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Aesthetics --- aesthetics --- modernization
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evolution. --- evolution --- Modernization
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India --- Modernization-India. --- Social change. --- Social conditions
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Conservation. Restoration --- Architecture --- historic preservation --- modernization --- wederopbouw
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Liberalism was not only the first modern ideology, it was also the first secular movement to have an international presence. The scholarly articles in this collection, skillfully edited by Iván Zoltán Dénes, examine liberal ideas and movements from Scotland to the Ottoman Empire. The volume seeks to uncover and analyze various relationships between liberalisms and nationalisms, national identities and modernity concepts, nations and empires, nation-states and nationalities, traditions and modernities, images of the self and the others, modernization strategies and identity creations. This volume provides an important historical analysis that is essential toward understanding the questions and motivations of liberalism in the European Union today. This is, therefore, a timely contribution to both historiography and contemporary politics.
Liberalism --- Nationalism --- History --- Political studies, conservatism, modernization. --- values.
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Since the onset of economic reforms in 1978, China has been remarkably successful in reducing the carbon dioxide intensities of gross domestic product and industrial production. Most analysts correctly attribute the rapid decline in the carbon dioxide intensity of industrial production to rising energy prices, increased openness to trade and investment, increased competition, and technological change. China's industrial and technology policies also have contributed to lower carbon dioxide intensities, by transforming industrial structure and improving enterprise level technological capabilities. Case studies of four energy intensive industries-aluminum, cement, iron and steel, and paper-show how the changes have put these industries on substantially lower carbon dioxide emissions trajectories. Although the changes have not led to absolute declines in carbon dioxide emissions, they have substantially weakened the link between industry growth and carbon dioxide emissions.
Decarbonization --- Energy --- Energy efficiency --- Environment --- Industrial modernization --- Technology learning
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Wood --- woodworking --- Modernization --- European Union --- Common markets --- Belgium
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farmers --- Globalization --- Modernization --- Social change --- cropping systems --- Europe
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This study examines the transformation that took place in worldly lied culture in German around 1600. Ornate poetry in the vernacular and solo lieder emerged in the sixteenth century and were predominantly developed using Italian elements. Their reception in the middle classes led to the dissemination and valorization of lied culture, and to its codification in literary and music theory. Weitreichende Veränderungen in Dichtung und Musik zeichnen sich um 1600 ab. Lyrik und Lied lassen sich kaum trennen, da die Lyrik dieser Zeit meist sangbar ist und entscheidend durch das weltliche Lied beeinflusst wird. Der maßgebliche Beitrag, den das Lied zum ästhetischen Wandel, zur Modernisierung und Europäisierung der deutschsprachigen Lyrik leistet, wird anhand von etwa 5200 Liedern in 340 Lieddrucken zwischen 1567 und 1642 herausgearbeitet. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Quellenkorpus werden in der interdisziplinären Studie Einzellieder und Liedsammlungen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum musik- und literaturwissenschaftlich analysiert. Neben sozial- und gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Aspekten kommen Dimensionen der Novität ebenso zur Sprache wie das Verhältnis von Theorie, Poetik und Praxis, Kulturtransferprozesse sowie Fragen nach Kontinuitäten und Dynamiken literarischer und musikalischer Phänomene. Die Fallstudien sowie theoretische und poetische Äußerungen zum Lied erweisen, wie sich zwei Konzeptionen des Liedes profilieren: In der Verselbstständigung werden beide Liedkonzepte in Literatur und Musik aufgewertet. So trägt das weltliche deutschsprachige Lied zur Modernisierung und Europäisierung der deutschen Literatur bei.
Songs, German --- LITERARY CRITICISM / European / German. --- History and criticism. --- Early modern period. --- Europeanization. --- modernization. --- German songs
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Building design --- Conservation. Restoration --- Architecture --- historic preservation --- half-timber construction --- modernization --- architectural conservation
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