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Le droit de la mer entre universalisme et régionalisme.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782802745532 2802745530 Year: 2014 Volume: *9 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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Shipping law --- Droit international --- Droit de la mer --- Law of the sea --- EPUB-ALPHA-D EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- Criticism and interpretation --- Droit international. --- Droit de la mer. --- E-books --- BPB1403 --- havsrätt --- morské právo --- jūras tiesības --- Derecho del mar --- право на морето --- pravo mora --- merilainsäädäntö --- direito do mar --- diritto del mare --- tengerjog --- mednarodno pomorsko pravo --- mořské právo --- prawo morza --- dlí muirí --- dreptul mării --- zeerecht --- право мора --- jūrų teisė --- e drejtë detare --- Seerecht --- dritt tal-baħar --- havret --- law of the sea --- mereõigus --- δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- international maritime law --- internationaal maritiem recht --- međunarodno pravo mora --- drept internațional maritim --- ANO Jūras tiesību konvencija --- Unclos --- medzinárodné námorné právo --- διεθνές δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- droit international maritime --- internationell havsrätt --- kansainvälinen merioikeus --- internationales Seerecht --- Seegerichtsbarkeit --- mezinárodní mořské právo --- diritto marittimo internazionale --- rahvusvaheline mereõigus --- dlí na mara --- nemzetközi tengerjog --- direito internacional marítimo --- Derecho internacional marítimo --- Seegericht --- international søret --- територијално море --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare detare --- tarptautinė jūrų teisė --- меѓународно право на морето --- dlí na farraige

Recht door zee : hedendaags internationaal zee- en maritiem recht : liber amicorum Eddy Somers
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789046607749 Year: 2015 Publisher: Antwerpen Maklu

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scheepvaart --- internationaal recht --- International law --- Shipping law --- Droit de la mer --- Droit des espaces maritimes --- Droit international de la mer --- High seas [Jurisdiction over ] --- Law of the sea --- Marine law --- Mer (Droit international) --- Mer--Droit --- Ocean law --- Ocean--Law and legislation --- Recht [Zee] --- Sea [Law of the ] --- Sea laws --- Zeerecht --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- douane --- haven --- transport maritime --- développement durable --- douanes --- port --- zeevaart --- BPB9999 --- BPB1705 --- Droit maritime --- Droit international --- Maritiem recht --- Internationaal recht --- Maritime law --- Festschriften --- Somers, Eddy --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- международно право --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- international law --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- maritiem recht --- sjörätt --- Seeschifffahrtsrecht --- Derecho marítimo --- dritt marittimu --- морско право --- tengerjogi szabályozás --- námořní právo --- maritime law --- jūrniecības likums --- pomorsko pravo --- meresõiduõigus --- prawo morskie --- ναυτικό δίκαιο --- direito marítimo --- merenkulkuoikeus --- søret --- drept maritim --- e drejta e detit --- поморско право --- námorné právo --- jūrų laivybos teisė --- diritto marittimo --- регулирање на морската пловидба --- jūrų laivininkystės teisė --- Seeschiffahrtsrecht --- прописи за поморска пловидба --- havsrätt --- morské právo --- jūras tiesības --- Derecho del mar --- право на морето --- pravo mora --- merilainsäädäntö --- direito do mar --- diritto del mare --- tengerjog --- mednarodno pomorsko pravo --- mořské právo --- prawo morza --- dlí muirí --- dreptul mării --- zeerecht --- право мора --- jūrų teisė --- e drejtë detare --- Seerecht --- dritt tal-baħar --- havret --- law of the sea --- mereõigus --- δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- international maritime law --- internationaal maritiem recht --- međunarodno pravo mora --- drept internațional maritim --- ANO Jūras tiesību konvencija --- Unclos --- medzinárodné námorné právo --- διεθνές δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- droit international maritime --- internationell havsrätt --- kansainvälinen merioikeus --- internationales Seerecht --- Seegerichtsbarkeit --- mezinárodní mořské právo --- diritto marittimo internazionale --- rahvusvaheline mereõigus --- dlí na mara --- nemzetközi tengerjog --- direito internacional marítimo --- Derecho internacional marítimo --- Seegericht --- international søret --- територијално море --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare detare --- tarptautinė jūrų teisė --- меѓународно право на морето --- dlí na farraige --- dlí idirnáisiúnta

Africa and the deep seabed regime : politics and international law of the common heritage of mankind
ISBN: 1283085569 9786613085566 3642176623 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York : Springer,

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This book seeks to fill a gap in the existing literature by examining the role of African States in the development and establishment of the regime of the deep seabed beyond national jurisdiction (the Area) and the concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind.


Common heritage of mankind (International law) --- Ocean bottom --- Marine resources --- Law and legislation. --- Government policy. --- Africa --- Foreign relations. --- Politics and government. --- Marine resources and state --- Ocean bottom (Maritime law) --- Law of the sea --- International commons --- Customary law, International --- Res omnium communes --- Environmental law, International --- Natural resources --- Sovereignty --- Law and legislation --- Political science. --- Law of the Sea, Air and Outer Space. --- Political Science. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- law of the sea --- maritime law --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrique --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Afrika --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- maritiem recht --- sjörätt --- Seeschifffahrtsrecht --- Derecho marítimo --- dritt marittimu --- морско право --- tengerjogi szabályozás --- námořní právo --- jūrniecības likums --- pomorsko pravo --- meresõiduõigus --- prawo morskie --- ναυτικό δίκαιο --- direito marítimo --- merenkulkuoikeus --- droit maritime --- søret --- drept maritim --- e drejta e detit --- поморско право --- námorné právo --- jūrų laivybos teisė --- diritto marittimo --- регулирање на морската пловидба --- jūrų laivininkystės teisė --- Seeschiffahrtsrecht --- прописи за поморска пловидба --- havsrätt --- morské právo --- jūras tiesības --- Derecho del mar --- право на морето --- pravo mora --- merilainsäädäntö --- direito do mar --- diritto del mare --- tengerjog --- mednarodno pomorsko pravo --- mořské právo --- prawo morza --- droit de la mer --- dlí muirí --- dreptul mării --- zeerecht --- право мора --- jūrų teisė --- e drejtë detare --- Seerecht --- dritt tal-baħar --- havret --- mereõigus --- δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- international maritime law --- internationaal maritiem recht --- međunarodno pravo mora --- drept internațional maritim --- ANO Jūras tiesību konvencija --- Unclos --- medzinárodné námorné právo --- διεθνές δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- droit international maritime --- internationell havsrätt --- kansainvälinen merioikeus --- internationales Seerecht --- Seegerichtsbarkeit --- mezinárodní mořské právo --- diritto marittimo internazionale --- rahvusvaheline mereõigus --- dlí na mara --- nemzetközi tengerjog --- direito internacional marítimo --- Derecho internacional marítimo --- Seegericht --- international søret --- територијално море --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare detare --- tarptautinė jūrų teisė --- меѓународно право на морето --- Law of the sea. --- International law. --- Law of nations --- Nations, Law of --- Public international law --- Law --- High seas, Jurisdiction over --- Marine law --- Ocean --- Ocean law --- Sea, Law of the --- International law --- Maritime law --- Territorial waters

Atlas géopolitique des espaces maritimes : frontières, énergie, transports, piraterie, pêche et environnement: première cartographie exhaustive du plateau continental
ISBN: 9782710809470 2710809478 Year: 2010 Publisher: Paris Technip

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International law --- Geopolitics --- Law of the sea --- Géopolitique --- Droit de la mer --- Atlases --- Atlas --- Oceans --- Marine resources --- Petroleum in submerged lands --- Fisheries --- BPB1101 --- Zeerecht --- Géopolitique --- havsrätt --- morské právo --- jūras tiesības --- Derecho del mar --- право на морето --- pravo mora --- merilainsäädäntö --- direito do mar --- diritto del mare --- tengerjog --- mednarodno pomorsko pravo --- mořské právo --- prawo morza --- dlí muirí --- dreptul mării --- zeerecht --- право мора --- jūrų teisė --- e drejtë detare --- Seerecht --- dritt tal-baħar --- havret --- law of the sea --- mereõigus --- δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- international maritime law --- internationaal maritiem recht --- međunarodno pravo mora --- drept internațional maritim --- ANO Jūras tiesību konvencija --- Unclos --- medzinárodné námorné právo --- διεθνές δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- droit international maritime --- internationell havsrätt --- kansainvälinen merioikeus --- internationales Seerecht --- Seegerichtsbarkeit --- mezinárodní mořské právo --- diritto marittimo internazionale --- rahvusvaheline mereõigus --- dlí na mara --- nemzetközi tengerjog --- direito internacional marítimo --- Derecho internacional marítimo --- Seegericht --- international søret --- територијално море --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare detare --- tarptautinė jūrų teisė --- меѓународно право на морето --- atlants --- atlante --- άτλας --- atlas --- atlasz --- kartasto --- атлас --- atlasas --- γεωγραφικός χάρτης --- zemljopisni atlas --- mapa --- karte --- globus --- landkort --- светски атлас --- тематски атлас --- carta geográfica --- geografisk karta --- földrajzi atlasz --- carte géographique --- atlante storico --- tematický atlas --- zeměpisný atlas --- maakaart --- atlante linguistico --- zemljovid --- map --- kartografické dokumenty --- maantieteellinen kartta --- Landkarte --- carta geografica --- hartă --- víceoborový atlas --- глобус --- jednooborový atlas --- žemėlapis --- hartë --- geografische kaart --- atlante geografico --- soubor map --- dlí na farraige --- Oceans - Maps --- Marine resources - Maps --- Petroleum in submerged lands - Maps --- Fisheries - Maps --- Geopolitics - Maps

Actualité du droit des fleuves internationaux.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782233005953 2233005953 Year: 2010 Volume: 22 Publisher: Paris Pedone

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International rivers --- Water rights (International law) --- Cours d'eau internationaux --- Droits sur les eaux (Droit international) --- International lakes --- Danube River --- BPB1012 --- Droit maritime --- Droit international --- Maritiem recht --- Internationaal recht --- International law --- Rivers, Right of navigation of --- Rivers --- Lakes, Right of navigation on --- Inland navigation --- Lakes --- Water --- Law and legislation --- Danubius River --- Donau River --- Duna River (Germany-Romania) --- Dunai River --- Dunaj River --- Dunărea River --- Dunav River --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- международно право --- internationaal recht --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- international law --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- maritiem recht --- sjörätt --- Seeschifffahrtsrecht --- Derecho marítimo --- dritt marittimu --- морско право --- tengerjogi szabályozás --- námořní právo --- maritime law --- jūrniecības likums --- pomorsko pravo --- meresõiduõigus --- prawo morskie --- ναυτικό δίκαιο --- direito marítimo --- merenkulkuoikeus --- søret --- drept maritim --- e drejta e detit --- поморско право --- námorné právo --- jūrų laivybos teisė --- diritto marittimo --- регулирање на морската пловидба --- jūrų laivininkystės teisė --- Seeschiffahrtsrecht --- прописи за поморска пловидба --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- dlí muirí --- International rivers - Congresses --- International lakes - Congresses --- Water rights (International law) - Congresses --- Danube River - Congresses --- Domaine public --- Voies navigables

Gouverner la mer: états, pirates, sociétés
Authors: ---
ISSN: 02447827 ISBN: 9782811103279 2811103279 Year: 2009 Volume: 116 Publisher: Paris Karthala

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La multiplication des actes de piraterie au large de la Somalie ou du Nigeria suscite une attention grandissante des grandes puissances. De nouveaux dispositifs internationaux de gouvernement maritime se mettent en place à leur initiative. Face à ces évolutions, comment les Etats africains exercent-ils leur souveraineté sur les zones maritines ? Quels rapports cette gouvernance maritime entretient-elle avec l'évolution des Etats et des sociétés ? Pour répondre à ces questions, ce dossier analyse l'expansion du gouvernement de la mer à plusieurs échelles et sous divers angles : les accords de pêche internationaux et les rapports entre Etats et pêcheries ; l'économie politique des espaces portuaires ; le problème de la piraterie et son traitement global. Il avance l'hypothèse que, derrière la multiplication des conflits sur les espaces marins, se jouent des processus de pouvoir inédits qui redéfinissent non seulement les rapports entre public et privé, mais aussi entre frontières spatiales et représentations de la souveraineté.


Criminology. Victimology --- Shipping law --- Africa --- SEPA --- BPB1002 --- #SBIB:327.7H40 --- #SBIB:340H83 --- Specifieke internationale organisaties en samenwerking: diverse problemen --- Internationaal recht: bijzondere vraagstukken: algemeen --- Piraterie --- Droit maritime --- jūrų laivybos teisė --- maritiem recht --- tengerjogi szabályozás --- prawo morskie --- морско право --- dritt marittimu --- meresõiduõigus --- pomorsko pravo --- merenkulkuoikeus --- maritime law --- direito marítimo --- Seeschifffahrtsrecht --- ναυτικό δίκαιο --- sjörätt --- drept maritim --- dlí muirí --- søret --- Derecho marítimo --- e drejta e detit --- námořní právo --- námorné právo --- поморско право --- diritto marittimo --- jūrniecības likums --- регулирање на морската пловидба --- прописи за поморска пловидба --- Seeschiffahrtsrecht --- jūrų laivininkystės teisė --- pirátství --- piraterija --- piratstvo --- kapring --- piratería --- piratismi --- piraatlus --- pirātisms --- pirateria --- πειρατεία --- pirátstvo --- пиратство --- piratavimas --- piraterie --- kalózkodás --- piraterij --- uprowadzenie --- pirateri --- piracy --- pirataria --- píoráideacht --- пиратерија --- Seeräuberei --- kapning --- kaaperdaja --- légi jármű hatalomba kerítése --- vliegtuigkaperij --- zeeroverij --- dirottatore --- únos lode --- flypirat --- kalóz --- aluksen kaappaus --- vízi jármű hatalomba kerítése --- détournement d'avion --- lentokonekaappaus --- únos --- piratería aérea --- piracy of the seas --- piraterie aérienne --- repülőgép-eltérítés --- secuestro de buque --- luchtpiraat --- luchtpiraterij --- desvio de embarcação --- laivo pagrobimas --- pirata do ar --- pirata aéreo --- ναυτοπειρατεία --- rrëmbim i një anijeje --- ilma-aluksen kaappaus --- hijacker --- únos lodi --- pirataria marítima --- pirataria aérea --- pirateria aerea --- piraterie maritimă --- deturnarea unui vapor --- deturnarea unui avion --- flygplanskapning --- Schiffsentführung --- nyílt tengeri kalózkodás --- letecké pirátstvo --- õhupiraatlus --- atto di pirateria --- Freibeuterei --- lėktuvo pagrobimas --- flykapring --- pirateri ajrore --- rrëmbim i një mjeti fluturimi --- otmičar --- gusarenje --- Luftpirat --- pirata del aire --- pagrobėjas --- hijacking of an aircraft --- dirottamento di nave --- desvio de avião --- air piracy --- vliegtuigkaping --- piratavimas jūroje --- détournement de bateau --- αεροπειρατής --- laeva kaaperdamine --- merirosvous --- vzdušné pirátství --- fartygskapning --- Luftpiraterie --- pirateri detare --- kaappari --- dirottamento di aereo --- gusarstvo --- pirate de l'air --- rrëmbyes --- otmica broda --- únos letadla --- únos lietadla --- secuestro de avión --- piratería marítima --- vliegtuigkaper --- ūdens tansportlīdzekļa sagrābšana --- námorné pirátstvo --- géprabló --- αεροπειρατεία --- kalózhajó --- pirata dell'aria --- únosca --- pirateria marittima --- flykaprer --- piraterie maritime --- gaisa transportlīdzekļa sagrābšana --- scheepskaping --- hijacking of a ship --- Flugzeugentführung --- merepiraatlus --- zeepiraterij --- piraterie aeriană --- õhusõiduki kaaperdamine --- piratavimas oro erdvėje --- pirátství na moři --- otmica zrakoplova

Les énergies marines renouvelables : approche juridique en droit international, européen et comparé
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782233007599 223300759X Year: 2015 Publisher: Paris Pedone

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Les énergies marines renouvelables font partie de ces rares sujets d'étude dont l'appréhension juridique mobilise tout à la fois le droit international, le droit de l'Union européenne et le droit interne. Relativement exotiques pour le commun des juristes il y a encore peu, ces énergies produites à partir de la houle, des marées, du gradient thermique des mers, de salinité, ou encore des vents et des courants marins, aujourd'hui fédérées sous le sigle EMR, constituent depuis 2009 un champ de recherche spécifique, dont l'originalité n'a d'égal que sa complexité au regard de leur caractère bicéphale.Marines à raison de leur lieu de captation, les EMR intéressent de prime abord le droit de la mer qui, dans la volonté de ses pères fondateurs de favoriser les usages pacifiques du royaume de Neptune, va légitimer la production d'énergie à partir de l'eau, des courants et des vents, et ce depuis l'entrée en vigueur de la Convention de Montego Bay il y a plus de vingt ans.Renouvelables de par leur capacité de régénération, les EMR se voient doublement saisies par le droit de l'environnement compte tenu, d'une part, de leur contribution à la réalisation des objectifs en matière de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et, d'autre part, des impacts environnementaux de leur exploitation.Aussi ce qui se présente ici aux lecteurs n'est-il point le traité d'un quelconque « droit des énergies marines renouvelables » en quête d'autonomie, mais une monographie libre de toute prétention à l'exhaustivité, tirée d'une thèse de doctorat éponyme soutenue en mai 2013 et actualisée au 1er janvier 2015.De l'approche suivie dans cette thèse naît un questionnement sur le rôle du droit dans le développement des énergies renouvelables en mer. En premier lieu, le droit a-t-il plutôt un rôle moteur dans la promotion des investissements dans ce secteur au vu de la contribution des EMR au respect des engagements climatiques, à la sécurité de l'approvisionnement énergétique ou encore à la croissance ? Pour tenter d'y répondre, il conviendra de s'attarder sur l'attractivité économique du droit applicable avant d'envisager la question de la sécurité juridique des investissements engagés. En second lieu, le droit assume-t-il davantage un rôle régulateur dans la gestion des activités énergétiques marines eu égard aux impératifs de protection de l'environnement et de prévention des conflits d'usage ? Cette interrogation conduira à s'intéresser aux modalités de prise en compte de l'environnement dans les activités liées aux EMR ainsi que de leur intégration parmi les autres usages légitimes de la mer.En cherchant des réponses à ces questions, le présent ouvrage se veut un matériau de réflexion offrant un panorama juridique des questions soulevées par le développement des EMR dans des perspectives internationales, européennes et nationales, le tout dans un contexte de transition énergétique


Comparative law --- Renewable energy sources --- Ocean energy resources --- Droit comparé --- Energies renouvelables --- Energie des mers --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- BPB1601 --- Énergie renouvelable --- Droit maritime --- Regenereerbare energie --- Maritiem recht --- Droit comparé --- renewable energy --- възстановима енергия --- energji e ripërtëritshme --- foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh --- obnovljiva energija --- energia odnawialna --- erneuerbare Energie --- taastuv energia --- energia rinnovabile --- ανανεώσιμη ενέργεια --- atjaunīgā enerģija --- uusiutuva energia --- atsinaujinančių išteklių energija --- обновљива енергија --- обновлива енергија --- enerġija rinnovabbli --- energie reutilizabilă --- energia renovável --- energía renovable --- regenereerbare energie --- obnoviteľná energia --- vedvarende energi --- megújuló energia --- förnybar energi --- obnovitelná energie --- förnybar energikälla --- icke-förnybar energi --- neizsīkstošais enerģijas avots --- fonte de energia renovável --- обновливи извори на енергија --- atsinaujinančios energijos šaltinis --- atsinaujinanti energija --- fuente de energía renovable --- regenerierbare Energiequelle --- low-carbon energy --- uusiutuva energialähde --- neatjaunīgā enerģija --- taastumatu energia --- ανανεώσιμη μορφή ενέργειας --- burim energjie i ripërtëritshëm --- source d'énergie renouvelable --- foinse fuinnimh neamh-inathnuaite --- regenereerbare energiebron --- нискојаглеродна енергија --- energia non rinnovabile --- ikke-vedvarende energi --- neobnoviteľná energia --- energia não renovável --- μη ανανεώσιμες ενεργειακές πηγές --- εξαντλούμενες ενεργειακές πηγές --- megújuló energiaforrás --- ανανεώσιμη πηγή ενέργειας --- energía no renovable --- energie nereutilizabilă --- neatsinaujinanti energija --- renewable energy source --- taastuv energiaallikas --- nicht erneuerbare Energie --- neobnovljivi izvori energije --- neobnovitelná energie --- erneuerbare Energiequelle --- non-renewable energy --- fonte d'energia rinnovabile --- nem megújuló energia --- energji e paripërtërishme --- sursă de energie reutilizabilă --- obnoviteľný zdroj energie --- niet-regenereerbare energie --- uusiutumattomat energialähteet --- obnovljivi izvori energije --- energji me konsum të ulët karboni --- fuinneamh ó fhoinsí in-athnuaite --- regenerative Energiequelle --- énergie non renouvelable --- obnovitelné zdroje energie --- maritiem recht --- sjörätt --- Seeschifffahrtsrecht --- Derecho marítimo --- dritt marittimu --- морско право --- tengerjogi szabályozás --- námořní právo --- maritime law --- jūrniecības likums --- pomorsko pravo --- meresõiduõigus --- prawo morskie --- ναυτικό δίκαιο --- direito marítimo --- merenkulkuoikeus --- søret --- drept maritim --- e drejta e detit --- поморско право --- námorné právo --- jūrų laivybos teisė --- diritto marittimo --- регулирање на морската пловидба --- jūrų laivininkystės teisė --- Seeschiffahrtsrecht --- прописи за поморска пловидба --- dlí muirí --- fuinneamh in-athnuaite --- France --- Etats-Unis --- Royaume-Uni --- Irlande --- Portugal --- Danemark --- Énergie renouvelable

L'évolution et l'état actuel du droit international de la mer : mélanges de droit de la mer offerts à Daniel Vignes.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782802727910 2802727915 Year: 2009 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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Shipping law --- Law of the sea --- Droit de la mer --- Vignes, Daniel --- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea --- BPB1104 --- Zeerecht --- Law of the sea. --- High seas, Jurisdiction over --- Marine law --- Ocean --- Ocean law --- Sea, Law of the --- International law --- Maritime law --- Territorial waters --- Law and legislation --- Vignes, Daniel. --- Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho del mar --- Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer --- Convention on the Law of the Sea --- Ittifāqīyat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah li-Qānūn al-Biḥār --- Ittifāqīyat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah lil-Qānūn al-Dawlī lil-Biḥār --- Kaiyōhō ni kansuru Kokusai Rengō jōyaku --- Konvensi Hukum Laut --- Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ OON po morskomu pravu --- Law of the Sea --- Law of the Sea Convention --- Lian ho guo hai yang fa gong yue --- Lien ho kuo hai yang fa kung yüeh --- Symvasis tōn Hēnōmenōn Ethnōn dia to Dikaion tēs Thalasses --- UN Convention on the Law of the Sea --- UNCLOS 1982 --- Lian he guo hai yang fa gong yue (1982 December 10) --- 联合国海洋法公约 (1982 December 10) --- Haeyangpŏp e kwanhan Kukche Yŏnhap hyŏbyak --- Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Tentang Hukum Laut --- Festschriften --- havsrätt --- morské právo --- jūras tiesības --- Derecho del mar --- право на морето --- pravo mora --- merilainsäädäntö --- direito do mar --- diritto del mare --- tengerjog --- mednarodno pomorsko pravo --- mořské právo --- prawo morza --- dlí muirí --- dreptul mării --- zeerecht --- право мора --- jūrų teisė --- e drejtë detare --- Seerecht --- dritt tal-baħar --- havret --- law of the sea --- mereõigus --- δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- international maritime law --- internationaal maritiem recht --- međunarodno pravo mora --- drept internațional maritim --- ANO Jūras tiesību konvencija --- Unclos --- medzinárodné námorné právo --- διεθνές δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- droit international maritime --- internationell havsrätt --- kansainvälinen merioikeus --- internationales Seerecht --- Seegerichtsbarkeit --- mezinárodní mořské právo --- diritto marittimo internazionale --- rahvusvaheline mereõigus --- dlí na mara --- nemzetközi tengerjog --- direito internacional marítimo --- Derecho internacional marítimo --- Seegericht --- international søret --- територијално море --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare detare --- tarptautinė jūrų teisė --- меѓународно право на морето --- dlí na farraige --- UNCLOS --- Lian he guo hai yang fa gong yue --- 联合国海洋法公约

L'emploi de la force en mer
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782802737377 2802737376 2802740571 Year: 2013 Volume: *3 Publisher: Bruylant

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L’ouvrage intitulé « l’emploi de la force en mer » se fixe comme objectif de mettre en avant les activités de police internationale en matière maritime. Elle vise aussi bien la lutte contre les activités illicites des personnes privées que des Etats.


Droit de la mer --- Droit des espaces maritimes --- Droit international de la mer --- Droit naval --- High seas [Jurisdiction over ] --- Law [Naval ] --- Law of the sea --- Marine law --- Maritiem terrorisme --- Maritime terrorism --- Mer (Droit international) --- Mer--Droit --- Naval law --- Ocean law --- Ocean--Law and legislation --- Recht [Zee] --- Scheepsrecht --- Sea [Law of the ] --- Sea laws --- Terrorisme en mer --- Terrorisme maritime --- Zeerecht --- Aggression (International law) --- International police --- Security, International --- War, Maritime (International law) --- Agression (Droit international) --- Police internationale --- Sécurité internationale --- Guerre maritime (Droit international) --- Droit international --- Droit maritime --- Espace maritime --- BPB1309 --- Criminalité --- Internationaal recht --- Maritiem recht --- Zeeruim --- Criminaliteit --- E-books --- Sécurité internationale --- EPUB-ALPHA-E EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- criminalità --- crime --- przestępczość --- kriminaliteta --- zločin --- kriminal --- престъпление --- kuritegevus --- kriminalità --- kriminalitet --- noziedzība --- Kriminalität --- criminalidad --- εγκληματικότητα --- криминал --- krim --- rikollisuus --- bűnözés --- criminalidade --- criminalitate --- grov kriminalitet --- trestná činnost --- nusikaltimas --- criminaliteit --- inseguridad --- kriminalitás --- insécurité --- nusikalstamumas --- usikkerhed --- ανασφάλεια --- turvattomuus --- otrygghet --- криминалитет --- insegurança --- onveiligheid --- brottslighet --- kuritegelikkus --- criminality --- kriminalita --- insicurezza --- криминалност --- zločinnost --- havsområde --- jūros zona --- zeeruim --- merepiirkond --- żona marittima --- морско подручје --- zonă maritimă --- merialue --- pomorsko območje --- morsko područje --- espacio marítimo --- kuģojama teritorija --- espaço marítimo --- morská oblasť --- zonë detare --- spazio marittimo --- obszar morski --- mořská oblast --- maritimer Raum --- морска зона --- havområde --- морско подрачје --- tengeri terület --- θαλάσσιες εκτάσεις --- maritime area --- morski prostor --- kuģošanas teritorija --- Meeresraum --- jūros dalis --- морска област --- maritiem recht --- sjörätt --- Seeschifffahrtsrecht --- Derecho marítimo --- dritt marittimu --- морско право --- tengerjogi szabályozás --- námořní právo --- maritime law --- jūrniecības likums --- pomorsko pravo --- meresõiduõigus --- prawo morskie --- ναυτικό δίκαιο --- direito marítimo --- merenkulkuoikeus --- søret --- drept maritim --- e drejta e detit --- поморско право --- námorné právo --- jūrų laivybos teisė --- diritto marittimo --- регулирање на морската пловидба --- jūrų laivininkystės teisė --- Seeschiffahrtsrecht --- прописи за поморска пловидба --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- международно право --- internationaal recht --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- international law --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- coireacht --- limistéar muirí --- dlí muirí --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- Criminalité --- Law of the sea. --- Recours à la force armée

Changes in the Arctic environment and the law of the sea
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789004177567 9004177566 9786612949883 9004187391 1282949888 9789004187399 9781282949881 6612949880 Year: 2010 Publisher: Leiden Boston Martinus Nijhoff Publishers

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While the Arctic Ocean has long been covered with ice, recent changes in climate have caused the ice to melt, spurring both conservation challenges to the region's environment and biodiversity, as well as new opportunities for navigation and natural resource development. Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea offers policy and legal guidance in response to these new challenges. Synthesizing the presentations of leading experts at "Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea" meeting held in May, 2009 in Seward, Alaska, the topics explored in this volume include the political context and scientific background, marine transport, environment and biodiversity, in addition to offshore petroleum and the status of Spitsbergen. A list of selected Internet resources provides links for additional websites, as well as PowerPoint files from presentations given at the meeting. Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea is based on the 33rd Annual Conference of the Center for Oceans Law and Policy, a primary sponsor, along with the Law of the Sea Institute of Iceland as well as with the U.S. Arctic Commission, the University of Alaska (Fairbanks) and the Law of the Sea Institute, Law School (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley.


Law of the sea --- Global warming --- Climatic changes --- BPB1106 --- Droit de la mer --- Changement climatique --- Arctique --- Changes, Climatic --- Climate change --- Climate changes --- Climate variations --- Climatic change --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climatic variations --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Climatology --- Climate change mitigation --- Teleconnections (Climatology) --- Warming, Global --- Global temperature changes --- Greenhouse effect, Atmospheric --- High seas, Jurisdiction over --- Marine law --- Ocean --- Ocean law --- Sea, Law of the --- International law --- Maritime law --- Territorial waters --- Law and legislation --- Zeerecht --- Klimaatsverandering --- Arctica --- Environmental aspects --- Territorial watersLaw and legislation --- Climatic changes -- Arctic regions. --- Global warming -- Law and legislation -- Arctic regions. --- Law of the sea -- Arctic Ocean. --- Changes in climate --- Climate change science --- havsrätt --- morské právo --- jūras tiesības --- Derecho del mar --- право на морето --- pravo mora --- merilainsäädäntö --- direito do mar --- diritto del mare --- tengerjog --- mednarodno pomorsko pravo --- mořské právo --- prawo morza --- dlí muirí --- dreptul mării --- zeerecht --- право мора --- jūrų teisė --- e drejtë detare --- Seerecht --- dritt tal-baħar --- havret --- law of the sea --- mereõigus --- δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- international maritime law --- internationaal maritiem recht --- međunarodno pravo mora --- drept internațional maritim --- ANO Jūras tiesību konvencija --- Unclos --- medzinárodné námorné právo --- διεθνές δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- droit international maritime --- internationell havsrätt --- kansainvälinen merioikeus --- internationales Seerecht --- Seegerichtsbarkeit --- mezinárodní mořské právo --- diritto marittimo internazionale --- rahvusvaheline mereõigus --- dlí na mara --- nemzetközi tengerjog --- direito internacional marítimo --- Derecho internacional marítimo --- Seegericht --- international søret --- територијално море --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare detare --- tarptautinė jūrų teisė --- меѓународно право на морето --- Arktída --- Északi-sark --- Арктик --- Arktika --- Arktyka --- Arctic --- Artiku --- Арктика --- Artico --- Arktis --- Αρκτική --- Pohjoisnapa-alue --- Ártico --- Arktida --- Arktik --- Pólo Norte --- αρκτικός κύκλος --- Βόρειος Πόλος --- Arctic Circle --- Nordpol --- Arkties žemynas --- continent arctique --- cercul arctic --- Pohjoisnapamanner --- Arkties ratas --- Северен Пол --- continentul arctic --- pohjoisnapa --- arktiska kontinenten --- continente ártico --- severný polárny kruh --- ziemeļpols --- Šiaurės ašigalis --- Polo Nord --- cercle arctique --- polcirkel --- napapiiri --- Nordpolargebiet --- circolo polare artico --- polul nord --- noordelijke poolcirkel --- Rrethi Arktik --- kontinenti Arktik --- északi sarkkör --- Земјин Северен Пол --- põhjapolaarjoon --- Arctic continent --- pôle Nord --- polo Norte --- arktická oblast --- арктички круг --- Den Nordlige Polarcirkel --- círculo polar ártico --- círculo ártico --- arktický kontinent --- severný pól --- severní polární kruh --- географски северен пол --- North Pole --- Poli i Veriut --- ziemeļu polārais loks --- északi sarkvidék --- continente artico --- Árctico --- nördlicher Polarkreis --- Arktika manner --- Nordpolen --- severní pól --- põhjapoolus --- Den Nordlige Polarkreds --- cambio climático --- klimatska promjena --- tibdil fil-klima --- промена климе --- klimatförändring --- alteração climática --- kliimamuutus --- sprememba podnebja --- климатска промена --- zmiany klimatyczne --- climate change --- промяна на климата --- cambiamento climatico --- schimbare climatică --- ndryshim klimaterik --- změna klimatu --- klimata maiņa --- éghajlatváltozás --- zmena podnebia --- klimato kaita --- klimaatsverandering --- Klimaveränderung --- ilmastonmuutos --- klimaændring --- κλιματική αλλαγή --- az éghajlat változása --- modificación del clima --- klimatiskā izmaiņa --- промена на климата --- klimatická změna --- klimatická zmena --- climatic change --- schimbări climatice --- dlí na farraige --- An tArtach --- athrú aeráide --- Global environmental change

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