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Ympäristö, politiikka ja julkisuus : Kolme tapaustutkimusta journalistisen julkisuuden rakentumisesta ja merkityksestä ympäristöpolitiikassa
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789523590120 9789523590137 Year: 2020 Publisher: Tampere, Suomi : Tampere University Press,

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"Drawing on the debate on mediatization of politics this study identifies cultural meanings, institutional practices and styles of argumentation as three theoretical dimensions that illuminate both the construction of journalistic publicity and its potential uses in political action. Based on the theoretical model, environmental politics is identified as a specific context for mediatization. In environmental politics, the interplay of cultural meanings, institutional practices and styles of argumentation define the construction and use of journalistic publicity in a way that differs from other fields of politics. The empirical part of this study analyzes the newspaper coverage of three Finnish environmental conflicts from 1971, 1994 and 2012. The theoretical model is transformed into an analytical framework that focuses on discursive construction of the conflicts (cultural meanings), journalistic frames, narration and opinion-giving in the coverage of the conflicts and the publicity practices adopted by actors during the conflicts (institutional practices) and legitimation of arguments (styles of argumentation). According to this study, the relation between media and politics in the field of environmental politics is defined by the increasing cultural significance of environmental protection from the 1970s to the present. In the newspaper coverage of the three environmental conflicts studied, changes on the frames, narration and opinion-giving of journalism resonated with this cultural change. However, the significance of environmental protection in the framing, narration and opinion-giving of journalism was greater in the national newspaper studied compared to the local newspapers selected based on their proximity to the conflict sites. Styles of argumentation appeared to be more case dependent. The increasing cultural significance of environmental protection did not have a clear effect on how arguments were legitimated.

Ympäristö, politiikka ja julkisuus : Kolme tapaustutkimusta journalistisen julkisuuden rakentumisesta ja merkityksestä ympäristöpolitiikassa
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Tampere, Suomi : Tampere University Press,

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"Drawing on the debate on mediatization of politics this study identifies cultural meanings, institutional practices and styles of argumentation as three theoretical dimensions that illuminate both the construction of journalistic publicity and its potential uses in political action. Based on the theoretical model, environmental politics is identified as a specific context for mediatization. In environmental politics, the interplay of cultural meanings, institutional practices and styles of argumentation define the construction and use of journalistic publicity in a way that differs from other fields of politics. The empirical part of this study analyzes the newspaper coverage of three Finnish environmental conflicts from 1971, 1994 and 2012. The theoretical model is transformed into an analytical framework that focuses on discursive construction of the conflicts (cultural meanings), journalistic frames, narration and opinion-giving in the coverage of the conflicts and the publicity practices adopted by actors during the conflicts (institutional practices) and legitimation of arguments (styles of argumentation). According to this study, the relation between media and politics in the field of environmental politics is defined by the increasing cultural significance of environmental protection from the 1970s to the present. In the newspaper coverage of the three environmental conflicts studied, changes on the frames, narration and opinion-giving of journalism resonated with this cultural change. However, the significance of environmental protection in the framing, narration and opinion-giving of journalism was greater in the national newspaper studied compared to the local newspapers selected based on their proximity to the conflict sites. Styles of argumentation appeared to be more case dependent. The increasing cultural significance of environmental protection did not have a clear effect on how arguments were legitimated.

Micropolitiques du boom minier
Authors: ---
ISSN: 02447827 ISBN: 9782811110598 2811110593 Year: 2013 Volume: 131 Publisher: Paris: Karthala,

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De nombreux pays africains ont, à l’instigation de la Banque mondiale, libéralisé leur secteur minier au cours de ces deux dernières décennies, ce qui leur a valu de connaître un afflux d’investisseurs privés d’origines diverses. Comment la mise en oeuvre de ces réformes est-elle négociée par les élites politiques, de la présidence aux édiles locaux ? Dans quelle mesure les comptoirs et les sociétés qui organisent l’exploitation minière artisanale facilitent-ils l’implantation de ces investisseurs ? Que deviennent, dans ce « new scramble » des ressources naturelles, les creuseurs artisanaux et les employés des anciennes entreprises minières ? De quelle façon les syndicats se positionnent-ils face à l’ordre économique et politique qui est en train de se mettre en place ? Au-delà des évaluations générales et normatives dont les investissements miniers font habituellement l’objet, ce numéro a pour ambition d’interroger la portée des changements qu’ils induisent en partant des espaces de lutte dans lesquels ils sont pris et des logiques d’action de ceux qui y prennent part. Sur la base de recherches menées au Burkina Faso, au Cameroun, en République démocratique du Congo et en Afrique du Sud, les contributions réunies ici proposent des pistes d’analyse originales pour décrypter les jeux micropolitiques qui président à la « formation » du boom minier en Afrique.


SEPA --- BPB1311 --- #SBIB:39A73 --- #SBIB:39A4 --- #SBIB:327.4H61 --- Afrique --- Exploitation minière --- mäetöö --- mijn --- рударски коп --- Bergwerksbetrieb --- kaivostoiminta --- oibríocht mhianadóireachta --- kopalnia --- rudarski obrat --- sfruttamento delle miniere --- gruvdrift --- kasybos darbai --- operat tal-minjieri --- minedrift --- exploração mineira --- důlní provoz --- explotación minera --- εξορυκτική επιχείρηση --- експлоатация на мини --- shfrytëzim i minierave --- rudarska djelatnost --- mining operation --- рударска активност --- ťažobná prevádzka --- exploatare minieră --- bányászati tevékenység --- raktuvju izmantošana --- cava --- povrchová ťažba --- bányamű --- dagbrottbrytning --- külszíni fejtés --- shfrytëzim i minierave në thellësi --- explotación a cielo abierto --- gurore --- allmaakaevandamine --- minierë --- kamenolom --- steengroeve --- рударско ископување --- ontginning in diepbouw --- bányaüzem --- Steinbruch --- avolouhos --- raktuve --- exploitation souterraine --- otvoreno rudarsko okno --- důl --- baňa --- ontginning in dagbouw --- cantera --- coltivazione con escavatori --- exploração subterrânea --- stenbrud --- podzemní těžba --- povrchová těžba --- exploatare minieră subterană --- deep mining --- carieră --- gropë e hapur për hedhje --- louhos --- impianto minerario --- mina --- μεταλλείο --- Untertagebetrieb --- coltivazione in sotterraneo --- kaivos --- gruva --- požeminiai kasybos darbai --- karjäär --- podzemná ťažba --- exploitation à ciel ouvert --- atklātās izrakteņu iegūšanas karjers --- explotación subterránea --- exploração a céu aberto --- mină --- ορυχείο --- Grubenbetrieb --- υπόγεια εκμετάλλευση --- stenbrott --- επιφανειακή εκμετάλλευση --- coltivazione a cielo aperto --- karjeras --- miniera --- exploatare minieră de suprafață --- atvirasis kasinys --- kaevandus --- Bergwerk --- rudnik --- рударска дејност --- λατομείο --- brytning ovan jord --- coltivazione manuale --- coltivazione a gradini --- open groeve --- pedreira --- ondergrondse ontginning --- syvä kaivos --- pazemes raktuvju izmantošana --- quarry --- mélybányászat --- open-cast pit --- lom --- carrière --- underjordsbrytning --- mine --- mélyművelés --- Tagebaubetrieb --- An Afraic --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Afrika --- Africa --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- Etnografie: Afrika --- Toegepaste antropologie --- Derde wereld: economische ontwikkeling --- Mines - Industrie - Afrique subsaharienne --- Mines - Industrie - Finances --- Mineral industries - Africa, Sub-Saharan --- Mineral industries - Finance --- Afrique subsaharienne - Politique et gouvernement - 1960 --- -Africa, Sub-Saharan - Politics and government - 1960 --- -Politics --- National wealth --- Economic structure --- Mines --- Mineral industries --- Afrique subsaharienne --- Africa, Sub-Saharan --- Politics

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