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Converging media, diverging politics : a political economy of news media in the United States and Canada
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0739108271 0739113062 9780739108277 9780739113066 Year: 2005 Publisher: Lanham (Md.): Lexington books,

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The new media monopoly
ISBN: 9780807061879 0807061875 Year: 2004 Publisher: Boston (Mass.): Beacon Press,

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"Ben Bagdikian has written the first great media book of the twenty-first century. The New Media Monopoly will provide a roadmap to understanding how we got here and where we need to go to make matters better." --Robert McChesney, author of Rich Media, Poor Democracy "No book on the media has proved as influential to our understanding of the dangers of corporate consolidation to democracy and the marketplace of ideas; this new edition builds on those works and surpasses them." --Eric Alterman, author of What Liberal Media? Praise for the First Edition of The Media Monopoly: "A groundbreaking work that charts a historical shift in the orientation of the majority of America"s communications media--further away from the needs of the individual and closer to those of big business." --Bruce Manuel, Christian Science Monitor When the first edition of The Media Monopoly was published in 1983, critics called Ben Bagdikian"s warnings about the chilling effects of corporate ownership and mass advertising on the nation"s news "alarmist." Since then, the number of corporations controlling most of America"s daily newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, book publishers, and movie companies has dwindled from fifty to ten to five. The most respected critique of modern mass media ever issued is now published in a completely updated and revised twentieth anniversary edition.

Inventer l'actualité : la construction imaginaire du monde par les médias internationaux
ISBN: 2707143154 9782707143150 Year: 2004 Publisher: Paris: La Découverte,

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Attention, ce livre va vous faire douter de votre rapport au monde? Nous soupçonnons tous que les médias ne nous proposent pas une version parfaitement fidèle de l?actualité. Mais jusqu?à quel point ? Pour le savoir, Laurent Gervereau et ses équipes du ± Baromètre européen des médias ont réalisé une première : tout au long de l?année 2003, ils ont observé tous les jours les unes des principaux quotidiens et les journaux télévisés des chaînes de cinq grands pays européens, des États-Unis et de l?Algérie. Les résultats de ces observations, restitués dans ce livre, sont terrifiants. Premier constat massif : l?information mondiale est ± tenue par quelques pays, qui donnent au reste du monde leur vision d?eux-mêmes et des autres. Deuxième constat : la circulation planétaire de l?information sélectionne une minorité de faits, assortis des commentaires d?une minorité d?individus, à destination d?une majorité de consommateurs. Des événements, des conflits, des groupes sociaux, des zones géographiques entières sont totalement absents des médias, car supposés ± ne pas intéresser . Troisième constat : la recherche de l?émotion et du scoop conduit à théâtraliser l?actualité, le marché des images commandant un discours destiné d?abord à se vendre, même s?il contrevient aux faits. Quatrième constat, pas le moins surprenant : ces techniques s?adaptent à chaque pays, proposant autant de ± visions du monde spécifiques. Notre monde est-il l?objet d?un bourrage de crânes généralisé, ou relève-t-il d?une guerre structurée de l?information ? Pour Laurent Gervereau, il n?existe aucun complot mondial visant à contrôler l?information, mais un réel danger des conformismes empêchant la pluralité de points de vue.

Media organisation and production
ISBN: 0761974946 0761974938 1446232662 9786610370900 1280370904 141293172X 9781412931724 9781280370908 9781446221587 144622158X 9781446232668 6610370907 9780761974932 9780761974949 Year: 2003 Publisher: London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage,

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Drawing on the work of international contributors, this text examines a wide range of global-local media organizations and the production of different mediums and genres.

Who owns the world's media ? : Media concentration and ownership around the world
ISBN: 9780199987238 0199987238 Year: 2016 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

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Media ownership and concentration has major implications for politics, business, culture, regulation, and innovation. It is also a highly contentious subject of public debate in many countries around the world. In Italy, Silvio Berlusconi's companies have dominated Italian politics. Televisa has been accused of taking cash for positive coverage of politicians in Mexico. Even in tiny Iceland, the regulation of media concentration led to that country's first and only public referendum. Who Owns the World's Media? moves beyond the rhetoric of free media and free markets to provide a dispassionate and data-driven analysis of global media ownership trends and their drivers. Based on an extensive data collection effort from scholars around the world, the book covers thirteen media industries, including television, newspapers, book publishing, film, search engines, ISPs, wireless telecommunication and others, across a ten to twenty-five year period in thirty countries. In many countries?like Egypt, China, or Russia?little to no data exists and the publication of these chapters will become authoritative resources on the subject in those regions. After examining each country, Noam and his collaborators offer comparisons and analysis across industries, regions, and development levels. They also calculate overall national concentration trends beyond specific media industries, the market share of individual companies in the overall national media sector, and the size and trends of transnational companies in overall global media. This definitive global study of the extent and impact of media concentration will be an invaluable resource for communications, public policy, law, and business scholars in doing research and also for media, telecom, and IT companies and financial institutions in the private sector.

La fabrique de l'opinion publique : la politique économique des médias américains : essai
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782842614164 284261416X Year: 2003 Publisher: Paris: Le Serpent à plumes,

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Un modèle théorique illustré d'exemples historiques et politiques permettant de comprendre par quels mécanismes les médias remplissent une fonction de propagande. Les auteurs mettent à jour les facteurs structurels qu'ils considèrent comme seuls susceptibles de rendre compte des comportements systématiques des principaux médias et des modes de traitement qu'ils réservent à l'information.

We, the media : pedagogic intrusions into U.S. mainstream film and television news broadcasting rhetorics
ISBN: 3631518528 0820465305 9783631518526 Year: 2005 Volume: 89 Publisher: Frankfurt: Lang,

Media pluralism and European law
ISBN: 9789041138941 9041138943 Year: 2013 Volume: 26 Publisher: Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer law international,

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Although there appears to be no firm legal basis in the Treaties for EU legislative action aimed specifically at protecting media pluralism, this book opens a number of promising avenues along which a viable legal regime protecting media pluralism may be achieved in the EU. With particular focus on broadcasting, the book examines existing (albeit fragmented) legislative and regulatory measures in competition law and other areas that contribute to this goal, and sets forth ways to strengthen monitoring and transparency, generate "soft law with hard statements", introduce a "pluralism test" in the EU Merger Regulation, promote more public service media, and foster media literacy.Among many other issues arising in the course of the discussion, the author describes and elucidates the following: ; various types of integration of media companies and the different ways they affect pluralism and diversity; limitations of must-carry rules and principles of interoperability; the diverging priorities of different European organizations, institutions and bodies; and contradictory lobbying efforts from industry actors. The author places herself on the culture side of the culture/commodity dilemma, showing why it is vital for regulators to preserve media pluralism by counteracting excessive media concentration and safeguarding quality and diversity of content. In this era which is transforming media and communications industries worldwide, with an ever-increasing plethora of delivery means without respect to national borders, this book is an essential resource for regulators and other concerned policymakers, as well as for lawyers working with any aspect of media.

La fabrication du consentement : de la propagande médiatique en démocratie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 12961787 ISBN: 9782748900729 2748900723 Year: 2008 Publisher: Marseille : Agone,

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Un modèle théorique illustré d'exemples historiques et politiques permettant de comprendre par quels mécanismes les médias remplissent une fonction de propagande. Les auteurs mettent à jour les facteurs structurels qu'ils considèrent comme seuls susceptibles de rendre compte des comportements systématiques des principaux médias et des modes de traitement qu'ils réservent à l'information.

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