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In 2012, Cambodia - an epicenter of violent land grabbing - announced a bold new initiative to develop land redistribution efforts inside agribusiness concessions. Alice Beban's 'Unwritten Rule' focuses on this land reform to understand the larger nature of democracy in Cambodia.
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Les marches fonciers urbains et periurbains des villes d'Afrique de l'Ouest en expansion rapide operent dans des contextes ou coexistent des regimes fonciers differents et ou les procedures d'acces aux terrains sont complexes. Un cadre d'analyse faisant defaut jusqu'ici, ce livre propose une approche systemique et l'applique a la zone urbaine et periurbaine de Bamako et a son hinterland rural. La methode repose sur une analyse des differentes filieres d'approvisionnement en terres et identifie, depuis la mise en circulation des terres agricoles pour repondre aux besoins en terrains a usage residentiel, les changements de tenure et types de transactions qui accompagnent le passage aux terrains urbains, ainsi que les interactions entre les differentes filieres. L'analyse montre que l'approvisionnement en terre est a l'origine assuree par la filiere coutumiere, qui predomine dans les zones periurbaines, et par la filiere publique et parapublique ou l'Etat alloue des terrains a usage d'habitation aux individus ou les cede a des societes de promotion fonciere et immobilieres. Ces filieres alimentent la filiere privee formelle qui met ensuite sur le marche, a des prix eleves, des parcelles viabilisees avec titre de propriete. Les parcelles peuvent etre cedees successivement, avec un degre d'informalite qui depend de la tenure, de la legalite de la transaction et de son enregistrement. Alors que le developpement du marche formel est entrave par des facteurs structurels, le marche foncier informel offre peu de securite. Adapte aux revenus moyens et bas, le marche informel attire aussi les acheteurs aises et introduits aupres de l'administration et du pouvoir politique, et qui peuvent plus facilement obtenir une formalisation de la tenure. Prix des terrains et couts de transaction eleves, conflits fonciers, procedures de formalisation longues et complexes, et diversite des acteurs se combinent des lors pour entraver l'acces au foncier des pauvres en milieu urbain."
Access To Land --- French Translation --- Informal Settlements --- Land Administration --- Land Conflicts --- Land Delivery Channels --- Land Governance --- Land Markets --- Land Tenure Formalization --- Land Use Conversion --- Property Rights --- Urban Expansion
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Les hauts-plateaux méridionaux du Viêt Nam et du Cambodge connaissent depuis le milieu des années 2000 une forte augmentation des superficies plantées en hévéa. Les booms de l’hévéaculture diffèrent significativement de part et d’autre de la frontière, mais ils sont également étroitement liés dans le contexte d’une intégration régionale des filières et des territoires qui se renforce. Cette transformation est impulsée par le jeu des marchés globalisés et de puissants acteurs étrangers tels que la Chine et la Malaisie, mais les gouvernements nationaux jouent également un rôle important en matière d’accès et d’usage des terres agricoles. L’or blanc et les nouveaux eldorados ne sont pas qu’un enjeu économique ; sont également en jeu les influences et les rapports de force entre les pays de la sous-région du Grand Mékong, à l’image des importantes transactions foncières transnationales. Pour mieux comprendre la transition agraire actuelle impulsée par le boom de l’hévéa, les auteurs de cet ouvrage ont tenu à revenir sur l’histoire, l’époque de la colonisation européenne et les expériences socialistes. L’ouvrage analyse également la capacité des populations locales à résister aux pressions des nouveaux arrivants et la compétition que représentent les plantations d’hévéa de grande taille mécanisées.
Rubber plantations --- Rubber --- History. --- Caoutchouc --- Ebonite --- Gum elastic --- India rubber --- Vulcanite --- Latex --- Non-timber forest products --- Elastomers --- Gutta-percha --- Agroforests, Rubber --- Hevea plantations --- Rubber agroforests --- Rubber farms --- Plantations --- Tree farms --- Vietnam --- development --- economics --- Cambodia --- Indochina --- land rights --- integration --- capitalism --- Asean --- land conflicts
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Growing up in the Maragoli community in Kenya, Kenda Mutongi encountered a perplexing contradiction. While the young teachers at her village school railed against colonialism, many of her elders, including her widowed mother, praised their former British masters. In this moving book, Mutongi explores how both the challenges and contradictions of colonial rule and the frustrations and failures of independence shaped the lives of Maragoli widows and their complex relations with each other, their families, and the larger community. Throughout the twentieth century...
Widows --- Women --- Families --- Family --- Family life --- Family relationships --- Family structure --- Relationships, Family --- Structure, Family --- Social institutions --- Birth order --- Domestic relations --- Home --- Households --- Kinship --- Marriage --- Matriarchy --- Parenthood --- Patriarchy --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Marital status --- Social conditions. --- Social aspects --- Social conditions --- Kenya --- Cenia --- Chenia --- Colony and Protectorate of Kenya --- GOK --- Government of Kenya --- Jamhuri ya Kenya --- Kenia --- Kenii︠a︡ --- Kenniya --- Kenya Colony and Protectorate --- Ḳenyah --- Kīniyā --- Kīnyā --- Quênia --- Republic of Kenya --- Кения --- קניה --- كينيا --- ケニア --- 肯尼亚 --- East Africa Protectorate --- Colonial influence. --- Veuves --- Femmes --- Familles --- Conditions sociales --- Influence coloniale --- kenya, kenyan, africa, african, family, familial relationships, widows, marriage, loss, grief, history, historical contexts, maragoli community, colonialism, widowed, postcolonialism, colonial rule, independence, cultural studies, society, widowhood, rural areas, citizenship, disenchantment, ethnography, ethnographic research, women, gender study, influences, christianity, religion, religious, gold, mining, land, conflicts, domestic education, boarding schools, inheritance.
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Since the 1980s, while trying to maintain political stability and territorial integrity, the Vietnamese state has strongly moved towards the transformation of a centrally-planned economy to a more market-oriented model, in which private, foreign and joint-venture businesses are increasingly becoming the key pillars of the national economy. Another key aspect of the Đổi Mới's agenda was a fundamental shift in the party-state's foreign relations policy toward a normalization of Vietnam's diplomatic and trading relations with China, the United States, and other countries since the early 1990s. Over twenty years after the Đổi Mới renewal renovation, Vietnam has been praised by various domestic and international institutions for its “impressive” achievements in socio-economic development and poverty reduction and for its gradual liberalization and market diversification, coupled with its commitment to equality. Consequently, this has changed the relationship between the party-state and society in a number of fields, including the control of agricultural land and other forms of natural resources. Such transition marks a great change in our scholarly understanding of Vietnam. It has opened the door for intellectual exchange between academics and has resulted in a great amount of research and new knowledge/publications in different languages about various domains regarding Vietnamese society, including the relationships between the state and society at different levels and in various sectors or geographic areas. Among them, studies like those of Kerkvliet, Fforde and others, have developed the “everyday politics approach”, which examines social interactions on an everyday action basis. This approach “from below” has given a fresh impetus to the study of social relations in Vietnam. However, our observations regarding academic research show that besides a number of rich ethnographic studies, there are many analyses from different social science disciplines that give a…
Local government --- Vietnam --- Rural conditions --- Local administration --- Township government --- Subnational governments --- Administrative and political divisions --- Decentralization in government --- Public administration --- Betʻŭnam --- Biet Nam --- Bietnam --- Biyetnan --- Chính phủ nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam --- Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam --- Fītnām --- Fīyatnām --- Fiyitnām --- I︠U︡zhnyĭ Vʹetnam --- National Republic of Vietnam --- Nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam --- Petʻŭnam --- Republica Socialista de Vietnam --- Rèpublica socialista du Viêt Nam --- République socialiste du Vietnam --- RSV --- RSVN --- S.R.V. --- Satsyi︠a︡listychnai︠a︡ Rėspublika V'etnam --- Socialist Republic of Viet Nam --- Socialist Republic of Vietnam --- Sosialistiese Republiek Viëtnam --- Sot︠s︡ialisticheska republika Vietnam --- Sot︠s︡ialisticheskai︠a︡ Respublika Vʹetnam --- SRV --- SRVN --- Vʹet-Nam --- Vʹetnam --- Viet-Nam --- Vijetnam --- Vītnām --- Vīyitnām --- Vjetnamio --- Vyetnam --- Vyetnam Sosialist Respublikası --- Wietnam --- Yüeh-nan --- Сацыялістычная Рэспубліка В'етнам --- Социалистическа република Виетнам --- Виетнам --- В'етнам --- فيتنام --- Vietnam (Democratic Republic) --- Vietnam (Republic) --- economics --- development --- tourism --- growth --- land conflicts --- industrialization
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