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Constitutions --- Constitutional history --- Histoire constitutionnelle --- Sources --- Désherbage --- Constitution --- Deselectie --- Grondwet --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- bunreacht
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Cette traduction, publiée en 1993, fut la première en France de cette oeuvre monumentale, dans laquelle un grand universitaire entreprend de donner sa propre description des régimes politiques occidentaux, au miroir de la République de Weimar. Ce vaste ouvrage s'adresse à tous ceux qu'intéresse l'État moderne. Après avoir défendu la validité d'une notion politique de la Constitution et polémiqué avec Hans Kelsen, partisan d'un normativisme, Carl Schmitt analyse l'État de droit libéral-bourgeois en le décomposant en deux éléments antithétiques : libéraux (droits de l'homme et séparation des pouvoirs) et politiques (représentation et identité). Il termine sur une théorie de la Fédération novatrice au regard de notre actuelle construction européenne. Toutefois, le but polémique de l'auteur est réel, sa proposition de théorie de l'État étant directement issue d'une lecture autoritaire de Hegel. La lecture de ce penseur « dérangeant » reste néanmoins un défi intellectuel pour tous ceux qui étudient les problèmes de la démocratie et du libéralisme.
BPB1907 --- Constitution --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- bunreacht --- Régimes politiques --- Droit constitutionnel --- Politique et gouvernement --- Philosophie.
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Die Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE) ist eine wissenschaftliche Vereiningung, die im april 2003 in Frankfurt A.M. von europäischen Öffentlichrechtlern gegründet wurde. Der Verein hat die Aufgabe, Fragen des öffentlichen Rechts in Europa unter Einschluss seiner Wirkung auf das gesamte Recht wissenschaflich zu erörtern und zu klären. Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE), an association of European Public Law scholars, was founded in Frankfurt/M., in april 2003. The goal of the society, as an academic forum, is to discuss and to clarify questions of public law in Europe including its impact on the legal system as a whole. La Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE) est une association académique fondée par des publicistes européens en avril 2003 à Francfort/M. Elle a pour objet l’étude du droit public en Europe ainsi que ses incidences sur l’ensemble des branches du droit.
European law --- BPB0901 --- Constitution --- Grondwet --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- bunreacht --- Droit administratif (droit européen) --- Transparence administrative --- Non-Discrimination --- Droit constitutionnel (droit européen) --- Droit administratif comparé --- Droit constitutionnel comparé --- Principe de solidarité --- Principe de démocratie --- Etat de droit --- Principes constitutionnels
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1. Définition - 2. Etude de litiges en principe juridiques - 3. Un conflit normatif comme objet du litige - 4. Une norme constitutionnelle comme norme de contrôle - 5. Une autre norme, ou une absence de norme, comme norme contrôlée - 6. Synopsis des méthodes de contrôle
Constitutional law --- Constitutional courts --- Judicial review --- Droit constitutionnel --- Cours constitutionnelles --- Contrôle juridictionnel des lois --- Belgium. --- Ebooks --- BPB1003 --- Constitution --- grondwet --- Grondwet --- constitution --- Contrôle juridictionnel des lois --- Juridische aspecten : Grondwettelijk recht --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- Aspects juridiques : Droit constitutionnel --- E-books --- bunreacht --- Belgique --- Séparation des pouvoirs
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BPB1503 --- Constitution --- Canada --- Grondwet --- Constitutional law --- Droit constitutionnel --- Institutions politiques --- Histoire constitutionnelle --- Kanada --- Канада --- Kanāda --- il-Kanada --- Ceanada --- Καναδάς --- Canadá --- Terre-Neuve --- Њуфаундленд --- Квебек --- Νέα Γη --- Nový Foundland --- Njufaundlend --- Niufaundlandas --- Terra Nova --- Κεμπέκ --- Terranova --- New-Foundland --- Quebec --- Kebeku --- Kvebekas --- Quebeque --- Új-Fundland --- Newfoundland --- Neufundland --- Québec --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- Public law. Constitutional law --- bunreacht --- Constitutional law - Canada
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Le Parlement vote la loi. Il contrôle l'action du Gouvernement. Il évalue les politiques publiques. (Article 24 de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958, rédaction de la loi constitutionnelle du 23 juillet 2008). Cet ouvrage bénéficie d'un renouveau avec la révision constitutionnelle de 2008 à l'origine de la restauration pour une part importante, de la prérogative des assemblées et la refonte consécutive de leur règlement, opérée en 2009. Le droit parlementaire, ou le droit propre au Parlement, s'avère être un guide précieux pour les étudiants en vue de la préparation aux examens et aux concours. Au surplus, il sera utile aux journalistes qui découvrent les nouvelles attributions de l'Assemblée nationale et du Sénat et aux fonctionnaires parlementaires qui assistent les élus de la Nation dans leur mise en oeuvre
342.53 <44> --- BPB1102 --- Droit parlementaire --- Parlement --- Constitution --- 342.53 <44> Parlement--Frankrijk --- Parlement--Frankrijk --- Parlementair recht --- Grondwet --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- parlaments --- Parlament --- Parlamento --- parlament --- parliament --- kansanedustuslaitos --- κοινοβούλιο --- assembleia --- парламент --- parlement --- parlamentas --- parlamento --- rigsdag --- собрание --- zastupitelský sbor --- Országgyűlés --- bunreacht --- parlaimint
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BPB9999 --- BPB1910 --- Constitution --- Grondwet --- 311.1 Grondwettelijke rechten en vrijheden --- History of the law --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Theory of the state --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- bunreacht
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Legislative bodies --- Parliamentary practice --- Parlements --- Procédure parlementaire --- 342.53 <44> --- BPB1102 --- Droit parlementaire --- Parlement --- Constitution --- Parlement--Frankrijk --- Parlementair recht --- Grondwet --- 342.53 <44> Parlement--Frankrijk --- Procédure parlementaire --- Legislative procedure --- Order, Rules of --- Parliamentary law --- Parliamentary procedure --- Procedure, Parliamentary --- Rules of order --- France. Parlement (1946- ) --- -Rules and practice --- -Parlement--Frankrijk --- -Legislative bodies --- Rules and practice --- Debates and debating --- Meetings --- Law and legislation --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- parlaments --- Parlament --- Parlamento --- parlament --- parliament --- kansanedustuslaitos --- κοινοβούλιο --- assembleia --- парламент --- parlement --- parlamentas --- parlamento --- rigsdag --- собрание --- zastupitelský sbor --- Országgyűlés --- bunreacht --- parlaimint --- -France. Parlement (1946- )
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The centerpiece of this work is France's Constitution of 1958, portrayed by the author as an innovative hybrid construct whose arrival brought the constitutional stability that had eluded France for centuries. However, the creation of the 1958 Constitution was not an isolated act. It represents part of an evolutionary process which continues to this day. Even though it is codified, the Constitution of the Fifth Republic has evolved so markedly that commentators have dubbed the present institutional balance the "Sixth Republic." It is this dynamic of the Constitution which is examined in this book. At the same time, the book shows how the French Constitution has not developed in isolation, but reflects to some extent the global movement of ideas - ideas which sometimes challenge the very foundations of the 1958 Constitution.
Constitutional law --- BPB1508 --- Constitution --- France --- Grondwet --- Frankrijk --- Francuska --- Franciaország --- An Fhrainc --- Frankrig --- Franza --- Frankrike --- Francja --- Franța --- Франция --- Francia --- Francúzsko --- Franca --- Francie --- Francija --- Франција --- Γαλλία --- Француска --- Prantsusmaa --- Prancūzija --- França --- Ranska --- Frankreich --- Ranskan tasavalta --- Republica Franceză --- Francúzska republika --- Prancūzijos Respublika --- Republika Franceze --- Република Франција --- République française --- Republiken Frankrike --- Γαλλική Δημοκρατία --- die Französische Republik --- Francuska Republika --- Franse Republiek --- Француска Република --- French Republic --- Francijas Republika --- ir-Repubblika Franċiża --- Republika Francuska --- Den Franske Republik --- Francia Köztársaság --- República Francesa --- Francouzská republika --- Repubblica francese --- Prantsuse Vabariik --- Francoska republika --- Френска република --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- France. --- Public law. Constitutional law --- bunreacht --- Constitutional law - France
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The Belgian Constitution, once described as a model of consensus democracy, has now become an enigma in comparative federalism. On the one hand, it demonstrates features which suggest institutional instability as well as elements that enhance the probability of secession. On the other hand, Belgium continues to exist as a federal system, based upon linguistic bipolarity. This linguistic bipolarity dominates Belgian politics and has shaped the design of Belgium's institutions as well as the Constitution's fundamental organising principles: concepts of federalism, democracy, separation of powers, constitutionalism and the rule of law. In this book, the institutional structure and the principles governing the Belgian constitutional system are explained in the light of its historical, demographic and political context. Linguistic bipolarity and its historical evolution explain the establishment of the Belgian State structure as a dual federalism, with exclusive powers, instruments for consensus making and obstruction, and elements of con-federal decision-making. It also explains the evolution in the concept of principles of democracy and the rule of law. Besides describing the devolutionary process, the book also incorporates two other elements that have shaped the Belgian constitutional landscape: fundamental rights and Europeanisation
BPB1510 --- Constitution --- Belgique --- Grondwet --- België --- Verfassung. --- Verfassungsrecht. --- Belgien. --- grondwet --- Constitutional law --- Constitutional law. --- Belgium. --- Public law. Constitutional law --- Belgium --- Constitutions --- Droit constitutionnel --- Constitution. --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- bunreacht
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