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The power of networks : six principles that connect our lives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1400884071 9781400884070 Year: 2017 Publisher: Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford, [England] : Princeton University Press,

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What makes WiFi faster at home than at a coffee shop? How does Google order search results? Is it really true that everyone on Facebook is connected by six steps or less? The Power of Networks answers questions like these for the first time in a way that all of us can understand. Using simple language, analogies, stories, hundreds of illustrations, and no more math than simple addition and multiplication, Christopher Brinton and Mung Chiang provide a smart and accessible introduction to the handful of big ideas that drive the computer networks we use every day. The Power of Networks unifies these ideas through six fundamental principles of networking. These principles explain the difficulties in sharing network resources efficiently, how crowds can be wise or not so wise depending on the nature of their connections, why there are many layers in a network, and more. Along the way, the authors also talk with and share the special insights of renowned experts such as Google's Eric Schmidt, former Verizon Wireless CEO Dennis Strigl, and "fathers of the Internet" Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn.

Connected Vehicles
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319947850 3319947842 9783319947853 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

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This book introduces concepts and technologies of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). It describes state of the art safety communication protocol called Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC), currently being considered for adoption by the USDOT and automotive industry in the US. However, the principles of this book are applicable even if the underlying physical layer protocol of V2X changes in the future, e.g. V2X changes from DSRC to cellular-based connectivity. Fundamental ITS concepts include topics like global positioning system; Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle to Pedestrian (V2P), and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications; human-machine interface; and security and privacy. Fundamental concepts are sometimes followed by the real-life test experimental results (such as in V2P Chapter) and description of the performance metrics used to evaluate the results. This book also describes equations and math used in the development of the individual parts of the system. This book surveys current and previous publications for trending research in the ITS domain. It also covers state of the art standards that are in place for the DSRC in the US, starting from the application layer defined in SAE J2735 all the way to physical layer defined in IEEE 802.11. The authors provide a detailed discussion on what is needed to extend the current standards to accommodate future needs of the vehicle communications, such as needs for future autonomous vehicles. Programs and code examples accompany appropriate chapters, for example, after describing remote vehicle target classification function a pseudo code and description is provided. In addition, the book discusses current topics of the technology such as spectrum sharing, simulation, security, and privacy. The intended audience for this book includes engineering graduate students, automotive professionals/engineers, researchers and technology enthusiasts.


Intelligent transportation systems. --- Traffic Engineering. --- Telecommunication. --- Computer Communication Networks. --- Transportation Technology and Traffic Engineering. --- Communications Engineering, Networks. --- Electric communication --- Mass communication --- Telecom --- Telecommunication industry --- Telecommunications --- Communication --- Information theory --- Telecommuting --- Engineering, Traffic --- Road traffic --- Street traffic --- Traffic, City --- Traffic control --- Traffic regulation --- Urban traffic --- Highway engineering --- Transportation engineering --- Internet of Things --- intelligent transport system --- motor car --- information technology applications --- communications systems --- Internet de las cosas --- esineiden internet --- asjade internet --- Интернет ствари --- интернет на нещата --- internet rzeczy --- διαδίκτυο των πραγμάτων --- lietu internets --- Internet das Coisas --- Internet tal-Oġġetti --- internet věcí --- Интернет на нештата --- dolgok internete --- Internet der Dinge --- sakernas internet --- internet der dingen --- Internet des objets --- tingenes internet --- internet vecí --- daiktų internetas --- Idirlíon na nEarraí --- internetul obiectelor --- internet stvari --- Internet delle cose --- ΔτΠ --- Internet dos Objetos --- internet af ting --- Internet degli oggetti --- Idirlíon na Rudaí Nithiúla --- интернет на предметите --- asioiden internet --- IdC --- tárgyak internete --- IdO --- internet przedmiotów --- tavaroiden internet --- ИН --- IoT --- систем комуникација --- комуникациски системи --- комуникационни системи --- sistemet e komunikacionit --- σύστημα επικοινωνίας --- komunikačné systémy --- sistema di comunicazione --- kommunikationssystem --- ryšių sistemos --- komunikační systém --- komunikacijski sistem --- communicatiesysteem --- komunikacijski sustavi --- viestintäjärjestelmä --- sistema de comunicação --- kommunikációs rendszer --- sistem de comunicații --- system komunikowania --- système de communication --- sidesüsteem --- komunikācijas sistēmas --- Kommunikationssystem --- sistemi ta’ komunikazzjoni --- sistema de comunicación --- sakaru sistēmas --- дигитални комуникациски системи --- аналогни комуникациски системи --- applikazzjonijiet tat-teknoloġija informatika --- εφαρμογή της πληροφορικής --- aplikácie informačných technológií --- tietotekniikan käyttö --- namjenski programi informacijske tehnologije --- Informatikanwendung --- примена информационе технологије --- informationsteknikanvändning --- aplicații informatice --- informatização --- informacinių technologijų taikymas --- toepassing van informatica --- infotehnoloogia rakendused --- stosowanie technologii informatycznych --- uporaba informacijske tehnologije --- примена на информатичката технологија --- informatika alkalmazása --- application de l'informatique --- použití výpočetní techniky --- informatización --- informācijas tehnoloģijas lietojums --- anvendelse af edb --- приложения на информатиката --- applicazione dell'informatica --- aplikacione të informatikës --- komputerizace --- užití výpočetní techniky --- computerizace --- információtechnológiai alkalmazások --- informatisering --- aplikace výpočetní techniky --- апликации од информатичката технологија --- informacijos technologijos taikymas --- edb-isering --- μηχανογράφηση --- datorisering --- nasazení výpočetní techniky --- Computerisierung --- применети програми од информатичката технологија --- zavádění počítačů --- aplicación de la informática --- применети програми од информациската технологија --- informatizzazione --- informatisation --- апликативен софтвер --- využití výpočetní techniky --- компјутерски програми --- számítógépes alkalmazások --- IT-användning --- automóvel --- automóvil --- autó --- samochód --- automobiel --- lengvasis automobilis --- avtomobil --- аутомобил --- karozza --- Automobil --- automobil --- automobile --- bil --- αυτοκίνητο --- auto --- автомобил --- automobilis --- патничко возило --- silniční vozidlo --- Personenkraftwagen --- επιβατηγό αυτοκίνητο ιδιωτικής χρήσεως --- automóvel particular --- vieglais automobilis --- autoturism --- automjet --- sõiduauto --- dvoustopé vozidlo --- személygépkocsi --- osobný automobil --- voiture --- automjet privat --- mașină --- reisiauto --- automobile da turismo --- personiskais automobilis --- voiture particulière --- mootorveok --- automobil privat --- osobní vůz --- private car --- turistické vozidlo --- obytný vůz --- osobni automobil --- coche --- hyrbil --- tourist vehicle --- tūristu transportlīdzeklis --- Pkw --- моторни возила --- personbil --- voiture automobile --- súkromný automobil --- privatbil --- Wohnmobil --- privatvogn --- car --- vehículo automóvil --- personenwagen --- utilitaria --- Auto --- nuosavas automobilis --- veículo automóvel --- επιβατικό αυτοκίνητο --- automobile pubblica --- приватно возило --- viatura --- Privatwagen --- fuoristrada --- henkilöauto --- Ι.Χ. --- coche de turismo --- wagen --- turistinė transporto priemonė --- personal automobile --- automobile privata --- asmeninis automobilis --- motovozidlo --- αυτοκίνητο ιδιωτικής χρήσεως --- autovettura --- viatura automóvel --- automjet turistik --- personvogn --- autoveicolo --- osobno vozilo --- personenauto --- véhicule automobile --- voiture de tourisme --- turistiajoneuvo --- inteligentni prometni sistem --- интелигентен транспортен систем --- intelligentes Verkehrssystem --- интелигентна транспортна система --- sistemi ta' trasport intelliġenti --- intelligens közlekedési rendszer --- automatizēta transporta sistēma --- sistema di trasporto intelligente --- arukas transpordisüsteem --- intelektinė transporto sistema --- интелигентни систем превоза --- inteligentni prometni sustav --- intelligent vervoerssyteem --- intelligent transportsystem --- ευφυές σύστημα μεταφορών --- système de transport intelligent --- córas cliste iompair --- inteligentný dopravný systém --- sistem inteligjent transporti --- sistema de transporte inteligente --- inteligentny system transportowy --- sistem de transport inteligent --- älykäs liikennejärjestelmä --- inteligentní transportní systém --- integrált szállítási rendszer --- sistem de transport integrat --- integrated transport system --- integroitu liikennejärjestelmä --- pažangioji transporto sistema --- ITS --- inteligentní dopravní systém --- integrirani prometni sustav --- sistema de transporte integrado --- integruotoji transporto sistema --- integrēta transporta sistēma --- geïntegreerd vervoerssysteem --- sistema integrado de transportes --- ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα μεταφορών --- sistema di trasporto integrato --- ühtne transpordisüsteem --- integriertes Verkehrssystem --- inteligentní přepravní systém --- integrerat transportsystem --- integreret transportsystem --- e-doprava --- интегриран транспортен систем --- sistem i integruar transporti --- système de transport intégré --- Transportation engineering. --- Traffic engineering. --- Electrical engineering. --- Computer communication systems. --- Civil engineering --- Engineering --- Communication systems, Computer --- Computer communication systems --- Data networks, Computer --- ECNs (Electronic communication networks) --- Electronic communication networks --- Networks, Computer --- Teleprocessing networks --- Data transmission systems --- Digital communications --- Electronic systems --- Information networks --- Telecommunication --- Cyberinfrastructure --- Electronic data processing --- Network computers --- Electric engineering --- Distributed processing --- Computer networks.

Droit des applications connectées : applications - réseau - interfaces
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2804499243 2804471713 9782804471712 Year: 2017 Publisher: Bruxelles: Larcier,

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De nos jours, les technologies ne sont plus considérées pour elles mêmes – comme jadis l’ordinateur –, mais comme moyen d’interagir avec le monde réel. Banalisées, elles s’intègrent toujours davantage au quotidien. L’idée serait d’« augmenter » les capacités de l’individu grâce à des fonctionnalités issues du croisement entre programmes, données, réseau et matériels électroniques.C’est pourquoi le présent ouvrage se consacre au « droit des applications connectées ». Une application connectée se compose d’un logiciel et d’une base de données ; elle est reliée au réseau par le biais d’une interface consistant en un dispositif électronique doté de capteurs.Un premier Livre est consacré à la protection des créations informatiques, ainsi qu’aux contrats les prenant pour objet. Un deuxième Livre est consacré au droit applicable au contenu du réseau et aux activités, licites ou illicites, qui y sont exercées. Un dernier Livre est dédié aux interfaces, ces dispositifs électroniques souvent désignés comme « objets connectés ».Au-delà du droit civil, du droit commercial et du droit pénal, les droits de la propriété intellectuelle, des données personnelles, de la communication et de la consommation nourrissent le présent ouvrage, à jour des dernières réformes de l’automne 2016. Il s’adresse aux étudiants, aux directeurs juridiques, aux avocats, aux magistrats ainsi qu’aux universitaires. Il se destine aussi aux experts techniques ainsi qu’aux dirigeants de start-up et SSII.


Databases --- Law and legislation --- Droit des technologies de l'information et de la communication --- Réseaux d'information --- Interfaces (informatique) --- Informatique --- Droit d'auteur --- Droit --- Systèmes d'information --- Logiciels --- Composite applications (Computer science) --- Information networks --- Electronic data processing --- Comparative law --- Applications composites (Informatique) --- Réseaux d'information --- Droit comparé --- Internet --- droit --- informatica --- BPB1712 --- Médias sociaux --- Données personnelles --- Protection des données --- Accès à l'information --- Application de l'informatique --- Protection de la vie privée --- Droit de l'informatique --- Stradalex --- Recht auf Respektierung der Privatsphäre --- тајност на писмата --- teisė į privatumą --- diritto della vita privata --- derecho a la intimidad --- tutela della vita privata --- a magán- és családi élet tiszteletben tartásához való jog --- právo na súkromie --- ochrana soukromého a rodinného života --- recht op privacy --- δικαίωμα σεβασμού της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- dreptul la respectatrea viații private --- õigus eraelu puutumatusele --- ret til privatliv --- right to privacy --- rätt till privatliv --- direito ao respeito da vida privada --- tiesības uz privāto dzīvi --- pravo na privatnost --- oikeus yksityisyyteen --- e drejtë për jetë private --- интегритет на личноста --- право на приватност --- právo na soukromí --- protecção da vida privada --- recht op privé-leven --- droit au respect de la vie privée --- derecho al honor --- rispetto della vita privata --- privatumo apsauga --- beskyttelse af privatlivet --- varstvo zasebnosti --- eraelu puutumatuse kaitse --- Schutz der Privatsphäre --- заштита на приватноста --- protezione della vita privata --- заштита приватности --- ochrana soukromí --- proteção da vida privada --- protection of privacy --- privatlivets helgd --- privātās dzīves aizsardzība --- protección de la vida privada --- προστασία της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- a magánélet védelme --- ochrana súkromia --- prawo do prywatności --- неприкосновеност на частен живот --- yksityisyyden suoja --- mbrojtja e jetës private --- zaštita privatnosti --- eerbiediging van het privé-leven --- protezzjoni tal-privatezza --- cosaint príobháideachais --- protecția vieții private --- komputerizace --- užití výpočetní techniky --- computerizace --- információtechnológiai alkalmazások --- informatisering --- aplikace výpočetní techniky --- апликации од информатичката технологија --- informacijos technologijos taikymas --- edb-isering --- μηχανογράφηση --- datorisering --- nasazení výpočetní techniky --- Computerisierung --- применети програми од информатичката технологија --- zavádění počítačů --- aplicación de la informática --- применети програми од информациската технологија --- informatizzazione --- informatisation --- апликативен софтвер --- využití výpočetní techniky --- компјутерски програми --- számítógépes alkalmazások --- IT-användning --- applikazzjonijiet tat-teknoloġija informatika --- εφαρμογή της πληροφορικής --- aplikácie informačných technológií --- tietotekniikan käyttö --- namjenski programi informacijske tehnologije --- Informatikanwendung --- примена информационе технологије --- informationsteknikanvändning --- aplicații informatice --- informatização --- information technology applications --- informacinių technologijų taikymas --- feidhmchláir theicneolaíochta faisnéise --- toepassing van informatica --- infotehnoloogia rakendused --- stosowanie technologii informatycznych --- uporaba informacijske tehnologije --- примена на информатичката технологија --- informatika alkalmazása --- použití výpočetní techniky --- informatización --- informācijas tehnoloģijas lietojums --- anvendelse af edb --- приложения на информатиката --- applicazione dell'informatica --- aplikacione të informatikës --- informatikos teisė --- információk kezeléséhez való jog --- edb-ret --- adatok kezelésére vonatkozó jog --- datajura --- počítačové právo --- zákon o zpracování dat --- právo v oblasti zpracování informací --- IT-Recht --- datová legislativa --- zákon o ochraně dat --- softwarové právo --- zákon o ochraně osobních údajů --- adatok feldolgozására vonatkozó jog --- Закон за заштита на личните податоци --- právo na ochranu dat --- закон за информатиката --- прописи за обработка на податоци --- duomenų apdorojimo teisė --- datu apstrādes likums --- Derecho de la informática --- informaatikaalane seadusandlus --- legjislacioni për përpunimin e të dhënave --- datové právo --- propisi o obradi podataka --- prawo komputerowe --- zákon o spracovaní údajov --- diritto informatico --- data-processing law --- drept informatic --- dlí próiseála sonraí --- datarätt --- predpisi o obdelavi podatkov --- информатичко право --- dataret --- informaticarecht --- adatvédelmi jog --- dritt informatiku --- δίκαιο της πληροφορικής --- tietotekniikkaa koskeva lainsäädäntö --- Datenverarbeitungsrecht --- direito da informática --- free movement of information --- circulación de la información --- slobodný pohyb informácií --- проток на информации --- információk szabad áramlása --- pohyb informace --- Informationsfluss --- tietojen vapaa liikkuvuus --- κυκλοφορία των πληροφοριών --- informație publică --- nyilvános információk --- teabe vaba liikumine --- közérdekű információk --- Information der Öffentlichkeit --- informação do público --- julkiset tiedot --- public information --- avalik teave --- nevaržomas informacijos judėjimas --- javna informacija --- slobodan pristup informacijama --- informacijos prieinamumas --- circulatie van informatie --- circolazione delle informazioni --- információk szabad mozgása --- slobodno širenje informacija --- viešoji informacija --- qarkullim i lirë i informacionit --- veřejná informace --- pristup podacima --- trasmissione delle informazioni --- laisvas informacijos judėjimas --- informācijas brīva aprite --- publiska informācija --- слободен пристап до информации --- circulation de l'information --- libera circulație a informației --- слободно ширење информации --- informim publik --- circulação da informação --- verejné informácie --- prístup k informáciám --- pristup informacijama --- acceso a la información --- Informationszugang --- info kättesaadavus --- accesso all'informazione --- információkhoz való hozzáférés --- prieiga prie informacijos --- пристап до информации --- acesso à informação --- zpřístupňování informací --- dostęp do informacji --- adgang til information --- acces la informație --- pieeja informācijai --- достъп до информация --- toegang tot de informatie --- πρόσβαση στην πληροφορία --- tietojen saatavuus --- tillgång till information --- приступ информацијама --- access to information --- rochtain ar fhaisnéis --- akses në informacion --- aċċess għall-informazzjoni --- dostop do informacij --- Datensicherung --- varnost podatkov --- andmeturve --- ασφάλεια των δεδομένων --- zajištění dat --- dataskydd --- ochrana dat --- databeveiliging --- segurança de dados --- slándáil sonraí --- bezpečnost dat --- безбедност на податоци --- Datensicherheit --- data security --- datu drošība --- gegevensbeveiliging --- aineistoturvallisuus --- sigurnost podataka --- protecção dos dados --- sigurtà tad-data --- сигурност података --- datos protegidos --- sicurezza dei dati --- tietoturva --- zabezpečení údajů --- сигурност на данните --- sécurité des données --- bezpečnosť osobných údajov --- заштита на лични податоци --- bezpieczeństwo danych --- beveiliging van gegevens --- adatbiztonság --- zaštita informacija --- ochrana informací --- duomenų saugumas --- zabezpečení dat --- protezione dei dati personali --- securitate a datelor --- сигурност на податоци --- andmete turvalisus --- zaštita podataka --- tietosuoja --- ochrana údajov --- databeskyttelse --- protecția datelor --- adatvédelem --- përpunim i të dhënave --- Datenschutz --- varstvo podatkov --- protección de datos --- cosaint sonraí --- proteção dos dados --- uppgiftsskydd --- duomenų apsauga --- andmekaitse --- ochrona danych --- datu aizsardzība --- προστασία δεδομένων --- ochrana údajů --- gegevensbescherming --- защита на информация --- protezzjoni tad-data --- заштита на податоци --- data protection --- заштита података --- protezione dei dati --- matični broj --- osobní data --- JMBG --- osobno ime --- personální údaje --- OIB --- osobni identifikacijski broj --- persondata --- personálie --- asmeniniai duomenys --- dados pessoais --- date personale --- personal data --- személyes adatok --- persoonlijke gegevens --- osobní údaje --- dati personali --- henkilötiedot --- лични податоци --- dane osobowe --- personoplysninger --- asmens duomenys --- isikuandmed --- osobni podaci --- të dhëna personale --- προσωπικά στοιχεία --- osebni podatki --- лични данни --- osobné údaje --- sonraí pearsanta --- datos personales --- personuppgifter --- personas dati --- persönliche Daten --- data personali --- лични подаци --- webb --- idirlíon --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- Интернет --- internet --- internetas --- internets --- интернет --- Idirlíon --- recht --- informatique --- Sociale media --- Données personnelles --- Protection des données --- Accès à l'information --- Protection de la vie privée

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