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Dans les coulisses d'un vol de Frank De Winne : mon compte à rebours
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782873866495 Year: 2009 Publisher: Bruxelles Racine

Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences.
ISSN: 21894205 Year: 1959 Publisher: Tokyo, Japan : The Society,

Les trous noirs
ISSN: 07680066 ISBN: 213063009X 9782130630098 Year: 2016 Volume: 4003 Publisher: Paris : puf,

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À la fin du XVIIIe siècle, deux astronomes imaginèrent des objets célestes si massifs que même la lumière ne pourrait s'en échapper... Aussitôt tombée dans l'oubli, cette intuition fut pourtant confirmée - à la surprise générale - par la théorie de la relativité d'Einstein. Depuis, de nombreuses recherches ont fait la lumière sur ces astres obscurs aux étranges propriétés. Matteo Smerlak revient sur l'histoire de la découverte des trous noirs. Il raconte comment nous les «voyons» et ce que nous savons d'eux. Comment se forment-ils ? Permettent-ils de voyager dans le temps ? Que se passe-t-il à l'intérieur ? Peut-on en créer artificiellement ? Partez en voyage à la vitesse de la lumière et explorez un univers profondément déroutant, et néanmoins intelligible.


Black holes (Astronomy) --- Trous noirs (Astronomie) --- Trous noirs (astronomie) --- Astronomie --- Histoire --- Astronautique --- Sterrenkunde --- Geschiedenis --- Ruimtevaartwetenschap --- астронаутика --- astronautica --- αστροναυτική --- asztronautika --- astronautyka --- астронавтика --- astronavtika --- Navigation von Raumschiffen --- astronautică --- astronawtika --- astronautiikka --- astronáutica --- astronautika --- astronautik --- astronautics --- astronautikë --- ruimtevaartwetenschap --- kosmonautik --- kosmonautika --- spationautique --- ruimtevaarttechnologie --- космонаутика --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- geschiedenis --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- history --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- astronomie --- астрономија --- астрономия --- astronomía --- astronomija --- astronomi --- astronoomia --- asztronómia --- réalteolaíocht --- tähtitiede --- astronomy --- sterrenkunde --- αστρονομία --- astronomia --- astronómia --- hvězdářství --- astrofisica --- visatos mokslas --- Sternkunde --- astrofizikë --- astrofysik --- astrofizika --- asztrofizika --- Raumkunde --- astrofüüsika --- astrofísica --- астрофизика --- csillagászat --- Himmelskunde --- astrophysique --- αστροφυσική --- veda o vesmíre --- astrofysiikka --- astrophysics --- astrofizică --- spásaireacht

6 mois autour de la Terre avec Franck De Winne : la vie quotidenne à bord de l'ISS
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782507002879 Year: 2010 Publisher: Bruxelles : Luc Pire,

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Astronautics --- Astronautique --- Espace extra-atmosphérique [Voyages dans l' ] --- Interplanetaire reizen --- Interplanetary voyages --- Raumfahrten --- Reizen [Interplanetaire ] --- Rocket flight --- Ruimtevaart --- Ruimtevlucht --- Space flight --- Space travel --- Spaceflight --- Vlucht [Ruimte] --- Vol cosmique --- Vol interplanétaire --- Vol interstellaire --- Vol spatial --- Vols cosmiques --- Vols interplanétaires --- Vols interstellaires --- Vols spatiaux --- Voyages [Interplanetary ] --- Voyages dans l'espace --- Voyages interplanétaires --- Voyages spatiaux --- Weltraumfahrten --- Ruimtevaartwetenschap --- De Winne, Frank --- BPB1101 --- Cosmologie --- астронаутика --- astronautica --- αστροναυτική --- asztronautika --- astronautyka --- астронавтика --- astronavtika --- Navigation von Raumschiffen --- astronautică --- astronawtika --- astronautiikka --- astronáutica --- astronautika --- astronautik --- astronautics --- astronautikë --- ruimtevaartwetenschap --- kosmonautik --- kosmonautika --- spationautique --- ruimtevaarttechnologie --- космонаутика --- kosmoloģija --- kozmologija --- kosmologija --- космология --- cosmologia --- kozmológia --- kosmologi --- kożmoloġija --- cosmology --- cosmología --- kozmologji --- kosmoloogia --- космологија --- kosmologie --- κοσμολογία --- kosmologia --- Kosmologie --- cosmologie --- spásaireacht --- cosmeolaíocht --- ASTRONAUTS --- DE WINNE, Frank (1961-....) --- INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION --- BELGIUM --- PERSONAL NARRATIVES

Commercial uses of space and space tourism : legal and policy aspects
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781785361067 1785361066 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cheltenham: Elgar,

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"[This book] combines the perspectives of academics, policy makers and major industry players around three central themes: the international legal challenges posed by the dramatic changes to the spacefaring landscape; the corresponding legal and regulatory responses to these challenges at the national level; and topical questions of global space governance. Chapters cover emerging activities in commercial spacefaring, including space tourism and space transportation, and identify the regulatory issues that may arise in the absence of a clear boundary between airspace and outer space. By taking a pragmatic, inductive approach, the book aims to breathe new life into the discussion of the air-space boundary, while informing readers about the many exciting recent developments in commercial spacefaring."


Astronautique --- Droit international public --- Espace extra-atmosphérique --- Droit de l'espace --- BPB1803 --- Ruimtevaartwetenschap --- Internationaal publiekrecht --- Buitenatmosferische ruimte --- Ruimtevaartrecht --- Space industrialization --- Law and legislation --- Espace extra-atmosphérique --- svemirsko pravo --- rymdlagstiftning --- kosmické právo --- вселенско право --- tiesību akti par atklāto kosmosu --- világűrjog --- rumret --- dritt tal-ispazju --- kosmoseõigus --- kozmické právo --- diritto dello spazio --- kosminės erdvės teisė --- ruimtevaartrecht --- prawo kosmiczne --- космичко право --- vesoljsko pravo --- law of outer space --- космическо право --- Weltraumrecht --- Derecho del espacio --- avaruusoikeus --- drept cosmic --- direito do espaço --- δίκαιο του διαστήματος --- e drejtë për hapësirën jashtëtokësore --- dritt spazjali --- меѓународно вселенско право --- mezinárodní kosmické právo --- világűr joga --- atmosfääriväline ruum --- yttre rymd --- svemirski prostor --- vesolje --- kosminė erdvė --- Weltraum --- spazio extra-atmosferico --- spazju ekstratmosferiku --- ārpusatmosfēras telpa --- kozmický priestor --- espacio ultraterrestre --- extra-atmospheric space --- buitenatmosferische ruimte --- przestrzeń kosmiczna --- ванатмосферски простор --- διάστημα --- пространство надвор од атмосферата --- kosmický prostor --- hapësira jashtatmosferike --- космическо пространство --- espaço extra-atmosférico --- világűr --- spațiu extraatmosferic --- ilmakehän ulkopuolinen avaruus --- rummet uden for atmosfæren --- вселена --- det ydre rum --- kosmos --- космос --- nadzračni prostor --- vesmír --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare publike --- Völkerrecht --- međunarodno javno pravo --- mednarodno javno pravo --- folkeret --- Derecho internacional público --- международно публично право --- direito internacional público --- internationaal publiekrecht --- public international law --- diritto internazionale pubblico --- folkrätt --- rahvusvaheline avalik õigus --- międzynarodowe prawo publiczne --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- δημόσιο διεθνές δίκαιο --- tarptautinė viešoji teisė --- dritt internazzjonali pubbliku --- starptautiskās publiskās tiesības --- mezinárodní právo veřejné --- меѓународно јавно право --- nemzetközi közjog --- drept internațional public --- medzinárodné verejné právo --- kansainvälinen julkisoikeus --- међународно јавно право --- Δίκαιο των εθνών --- право на самоопределување на народите --- viešoji tarptautinė teisė --- diritto delle genti --- Völkergewohnheitsrecht --- меѓународна заедница --- суверена еднаквост на државите --- меѓународен правен поредок --- überstaatliches Recht --- volkenrecht --- астронаутика --- astronautica --- αστροναυτική --- asztronautika --- astronautyka --- астронавтика --- astronavtika --- Navigation von Raumschiffen --- astronautică --- astronawtika --- astronautiikka --- astronáutica --- astronautika --- astronautik --- astronautics --- astronautikë --- ruimtevaartwetenschap --- kosmonautik --- kosmonautika --- spationautique --- ruimtevaarttechnologie --- космонаутика --- dlí idirnáisiúnta poiblí --- spásaireacht --- dlí an chianspáis --- spás seach-atmaisféarach --- Space industrialization - Law and legislation

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