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The Research Topic aims to highlight research on the processing of words, sentences and discourses across languages. Articles representing processing in a wide variety of human languages will be featured. Efforts will be made to have articles, representing as many language families as possible. The methodology used to investigate language processing is open. Manuscripts may report studies involving monolinguals or individuals knowing more than one language. Research addressing the extent to which all human languages are processed similarly are welcomed as are studies investigating the extent to which the different types of linguistic knowledge are stored differently in memory.
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The Research Topic aims to highlight research on the processing of words, sentences and discourses across languages. Articles representing processing in a wide variety of human languages will be featured. Efforts will be made to have articles, representing as many language families as possible. The methodology used to investigate language processing is open. Manuscripts may report studies involving monolinguals or individuals knowing more than one language. Research addressing the extent to which all human languages are processed similarly are welcomed as are studies investigating the extent to which the different types of linguistic knowledge are stored differently in memory.
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The Research Topic aims to highlight research on the processing of words, sentences and discourses across languages. Articles representing processing in a wide variety of human languages will be featured. Efforts will be made to have articles, representing as many language families as possible. The methodology used to investigate language processing is open. Manuscripts may report studies involving monolinguals or individuals knowing more than one language. Research addressing the extent to which all human languages are processed similarly are welcomed as are studies investigating the extent to which the different types of linguistic knowledge are stored differently in memory.
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Abstract: "The process of adding to the common ground between conversational participants (called grounding) has previously been either oversimplified or studied in an off-line manner. This dissertation presents a computational theory, in which a protocol is presented which can be used to determine, for any given state of the conversation, whether material has been grounded or what it would take to ground the material. This protocol is related to the mental states of participating agents, showing the motivations for performing particular grounding acts and what their effects will be. We extend speech act theory to account for levels of action both above and below the sentence level, including the level of grounding acts described above. Traditional illocutionary acts are now seen to be multi-agent acts which must be grounded to have their usual effects. A conversational agent model is provided, showing how grounding fits in naturally with the other functions that an agent must perform in engaging in conversation. These ideas are implemented within the TRAINS conversation system. Also presented is a situation-theoretic model of plan execution relations, giving definitions of what it means for an action to begin, continue, complete, or repair the execution of a plan. This framework is then used to provide precise definitions of the grounding acts in terms of agents executing a general communication plan in which one agent must present the content and another acknowledge it."
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Eine große Wissensbasis ist eine Voraussetzung für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen im Bereich der automatischen Sprachverarbeitung, wie Frage-Antwort- oder Information-Retrieval-Systeme. Ein Mensch hat sich das erforderliche Wissen, um Informationen zu suchen oder Fragen zu beantworten, im Laufe seines Lebens angeeignet. Einem Computer muss dieses Wissen explizit mitgeteilt werden. Tim vor der Brück beschreibt einen Ansatz, wie ein Computer dieses Wissen ähnlich wie ein Mensch durch die Lektüre von Texten erwerben kann. Dabei kommen Methoden der Logik und des maschinellen Lernens zum Einsatz.
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Sprachliche Verstellungen in inkriminierten Texten wie Erpresserbriefen und Drohschreiben sind ein Phänomen, mit dem Gutachter/innen – beispielsweise im Rahmen von polizeilichen Ermittlungen – immer wieder konfrontiert werden. Um ihre Identität zu verschleiern, verfremden die Autor/innen dieser inkriminierten Texte ihren Sprachstil oder ahmen den Sprachgebrauch anderer Personen und Personengruppen nach. In der forensisch-linguistischen Forschungsliteratur werden diese Verstellungen häufig genannt, Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen waren sie jedoch selten, so dass bisher nur wenig über sie bekannt war. Diese Arbeit widmet sich diesem Forschungsdesiderat mit dem Ziel, anhand eines Datenkorpus des Bundeskriminalamtes Merkmale von sprachlichen Verstellungen in inkriminierten Texten herauszuarbeiten, damit sie besser erkannt und adäquat beschrieben werden können. Die Untersuchung richtet sich vor allem an Personen, die in ihrer Arbeit mit inkriminierten Texten befasst sind.
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