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A Review of the Anthropological Literature on the Civil Service
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper reviews anthropological literature on the topic of how and why civil services function as they do. The paper considers the formal and informal rules that structure bureaucratic practice, including the effects of institutional history or culture. The review examines how bureaucrats understand or experience their work, such as the rules that guide them; the clients, bosses, or employees with whom they interact; and their own actions. Finally, the review considers what methodological or ethical challenges are posed by the study of bureaucracies. The first section explores normative expectations of organizational practice and how they shape scholars' accounts of the nature of bureaucratic power. The second section focuses on bureaucratic decision making, scrutinizing how institutional goals manifest in specific practices. The third section considers how sociocultural structures bear on bureaucratic practice, including the question of how organizational history and culture might complicate efforts at institutional reform. The fourth section engages with questions of knowledge production, ignorance, and indeterminacy, reviewing recent literature that questions the presumed role of bureaucracies and states as producers of knowledge. The fifth section explores the conceptual and practical methodological challenges faced by field researchers at institutions, and points toward key areas for future research.

Etude sur le secteur prive de la sante en Republique du Congo.
ISBN: 0821394983 Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Le Congo est engage dans un processus de reformes economiques et sociales depuis le milieu des annees 80. Ces reformes structurelles visent la restructuration du secteur public, le desengagement de l'Etat de la sphere de production, la restructuration et la promotion du secteur prive. Les structures du secteur prive sont representees par les cliniques, les centres medico-sociaux, les cabinets medicaux, et les cabinets de soins. L'une des orientations de la politique nationale de sante stipule que l'Etat doit redefinir ses responsabilites en ouvrant le secteur de la sante a d'autres acteurs institutionnels, prives, et associatifs. Cette redistribution des charges permettra a l'Etat de s'acquitter reellement de ses obligations de service public en matiere d'offre des soins de qualite et de participation a la lutte contre la pauvrete. Le rapport du bureau d'etudes HERA realise avec l'appui de la Societe Financiere Internationale (IFC) du groupe de la Banque mondiale indique que le developpement du secteur prive de la sante en vue de son integration dans les politiques globales publiques est possible a condition de travailler sur les points ci-apres : (i) Utiliser le secteur prive pour fournir des services en encourageant le secteur public et les donateurs a travailler plus etroitement avec lui ; (ii) Modifier les politiques et les reglementations locales de maniere a appuyer et mobiliser le secteur prive, en simplifiant les formalites administratives, en liberalisant les reglementations sur les ressources humaines, et en diminuant les droits de douanes et les autres obstacles a l'importation. En outre, ce rapport a conduit aux resultats ci-apres : (i) Une proposition de strategie claire et une serie de suggestions pour le gouvernement, afin d'ameliorer la collaboration des deux secteurs, public et prive ; (ii) Un interet accru a participer au developpement du secteur prive dans le pays manifeste par les partenaires financiers, assureurs, investisseurs et operateurs d'Afrique et d'ailleurs.

Tax Evasion in Africa and Latin America : The Role of Distortionary Infrastructures and Policies
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper examines the impact of the quality of the business environment as well as the monitoring capacity of the tax agency on firms' tax evasion and production decisions. First, the paper uses firm-level data for 30 African and Latin American countries to show that tax evasion and distortions stemming from the business environment are positively and significantly correlated, while sales not reported for tax purposes and institutional quality are negatively and significantly correlated. Second, the paper develops a general equilibrium model where heterogeneous firms make tax evasion decisions based on their assessment of the quality of their business environment as well as the monitoring capacity of the tax agency. The model simulations for each country in the African and Latin American sample show that the model can explain 35 percent of the variation in tax evasion and more than 49 percent of the dispersion in output per worker across the sample countries. Finally, a series of counterfactual experiments shows that, at the current level of deterrence, governments could decrease sales not reported for tax purposes by 21 percent, by reducing distortions stemming from the business environment by half. The paper presents empirical supporting evidence consistent with testable predictions of the model.

Proposals for WTO reform : A synthesis and assessment
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper summarizes the major arguments and proposals to reform the modus operandi of the World Trade Organization-including decision-making procedures, negotiating modalities, and dispute settlement. Much has already been done to improve the internal and external transparency of World Trade Organization processes. Some proposals for structural reform ignore incentive constraints and the fact that the World Trade Organization is an incomplete contract that must be self-enforcing. Others-such as calls for a "critical mass" approach to negotiations-can already be pursued (and have been). The agenda for international cooperation increasingly revolves around "behind-the-border" regulatory externalities that do not necessarily lend themselves to binding commitments in a trade agreement. This suggests a focus on strengthening notification/surveillance and developing more effective mechanisms for dialogue on regulatory policies that may create negative spillovers.

Proposals for WTO reform : A synthesis and assessment
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper summarizes the major arguments and proposals to reform the modus operandi of the World Trade Organization-including decision-making procedures, negotiating modalities, and dispute settlement. Much has already been done to improve the internal and external transparency of World Trade Organization processes. Some proposals for structural reform ignore incentive constraints and the fact that the World Trade Organization is an incomplete contract that must be self-enforcing. Others-such as calls for a "critical mass" approach to negotiations-can already be pursued (and have been). The agenda for international cooperation increasingly revolves around "behind-the-border" regulatory externalities that do not necessarily lend themselves to binding commitments in a trade agreement. This suggests a focus on strengthening notification/surveillance and developing more effective mechanisms for dialogue on regulatory policies that may create negative spillovers.

Governing the pandemic : the politics of navigating a mega-crisis
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030726800 3030726797 Year: 2021 Publisher: Springer Nature

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This open access book offers unique insights into how governments and governing systems, particularly in advanced economies, have responded to the immense challenges of managing the coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing disease COVID-19. Written by three eminent scholars in the field of the politics and policy of crisis management, it offers a unique ‘bird’s eye’ view of the immense logistical and political challenges of addressing a worst-case scenario that would prove the ultimate stress test for societies, governments, governing institutions and political leaders. It examines how governments and governing systems have (i) made sense of emerging transboundary threats that have spilled across health, economic, political and social systems (ii) mobilised systems of governance and often fearful and sceptical citizens (iii) crafted narratives amid high uncertainty about the virus and its impact and (iv) are working towards closure and a return to ‘normal’ when things can never quite be the same again. The book also offers the building blocks of pathways to future resilience. Succeeding and failing in all these realms is tied in with governance structures, experts, trust, leadership capabilities and political ideologies. The book appeals to anyone seeking to understand ‘what’s going on?’, but particularly academics and students across multiple disciplines, journalists, public officials, politicians, non-governmental organisations and citizen groups.

Helpful Governments
Year: 2008 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper provides an alternative way of testing the theory of legal origins, one based on a firm's perception of how helpful the government is for doing business. The author argues that an approach based on firm perceptions offers a number of advantages over existing studies. Specifically, the analysis demonstrates that heavier regulation in civil law compared with common law countries is not viewed by businesses as an efficient and socially desirable response to disorder. Further, the findings show a strong effect of legal tradition on government helpfulness even after controlling for various institutional measures known to be correlated with the legal tradition of countries. This suggests that there is more to legal tradition than what existing studies have unearthed.

Context Is Everything : Measuring Institutional Change in Transition Economies
Year: 2000 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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January 2000 - What aspects of institution building most affect the transition to a market economy? In terms of effects on per capita income and school enrollment, the rule of law may be most important. In terms of life expectancy, the quality of the bureaucracy plays a more crucial role. Campos presents measures with which to map institution building during the transition from centrally planned to market economies. Data collection and indicators are measured in terms of five institutional dimensions of governance: Accountability of the executive; Quality of the bureaucracy; Rule of law; Character of policymaking process; Strength of civil society. Campos highlights the differences over time and between Central and Eastern European countries and those of the former Soviet Union. In terms of effects on per capita income and school enrollment, Campos finds the rule of law to be the most important institutional dimension, both for the sample as a whole and for differences between the two regions. In terms of life expectancy, however, the quality of the bureaucracy plays the most crucial role. One important message Campos draws from the results is that institutions do change over time and are by no means as immutable as the literature has suggested. The range of feasible policy choices (for changing institutions) may be much wider than is often assumed. This paper is a product of Development Policy, Development Economics Senior Vice Presidency. The author may be contacted at

Context Is Everything : Measuring Institutional Change in Transition Economies
Year: 2000 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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January 2000 - What aspects of institution building most affect the transition to a market economy? In terms of effects on per capita income and school enrollment, the rule of law may be most important. In terms of life expectancy, the quality of the bureaucracy plays a more crucial role. Campos presents measures with which to map institution building during the transition from centrally planned to market economies. Data collection and indicators are measured in terms of five institutional dimensions of governance: Accountability of the executive; Quality of the bureaucracy; Rule of law; Character of policymaking process; Strength of civil society. Campos highlights the differences over time and between Central and Eastern European countries and those of the former Soviet Union. In terms of effects on per capita income and school enrollment, Campos finds the rule of law to be the most important institutional dimension, both for the sample as a whole and for differences between the two regions. In terms of life expectancy, however, the quality of the bureaucracy plays the most crucial role. One important message Campos draws from the results is that institutions do change over time and are by no means as immutable as the literature has suggested. The range of feasible policy choices (for changing institutions) may be much wider than is often assumed. This paper is a product of Development Policy, Development Economics Senior Vice Presidency. The author may be contacted at

Helpful Governments
Year: 2008 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper provides an alternative way of testing the theory of legal origins, one based on a firm's perception of how helpful the government is for doing business. The author argues that an approach based on firm perceptions offers a number of advantages over existing studies. Specifically, the analysis demonstrates that heavier regulation in civil law compared with common law countries is not viewed by businesses as an efficient and socially desirable response to disorder. Further, the findings show a strong effect of legal tradition on government helpfulness even after controlling for various institutional measures known to be correlated with the legal tradition of countries. This suggests that there is more to legal tradition than what existing studies have unearthed.

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