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Impact of Oil Price Fluctuations on Financial Markets since 2014
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper investigates the causal impact of oil price fluctuations on financial markets since January 2014. Following a heteroscedasticity-based event study approach, the paper instruments changes in oil prices by exogenous shocks in oil supply. It finds that oil price declines raise uncertainty and hurt risky assets (U.S. stocks and high-yield corporate bonds) while lifting safe assets (U.S. investment-grade bonds and long-term Treasury bonds). In addition, lower oil prices boost the U.S. dollar and reduce the prices of emerging market equities. Remarkably, the declines in oil prices hurt several sectors that supposedly benefit from lower oil prices, such as basic materials, industrials, and transportation.

Petroleum times energy report.
Year: 1991 Publisher: Maidstone, England : Whitehall Press,

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Reforms and External Imbalances : The Labor-Productivity Connection in the Middle East and North Africa
ISBN: 1464814082 Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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World Bank economists expect GDP growth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to continueat a modest pace of 1.5 percent in 2019, slightly down from 1.6 percent in 2018. The declme reflectsa contraction in one large economy, which more than offsets growth in other countries. In the mediumterm, the World Bank expects real GDP in the MENA to grow at 3.4 percent and 2.7 percent in 2020and 2021, respectively. The expected upswing is partially driven by ongoing policy reforms, as wellas reconstruction efforts in some countries. However, MENA's modest recovery will be insufficientto change its historically low growth in per capita GDP. External factors are unlikely to pull the regionout of its low-growth equilibrium. In addition, many countries in the region have persistent currentaccount deficits. A recent deterioration in external balances across MENA constrained the region'sability to finance these deficits. Although the region has a low risk of experiencing sudden reversalsin capital inflows in the short run, structural reforms capable of raising aggregate labor productivityare urgently needed to gradually reduce external imbalances. The report concludes by providingexamples of reforms in fiscal policies, trade-related policies, social protection and labor markets, andstate-owned enterprises (SOEs) in network industries.

Promouvoir une concurrence loyale : Promouvoir une concurrence loyale - pour atteindre de nouveaux sommets dans la region Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
ISBN: 1464815135 Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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La premiere partie du present rapport examine les perspectives de croissance a court et a moyen terme des pays de la region Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord (MENA). Elle indique que la region devrait enregistrer un taux de croissance modeste de 0,6 % en 2019, qui devrait monter a 2,6 % en 2020 et atteindre 2,9 % en 2021. Les previsions de croissance pour 2019 ont ete reduites de 0,8 point de pourcentage par rapport aux projections d'avril 2019. Des risques baissiers substantiels pesent sur les perspectives economiques de la region - les plus notables etant l'intensification des difficultes de l'economie mondiale et l'accroissement des tensions geopolitiques.Dans la deuxieme partie du rapport, il est demontre que les pays de la region doivent asseoir une concurrence loyale pour passer completement d'une economie administree a une economie de marche. Les auteurs commencent par examiner les politiques de concurrence en vigueur dans la region, puis appellent au renforcement des lois sur la concurrence et des organismes charges de les faire respecter, en vue de promouvoir des pratiques equitables. Ils preconisent egalement de transformer les entreprises publiques en societes commerciales, d'encourager le secteur prive et d'uniformiser les regles du jeu pour tous. Toute initiative de reforme des economies de la region serait appuyee par une gestion professionnelle des actifs publics, laquelle pourrait puiser dans une nouvelle source de richesse nationale.

Europe and Central Asia Economic Update, April 2016 : The Impact of China on Europe and Central Asia.
ISBN: 1464809127 Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The economies of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) are facing complex challenges. In the eastern part of the region the task of governments is to orchestrate a coordinated crisis response. The collapse of oil revenues and the associated decline in remittances triggered a chain reaction of shocks. Adjustment to these shocks requires a new monetary policy regime, resolution of serious fragilities in banking sectors, fiscal reforms that put government finances on a sustainable path, while guaranteeing fair burden sharing, and facilitation of job creation in sectors that compete internationally. In the western part of the region policy coordination within the European Union is being tested by the refugee crisis and a possible Brexit. Meanwhile the Chinese economy has slowed down and is in the process of fundamental transformation. Also these developments have major impacts on the ECA region. The report analyses all these challenges and points at the opportunities to become more competitive in global markets.

A Cross-Country Database of Fiscal Space
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper presents a comprehensive cross-country database of fiscal space, broadly defined as the availability of budgetary resources for a government to service its financial obligations. The database covers up to 200 countries over the period 1990-2016, and includes 28 indicators of fiscal space grouped into four categories: debt sustainability, balance sheet vulnerability, external and private sector debt related risks as potential causes of contingent liabilities, and market access. The authors illustrate potential applications of the database by analyzing developments in fiscal space across three time frames: over the past quarter century; during financial crises; and during oil price plunges. The main results are as follows. First, fiscal space had improved in many countries before the global financial crisis. In advanced economies, following severe deteriorations during the crisis, many indicators of fiscal space have virtually returned to levels in the mid-2000s. In contrast, fiscal space has shrunk in many emerging market and developing economies since the crisis. Second, financial crises tend to coincide with deterioration in multiple indicators of fiscal space, but they are often followed by reduced reliance on short-term borrowing. Finally, fiscal space narrows in energy-exporting emerging market and developing economies during oil price plunges but later expands, often because of procyclical fiscal tightening and, in some episodes, a recovery in oil prices.

Reaching New Heights : Promoting Fair Competition in the Middle East and North Africa
ISBN: 1464815046 Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Part I of this report discusses the short- and medium-term growth prospects for countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The region is expected to grow at a subdued rate of 0.6 percent in 2019, rising to 2.6 percent in 2020 and 2.9 percent in 2021. The growth forecast for 2019 is revised down by 0.8 percentage points from the April 2019 projection. MENA's economic outlook is subject to substantial downside risks-most notably, intensified global economic headwinds and rising geopolitical tensions.Part II argues that promoting fair competition is key for MENA countries to complete the transition from an administered to a market economy. Part II first examines current competition policies in MENA countries and to promote fair competition calls for strengthening competition law and enforcement agencies. It also calls for corporatizing state-owned enterprises, promoting the private sector and creating a level-playing field between them. Any moves to reform MENA economies would be aided by professional management of public assets, which could tap into a new source of national wealth.

Mena Economic Update April 2021 : How Institutions Shape the Tradeoff between Short-Term Needs and Long-Term Costs of Public Debt in Middle East and North Africa
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 1464816999 Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Part I of this report discusses the short- and medium-term growth prospects for countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The region is expected to grow at a subdued rate of 0.6 percent in 2019, rising to 2.6 percent in 2020 and 2.9 percent in 2021. The growth forecast for 2019 is revised down by 0.8 percentage points from the April 2019 projection. MENA's economic outlook is subject to substantial downside risks-most notably, intensified global economic headwinds and rising geopolitical tensions. Part II argues that promoting fair competition is key for MENA countries to complete the transition from an administered to a market economy. Part II first examines current competition policies in MENA countries and to promote fair competition calls for strengthening competition law and enforcement agencies. It also calls for corporatizing state-owned enterprises, promoting the private sector and creating a level-playing field between them. Any moves to reform MENA economies would be aided by professional management of public assets, which could tap into a new source of national wealth.

Trading Together : Reviving Middle East and North Africa Regional Integration in the Post-Covid Era
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 1464816395 Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Part I of this report discusses the short- and medium-term growth prospects for countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The region is expected to grow at a subdued rate of 0.6 percent in 2019, rising to 2.6 percent in 2020 and 2.9 percent in 2021. The growth forecast for 2019 is revised down by 0.8 percentage points from the April 2019 projection. MENA's economic outlook is subject to substantial downside risks-most notably, intensified global economic headwinds and rising geopolitical tensions. Part II argues that promoting fair competition is key for MENA countries to complete the transition from an administered to a market economy. Part II first examines current competition policies in MENA countries and to promote fair competition calls for strengthening competition law and enforcement agencies. It also calls for corporatizing state-owned enterprises, promoting the private sector and creating a level-playing field between them. Any moves to reform MENA economies would be aided by professional management of public assets, which could tap into a new source of national wealth.

Overconfident : How Economic and Health Fault Lines Left the Middle East and North Africa Ill-Prepared to Face COVID
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 1464817987 Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Overconfident: How Economic and Health Fault Lines Left the Middle East and North Africa Ill-Prepared to Face COVID This report examines the region's economic prospects in 2021, forecasting that the recovery will be both tenuous and uneven as per capita GDP level stays below pre-pandemic levels. COVID-19 was a stress-test for the region's public health systems, which were already overwhelmed even before the pandemic. Indeed, a decade of lackluster economic reforms left a legacy of large public sectors and high public debt that effectively crowded out investments in social services such as public health. This edition points out that the region's health systems were not only ill-prepared for the pandemic, but suffered from over-confidence, as authorities painted an overly optimistic picture in self-assessments of health system preparedness. Going forward, governments must improve data transparency for public health and undertake reforms to remedy historical underinvestment in public health systems.

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