de l'homme --- Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie----België --- Social policy --- People with disabilities --- Handicapés --- Civil rights --- Droits --- E-books --- Persoon met een handicap --- Mensenrechten --- ouder --- duine faoi mhíchumas --- persona con discapacidad --- persoon met een beperking --- persona ar invaliditāti --- άτομο με αναπηρία --- fogyatékossággal élő személy --- vammainen henkilö --- лице с увреждания --- person med funktionsnedsättning --- persuna b'diżabbiltà --- persona con disabilità --- osoba z niepełnosprawnością --- person med handicap --- osoba so zdravotným postihnutím --- Mensch mit Behinderung --- Belgique

La TVA et les taux réduits dans le secteur de la construction
ISBN: 9789403027791 Year: 2023 Publisher: Mechelen Wolters Kluwer Belgium

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Le nombre croissant des règles législatives et administratives ainsi que la jurisprudence très dense des cours et tribunaux belges et de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne ne simplifient en effet pas la tâche des différents opérateurs économiques que sont les entrepreneurs et leurs conseils fiscaux. Dès lors, l'ouvrage entend préciser et clarifier non seulement les règles générales, mais surtout les règles spécifiques attachées aux travaux immobiliers, à l’achat ou à la construction de bâtiments. Avec un index thématique (Source: Kluwer).


Real property tax --- Value-added tax --- Building --- Tax exemption --- Biens réels --- Taxe à la valeur ajoutée --- Construction --- Impôt --- Taxation --- Impôts --- Exemptions --- TVA --- Belgique --- personne handicapée --- propriété immobilière --- недвижен имот --- fast egendom --- nemovitý majetek --- propiedad inmobiliaria --- ingatlantulajdon --- proprjetà immobbli --- kinnisvara --- непокретна имовина --- maoin réadach --- недвижимо имущество --- nepremično premoženje --- kiinteä omaisuus --- nehnuteľný majetok --- proprietà immobiliare --- nekretnina --- fast ejendom --- ακίνητη περιουσία --- proprietate imobiliară --- real property --- pronë e paluajtshme --- nekustamais īpašums --- nekilnojamasis turtas --- onroerend eigendom --- propriedade imobiliária --- własność nieruchoma --- Immobilieneigentum --- kinnisasi --- onroerende zaken --- retsregler om fast ejendom --- diritto immobiliare --- bene immobile --- patrimonio immobiliare --- bem imobiliário --- Liegenschaftsrecht --- Eigentum an unbeweglichen Sachen --- kiinteistö --- Grundeigentum --- bien raíz --- bien immeuble --- недвижност --- nekustama lieta --- nepokretna imovina --- droit immobilier --- bien immobilier --- reality --- δικαίωμα επί ακινήτου --- onroerend goed --- имотно право --- kinnisvaraõigus --- Liegenschaft --- real estate --- immovable property --- ligj i pronës së paluajtshme --- земјишна книга --- unbewegliches Vermögen --- bien inmueble --- Grundstück --- právo k nemovitostem --- unbewegliches Gut --- dreptul proprietății imobiliare --- Derecho inmobiliario --- nehnuteľnosť --- onroerende goederen --- bem imóvel --- law of real property --- ακίνητο --- pozemkové vlastnictví --- vlasništvo nad nekretninom --- nekustama manta --- direito imobiliário --- onroerendgoedrecht --- ingatlan tulajdonjoga --- ingatlanon fennálló dologi jog --- urørligt gods --- zákon o nehnuteľnostiach --- kinnisomand --- ακίνητη ιδιοκτησία --- kiinteistöoikeus --- nekilnojamojo turto teisė --- Immobilien --- ingatlan --- inmueble --- Derecho inmobiliario registral --- persona con discapacidad --- persoon met een beperking --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- persona ar invaliditāti --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- άτομο με αναπηρία --- fogyatékossággal élő személy --- vammainen henkilö --- лице с увреждания --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- duine faoi mhíchumas --- person med funktionsnedsättning --- persuna b'diżabbiltà --- persona con disabilità --- osoba z niepełnosprawnością --- pessoa deficiente --- person med handicap --- persoane cu dizabilități --- osoba so zdravotným postihnutím --- лице со посебни потреби --- disabled person --- puudega inimene --- Mensch mit Behinderung --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- fogyatékos személy --- handikappad --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- CBL --- BTW --- taxxa fuq il-valur miżjud --- ДДВ --- MwSt. --- PVM --- ALV --- DPH --- moms --- ДДС --- PDV --- hozzáadottérték-adó --- käibemaks --- VAT --- daň z přidané hodnoty --- TVSH --- DDV --- ПДВ --- IVA --- ΦΠΑ --- PVN --- Umsatzsteuer --- impuesto sobre el volumen de negocios --- daň z pridanej hodnoty --- pievienotās vērtības nodoklis --- belasting op de toegevoegde waarde --- alv. --- tatim mbi vlerën e shtuar --- omsætningsafgift --- omzetbelasting --- imposto sobre o valor acrescentado --- apyvartos mokestis --- taxă pe valoarea adăugată --- данък върху добавената стойност --- turnover tax --- héa --- taxe sur le chiffre d'affaires --- apgrozījuma nodoklis --- obratová daň --- Φόρος Κύκλου Εργασιών --- Cáin Bhreisluacha --- tatim mbi xhiron --- kumuleeruv käibemaks --- Mehrwertsteuer --- lisandväärtusmaks --- liikevaihtovero --- данок на додадена вредност --- davek na dodano vrednost --- daň z obratu --- porez na dodanu vrijednost --- mervärdesskatt --- merværdiafgift --- taxe sur la valeur ajoutée --- pridėtinės vertės mokestis --- порез на додату вредност --- imposta sulla cifra d'affari --- arvonlisävero --- value added tax --- áfa --- általános forgalmi adó --- impuesto sobre el valor añadido --- impuesto sobre el tráfico de empresas --- φόρος προστιθέμενης αξίας --- imposta sul valore aggiunto --- omsättningsskatt --- podatek od wartości dodanej

Access and Participation in Irish Higher Education
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1137569743 1137569735 9781137569745 Year: 2017 Publisher: London : Palgrave Macmillan UK : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book explores the access and participation issues present within Higher Education in Ireland. It examines policy, pedagogy and practices in relation to widening participation and documents the progress and challenges encountered in furthering the ‘access agenda’ over the past two decades. Access has become an integral part of how Higher Education understands itself and how it explains the value of what it does for society as a whole. Improving access to education strengthens social cohesion, lessens inequality, guarantees the future vitality of tertiary institutions and ensures economic competitiveness and flexibility in the era of the “Knowledge Based Economy”. Offering a coherent, critical account of recent developments in Irish Higher Education and the implications for Irish society as a whole, this book is essential for those involved both in researching the field and in Higher Education itself. .


Education and state. --- Education --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Government policy --- Education. --- Educational policy. --- ducation and state. --- Educational sociology. --- Higher education. --- Education and sociology. --- Sociology, Educational. --- Higher Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Sociology of Education. --- Education Policy. --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Education, Higher. --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- higher education --- Ireland --- education policy --- disabled person --- student --- студент --- õppur --- studerende --- φοιτητής --- izglītojamais --- opiskelija --- Student --- studentas --- étudiant --- študent/dijak --- estudante --- studente --- hallgató --- estudiante --- študent --- vysokoškolský student --- skolēns --- üliõpilane --- students --- studující --- universitetsstuderande --- σπουδαστής --- středoškolský student --- högskolestuderande --- klausītājs --- deficiente --- άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- persuna b'diżabilità --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- Behinderter --- handicappet --- persoane cu dizabilități --- postihnutá osoba --- gehandicapte --- disabile --- osoba niepełnosprawna --- discapacitado --- fogyatékkal élő személy --- invalīds --- vammainen --- лице со посебни потреби --- funktionshindrad --- puudega inimene --- handicapé --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- the disabled --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- the handicapped --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- handikappad --- fogyatékos személy --- pessoa deficiente --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido --- prosvjetna politika --- politica dell'educazione --- educação nacional --- vzdělávací politika --- edukacja narodowa --- nemzeti oktatás --- éducation nationale --- kansallinen opetusjärjestelmä --- armonizzazione delle politiche dell'educazione --- nationales Bildungswesen --- политика за образование --- polityka edukacji --- κρατική εκπαίδευση --- pubblica istruzione --- ravvicinamento delle politiche dell'educazione --- educación nacional --- politica nazionale dell'educazione --- det nationale undervisningssystem --- system szkolnictwa --- švietimo politika --- política educativa --- uddannelsespolitik --- politique de l'éducation --- politica învățământului --- образовна политика --- política da educação --- koulutuspolitiikka --- Bildungspolitik --- obrazovna politika --- образователна политика --- utbildningspolitik --- politika vzdelávania --- politika e arsimit --- polityka oświatowa --- politica dell'istruzione --- politika vzdělávání --- hariduspoliitika --- izglītības politika --- onderwijsbeleid --- просветна политика --- politika tal-edukazzjoni --- oktatáspolitika --- izobraževalna politika --- εκπαιδευτική πολιτική --- accademia --- вишо образование --- instituto de ensino superior --- τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση --- insegnamento post-secondario --- institute of technology --- akademie --- grand ekol --- Hochschulinstitut --- istituto d'insegnamento superiore --- ανώτατο εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυμα --- Hochschule --- kõrgkool --- universitetsundervisning --- ανώτατη παιδεία --- vyšší vzdělání --- école supérieure --- arsim tretësor --- gran escuela --- enseñanza postsecundaria --- Elitehochschule („grande école) --- højere undervisning --- tertiary education --- vyšší odborná škola --- shkollë e lartë --- instelling voor hoger onderwijs --- instituto politécnico --- hogere vakschool --- ανώτατη σχολή --- technologijos institutas --- tertiair onderwijs --- universitetsuddannelse --- insegnamento di ciclo superiore --- Akademie --- tehniskā augstskola --- școală superioară --- scuola superiore --- akademi (læreanstalt) --- kolegija --- escola superior --- escuela técnica superior --- nástavba --- Technische Hochschule --- institut pro technologie --- escuela superior --- ινστιτούτο τεχνικής εκπαίδευσης --- hogeschool --- ανώτατη σχολή (grande école) --- treťostupňové vzdelávanie --- терцијарно образование --- învățământ terțiar --- enseignement postsecondaire --- institut de technologie --- universitetsinstitut --- instituto de tecnologia --- akadémiai képzés --- postgymnasial utbildning --- højere læreanstalt --- vysoké školství --- vysoká škola --- technologický inštitút --- πολυτεχνείο --- tehnikakõrgkool --- teknologisk institut --- enseignement tertiaire --- trečiojo lygmens mokymas --- kolmannen asteen koulutus --- institut d'enseignement supérieur --- ensino pós-secundário --- escuela politécnica --- академско образование --- факултетско образование --- ΤΕΙ --- felsőfokú oktatási intézmény --- Gesamthochschule --- postsekundární vzdělání --- akadémia --- ανώτερη εκπαίδευση --- akademische Ausbildung --- ΑΕΙ --- instituto de enseñanza superior --- ΚΑΤΕΕ --- instelling voor technisch onderwijs --- institut tehnic superior --- grande école --- kolmanda taseme haridus --- academisch onderwijs --- Tertiärbereich --- teknillinen korkeakoulu --- универзитетско образование --- Hochschulwesen --- Τεχνικό Επαγγελματικό Ίδρυμα --- escola politécnica --- vyšší školství --- istituto tecnologico --- insegnamento di grado superiore --- παιδαγωγική ακαδημία --- academie --- institut i teknologjisë --- terciární vzdělání --- tercijarno obrazovanje --- Fachhochschule --- enseñanza superior --- visokošolsko izobraževanje --- visokoškolsko obrazovanje --- vyššie vzdelávanie --- insegnamento superiore --- ανώτατη εκπαίδευση --- enseignement supérieur --- Hochschulausbildung --- aukštasis mokslas --- hoger onderwijs --- edukazzjoni għolja --- högre utbildning --- højere uddannelse --- високо образование --- augstākā izglītība --- ensino superior --- felsőoktatás --- висше образование --- korkeakouluopetus --- arsimi i lartë --- szkolnictwo wyższe --- високо образовање --- vysokoškolské vzdělání --- kõrgharidus --- învățământ superior --- Írsko --- Ирска --- Irlanti --- Éire --- Irland --- Írország --- Īrija --- Ierland --- Irlande --- Ιρλανδία --- Irska --- Irlanda --- Iirimaa --- Ирландия --- Irsko --- Irlandia --- l-Irlanda --- Airija --- Republika Irska --- jižní Irsko --- Southern Ireland --- Ейре --- Irlanda de Sud --- južné Írsko --- Etelä-Irlanti --- Ejre --- Airijos Respublika --- Pietų Airija --- Republica Irlanda --- Lõuna-Iirimaa --- Eire --- Irlanda Jugore --- Република Ирска --- Educational sociology . --- Education and sociology --- Social problems in education --- Society and education --- Sociology, Educational --- Sociology --- Aims and objectives

Computers helping people with special needs : 16th International Conference, ICCHP 2018, Linz, Austria, July 11-13, 2018, Proceedings,
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 331994276X 3319942778 9783319942773 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing,

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The two-volume set LNCS 10896 and 10897 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2018, held in Linz, Austria, in July 2018. The 101 revised full papers and 78 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 356 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Web accessibility in the connected world; accessibility and usability of mobile platforms for people with disabilities and elderly persons: design, development and engineering; accessible system/information/document design; accessible e-learning - e-learning for accessibility/AT; personalized access to TV, film, theatre, and music; digital games accessibility; accessibility and usability of self-service terminals, technologies and systems; universal learning design; motor and mobility disabilities: AT, HCI, care; empowerment of people with cognitive disabilities using digital technologies; augmented and alternative communication (AAC), supported speech; Art Karshmer lectures in access to mathematics, science and engineering; environmental sensing technologies for visual impairment; 3D printing in the domain of assistive technologies (AT) and do it yourselves (DIY) AT; tactile graphics and models for blind people and recognition of shapes by touch; access to artworks and its mediation by and for visually impaired people; digital navigation for people with visual impairments; low vision and blindness: human computer interaction; future perspectives for aging well: AAL tools, products, devices; mobile healthcare and m-health apps for people with disabilities; and service and information provision. .


Computer science. --- User interfaces (Computer systems). --- Computer Science. --- User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction. --- Informatics --- Science --- Computers and people with disabilities --- Computers and the handicapped --- People with disabilities and computers --- People with disabilities --- Interfaces, User (Computer systems) --- Human-machine systems --- Human-computer interaction --- computer --- facilities for the disabled --- disabled person --- deficiente --- άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες --- zdravotně postižený člověk --- инвалид --- person me aftësi të kufizuara --- persuna b'diżabilità --- osoba s invaliditetom --- invalid --- Behinderter --- handicappet --- persoane cu dizabilități --- postihnutá osoba --- gehandicapte --- disabile --- osoba niepełnosprawna --- discapacitado --- fogyatékkal élő személy --- invalīds --- vammainen --- лице со посебни потреби --- funktionshindrad --- puudega inimene --- handicapé --- neįgalusis --- ometena osoba --- invalida --- imobilní osoba --- mozgáskorlátozott --- лице со хендикеп --- částečný invalida --- ανάπηρος --- fogyatékos --- puudega isik --- person me mundësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- apriboto judumo asmuo --- handicapovaná osoba --- handicapovaný člověk --- invalīds ar kustību traucējumiem --- лице со пречки во развој --- person with limited mobility --- hendikepirana osoba --- handicapat --- хендикепирано лице --- the disabled --- úplný invalida --- persoane cu handicap --- vaegur --- mobility-handicapped person --- handicappato --- άτομο με μειωμένη κινητικότητα --- the handicapped --- osoba s posebnim potrebama --- handicapped person --- personi me aftësi të kufizuara --- persona ar ierobežotām pārvietošanās spējām --- zdravotně postižená osoba --- handikappad --- fogyatékos személy --- pessoa deficiente --- personi me aftësi të kufizuar lëvizjeje --- nespôsobilá osoba --- judėjimo invalidas --- mozgássérült --- minusválido --- shërbime lehtësuese për personat me paaftësi --- persoane cu dizabilități facilități --- pomůcky pro postižené osoby --- pomôcky pre telesne postihnutých --- facilidades para deficientes --- facilités pour handicapés --- fogyatékkal élők számára szolgáló létesítmények --- pripomočki za invalide --- удобства за инвалиди --- vammaisten apuvälineet --- faciliteter för handikappade --- faciliteiten voor gehandicapten --- помагала за инвалиде --- puudega inimeste abivahendid --- pagalbinės priemonės neįgaliesiems --- pomagala za osobe s invaliditetom --- μέσα διευκόλυνσης των ατόμων με ειδικές ανάγκες --- faciliteter for handicappede --- urządzenia dla niepełnosprawnych --- Hilfsmittel für Behinderte --- уреди за лица со попречености --- agevolazioni per handicappati --- aprīkojums invalīdiem --- medios para discapacitados --- faċilitajiet għad-diżabbli --- prístroje pre postihnutých --- įtaisai neįgaliesiems --- pritaikyta transporto priemonė --- shërbime lehtësuese për personat me aftësi të kufizuar --- adaptation of buildings --- μπράιγ --- знаковен јазик --- televigilancia --- ēku pielāgošana --- supresión de barreras arquitectónicas --- помагала за лица со попречености --- cărți vorbite --- invalidska kolica --- automjet i përshtatur --- adaptación arquitectónica --- hjälpmedel för handikappade --- slepecké písmo --- instalaciones y servicios para discapacitados --- уреди за хендикепирани лица --- помагала за лица со хендикеп --- talbok --- punktskrift --- personbåret alarmsystem --- braille --- ortopedskih pomagala --- facilități pentru persoanele cu handicap --- facilidades para discapacitados --- προσαρμοσμένο όχημα --- specialindrettet køretøj --- veicolo modificato --- aangepast voertuig --- gesproken boek --- upravený vůz --- teléfono para minusválidos --- vehículo para discapacitados --- blindskrift --- instalaciones y servicios para minusválidos --- adaptarea clădirilor --- hoonete kohandamine --- pielāgots transporta līdzeklis --- pomagala i ustanove za hendikepirane osobe --- adattamento di edifici --- libro sonoro --- puuteraamat --- protetické pomůcky --- zvuková kniha --- vammaisten apulaitteet --- Брајова азбука --- εξάλειψη των αρχιτεκτονικών εμποδίων --- συσκευή για άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες --- appareil pour handicapé --- bezbariérový dům --- medios para minusválidos --- mukautettu ajoneuvo --- devices for the handicapped --- pajisje për personat me aftësi të kufizuara --- Breila raksts --- invaliidide abivahendid --- zariadenia pre hendikepovaných --- sokeainkirjoitus --- iekārtas invalīdiem --- ierīces invalīdiem --- prilagođena gradnja --- indretning af bygning --- Beseitigung von architektonischen Hindernissen --- angepasstes Fahrzeug --- handikappanpassning av byggnader --- aseos para minusválidos --- Gebäudeanpassung --- Gerät für Behinderte --- livro sonoro --- rampa para minusválidos --- brail --- Braillovo písmo --- βιβλίο με ομιλία --- προσαρμογή κτιρίου --- τηλεπαγρύπνηση --- livre sonore --- libër me audio --- facilities for the handicapped --- brajica --- télévigilance --- handikappanpassad bil --- apparecchio per handicappati --- ομιλούν βιβλίο --- aparato para discapacitados --- äänikirja --- paso de peatones con dispositivo para invidentes --- Brailleovo pismo --- adapted vehicle --- přístroj pro postižené --- Rufgerät --- përshtatje e ndërtesave --- aanpassing van gebouw --- punktkiri --- Brailio raštas --- úprava budovy --- úprava budov --- fjernelse af hindringer af bygningsmæssig karakter --- ouderenalarm --- véhicule adapté --- hulpmiddel voor gehandicapten --- pimedate kiri --- Braille --- televigilanza --- garsaknygė --- sarunu burtnīca --- Blindenschrift --- lydbog --- pastatų pritaikymas --- Braille-írás --- kohandatud sõiduk --- zrušení architektonických překážek --- hangos könyv --- servicio de transporte para discapacitados --- vehicul adaptat --- teknisk hjælpemiddel --- supresión de obstáculos arquitectónicos --- eliminação dos obstáculos arquitetónicos --- járművek akadálymentesítése --- verwijdering van bouwkundige obstakels --- ajudas técnicas --- blindeskrift --- byggnaders tillgänglighet --- heliraamat --- épületek akadálymentesítése --- aiuto tecnico --- talking book --- prilagođeno vozilo --- eliminazione degli ostacoli di tipo architettonico --- élimination des obstacles d'ordre architectural --- vammaisten henkilöiden apuvälineet --- upravené vozidlo --- rakennusten mukauttaminen --- adaptation de bâtiment --- akadálymentesítés --- anpassat fordon --- dator --- calculator --- računalo --- komputer --- kompiuteris --- computador --- datamat --- dators --- számítógép --- počítač --- kompjuter --- calcolatore elettronico --- ordenador --- рачунар --- ordinateur --- ηλεκτρονικός υπολογιστής --- Computer --- arvuti --- tietokone --- компютър --- računalnik --- компјутер --- miniskaitļotājs --- Hardware --- Rechner --- minikompiuteris --- ενδιάμεσος υπολογιστής --- elaboratore elettronico --- minidators --- minipočítač --- миникомпјутер --- сметач --- pientietokone --- mainframe --- mini-computer --- minikompjuter --- computadora electrónica --- edb-maskine --- miniordenador --- Η/Υ --- gegevensmateriaal --- minidatamat --- Kleinrechner --- miniarvuti --- elektronhjerne --- minicalcolatore --- minicalculator --- minicomputer --- mini-ordinateur --- Minicomputer --- kompjutor --- minidator --- duine faoi mhíchumas --- áiseanna do dhaoine faoi mhíchumas --- ríomhaire --- accesibilidad --- dostopnost --- akadálymentesség --- aċċessibbiltà --- accessibilità --- pristupačnost za osobe s invaliditetom --- προσβασιμότητα --- Barrierefreiheit --- prístupnosť --- prieinamumas --- piekļūstamība, pieejamība --- přístupnost --- Zugänglichkeit --- accessibilité --- toegankelijkheid --- ligipääsetavus --- accessibility --- tillgänglighet --- inrochtaineacht --- accesibilitate --- acessibilidade --- dostępność --- tilgængelighed --- достъпност --- esteettömyys --- insatser för personer med funktionsnedsättning --- persona con discapacidad --- persoon met een beperking --- persona ar invaliditāti --- άτομο με αναπηρία --- fogyatékossággal élő személy --- vammainen henkilö --- лице с увреждания --- person med funktionsnedsättning --- persuna b'diżabbiltà --- persona con disabilità --- osoba z niepełnosprawnością --- person med handicap --- osoba so zdravotným postihnutím --- Mensch mit Behinderung --- personne handicapée

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