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International Religious Freedom Advocacy.A Guide to Organizations, Law, and NGOs
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781602581791 Year: 2009 Publisher: Waco Baylor University Press

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Diwali 2016 at the European Parliament
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: S.L. Hindu Forum of Europe

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Proper Women : Feminism and the Politics of Respectability in Iran
ISBN: 1439923299 Year: 2024 Publisher: [s.l.] : Temple University Press,

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Proper Women tells the unprecedented story of an NGO-led "women's empowerment" program in Tehran that was created to serve young, impoverished Iranians and Afghan refugees. Fae Chubin recounts the well-intentioned efforts of cosmopolitan NGO administrators whose loyalty to liberal feminist principles of individualism, sexual autonomy, and anti-traditionalism complicated their objective of empowering marginalized women.

Chubin brings attention to the varying class, ethnic, religious, and national identities of NGO staff and clients that shaped their differing understandings of oppression and justice. Her examination of the tensions within the organization reveals why the efforts of the NGO workers failed to gain purchase among the intended beneficiaries.

Proper Women concludes by encouraging feminist activists to not only examine the role of local politics and transnational connections in shaping their definitions of empowerment, but also consider the advantages of a justice-enhancing practice as opposed to justice monism for their target populations.

Potsdam Denkschrift : Potsdam Manifesto 2005: »We have to learn to think in a new way«
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: München oekom verlag

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Long description: 1955 veröffentlichten Bertrand Russell und Albert Einstein das »Russell-Einstein- Manifest«. Es forderte ultimativ ein neues Denken, um künftig Kriege als Mittel der Politik und Instrument der Konfliktlösung rigoros zu verbannen, und legte den Grundstein für die internationalen Pugwash-Konferenzen. 50 Jahre später, anlässlich des Einsteinjahres 2005 und auf Anstoß des Einstein Forums, verfassten Hans-Peter Dürr, Daniel Dahm und Rudolf zur Lippe das Potsdamer Manifest und dessen »Mutter« die Potsdamer Denkschrift. 2005 wurden diese erstmals von der Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler VDW publiziert. Ein Brückenschlag zwischen Quantenphysik, Ökologie und Philosophie zeigt Vielfalt, Unterschiedlichkeit und Wandel als genuin in unserer lebendigen Welt, unverzichtbar für unsere Evolution. Kreativität, Differenz wie Verbundenheit sind ureigenste Charakteristika des Lebendigen. Die Zukunft ist offen. Über 130 renommierte Wissenschaftler*innen und Persönlichkeiten aus aller Welt unterzeichneten das Potsdam-Manifesto und die Potsdam-Denkschrift. Zu ihnen zählen Vandana Shiva, Hazel Henderson, Jacob von Uexküll, Bianca Jagger, Ibrahim Abouleish, Naika Foroutan, Günter Altner, Christine von Weizsäcker, Hartmut Graßl, Hunter Lovins, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend, Wolfgang Sachs, Horst-Eberhard Richter, Angie Zelter, Samuel S. Epstein, Manfred Max-Neef, Klaus Michael Meyer-Abich, Klaus von Klitzing, S. M. Mohamed Idris, David Krieger, Johannes Vogel u. v. a. Potsdamer Denkschrift und Manifest bildeten einen Meilenstein für die Debatte zu Lebendigkeit und ganzheitlichem ökologischen Denken; sie sind heute aktueller denn je. Eine grundlegende zivilisatorische Wende hin zu einem neuen, verbundenen Denken ist nötig, um die klimaökologische Krise zu überwinden und eine gerechte, lebensdienliche Zukunft zu ermöglichen.

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping and Aid : Critiquing the Past, Plotting the Future.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 1529238420 1529238439 9781529238440 1529238447 9781529238426 9781529238433 9781529238402 9781529238419 Year: 2024 Publisher: Bristol : Bristol University Press,

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This book highlights the ongoing challenge of preventing and responding to abuse in peacekeeping and aid work, plus the structural issues of power, coloniality and racism, while charting a path for future action.

Faith-based organizations in development discourses and practice
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0429351216 0367367564 9780429351211 9781000734249 1000734242 9781000734645 1000734641 9781000734447 1000734447 9780367367565 Year: 2020 Publisher: Taylor & Francis

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"Exploring Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) in current developmental discourses and practice, this book presents a selection of empirical in-depth case-studies of Christian FBOs and assesses the vital role credited to FBOs in current discourses on development"--

Does Foreign Aid Reduce Poverty? Empirical Evidence from Nongovernmental and Bilateral Aid
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1462356893 1452779430 1283517396 1451906552 9786613829849 Year: 2005 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper assesses the effectiveness of foreign aid in reducing poverty through its impact on human development indicators. We use a dataset of both bilateral aid and NGO aid flows. Our results show that NGO aid reduces infant mortality and does so more effectively than official bilateral aid. The impact on illiteracy is less significant. We also test whether foreign aid reduces government efforts in achieving developmental goals and find mixed evidence of a substitution effect.

Hierarchy and Authority in a Dynamic Perspective : A Model Applied to Donor Financing of NGO Proposals
ISBN: 1462395279 1452731039 128203944X 1451902654 9786613797018 Year: 2003 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper presents a dynamic game of strategic delegation between a principal and an agent. The principal can choose between two organizational designs: a traditional hierarchy where she retains authority over the choice of projects to be implemented or a delegation where she allows her agent to select the project. The key objectives of this model are to identify the long-run determinants of the principal’s choice and verify the impact of the authority allocation on the agent’s effort levels and on the principal’s payoffs. We apply the model to the relationships between institutional donors and nongovernmental organizations.

Democracy struggles : NGOs and the politics of aid in Serbia
ISBN: 1789201004 1789200997 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York ; Oxford : Berghahn,

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Tracing the boom of local NGOs since the 1990s in the context of the global political economy of aid, current trends of neoliberal state restructuring, and shifting post-Cold War hegemonies, this book explores the “associational revolution” in post-socialist, post-conflict Serbia. Looking into the country’s “transition” through a global and relational analytical prism, the ethnography unpacks the various forms of dispossession and inequality entailed in the democracy-promotion project.

Does NGO Aid Go to the Poor? Empirical Evidence from Europe
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1451862997 1462346790 1451908350 9786613828279 1451984324 1283515822 Year: 2006 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper studies the aid allocation of European nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Once population is controlled for, poverty consistently appears as the main worldwide determinant of NGO aid allocation. NGOs do not respond to strategic considerations. Their funding source does not seem to exert a great influence on their aid allocation decision. We also find differences across regions. Militarization and the political nature of the regime of the recipient country affect aid allocation in the Middle East. Life expectancy influences aid allocation in countries in the Western Hemisphere and the Middle East.

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