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As the leading legal historian of his generation in Canada and professor at McGill University for over three decades, Blaine Baker (1952–2018) was known for his unique personality, teaching style, intellectual cosmopolitanism, and deep commitment to the place of Canadian legal history in the curriculum of law faculties.Law, Life, and the Teaching of Legal History examines important themes in Canadian legal history through the prism of Baker’s career. Essays discuss Baker’s own research, his influence within McGill’s law faculty, his complex personality, and the relationship between the private and the public in the life of a university intellectual at the turn of the twenty-first century. Inspired by topics Baker took up in his own writing, contributors use Baker’s broad interests in legal culture to reflect on fundamental themes across Canadian legal history, including legal education, gender and race, technology, nation building and national identity, criminal law and marginalized populations, and constitutionalism.Law, Life, and the Teaching of Legal History offers a contemporary analysis of Canadian legal history and thoughtfully engages with what it means to honour one individual’s enduring legacy in the study of law.
Law --- History --- Study and teaching --- History. --- Canada. --- McGill. --- biography. --- criminal. --- education. --- faculties. --- gender. --- history. --- legal curriculum. --- marginalized populations. --- nation building. --- national identity. --- pedagogy. --- race. --- school. --- technology. --- university.
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In recent decades, life writing has exploded in popularity: memoirs that focus on traumatic experiences now constitute the largest growth sector in book publishing worldwide. But life writing is not only highly marketable; it also does important emotional, cultural, and political work. It is more available to amateurs and those without the cultural capital or the self-confidence to embrace more traditional literary forms, and thus gives voice to marginalized populations. Contested Selves investigates various forms of German-language life writing, including memoirs, interviews, letters, diaries, and graphic novels, shedding light on its democratic potential, on its ability to personalize history and historicize the personal. The contributors ask how the various authors construct and negotiate notions of the self relative to sociopolitical contexts, cultural traditions, genre expectations, and narrative norms. They also investigate the nexus of writing, memory, and experience, including the genre's truth claims vis-a-vis the pliability and unreliability of human memories. Finally, they explore ethical questions that arise from intimate life writing and from the representation of "vulnerable subjects" as well as from the interrelation of material body, embodied self, and narrative. All forms of life writing discussed in this volume are invested in a process of making meaning and in an exchange of experience that allows us to relate our lives to the lives of others.
Autobiography --- German authors. --- Autobiographies --- Egodocuments --- Memoirs --- Biography as a literary form --- History and criticism --- Technique --- German prose literature --- History and criticism. --- Germany --- Intellectual life. --- German life writing. --- cultural traditions. --- cultural. --- democratic potential. --- diaries. --- emotional. --- experience. --- graphic novels. --- history. --- interviews. --- letters. --- marginalized populations. --- memoirs. --- memory. --- narrative norms. --- narrative. --- personal. --- political.
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Whether looking at divided cities or working with populations on the margins of society, a growing number of engaged academics have reached out to communities around the world to address the practical problems of living with difference. This book explores the challenges and necessities of accommodating difference, however difficult and uncomfortable such accommodation may be. Drawing on fourteen years of theoretical insights and unique pedagogy, CEDAR-Communities Engaging with Difference and Religion-has worked internationally with community leaders, activists, and other partners to take the insights of anthropology out of the classroom and into the world. Rather than addressing conflict by emphasizing what is shared, Living with Difference argues for the centrality of difference in creating community, seeking ways not to overcome or deny differences but to live with and within them in a self-reflective space and practice. This volume also includes a manual for organizers to implement CEDAR's strategies in their own communities.
Cultural pluralism. --- Community development. --- Ethnic relations. --- Difference (Philosophy) --- Philosophy --- Inter-ethnic relations --- Interethnic relations --- Relations among ethnic groups --- Acculturation --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Ethnic groups --- Ethnology --- Social problems --- Sociology --- Minorities --- Race relations --- Community development --- Regional development --- Economic assistance, Domestic --- Social planning --- Cultural diversity --- Diversity, Cultural --- Diversity, Religious --- Ethnic diversity --- Pluralism (Social sciences) --- Pluralism, Cultural --- Religious diversity --- Culture --- Cultural fusion --- Ethnicity --- Multiculturalism --- Citizen participation --- Government policy --- Difference (Philosophy). --- accommodating differences. --- activists. --- anthropology. --- california series in public anthropology. --- cedar. --- communities engaging with difference and religion. --- community leaders. --- conflict. --- creating community. --- cultural differences. --- culture. --- difficulties. --- discomfort. --- diversity. --- divided cities. --- ethnic diversity. --- marginalized populations. --- pedagogy. --- political. --- public anthropology. --- realistic. --- religion. --- religious differences. --- self reflective. --- social differences. --- sociology. --- uncomfortable.
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Having gained unique access to California prisoners and corrections officials and to thousands of prisoners' written grievances and institutional responses, Kitty Calavita and Valerie Jenness take us inside one of the most significant, yet largely invisible, institutions in the United States. Drawing on sometimes startlingly candid interviews with prisoners and prison staff, as well as on official records, the authors walk us through the byzantine grievance process, which begins with prisoners filing claims and ends after four levels of review, with corrections officials usually denying requests for remedies. Appealing to Justice is both an unprecedented study of disputing in an extremely asymmetrical setting and a rare glimpse of daily life inside this most closed of institutions. Quoting extensively from their interviews with prisoners and officials, the authors give voice to those who are almost never heard from. These voices unsettle conventional wisdoms within the sociological literature-for example, about the reluctance of vulnerable and/or stigmatized populations to name injuries and file claims, and about the relentlessly adversarial subjectivities of prisoners and correctional officials-and they do so with striking poignancy. Ultimately, Appealing to Justice reveals a system fraught with impediments and dilemmas, which delivers neither justice, nor efficiency, nor constitutional conditions of confinement.
Grievance procedures for prisoners --- Prisoners --- Prisons --- Dungeons --- Gaols --- Penitentiaries --- Correctional institutions --- Imprisonment --- Prison-industrial complex --- Prisoner grievance procedures --- Prisoners' grievance procedures --- Convicts --- Imprisoned persons --- Incarcerated persons --- Prison inmates --- Inmates of institutions --- Persons --- Civil rights --- Social conditions. --- Law and legislation --- Inmates --- Grievance procedures for prisoners -- California.. --- Prisoners -- Civil rights -- California.. --- Prisoners -- California -- Social conditions.. --- Prisons -- Law and legislation -- California. --- american prison system. --- california prisons. --- confinement. --- correction officers. --- corrections officials. --- criminology. --- daily life for prisoners. --- file claims. --- grievance process. --- human condition. --- imprisonment. --- incarceration. --- institutional responses. --- lack of justice. --- legislation. --- litigation. --- marginalized populations. --- mass incarceration. --- power dynamics. --- prison in the 21st century. --- prison litigation reform. --- prison staff. --- prison stories. --- prison system. --- prison. --- prisoners. --- sociology. --- stigmatized populations. --- united states of america.
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Do "human rights"-as embodied in constitutions, national laws, and international agreements-foster improvements in the lives of the poor or otherwise marginalized populations? When, where, how, and under what conditions? Closing the Rights Gap: From Human Rights to Social Transformation systematically compares a range of case studies from around the world in order to clarify the conditions under which-and institutions through which-economic, social, and cultural rights are progressively realized in practice. It concludes with testable hypotheses regarding how significant transformative change might occur, as well as an agenda for future research to facilitate rights realization worldwide.
Human rights. --- Social justice. --- Human rights and globalization. --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Human rights --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Equality --- Justice --- Globalization and human rights --- Globalization --- Law and legislation --- International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights --- ICESCR --- International Bill of Human Rights. --- Jing ji, she hui ji wen hua quan li guo ji gong yue --- Konvention über wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte --- Kovenan Internasional Hak Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Budaya --- Mīs̲āq-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Ḥuqūq-i Iqtiṣādī, Ijtimāʻī va Farhangī --- Pacto internacional de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales --- PIDESC --- 經濟, 社會及文化權利國際公約 --- 经济, 社会及文化权利国际公约 --- Pacto Internacional sobre Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais --- constitutions. --- cultural rights. --- cultural studies. --- economic rights. --- food security. --- global movements. --- globalization. --- governments and governing. --- historical. --- history. --- human condition. --- human rights. --- humanity. --- hunger. --- inequality. --- international agreements. --- international politics. --- marginalized populations. --- marginalized. --- nation state. --- nation. --- national laws. --- poor populations. --- poor. --- poverty. --- public policy. --- rights realization. --- social movements. --- social rights. --- social services. --- social studies. --- sociology. --- transformative change. --- welfare.
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This open access book provides a comprehensive overview of the health inequities and human rights issues faced by sex workers globally across diverse contexts, and outlines evidence-based strategies and best practices. Sex workers face severe health and social inequities, largely as the result of structural factors including punitive and criminalized legal environments, stigma, and social and economic exclusion and marginalization. Although previous work has largely emphasized an elevated burden and gaps in HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) services in sex work, less attention has been paid to the broader health and human rights concerns faced by sex workers. This contributed volume addresses this gap. The chapters feature a variety of perspectives including academic, community, implementing partners, and government to synthesize research evidence as well as lessons learned from local-level experiences across different regions, and are organized under three parts: Burden of health and human rights inequities faced by sex workers globally, including infectious diseases (e.g., HIV, STIs), violence, sexual and reproductive health, and drug use Structural determinants of health and human rights, including legislation, law enforcement, community engagement, intersectoral collaboration, stigma, barriers to health access, im/migration issues, and occupational safety and health Evidence-based services and best practices at various levels ranging from individual and community to policy-level interventions to identify best practices and avenues for future research and interventions Sex Work, Health, and Human Rights is an essential resource for researchers, policy-makers, governments, implementing partners, international organizations and community-based organizations involved in research, policies, or programs related to sex work, public health, social justice, gender-based violence, women's health and harm reduction.
Public health & preventive medicine --- Human rights --- Epidemiology & medical statistics --- Social issues & processes --- Health systems & services --- Public Health --- Human Rights --- Epidemiology --- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention --- Social Structure, Social Inequality --- Health Policy --- Social Structure --- sex work law reform --- human rights violations and labor rights and protections --- health disparities and health equity --- marginalized populations --- women's health, sexual health and reproductive health --- HIV/AIDS --- structural determinants --- integrated interventions --- harm reduction --- stigma --- sex worker criminalization and decriminalized settings --- blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) --- global burden of violence --- global mental health --- safety and health promotion --- substance use --- community mobilization and empowerment --- migration and mobility --- open access --- Human rights, civil rights --- Social & ethical issues --- Political structure & processes --- Prostitució --- Salut sexual --- Drets humans --- Salut pública --- Igualtat --- Medicina preventiva --- Prevenció de les malalties --- Profilaxi --- Programes de prevenció --- Higiene --- Veterinària preventiva --- Avaluació del risc per la salut --- Cribratge --- Medicina social --- Igualtat social --- Igualtats socials --- Ciències polítiques --- Aristocràcia (Ciències polítiques) --- Justícia social --- Capital social (Sociologia) --- Democràcia --- Desigualtat social --- Intervenció social --- Higiene pública --- Higiene social --- Salubritat --- Sanitat --- Sanitat pública --- Salut --- Serveis socials --- Abastament d'aigua --- Assistència sanitària --- Cementiris --- Contaminació --- Contaminació de l'aigua --- Desinfecció --- Enginyeria sanitària --- Enterrament --- Epidemiologia --- Higiene ambiental --- Higiene escolar --- Higiene industrial --- Higiene rural --- Higiene veterinària --- Hospitals --- Inspecció dels aliments --- Infermeria de salut pública --- Malalties professionals --- Malalties infeccioses --- Manipulació dels aliments --- Planificació sanitària --- Salut mental --- Salut mundial --- Salut pública dental --- Serveis sanitaris --- Soroll --- Legislació sanitària --- Política sanitària --- Protecció del consumidor --- Sanejament --- Bordells --- Cases de prostitució --- Prostitució femenina --- Tràfic de blanques --- Tràfic de dones --- Crim organitzat --- Problemes socials --- Sexualitat i dret --- Prostitució infantil --- Prostitució masculina --- Proxenetisme --- Delictes sexuals --- Ètica sexual --- Drets de l'home --- Discriminació --- Dret constitucional --- Defensors dels drets humans --- Detenció de persones --- Dret a l'alimentació --- Dret a la salut --- Dret a la vida --- Dret a un judici just --- Dret al treball --- Drets fonamentals --- Drets humans (Dret internacional) --- Drets sexuals --- Drets socials --- Drets culturals --- Reivindicacions socials --- Llibertat --- Higiene sexual --- Control de la natalitat --- Contracepció --- Educació sexual --- Proxenetes --- Prostitució. --- Salut pública.
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