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Valutazioni imprenditoriali per la successione nell'impresa familiare
ISBN: 9788884537140 Year: 2007 Publisher: Firenze University Press

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This book addresses the topic of entrepreneurial succession in the family business. This is a fundamental passage, frequently decisive in a type of enterprise that is extremely common in the Italian and European economic context. Consequently, it is evident that appropriate planning of this phase and a knowledge of the most pertinent strategic and operational alternatives are of crucial importance. After an initial overview of the specific features of the family business, the book addresses the typical problems related to the opening up of the corporate structure and the succession process from an entrepreneurial point of view. This is followed by an analysis of various tools for planning the succession and the principal operations deemed functional to the entrepreneurial succession process. In questo volume si affronta il tema della successione imprenditoriale nell'impresa familiare. Si tratta di un passaggio fondamentale, spesso decisivo per la sopravvivenza di questo particolare tipo di imprese, peraltro molto diffuso nel contesto economico italiano ed europeo. Emerge dunque con forza l'importanza di un'adeguata pianificazione e conoscenza delle alternative strategiche ed operative ideali a realizzarla. Dopo una ricognizione delle peculiarità delle imprese familiari, vengono affrontate le problematiche tipiche dell'apertura della compagine sociale e della procedura successoria, in un'ottica imprenditoriale. Vengono quindi analizzati alcuni strumenti di pianificazione successoria e le principali operazioni ritenute utili al processo successorio-imprenditoriale.

Etica di impresa : considerazioni teoriche ed evidenze cliniche
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 8884534313 8884534305 Year: 2006 Publisher: Firenze University Press

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This book proposes theoretical reflections, tools and techniques for a business ethic that aims at the construction of social welfare. A correct connotation of business ethics is seen in its role of interface between the ontology of the "enterprise phenomenon" and the social ethics of its operation. The book upholds the theory that business development can be such only if it leads to the emancipation of the persons affected by the same. A development in which, that is, it is not only the economic results that have bearing, but above all the way in which they are obtained and exploited. In enterprise, too, priority should hence be given to a practice implemented in a conscientious manner which enhances the complete development of the persons involved, whether they are workers or consumers.

Capitalismo distrettuale, localismi d'impresa, globalizzazione
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8884536057 8884536065 9788884536051 Year: 2007 Publisher: Firenze : Firenze University Press,

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From the late Sixties on, industrial development in Italy evolved through the spread of small and medium sized firms, aggregated in district networks, with an elevated propensity to enterprise and the marked presence of owner-families. Installed within the local systems, the industrial districts tended to simulate large-scale industry exploiting lower costs generated by factors that were not only economic. The districts are characterised in terms of territorial location (above all the thriving areas of the North-east and Centre) and sector, since they are concentrated in the "4 As" (clothing-fashion, home-decor, agri-foodstuffs, automation-mechanics), with some overlapping with "Made in Italy". How can this model be assessed? This is the crucial question in the debate on the condition and prospects of the Italian productive system between the supporters of its capacity to adapt and the critics of economic dwarfism. A dispassionate judgement suggests that the prospects of "small is beautiful" have been superseded, but that the "declinist" view, that sees only the dangers of globalisation and the IT revolution for our SMEs is risky. The concept of irreversible crisis that prevails at present is limiting, both because it is not easy either to "invent", or to copy, a model of industrialisation, and because there is space for a strategic repositioning of the district enterprises. The book develops considerations in this direction, showing how an evolution of the district model is possible, focusing on: gains in productivity, scope economies (through diversification and expansion of the range of products), flexibility of organisation, capacity to meld tradition and innovation aiming at product quality, dimensional growth of the enterprises, new forms of financing, active presence on the international markets and valorisation of the resources of the territory. It is hence necessary to reactivate the behavioural functions of the entrepreneurs.

Imprenditore ed università nello start-up di impresa : ruoli e relazioni critiche
ISBN: 8884539021 888453903X 9788884539038 Year: 2008 Publisher: Firenze University Press

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For some years now the Universities have assumed a dynamic role in fostering the enhancement of enterprise, making a direct contribution to the strategic management of intellectual property and the transfer of research deliverables, as well as in the training of potential entrepreneurs and the creation of structures offering support to new enterprises. Through the elaboration of empirical evidence from two quite different and hardly comparable institutional contexts – the American Babson College and the Italian University of Florence – this study analyses the potential activities of entrepreneurial matrix, in terms of relations, resources and incentives, offered for the use of young businesses in the start-up phase.

L'efficienza rispetto alla frontiera delle possibilità produttive : modelli teorici ed analisi empiriche
ISBN: 8884534275 8884534267 Year: 2006 Publisher: Firenze University Press

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La valutazione della performance di un'impresa, pubblica o privata, basata sui concetti di produttivit&agrave; ed efficienza, deve essere condotta utilizzando strumenti metodologici adeguati, specificatamente individuati nell'ambito di una teoria della produzione. Il volume offre una panoramica dell'evoluzione del concetto di efficienza - ed in particolare dell'efficienza tecnica rispetto alle possibilit&agrave; produttive - e delle metodologie con cui si affrontano i problemi della sua misurazione, attraverso un'esposizione che esamina sia gli aspetti teorici, sia quelli pratici, con particolare riferimento soprattutto all'ambito universitario.

Wetboek van vennootschappen
ISSN: 17839106 Year: 2002 Publisher: Brussel Corporate c Copyright

Les 100 mots de l'entreprise
ISBN: 9782130619796 2130619797 Year: 2016 Volume: 3986 Publisher: Paris: PUF,

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Du premier désir d'entreprendre jusqu'aux moyens d'éviter la liquidation en passant par les rouages de la compétitivité, David Simonnet analyse l'entreprise et ceux qui la font. En 100 mots, il dresse un état des lieux du monde de l'entreprise et scrute ses évolutions à l'heure de la mondialisation. Sont abordées, entre autres, les mutations que supposent la porosité des frontières, le défi numérique ou encore les relations renouvelées entre l'entreprise et ses "parties prenantes". Que ce soit sous l'angle technique, social, psychologique, juridique ou encore culturel, ce livre est l'occasion de revenir d'une façon claire et rigoureuse sur des notions qui rythment désormais le quotidien des entrepreneurs, des salariés et plus largement de tous les citoyens

Les entreprises et l'e-business : nouvelles tendances
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789046575482 9046575489 Year: 2015 Publisher: Waterloo: Kluwer,

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BPB9999 --- BPB1704 --- e-business --- Entreprise --- Internet --- Onderneming --- Интернет --- internet --- internetas --- idirlíon --- internets --- интернет --- webb --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- druh podniku --- virksomhed --- vrsta podjetja --- impresa --- företag --- врста предузећа --- вид на претпријатие --- vrsta poduzeća --- tip ta’ impriża --- ettevõtte tüüp --- επιχείρηση --- uzņēmējdarbības veids --- przedsiębiorstwo --- yritys --- type of business --- tip de afacere --- empresa --- предприятие --- Unternehmen --- onderneming --- typ podniku --- vállalkozás --- lloj i biznesit --- įmonės rūšis --- impresa collettiva --- φίρμα --- maatschappij --- impresa societaria --- Firma --- вид на фирма --- firme --- foretagende --- azienda --- дејност на претпријатие --- firm --- регистрирана дејност на трговско друштво --- ditta --- cég --- Unternehmung --- firmë --- firma --- kompanija --- äriühing --- tvrtka --- poduzeće --- Idirlíon --- cineál gnó --- Belgique --- tipo di azienda --- Business enterprises --- Electronic commerce --- Right to be forgotten --- Data protection --- Entreprises --- Commerce électronique --- Droit à l'oubli --- Protection de l'information (Informatique) --- Law and legislation --- Law and legislation. --- Droit

4.1 Il realismo strategico nel governo d'impresa : materiali per una pragmatica del valore
ISBN: 8884533058 888453304X Year: 2006 Publisher: Firenze University Press

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Like all the books in this series, this volume proposes wide-ranging reflections and cultural considerations pertinent to business management. Traditionally, realism is identified with a disenchanted approach to reality which is counterpoised to all forms of ideology or utopia. What is proposed here is a strategic realism which supports a humanist approach to enterprise, while steering clear of both cynicism and idealism. Seen from this angle, the crucial aspects of strategy are: the opportune selection of attainable advantages; interest as the spur to change; stratagem as a lever on the trend of events; the plan which traces the route of the opportunities called up, and the action that harvests the fruits.

De wereld is rond : een optimistisch masterplan voor de transformatie van business en maatschappij
ISBN: 9789463372152 Year: 2019 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans Pro

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Al meer dan twintig jaar veranderen sectoren onder impuls van digitale disruptie. Banken, retailers, de media, taxibedrijven en zovele andere organisaties ervaren vandaag de kracht van digitalisering en de uitdagingen die ermee gepaard gaan. Alle sectoren bevinden zich in hun eigen storm waarbij digitale krachten hen dwingen om een nieuwe positie in te nemen. Maar wat als dat slechts het begin is? Wat als het onvoldoende blijkt om alleen vanuit de eigen industrie op zoek te gaan naar een toekomstgericht transformatieplan? Wat als onze maatschappij zelf in de kern verandert, deels door digitalisering, maar evengoed door grote vraagstukken over de toekomst van werk, wonen, mobiliteit, klimaat, gezondheid, onderwijs, globalisering, bevolkingsaangroei en zelfs de problematiek van langer leven?In De wereld is rond gaat Jo Caudron op zoek naar de verbanden tussen elk van deze maatschappelijke transformaties. Hij komt daarbij tot de conclusie dat ze samen een metastorm vormen, een allesoverstijgende reeks van met elkaar verweven perfecte stormen. Deze metastorm zal een impact hebben op elke beslissing die we als bedrijf, beleid of individu op de lange termijn maken.De wereld is rond is een optimistisch pleidooi om problemen holistisch te gaan benaderen en aan te pakken. Slagen we daar in, dan wacht ons een toekomst die meer dan de moeite waard is.Bron :


Social change --- Organization theory --- Computer. Automation --- veranderingsmanagement --- maatschappijkritiek --- maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen --- Digitalisering. --- beleid, change cultuur, innovatie, strategie, transforming --- maatschappij --- beheer --- management --- société --- gestion --- Strategisch management --- Digitalisering --- Toekomstbeeldvorming --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen --- Ondernemingen ; toekomst --- Ondernemingen en internet --- Veranderingsmanagement --- Maatschappijkritiek --- Toekomstvisies --- #SBIB:316.334.2A27 --- 316.32 --- 316.32 Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Ontwikkeling van de industriële structuur: innovatie --- onderneming --- maniġment --- poslovodenje --- valdymas --- pārvaldība --- Management --- gestione --- johtaminen --- gestión --- ledning --- управување --- zarządzanie --- gestão --- пословодство --- διαχείριση --- manažment --- menaxhim --- menedzsment --- управление --- menadžment --- juhtimine --- ledelse --- förvaltningssätt --- politica di gestione --- ledelsesform --- Betriebs- und Geschäftsleitung --- știința conducerii --- vállalat vezetése --- styring --- vedení --- forma de gestão --- раководење --- mode de gestion --- amministrazione d'impresa --- upravljanje --- poslovodstvo --- vadyba --- vadovavimas --- strategia di gestione --- vadovybė --- üzletvezetés --- řídicí aparát --- менаџмент --- piano di gestione --- Managementmethode --- direzione operativa --- wijze van beheer --- vezetés --- μάνατζμεντ --- druh podniku --- virksomhed --- vrsta podjetja --- impresa --- företag --- врста предузећа --- вид на претпријатие --- vrsta poduzeća --- tip ta’ impriża --- ettevõtte tüüp --- επιχείρηση --- uzņēmējdarbības veids --- przedsiębiorstwo --- yritys --- type of business --- tip de afacere --- entreprise --- empresa --- предприятие --- Unternehmen --- typ podniku --- vállalkozás --- lloj i biznesit --- įmonės rūšis --- impresa collettiva --- φίρμα --- impresa societaria --- Firma --- вид на фирма --- firme --- foretagende --- azienda --- дејност на претпријатие --- firm --- регистрирана дејност на трговско друштво --- ditta --- cég --- Unternehmung --- firmë --- firma --- kompanija --- äriühing --- tvrtka --- poduzeće --- PXL-Central Office 2020 --- filosofie van de economie --- maatschappelijke veranderingen --- toekomstvisies --- Internet en ondernemingen --- lyderystė --- ledarskap --- vezető szerep --- водеща роля --- Führung --- johtajuus --- liderança --- vodstvo --- leadership --- tmexxija --- capacités d’encadrement --- lederskab --- ηγεσία --- līderība --- capacități de conducere --- przywództwo --- vodenje --- liderazgo --- líderstvo --- leiderschap --- Toekomstvisie --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling --- Kostenbeheersing --- cineál gnó --- bainistíocht --- tipo di azienda

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