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Conflict management. --- Transitional justice --- Gestión de conflctos. --- Justicia transicional --- Justice --- Human rights --- Conflict control --- Conflict resolution --- Dispute settlement --- Management of conflict --- Managing conflict --- Management --- Negotiation --- Problem solving --- Social conflict --- Crisis management
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Justice, Administration of --- Administración de justicia --- Transitional justice --- Justicia de transición --- Justice --- Human rights --- Colombia. --- Colombie --- Estados Unidos de Colombia --- Gelunbiya --- Grã-Colômbia --- Gran Colombia --- Kolumbien --- Kolumbii͡ --- Koronbia --- Kūlūmbiy --- Neu-Granada --- República de Colombia --- United States of Colombia --- Justicia transicional --- Derechos humanos --- Reparación (Derecho) --- Justicia --- Violaciones
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This book focuses on the most important implications of the "fair hearing" right for conducting civil proceedings. It provides a thorough and critical analysis of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (the Strasbourg Court) regarding Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. It puts forward a generally applicable framework for the analysis of the various procedural issues to which the "fair hearing" right may give rise, then applies that framework to discuss a selection of specific procedural issues. The book investigates several important questions of general scope in the context of ECHR Article 6, such as: What is the relevance of case law regarding criminal proceedings when the "fair hearing" right is applied to civil proceedings? How does the Strasbourg Court actually proceed when evaluating whether specific court proceedings have been "fair"? What are the roles of fundamental concepts such as the "margin of appreciation" and proportionality in this regard? In the subsequent discussion of specific procedural issues, the focus is on the balance that must be struck between procedural safeguards and the objectives of efficiency and economy. The book considers specific procedural issues such as: When must an oral hearing be held in order for civil proceedings to be "fair"? When will a refusal of specific evidence render civil proceedings unfair? When is a civil litigant entitled to l egal aid? As such, the book not only presents current case law; it also compares various strands of the case law regarding the "fair hearing" right, and argues that the Strasbourg Court's approach to various pertinent issues needs to become more consistent. Offering an in-depth examination of the Strasbourg Court's case law regarding ECHR Article 6, this book should be consulted by anyone interested in fundamental fair trial rights.
Law - Europe, except U.K. --- Law - Non-U.S. --- Law, Politics & Government --- Fair trial --- Due process of law --- Right to a fair trial --- Trial, Fair --- Human Rights. --- European Law. --- Human rights. --- Law—Europe. --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Human rights --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Law and legislation --- Drets humans --- Drets civils (Dret internacional) --- Drets de l'home --- Drets de la persona --- Drets del ciutadà --- Comissions de la veritat --- Justícia transicional --- Dret i legislació --- Tribunal Europeu dels Drets de l'Home. --- Consell d'Europa. --- Tribunal Europeu de Drets Humans --- Tribunal Europeu dels Drets Humans --- Tribunal d'Estrasburg --- Cort Europea de Drets Humans --- European Court of Human Rights --- Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos --- Corte Europea de Derechos Humanos --- Tribunal Europeo de Derechos del Hombre --- Tribunal Europeo de los Derechos del Hombre --- Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo --- Cour européenne des droits de l'homme --- Europaischer Gerchtshof für Menschenrechte --- Tribunal Europeu dels Drets de l'Home (Estrasburg) --- Comissió Europea dels Drets de l'Home
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The volume gathers theoretical contributions on human rights and global justice in the context of international migration. It addresses the need to reconsider human rights and the theories of justice in connection with the transformation of the social frames of reference that international migrations foster. The main goal of this collective volume is to analyze and propose principles of justice that serve to address two main challenges connected to international migrations that are analytically differentiable although inextricably linked in normative terms: to better distribute the finite resources of the planet among all its inhabitants; and to ensure the recognition of human rights in current migration policies. Due to the very nature of the debate on global justice and the implementation of human rights and migration policies, this interdisciplinary volume aims at transcending the academic sphere and appeals to a large public through argumentative reflections. Challenging the Borders of Justice in the Age of Migrations represents a fresh and timely contribution. In a time when national interests are structurally overvalued and borders increasingly strengthened, it’s a breath of fresh air to read a book in which migration flows are not changed into a threat. We simply cannot understand the world around us through the lens of the ‘migration crisis’-a message the authors of this book have perfectly understood. Aimed at a strong link between theories of global justice and policies of border control, this timely book combines the normative and empirical to deeply question the way our territorial boundaries are justified. Professor Ronald Tinnevelt, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands This book is essential reading for those frustrated by the limitations of the dominant ways of thinking about global justice especially in relation to migration. By bringing together discussions of global justice, cosmopolitan political theory and migration, this collection of essays has the potential to transform the way in which we think and debate the critical issues of membership and movement. Together they present a critical interdisciplinary approach to international migration, human rights and global justice, challenging disciplinary borders as well as political ones. Professor Phil Cole, University of the West of England, UK.
Emigration and immigration. --- Immigration --- International migration --- Migration, International --- Population geography --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Colonization --- Political science --- Migration. --- Political theory. --- Social justice. --- Social sciences-Philosophy. --- Political Philosophy. --- Political Theory. --- Human Rights. --- Social Justice, Equality and Human Rights. --- Social Philosophy. --- Equality --- Justice --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Political philosophy --- Philosophy. --- Political philosophy. --- Human rights. --- Social sciences—Philosophy. --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Human rights --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Law and legislation --- Migració (Població) --- Drets humans (Dret internacional) --- Política migratòria --- Justícia social --- Filosofia social --- Ciències socials (Filosofia) --- Crítica social --- Filosofia de la societat --- Filosofia de les ciències socials --- Teoria social --- Filosofia --- Filosofia de l'educació --- Teoria crítica --- Metodologia de les ciències socials --- Igualtat --- Desigualtat social --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Política d'emigració --- Política d'immigració --- Política de migració --- Política governamental --- Dret internacional dels drets humans --- Dret internacional --- Drets humans --- Dret humanitari --- Justícia transicional --- Desplaçament de població --- Despoblament --- Emigració --- Emigració i immigració --- Immigració --- Migració internacional --- Migracions (Població) --- Migracions internacionals --- Població estrangera --- Geografia de la població --- Problemes socials --- Estrangers --- Fuga de cervells --- Migració de retorn --- Migració interna --- Refugiats --- Repatriació --- Transnacionalisme --- Trasllats de població --- Treballadors estrangers --- Assimilació (Sociologia) --- Colonització --- Migrants --- Political science.
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This book tells a story of Taiwan’s transformation from an authoritarian regime to a democratic system where human rights are protected as required by international human rights treaties. There were difficult times for human rights protection during the martial law era; however, there has also been remarkable transformation progress in human rights protection thereafter. The book reflects the transformation in Taiwan and elaborates whether or not it is facilitated or hampered by its Confucian tradition. There are a number of institutional arrangements, including the Constitutional Court, the Control Yuan, and the yet-to-be-created National Human Rights Commission, which could play or have already played certain key roles in human rights protections. Taiwan’s voluntarily acceptance of human rights treaties through its implementation legislation and through the Constitutional Court’s introduction of such treaties into its constitutional interpretation are also fully expounded in the book. Taiwan’s NGOs are very active and have played critical roles in enhancing human rights practices. In the areas of civil and political rights, difficult human rights issues concerning the death penalty remain unresolved. But regarding the rights and freedoms in the spheres of personal liberty, expression, privacy, and fair trial (including lay participation in criminal trials), there are in-depth discussions on the respective developments in Taiwan that readers will find interesting. In the areas of economic, social, and cultural rights, the focuses of the book are on the achievements as well as the problems in the realization of the rights to health, a clean environment, adequate housing, and food. The protections of vulnerable groups, including indigenous people, women, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) individuals, the disabled, and foreigners in Taiwan, are also the areas where Taiwan has made recognizable achievements, but still encounters problems. The comprehensive coverage of this book should be able to give readers a well-rounded picture of Taiwan’s human rights performance. Readers will find appealing the story of the effort to achieve high standards of human rights protection in a jurisdiction barred from joining international human rights conventions.
Constitutional law. --- Social justice. --- Human rights. --- Criminology. --- Constitutional Law. --- Human Rights. --- Social Justice, Equality and Human Rights. --- Human Rights and Crime . --- Crime --- Social sciences --- Criminals --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Human rights --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Equality --- Justice --- Constitutional law --- Constitutional limitations --- Constitutionalism --- Constitutions --- Limitations, Constitutional --- Public law --- Administrative law --- Study and teaching --- Law and legislation --- Interpretation and construction --- Drets humans (Dret internacional) --- Dret constitucional --- Justícia social --- Taiwan --- Igualtat --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Dret polític --- Dret --- Béns públics --- Constitucionalitat de les lleis --- Delegació de poders (Gestió) --- Democràcia --- Doctrina de facto --- Domini directe --- Dret a l'honor --- Drets adquirits --- Dret electoral --- Drets humans --- Drets polítics --- Estat de dret --- Federalisme --- Habeas corpus --- Incompatibilitat de càrrecs --- Iniciativa legislativa --- Jurisprudència constitucional --- Legislació --- Legislatura --- Llei marcial --- Monarquia --- Nacionalitat --- Parlaments --- Persones (Dret constitucional) --- Poder constitutiu --- Poder executiu --- Poder judicial --- Poder legislatiu --- Poders d'excepció --- Privilegis i immunitats --- Recurs d'empara --- Recurs d'inconstitucionalitat --- Referèndum --- Reformes constitucionals --- República --- Reserva de llei --- Separació de poders --- Sobirania --- Sufragi --- Constitucions --- Dret administratiu --- Successió política --- Tribunals constitucionals --- Dret internacional dels drets humans --- Dret internacional --- Dret humanitari --- Justícia transicional --- Chung-hua Min-kuo --- Formosa --- República de la Xina --- T'ai-wan --- Xina Nacionalista --- Àsia oriental --- Desigualtat social
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Treballadors --- Justícia --- Aprenentatge per experiència --- Educació --- Escolarització --- Civilització --- Art en l'educació --- Associacions de pares d'alumnes --- Autoaprenentatge --- Autogestió pedagògica --- Autonomia de l'alumne --- Avaluació educativa --- Ciències de l'educació --- Competències bàsiques en educació --- Comunicació en l'educació --- Diferències entre sexes en l'educació --- Discriminació en l'educació --- Dones en l'educació --- Educació afectiva --- Educació ambiental --- Educació clàssica --- Educació cívica --- Educació comparada --- Educació comunista --- Educació d'adults --- Educació i lleure --- Educació en valors --- Educació familiar --- Educació integral --- Educació islàmica --- Educació militar --- Educació del consumidor --- Educació i desenvolupament econòmic --- Educació permanent --- Educació sanitària --- Educació STEM --- Educació tecnològica --- Educació viària --- Educadors --- Escola a casa --- Estadística educativa --- Estudiants --- Estudis a l'estranger --- Exàmens --- Experiències educatives --- Extensió universitària --- Fotografia en l'ensenyament --- Mètodes d'estudi --- Pedagogia --- Psicologia de l'aprenentatge --- Ràdio en l'ensenyament --- Relacions família-escola --- Sexisme en l'educació --- Sistema educatiu --- Sistemes de comunicacions mòbils en l'educació --- Socialització --- Sociologia de l'educació --- Teatre en l'ensenyament --- Teatre escolar --- Televisió en l'ensenyament --- Treball de grup en educació --- Universitats --- Vídeo en l'ensenyament --- Coeducació --- Col·laboració universitat-empresa --- Disciplina mental --- Ensenyament --- Erudició --- Escoles --- Formació --- Legislació educativa --- Aprenentatge basat en l'experiència --- Aprenentatge experimental --- Aprenentatge --- Experiència --- Aprenentatge servei --- Aprenentatge actiu --- Injustícia --- Justícia i dret --- Moral pràctica --- Dret --- Ètica --- Igualtat davant la llei --- Justícia distributiva --- Justícia transicional --- Bé comú --- Imparcialitat --- Absentisme laboral --- Artesans --- Atur --- Classe mitjana --- Cooperatives de consum --- Participació dels treballadors en l'administració d'empreses --- Treballadores --- Treballadors autònoms --- Treballadors del sector terciari --- Treballadors del transport --- Treballadors migratoris --- Cerca de talents (Treball) --- Proletariat --- Treball --- Experiential learning. --- Professional education. --- Education, Professional --- Career education --- Education, Higher --- Technical education --- Experience-based learning --- Learning, Experiential --- Experience --- Learning --- Active learning --- Anàlisi de tasques en educació --- Associacions de mares i pares d'alumnes --- Educació.
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Judicial councils and other judicial self-government bodies have become a worldwide phenomenon. Democracies are increasingly turning to them to insulate the judiciary from the daily politics, to enhance independence and ensure judicial accountability. This book investigates the different forms of accountability and the taxonomy of mechanisms of control to determine a best practice methodology. The author expertly provides a meticulous analysis, using over 800 case studies from the Czech and Slovak disciplinary courts from 1993 to 2010 and creates a systematic framework the can be applied to future cases.
Judicial independence. --- Judicial power. --- Political questions and judicial power. --- Transitional justice. --- judicial power --- independence of the judiciary --- judge --- transitional justice --- case law --- Czechia --- Slovakia --- Slovakija --- Slovensko --- Σλοβακία --- Slovakkia --- Slowakei --- Slovacia --- Słowacja --- An tSlóvaic --- Slovakiet --- Slovaquie --- Slovaška --- Sllovakia --- Slovākija --- Република Словачка --- Slovacchia --- Словакия --- Slovakien --- Eslovaquia --- Eslováquia --- is-Slovakkja --- Szlovákia --- Slowakije --- Slovačka --- Словачка --- République slovaque --- Slovak Republic --- Repubblica slovacca --- República da Eslováquia --- Slovākijas Republika --- Republika Sllovake --- Slovenská republika --- Δημοκρατία της Σλοβακίας --- Republika Słowacka --- Slovakije --- Словашка република --- Slovaakse Republiek --- Den Slovakiske Republik --- ir-Repubblika Slovakka --- Szlovák Köztársaság --- República Eslovaca --- Slovačka Republika --- Slovakian tasavalta --- Republiken Slovakien --- Republica Slovacă --- Slovaki Vabariik --- Slovaška republika --- Σλοβακική Δημοκρατία --- Словакија --- die Slowakische Republik --- Slowaakse Republiek --- Slovakijos Respublika --- Poblacht na Seice --- Tjeckien --- Tsjechië --- Τσεχία --- Cechia --- Češka --- Czechy --- Čekija --- Tjekkiet --- Чешка Република --- Tschechien --- Tchéquie --- Csehország --- Tšehhi --- Čehija --- iċ-Ċekja --- Tšekki --- Chequia --- Чешка --- Republika Çeke --- Чехия --- Cehia --- Česko --- die Tschechische Republik --- Republika Czeska --- Češka republika --- Republiken Tjeckien --- République tchèque --- Česká republika --- ir-Repubblika Ċeka --- Τσεχική Δημοκρατία --- Tsjechische Republiek --- Чешка република --- Repubblica ceca --- Chéquia --- Den Tjekkiske Republik --- Tšehhi Vabariik --- Чехија --- Republica Cehă --- Češka Republika --- Čekijos Respublika --- Cseh Köztársaság --- Čehijas Republika --- Tšekin tasavalta --- República Checa --- cásdlí --- sodna praksa --- судска пракса --- giurisprudenza --- jurisprudență --- съдебна практика --- судска практика --- każistika --- jurisprudência --- soudcovské právo --- Rechtsprechung --- prípadové právo --- pretsedendiõigus --- jurisprudence --- retspraksis --- jurisprudentie --- νομολογία --- orzecznictwo --- praktikë gjyqësore --- sudska praksa --- esetjog --- rättspraxis --- teismų praktika --- oikeuskäytäntö --- jurisprudencia --- tiesu prakse --- teismų teisė --- преседан --- precedents --- ítélkezési gyakorlat --- jurisprudencija --- justiție de tranziție --- pereinamojo laikotarpio teisingumas --- justice transitionnelle --- justicia transicional --- tranzicijska pravda --- giustizia di transizione --- justiça transitória --- μεταβατική δικαιοσύνη --- övergångsrättvisa --- Übergangsjustiz --- átmeneti igazságszolgáltatás --- pārejas tiesiskums --- üleminekuperioodi õigusemõistmine --- tranzicijska pravičnost --- ġustizzja tranżizzjonali --- транзициска правда --- retsopgør i overgangsperioden --- overgangsjustitie --- přechodné soudnictví --- prechodné súdnictvo --- siirtymäkauden oikeusjärjestelyt --- правораздаване в условия на преход --- drejtësi kalimtare --- sprawiedliwość okresu przejściowego --- lustrācija --- reforma transitória do pessoal --- siirtymäkauden henkilöstöuudistus --- átmeneti közszolgálati reform --- prehodna kadrovska reforma --- retsopgør efter regimeskifte --- liustracija --- Unrechtsaufarbeitung --- üleminekuperioodi personalireform --- Lustration --- transitional personnel reform --- depuración ideológica --- renselse --- iestāžu personāla reforma pārejas posmā --- κάθαρση --- лустрация --- tranzicijska reforma o osoblju --- reforma kadrowa okresu przejściowego --- átvilágítás --- lustrace --- réforme transitionnelle du personnel --- reforma personalului în societățile în tranziție --- udrensning --- lustration --- pereinamojo laikotarpio žmogiškųjų išteklių reforma --- reforma transicional del personal --- giustizia transizionale --- overgangsjustits --- lustrácia --- lustratsioon --- virkakielto --- Übergangspersonalreform --- riforma tranżizzjonali tal-persunal --- transitionele personeelshervorming --- justiție tranzițională --- tisfija --- реформа по отношение на персонала в условията на преход --- μεταρρύθμιση μεταβατικού προσωπικού --- lustracija --- prechodná personálna reforma --- retsopgør efter regimeændring --- társadalmi megtisztulás --- riforma di transizione --- lustracja --- lustrazione --- saneamento --- zuivering --- lustrație --- gjyqtar --- sudca --- giudice --- Richter --- rechter --- kohtunik --- съдия --- судија --- judecător --- bíró --- δικαστής --- juge --- juez --- imħallef --- dommer --- sędzia --- soudce --- juiz --- tuomari --- sudac --- tiesnesis --- sodnik --- teisėjas --- domare --- judecător pentru minori --- undersøgelsesdommer --- судија на Врховен суд --- Untersuchungsrichter --- sbor soudců --- zittende magistratuur --- судија на Основен суд --- soudce kompetentní ve věcech dětí a mladistvých --- trup gjykues --- juge pour enfants --- tardytojas --- juiz de instrução --- giudice minorile --- rechter-commissaris --- juez de primera instancia --- δικαστής ανηλίκων --- tiesnesis referents --- Richteramt --- ettekandekohtunik --- magjistër për të mitur --- Richterschaft --- kinderrechter --- juiz de intervenção --- судија на Управен суд --- Jugendrichter --- domarkåren --- undersökningsdomare --- судија на Апелациски суд --- giudice istruttore --- dommerstand --- goda tiesnesis --- zbor sudcov --- magistrature assise --- magisztrátus --- soudní čekatel --- judicatura --- vyšetřující soudce --- juez de instrucción --- nepilnamečių bylų teismo teisėjas --- Richterstand --- judecător de instrucție --- juge d'instruction --- истражен судија --- the bench --- juez de distrito --- indipendenza del giudice --- ανακριτής --- Ermittlungsrichter --- juez de menores --- teisėjai --- examining magistrate --- magjistër hetues --- lapsia koskevia oikeudellisia asioita käsittelevä tuomari --- tuomarikunta --- children's magistrate --- kohtunikkond --- vyšetrujúci sudca --- magistratura giudicante --- sudca pre deti a mladistvých --- судија на Уставен суд --- istražni sudac --- judecător de primă instanță --- onderzoeksrechter --- rannsakningsdomare --- tutkintatuomari --- bírói testület --- domstolenes uafhængighed --- neodvisnost sodstva --- onafhankelijkheid van de rechterlijke macht --- nezávislosť súdnictva --- independencia de la justicia --- tiesu neatkarība --- независимост на правосъдието --- kohtute sõltumatus --- teismų nepriklausomumas --- pavarësia e gjyqësorit --- independență a justiției --- rättsväsendets oberoende --- Unabhängigkeit der Justiz --- indipendenza della giustizia --- bíróság függetlensége --- indépendance de la justice --- ανεξαρτησία της δικαιοσύνης --- независност судства --- niezawisłość sędziowska --- indipendenza tal-ġudikatura --- neovisnost sudstva --- независност на судството --- independência da justiça --- oikeuslaitoksen riippumattomuus --- nezávislost soudnictví --- судска независност --- bírósági függetlenség --- pavarësi gjyqësore --- tiesas neatkarība --- nezávislost soudů --- независност на правосудството --- tiesu sistēmas neatkarība --- independența sistemului judiciar --- judicial independence --- independence of the justice system --- teisingumo sistemos nepriklausomumas --- domstolarnas oberoende --- pavarësi e sistemit të drejtësisë --- kohtusüsteemi sõltumatus --- onafhankelijkheid van de rechtbanken --- nezávislost soudního rozhodování --- независност на судскиот систем --- neovisnost pravosuđa --- teisėjų nepriklausomumas --- независност на судовите --- kohtuvõim --- teisminė valdžia --- na breithiúna --- súdna právomoc --- władza sądownicza --- pushtet gjyqësor --- potere giudiziario --- rechterlijke macht --- setgħa ġudizzjarja --- dømmende myndighed --- sodna oblast --- richterliche Gewalt --- судска власт --- sudbena vlast --- съдебна власт --- putere judecătorească --- tuomiovalta --- dömande makt --- poder judicial --- tiesu vara --- δικαστική εξουσία --- bírói hatalom --- pouvoir judiciaire --- soudní pravomoc --- sudska vlast --- igazságszolgáltatás --- Consejo General del Poder Judicial --- soudcovská moc --- ordine giudiziario --- Judikative --- моќ за пресудување --- soudní moc --- pouvoir juridictionnel --- pouvoir de juridiction --- poder de jurisdição --- poder jurisdicional --- rechtsprechende Gewalt --- Judicial activism --- Judicial power and political questions --- Act of state --- Administrative discretion --- Judicial review --- Jurisdiction --- Law --- Rule of law --- Separation of powers --- Judiciary --- Justiciability --- Power, Judicial --- Constitutional law --- Courts --- Implied powers (Constitutional law) --- Judicial independence --- Independence of the judiciary --- Independent judiciary --- Judicial power --- Justice --- Human rights --- Political aspects --- cumhacht bhreithiúnach
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