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Mentale langegolfbewegingen : krijtlijnen tot 2021
ISBN: 9789038215709 Year: 2010 Publisher: Gent Academia Press

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Op basis van de theorie van de lange mentale golven waagt Helmut Gaus (1942), historicus en sociaal-wetenschapper, zich voor meer dan 30 thema's aan een korte toekomstschets voor het komende decennium.Centrale thema's zijn o.a. autoriteit en gezag, agressiviteit, familie, dood, emotionaliteit, etniciteit, identiteit, irrationaal gedrag, kunst, minderhden, mobiliteit, natuur, participatiegraad, postmodernisme, rituelen, religie...


Sociological theories --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Samenleving --- Geschiedenis --- Toekomstvisies --- BPB1006 --- Intellectuel --- Sociologie --- #SBIB:316.7C120 --- #SBIB:17H22 --- #SBIB:309H040 --- Intellectueel --- Cultuursociologie: algemene en theoretische werken --- Sociale wijsbegeerte: samenleving --- Populaire cultuur algemeen --- sociología --- socjologia --- sosiologia --- sociologi --- κοινωνιολογία --- sotsioloogia --- soċjoloġija --- социологија --- социология --- sociologija --- szociológia --- sociológia --- socioloģija --- sociology --- sociologia --- sociologie --- sociologji --- Soziologie --- gender studies --- Entwicklungssoziologie --- sociobiologie --- sociológia politického života --- интелектуалац --- intellectual --- intellettwali --- Intelligenzschicht --- intellektuel --- intelektuál --- intellettuale --- értelmiség --- intelektualci --- inteliģents --- intelektualac --- интелектуалец --- intelektual --- intellektuaal --- inteligence --- интелигенция --- älymystöön kuuluva --- inteligencja (warstwa spol.) --- intelectual --- intellectueel --- intelectualidad --- intellektuell --- intelektualas --- διανοούμενος --- интелигенција --- Schicht der Intellektuellen --- inteligjencia --- inteliģence --- intelligentsia --- intelectualitate --- haritlaskond --- inteligencija --- inteligencia --- entellektüel --- intelligents --- inteligent --- vzdělanec --- uomo di cultura --- inteligentija --- älymystö --- inteligentas --- Toekomstvisie --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- socheolaíocht --- intleachtóir

De intellectuele verleiding : gevaarlijke ideeën in de politiek.
ISBN: 9789035136670 Year: 2011 Publisher: Amsterdam Bert Bakker

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History of Europe --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- anno 2000-2009 --- anno 1800-1999 --- anno 1700-1799 --- histoire politique --- BPB1110 --- Intellectuel --- Philosophie politique --- politieke geschiedenis --- Intellectueel --- Politieke filosofie --- politikai filozófia --- political philosophy --- poliittinen filosofia --- politische Philosophie --- политическа философия --- politisk filosofi --- filosofia política --- politická filozofie --- politična filozofija --- politinė filosofija --- filosofía política --- politická filozofia --- poliitiline filosoofia --- politieke filosofie --- politička filozofija --- filosofia politica --- filozofia polityczna --- политичка филозофија --- πολιτική φιλοσοφία --- politikas filozofija --- filosofija politika --- filozofi politike --- filozofie politică --- poliitiline teooria --- политичко начело --- teoría política --- parim politik --- politisk princip --- politischer Grundsatz --- political principle --- politický princíp --- politikai elmélet --- théorie politique --- politiskā teorija --- politička teorija --- politische Theorie --- politický princip --- teori politike --- principio político --- politisk teori --- politikos teorija --- politinis principas --- politieke theorie --- politiska principer --- Staatsphilosophie --- politiskais princips --- teorie politică --- политички принцип --- principiu politic --- political theory --- politická teória --- politikai elv --- politická teorie --- principio politico --- teoria política --- principe politique --- πολιτική αρχή --- poliittinen periaate --- poliittinen teoria --- teoria politica --- poliitiline põhimõte --- politikai alapelv --- politiek principe --- princípio político --- političko načelo --- politologie --- πολιτική πρακτική --- интелектуалац --- intellectual --- intellettwali --- Intelligenzschicht --- intellektuel --- intelektuál --- intellettuale --- értelmiség --- intelektualci --- inteliģents --- intelektualac --- интелектуалец --- intelektual --- intellektuaal --- inteligence --- интелигенция --- älymystöön kuuluva --- inteligencja (warstwa spol.) --- intelectual --- intellectueel --- intelectualidad --- intellektuell --- intelektualas --- διανοούμενος --- интелигенција --- Schicht der Intellektuellen --- inteligjencia --- inteliģence --- intelligentsia --- intelectualitate --- haritlaskond --- inteligencija --- inteligencia --- entellektüel --- intelligents --- inteligent --- vzdělanec --- uomo di cultura --- inteligentija --- älymystö --- inteligentas --- fealsúnacht pholaitiúil --- intleachtóir --- philosophie politique --- intellectuel

Oeillères rouges : Complaisances intellectuelles avec les régimes totalitaires de gauche
ISBN: 9782390430070 Year: 2021 Publisher: Bruxelles CEP

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« Le métier des intellectuels, écrit Paul Valéry en 1926, est de remuer toutes choses sous leurs signes, noms ou symboles, sans le contrepoids des actes réels. Il en résulte que leurs projets sont étonnants, leur politique dangereuse, leurs plaisirs superficiels. Ce sont les excitants sociaux avec les avantages et les périls des excitants en général. » (Rhumbs) Que d’indignations sélectives chez les compagnons de route du communisme et de l’extrême gauche, supposés lettrés… La démocratie, les libertés, les droits de l’homme en bandoulière. Très bien. Dénoncer Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, les colonels grecs, Pinochet, les généraux argentins, Mobutu, etc., la liste est longue. Parfait. Mais pourquoi ces silences, au mieux les pudeurs, au pire les justifications de Lénine, Staline, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot et quelques autres seigneurs de moindre importance, mais non moins nocifs et repoussants ? Le négationnisme est insupportable. Il ne consiste pas seulement à nier l’entreprise génocidaire nazie. Sa politique d’extermination sur base raciale et politique. Il n’y a pas qu’un seul négationnisme. Hélas, la gauche a aussi ses Faurisson. Nier des crimes ou les justifier est impardonnable. Faire silence l’est tout autant.


BPB2104 --- régime autoritaire --- intellectuel --- sociologie --- regime autoritario --- autoritært styre --- avtoritarni režim --- autoritārais režīms --- autoritatívny režim --- regim autoritar --- autoritair stelsel --- reġim awtoritarju --- authoritarian regime --- autoritativní režim --- regjim autoritar --- autoritäres Regime --- autoritarinis režimas --- авторитарен режим --- autoritaarinen hallintojärjestelmä --- system autorytarny --- autoritárius rendszer --- autoritaarne režiim --- αυταρχικό καθεστώς --- auktoritärt styre --- ауторитарни режим --- autoritarni režim --- regime autoritário --- régimen autoritario --- totalitárius rendszer --- totalitarismus --- тоталитаризам --- totalitarinis režimas --- totalitarizëm --- totalitarizmas --- totalitarismi --- regjim totalitar --- totalitært styre --- ολοκληρωτικό καθεστώς --- Totalitarismus --- тоталитарен режим --- totalitär regim --- totalitarism --- totalitārisms --- ολοκληρωτισμός --- regime totalitário --- totalitarianism --- totalitair regime --- totalitaarinen hallintojärjestelmä --- totalitní režim --- totalitarni režim --- totalitarizmus --- régimen totalitario --- totalitarian regime --- totalitært regime --- totalitarisme --- totalita --- totalitaarne režiim --- totalitný režim --- totalitarizam --- tekintélyuralmi rendszer --- totalitäres Regime --- totalitní systém --- régime totalitaire --- totalitaarrežiim --- totalitarismo --- regime totalitario --- totalitný systém --- sociología --- socjologia --- sosiologia --- sociologi --- κοινωνιολογία --- sotsioloogia --- soċjoloġija --- социологија --- социология --- sociologija --- szociológia --- sociológia --- socioloģija --- sociology --- sociologia --- sociologji --- Soziologie --- gender studies --- Entwicklungssoziologie --- sociobiologie --- sociológia politického života --- интелектуалац --- intellectual --- intellettwali --- Intelligenzschicht --- intellektuel --- intelektuál --- intellettuale --- értelmiség --- intelektualci --- inteliģents --- intelektualac --- интелектуалец --- intelektual --- intellektuaal --- inteligence --- интелигенция --- älymystöön kuuluva --- inteligencja (warstwa spol.) --- intelectual --- intellectueel --- intelectualidad --- intellektuell --- intelektualas --- διανοούμενος --- интелигенција --- Schicht der Intellektuellen --- inteligjencia --- inteliģence --- intelligentsia --- intelectualitate --- haritlaskond --- inteligencija --- inteligencia --- entellektüel --- intelligents --- inteligent --- vzdělanec --- uomo di cultura --- inteligentija --- älymystö --- inteligentas --- réimeas forlámhach --- socheolaíocht --- intleachtóir --- régime autoritaire

Les intellectuels catholiques en Belgique francophone aux 19e et 20e siècles
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782874631993 287463199X Year: 2009 Volume: 10 16 Publisher: Louvain-la-Neuve Presses universitaires de Louvain

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Les intellectuels, dans leur diversité, constituent une catégorie particulière de la vie sociale et politique d'un pays. La question de leur statut, de leur place et de leur rôle au sein de la société s'est accompagnée d’un développement des recherches portant sur différents aspects de leur histoire: les hommes et les femmes, les groupes et les réseaux, les enjeux et les débats. Cet ouvrage focalise l’attention sur les intellectuels catholiques aux 19e et 20e siècles dans l’espace Wallonie-Bruxelles. Une mise en perspective théorique et historiographique présente la diversité et la multiplicité des travaux menés sur l’histoire intellectuelle, sur les intellectuels catholiques et sur leurs liens avec la Belgique francophone. Aux fins de procéder à un inventaire et à une analyse des personnes, des milieux et des thèmes concernés par l’engagement des intellectuels catholiques en Belgique francophone, les contributions de ce volume sont organisées en trois sections abordant les objets suivants: des parcours d’intellectuels; des milieux, groupes et réseaux; des thèmes, enjeux et débats.


Catholic intellectuals --- Intellectuels catholiques --- Élites --- --Intellectuels --- --Belgique francophone --- --Catholicisme --- --Intellectuels chrétiens --- --XIXe-XXIe s., --- 378.4 <493> --- intellectuelen --- Région Wallonne [gewest in land België - BE] --- Brussel Hoofdstedelijk Gewest [gewest in land België - BE] --- Intellectuel --- 305.552 --- 949.303 --- Universiteiten--België --- Intellectueel --- Social sciences Intelligentsia --- History Belgium 1830 - 1909 --- 378.4 <493> Universiteiten--België --- BPB1101 --- Catholicisme --- C1 --- katholicisme --- 949.3-13 --- Belgique --- Intellectuals --- 949.3-13 Geschiedenis van Wallonië --- Geschiedenis van Wallonië --- History --- Katholicisme --- Kerken en religie --- België --- Brussels (Belgium) --- Wallonia (Belgium) --- Wallonie (Belgium) --- Région wallonne (Belgium) --- Bruxelles (Belgium) --- Brussel (Belgium) --- Bruxella (Belgium) --- Brocela (Belgium) --- Brocsela (Belgium) --- Brohsela (Belgium) --- Brosella (Belgium) --- Brucellae (Belgium) --- Brucsella (Belgium) --- Bruesella (Belgium) --- Bruocsella (Belgium) --- Bruolisela (Belgium) --- Brusella (Belgium) --- Brussella (Belgium) --- Bruxelae (Belgium) --- Bruxellae (Belgium) --- Bruxsella (Belgium) --- Proxola (Belgium) --- Bruxelas (Belgium) --- Bruselj (Belgium) --- Bryssel (Belgium) --- Haren (Belgium) --- Intellectual life. --- Sociology of cultural policy --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 1800-1899 --- Wallonia --- Brussels --- Intellectual life --- Histoire --- Belgium --- Vie intellectuelle --- 19th century --- 20th century --- Catholic Church --- интелектуалац --- intellectual --- intellettwali --- Intelligenzschicht --- intellektuel --- intelektuál --- intellettuale --- értelmiség --- intelektualci --- inteliģents --- intelektualac --- интелектуалец --- intelektual --- intellektuaal --- inteligence --- интелигенция --- älymystöön kuuluva --- inteligencja (warstwa spol.) --- intelectual --- intellectueel --- intelectualidad --- intellektuell --- intelektualas --- διανοούμενος --- интелигенција --- Schicht der Intellektuellen --- inteligjencia --- inteliģence --- intelligentsia --- intelectualitate --- haritlaskond --- inteligencija --- inteligencia --- entellektüel --- intelligents --- inteligent --- vzdělanec --- uomo di cultura --- inteligentija --- älymystö --- inteligentas --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Katholizismus --- katolicizem --- katolicizmus --- katolicisms --- katolisuus --- katolicismus --- catolicism --- katalikybė --- katoliiklus --- katolicyzm --- katolicisme --- католицизам --- katolicizam --- καθολικισμός --- Catholicism --- katolicizëm --- cattolicesimo --- katolicism --- католицизъм --- catolicismo --- papežství --- katolická víra --- katholische Kirche --- katolické náboženství --- římskokatolická církev --- католичка црква --- katolická věrouka --- pausdom --- katolická církev --- katechismus --- papauté --- katolictví --- католичка вера --- papado --- církev římskokatolická --- католичка веронаука --- katolikus vallás --- римокатоличка црква --- påvedöme --- intleachtóir --- Caitliceachas --- Intellectuels --- Intellectuels chrétiens --- XIXe-XXIe s., 1801-2100 --- Catholic intellectuals - Belgium - Wallonia - History --- Catholic intellectuals - Belgium - Brussels - History --- Belgique francophone --- Wallonia (Belgium) - Intellectual life --- Brussels (Belgium) - Intellectual life --- Wallonie (belgique) --- 1800 --- -Belgique --- Bruxelles (belgique) --- -Vie intellectuelle --- 19e siècle --- 20e siècle

Restarting the future : how to fix the intangible economy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 069123602X 0691211582 9780691211589 9780691236025 Year: 2022 Publisher: Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press,

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"Restarting the Future argues that the big economic challenges facing the world are the result of our failure to deal with the implications of an economy dependent on knowledge, ideas and relationships. It examines why making this transition is so hard, and looks at ways forward in the fields of public policy, business and finance. The troubling state of rich-world economies (low productivity growth, high inequality, populist instability, climate crisis) is significantly the result of the troubled and incomplete shift to a new type of economy - specifically, the move from an economy dependent on tangible capital to one dependent on intangible capital. At the heart of the problem is a significant slowdown in the pace of intangible investment since the financial crisis. (There were some early signs of this at the time the authors were writing their previous book, Capitalism without Capital, but new data now makes the severity and persistence of this slowdown clear.) This slowdown has happened because we lack the right institutions and strategies to encourage intangible investment and channel it effectively. What is more, there are significant groups with an interest in stopping these new institutions emerging. Contrary to the dominant narrative that focuses on the tension between a successful, future-facing "elite" and a mass of low-status "left-behinds", the authors argue that many of the people and organisations with an interest in holding back the future are affluent and high-status, including affluent retirees, established financial institutions and graduate knowledge workers. Haskel & Westlake survey attempts to fix these institutional problems, explaining how they work in the context of the intangible economy, and what the upside to solving them might be. They describe interesting and topical policy experiments and business strategies (such as Preston's Local Economic Strategy, or topical new business models like WeWork and CloudKitchens) and set them in a novel economic context. (Specifically, these sections look at city policy, business finance and investment, public investment, competition policy, monetary policy, mitigating climate change and business strategies for tangible-based firms. The authors close the book with a political programme for how to get over the teething troubles of the new economy"--


Business planning. --- Intangible property --- Intellectual capital --- Investments. --- Organizational change. --- BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economics / General. --- Economic aspects. --- Management. --- Access IS. --- Advocacy group. --- Agriculture (Chinese mythology). --- Agriculture. --- Anecdotal evidence. --- Angel investor. --- Asset. --- Balance of trade. --- Balance sheet. --- Benjamin Graham. --- Blurred Lines. --- Business model. --- Central bank. --- Certification. --- Cess. --- Circumstantial evidence. --- Commercial bank. --- Credit risk. --- Crowdfunding. --- Customer. --- Debenture. --- Debt. --- Dispute (credit card). --- Donald Trump. --- Douglass North. --- Drug discovery. --- Economic growth. --- Economist. --- Economy. --- Electric field. --- Emerging technologies. --- Employment. --- Entrepreneurship. --- Estimation. --- Financial crisis. --- Financial institution. --- Financial regulation. --- Financier. --- Fiscal policy. --- Funding. --- Further education. --- G. (novel). --- Goodhart's law. --- Goods and services. --- Government bond. --- Government procurement. --- Grow the Pie (phrase). --- Housing association. --- Impurity. --- Income. --- Industry Group. --- Institution. --- Intangible Cost. --- Intangible asset. --- Intellectual property. --- Interest rate. --- Investment. --- Legal monopoly. --- Liberal elite. --- Macroeconomics. --- Magnetic reconnection. --- Nonlinear system. --- Northern Italy. --- Patent thicket. --- Patent troll. --- Payment. --- Personal protective equipment. --- Perverse incentive. --- Physical change. --- Politician. --- Popularity. --- Populism. --- Pricing. --- Real estate appraisal. --- Regulatory reform. --- Research and development. --- Safe Asset. --- Separatrix (mathematics). --- Shareholder value. --- Shareholder. --- Shortage. --- Software. --- Speculation. --- Stagnation point. --- State government. --- Subsidy. --- Technical debt. --- Technology. --- U.S. Steel. --- United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016. --- Value investing. --- Virginia Raggi. --- Wealth. --- When Genius Failed. --- Wide Variety. --- Work–life balance. --- Xerox. --- Year. --- YouTube. --- Zimbabwe. --- Change, Organizational --- Organization development --- Organizational development --- Organizational innovation --- Management --- Organization --- Manpower planning --- Investing --- Investment management --- Portfolio --- Finance --- Disinvestment --- Loans --- Saving and investment --- Speculation --- Incorporeal property --- Intangible assets --- Intangibles --- Property --- Business enterprises --- Business plans --- Corporate planning --- Corporate strategy --- Corporations --- Strategy, Corporate --- Planning --- Strategic planning --- Law and legislation --- intangible asset. --- intellectual capital. --- economic conditions. --- investment. --- нематериален актив --- immaterielt aktiv --- activo inmaterial --- activ necorporal --- nematerijalna imovina --- нематеријално средство --- bene immateriale --- ativo intangível --- immateriell tillgång --- aineeton omaisuus --- nematerialusis turtas --- sócmhainn dholáimhsithe --- immateriális javak --- wartości niematerialne i prawne --- immateriaalne vara --- nehmotný majetok --- assi intanġibbli --- neopredmeteno sredstvo --- нематеријална имовина --- immaterieller Vermögenswert --- nemateriālais aktīvs --- nehmotné aktivum --- immateriële activa --- άυλο περιουσιακό στοιχείο --- actif incorporel --- neviditelné aktivum --- immateriális eszköz --- capitale intangibile --- ativo invisível --- netaustāmais aktīvs --- aineeton tuote --- bene intangibile --- nematerialna sredstva --- propriété incorporelle --- ass inviżibbli --- bien immatériel --- нематериално благо --- usynligt aktiv --- nehmotný majetek --- intangible good --- ativo incorpóreo --- immaterielt gode --- netaustāmais pamatlīdzeklis --- proprjetà intanġibbli --- nicht körperlicher Gegenstand --- invisible asset --- nematerijalno vlasništvo --- nehmotné statky --- bienes intangibles --- bien incorporel --- immateriel ejendom --- dobra niematerialne --- нематериална вещ --- nemateriālais īpašums --- actif immatériel --- άυλο αγαθό --- αόρατο περιουσιακό στοιχείο --- bem intangível --- bene intanġibbli --- intangible property --- nematerialno premoženje --- nehmotný statok --- nematerialna dobrina --- immaterielles Gut --- nemateriālais pamatlīdzeklis --- activ invizibil --- nemateriāla prece --- actif invisible --- nematerialus turtas --- nematerijalno dobro --- propriedade intangível --- immateriell egendom --- нематериална стока --- nematerijalna sredstva --- immobilisation incorporelle --- onzichtbare activa --- nevidno sredstvo --- aktywa niematerialne i prawne --- bunuri necorporale --- neviditeľný majetok --- bun necorporal --- ativo imaterial --- produto intangível --- activos invisibles --- immateriële vaste activa --- näkymätön omaisuus --- ulaganje --- infheistíocht --- inwestycje --- naložba --- investeering --- investiții --- investiment --- beruházás --- Investition --- инвестиция --- investering --- investicija --- investissement --- investice --- улагање --- инвестиција --- inversión --- investimento --- investim --- investointi --- investícia --- ieguldījumi --- επένδυση --- capital expenditure --- kapitāla ieguldījumu prasības --- investiranje --- infheistiú --- kapitálové investice --- necessidades de investimento --- investeringsnoodzaak --- Investitionsbedarf --- inversión de capitales --- kapitalo investicijų poreikis --- investeerimine --- necesidades de inversión --- kapitálové investičné požiadavky --- capital investment requirement --- kërkesë për investime kapitale --- Kapitalinvestition --- rischio di investimento --- necesitatea investițiilor de capital --- cheltuieli de capital --- tasso d'investimento --- beruházási igény --- shpenzime kapitale --- kapitali investeerimisnõue --- kapitálové výdavky --- befektetés --- investeringsbehov --- befektetési igény --- besoin d'investissement --- капитална инвестиција --- kapitālieguldījumu izdevumi --- επενδυτική ανάγκη --- investoinnit --- investiční výdaje --- investavimas --- propensione agli investimenti --- kapitaalinvestering --- fabbisogno d'investimento --- kapitalinvestering --- kapitalinės išlaidos --- επένδυση κεφαλαίων --- investimento de capitais --- investissement de capitaux --- majandustingimused --- condición económica --- dálaí eacnamaíocha --- икономически условия --- condition économique --- ekonomiska förhållanden --- ekonomické podmínky --- kushte ekonomike --- ekonominės sąlygos --- taloudelliset olot --- економски услови --- Wirtschaftsverhältnisse --- økonomisk stilling --- економске прилике --- condições económicas --- economische toestand --- warunki gospodarcze --- ekonomske prilike --- hospodárske podmienky --- gospodarske razmere --- gazdasági feltételek --- condizione economica --- οικονομικές συνθήκες --- kundizzjonijiet ekonomiċi --- saimnieciskie nosacījumi --- condiții economice --- aspecto económico --- tržní vývoj --- aspekt ekonomik --- aspetto economico --- aspeto económico --- οικονομική πλευρά --- ekonomisk aspekt --- околности во стопанството --- aspect economic --- markedsudvikling --- taloudellinen näkökohta --- οικονομική όψη --- ekonomiskais aspekts --- hospodářské podmínky --- economic aspect --- ekonomické poměry --- aspect économique --- majanduslik aspekt --- Marktentwicklung --- gazdasági szempontok --- економско опкружување --- economische aspecten --- gospodarske prilike --- ekonominis aspektas --- hospodárske hľadisko --- hospodářské aspekty --- økonomisk aspekt --- економски аспект --- capital intellectuel --- intellektuel kapital --- intelektualni kapital --- интелектуален капитал --- intelektuálny kapitál --- intellektuellt kapital --- kapitał intelektualny --- capitale intellettuale --- intellektuelles Kapital --- kapital intelektual --- διανοητικό κεφάλαιο --- henkilöpääoma --- duševní kapitál --- caipiteal intleachtúil --- intelektuālais kapitāls --- интелектуални капитал --- szellemi tőke --- intellectueel kapitaal --- intelektinis kapitalas --- intellektuaalne kapital --- il-kapitali intelletwali --- capital intelectual --- капитал на знаење --- διανοητικοί πόροι --- recursos intelectuales --- ressource intellectuelle --- intellektuell resurs --- knowledge capital --- henkinen resurssi --- duševní zdroje --- intelektuální kapitál --- znalostní kapitál --- kapital spretnosti --- prasmju kapitāls --- vědomostní kapitál --- zasób wiedzy --- skills capital --- propjetà intelletwali --- znalostný kapitál --- капитал на вештини --- geistige Ressource --- vedomostný potenciál --- žinių kapitalas --- tudás tőkéje --- geistiges Kapital --- intellectuele rijkdommen --- risorsa intellettuale --- kapital i aftësive --- zasób umiejętności --- kapital znanja --- άυλο κεφάλαιο --- įgūdžių kapitalas --- vaimne kapital --- zināšanu kapitāls --- intellektuel ressource --- készségek tőkéje --- recurso intelectual --- kapital i dijes --- Intangible property - Economic aspects --- Intellectual capital - Management --- Investments --- Business planning --- Organizational change --- management. --- economics. --- ekonomikas zinātne --- ekonomie --- xjenza ekonomika --- taloustiede --- економски науки --- ekonomija --- science économique --- Wirtschaftswissenschaft --- közgazdaságtan --- ekonomi politike --- ekonomia --- eacnamaíocht --- științe economice --- economische wetenschap --- οικονομική επιστήμη --- ciência económica --- majandusteadus --- ekonómia --- ekonomika --- ekonomska znanost --- ciencia económica --- økonomisk videnskab --- ekonomisk vetenskap --- економска наука --- икономическа наука --- scienze economiche --- οικονομική θεωρία --- hospodářská teorie --- politická ekonómia --- taloustieteellinen teoria --- teori ekonomike --- политичка економија --- teoria económica --- economic theory --- economische theorie --- politikai gazdaságtan --- ekonomska teorija --- ekonomikos mokslai --- πολιτική οικονομία --- politisk ekonomi --- economía política --- економика --- politinė ekonomija --- Wirtschaftstheorie --- politička ekonomija --- økonomisk teori --- teoria economica --- teoría económica --- politieke economie --- poliitökonoomia --- politiskā ekonomija --- economic science --- théorie économique --- teorie economică --- Volkswirtschaftslehre --- poliittinen taloustiede --- ekonomisk teori --- économie politique --- shkencë ekonomike --- political economics --- ekonomikos teorija --- ekonomická teória --- ekonomická nauka --- political economy --- ekonomická teorie --- majandusteooria --- ekonomikas teorija --- economia politica --- economie politică --- economia política --- gazdaságelmélet --- економска теорија --- národohospodářství --- Nationalökonomie --- maniġment --- poslovodenje --- valdymas --- pārvaldība --- gestione --- johtaminen --- gestión --- ledning --- управување --- zarządzanie --- gestão --- management --- beheer --- пословодство --- διαχείριση --- manažment --- menaxhim --- menedzsment --- управление --- bainistíocht --- gestion --- menadžment --- juhtimine --- ledelse --- lyderystė --- ledarskap --- förvaltningssätt --- politica di gestione --- ledelsesform --- Betriebs- und Geschäftsleitung --- știința conducerii --- vezető szerep --- vállalat vezetése --- styring --- водеща роля --- Führung --- vedení --- johtajuus --- forma de gestão --- раководење --- mode de gestion --- amministrazione d'impresa --- upravljanje --- liderança --- vodstvo --- leadership --- poslovodstvo --- vadyba --- tmexxija --- capacités d’encadrement --- lederskab --- vadovavimas --- strategia di gestione --- vadovybė --- ηγεσία --- līderība --- capacități de conducere --- üzletvezetés --- řídicí aparát --- przywództwo --- менаџмент --- piano di gestione --- Managementmethode --- vodenje --- direzione operativa --- wijze van beheer --- vezetés --- liderazgo --- μάνατζμεντ --- líderstvo --- leiderschap --- Economic conditions. Economic development --- Business management

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