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Fuel cells are becoming more and more important for the energy transition. They can offer clean and stable power compared to other renewable energy conversion systems such as photovoltaic, wind, etc. Their efficiency can be further improved when connected to other systems such as gas turbines, steam turbines, etc. The focus of this master thesis is to evaluate a fuel cell, in particular a solid oxide fuel cell, combined to a micro gas turbine, as a range extender in a series hybrid electric vehicle. For this purpose, a complete thermodynamic modelling tool is developed to predict and compare the performance of various system layouts. The implementation of the tool is performed with MATLAB language. All chemical and thermophysical properties of the fluids are obtained through the REFPROP 9.1 package. The layout of this work is organized as follows. Chapter 1 describes the technology of fuel cells and particularly solid oxide fuel cells, its auxiliary components and potential combination with gas turbines, as well as research and industrial applications. Chapter 2 is focused on the description of the physics of a SOFC stack and its thermodynamic and electrochemistry modelling. Chapter 3 is dedicated to the understanding and modelling of specific fuel processing inside the stack such as the anode gas recirculation while considering other improvements in reforming and water management. As the full SOFC system includes several additional components to the SOFC stack and reformer, Chapter 4 is devoted to the modelling of such auxiliaries. The performance of the full SOFC system is analyzed in Chapter 5. The connection between the SOFC system and the gas turbine is studied in Chapter 6. Eventually, this work is concluded by a brief technological analysis of the integration of the system in a series hybrid electrical vehicle in Chapter 7.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell --- Reformer --- Gas Turbine --- Modelling --- Hybrid vehicle --- Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Ingénierie mécanique
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Everybody has made use of grease in their daily lives. The word “grease” originates from the early Latin word “crassus,” meaning fat. For our purposes, in this Special Issue, we will be focusing on lubricating grease, for publication in the eponymous journal Lubricants. According to ASTM, lubricating grease may be defined as “a solid-to-semi-fluid product of dispersed thickening agents in a liquid lubricant”. Other functional ingredients, such anti-wear and extreme pressure additives, may be included, with the overall goal of inducing special properties/functionalities. Grease is a very complex lubricant. We have never had a Special Issue focusing on this key product, and lubricating greases are often underrepresented in the technical literature. In recent years, there has been significant progress in research on greases, ranging from the specific chemical formulation of greases for special applications to how grease interacts with various surfaces, tribological advances in grease properties, new techniques for grease property measurements, etc. Recently, greases have also been evolving, as they and play a key role in the lubrication of electric vehicles. We aim to select the top research avenues and papers worldwide related to lubricating greases to form this compilation. This Special Issue wishes to be the first of its kind, and we plan to make this an annual exercise, where our compendium aims to discuss the latest developments worldwide encompassing all areas related to greases.
grease degradation --- contact angle --- yield stress --- shearing --- tribology properties --- grease consistency --- grease testing --- cone penetration --- rheometer testing --- grease --- tackiness --- adhesion --- four-ball tester --- heat dissipation --- speed ramp up --- ASTM D2596 --- grease weld load --- grease friction --- greases --- EVs --- hybrid vehicle --- driveline lubricant --- electrification --- thermal properties --- electromagnetic field --- noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) --- energy efficiency --- elastohydrodynamic lubrication --- isothermal --- non-Newtonian --- point contact --- grease lubrication --- Bauer’s model --- pressure gradient --- equivalent viscosity --- hybrid bearings --- electric vehicles --- electric motors --- friction and wear --- bio-based grease --- film thickness --- friction measurements --- polyurea thickener --- PAO --- CNTs --- wear --- coefficient of friction --- tribological behavior --- fretting --- sliding --- lubricating grease --- heterogeneous crystallization --- glass transition --- rheology --- differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) --- n/a --- Bauer's model
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This Special Edition of Energies on “Energy Storage and Management for Electric Vehicles” draws together a collection of research papers that critically evaluates key areas of innovation and novelty when designing and managing the high-voltage battery system within an electrified powertrain. The addressed topics include design optimisation, mathematical modelling, control engineering, thermal management, and component sizing.
battery charging --- lithium ion battery --- adaptive forgetting factor --- operating expenses --- cell sorting --- linear programming --- Simulink --- equivalent circuit model --- genetic algorithm --- multi-parameters sorting --- hybrid power system --- electric vehicle --- energy storage ageing and degradation --- parameter estimation --- Simscape --- supercapacitors --- state-of-health (SOH) --- battery energy storage system --- ECE15 --- efficiency --- residential battery storage --- timetable optimization --- self-discharge --- dynamic programming approach --- state of charge estimation --- regenerative energy --- fuel cell --- energy storage system --- nonlinear battery model --- charging scheme --- Li-Sulfur batteries --- Matlab --- dynamic flow rate optimization --- rule-based optimal strategy --- second-life energy storage applications --- Identification --- hybrid vehicle --- recursive least square --- thermal modelling --- zinc–nickel single-flow battery --- Luenberger observer --- HPPC --- vehicle-to-building --- ?-constraint method --- lithium-ion battery --- life cycle assessment --- parameter identification --- Lipschitz nonlinear system --- lithium titanate oxide batteries --- batteries --- battery degradation --- improved artificial bee colony --- optimal control --- thermal behaviour --- supercapacitor models --- battery cycle-life extension --- cycle-life --- self-organizing maps clustering --- principal component analysis
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According to the National Research Council, the use of embedded systems throughout society could well overtake previous milestones in the information revolution. Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of electronic, mechanical engineering, controls, software and systems engineering in the design of processes and products. Mechatronic systems put “intelligence” into physical systems. Embedded sensors/actuators/processors are integral parts of mechatronic systems. The implementation of mechatronic systems is consistently on the rise. However, manufacturers are working hard to reduce the implementation cost of these systems while trying avoid compromising product quality. One way of addressing these conflicting objectives is through new automatic control methods, virtual sensing/estimation, and new innovative hardware topologies.
independent-wheel drive --- steering assistance --- nonlinear system --- active disturbance rejection control --- smooth road feeling --- city bus transport --- electric vehicles --- electrification --- software tool --- planning --- control --- charging management --- simulation --- analysis --- energy management --- hybrid electric vehicle --- powertrain electrification --- equivalent consumption minimization --- supercharging --- hardware-in-the-loop experiments --- driving force distribution --- decentralized traction system --- 4WD electric vehicle --- energy efficiency --- traction control --- efficiency optimization --- air mobility --- fuel cell hybrid aircraft --- stochastic optimal control --- drift counteraction optimal control --- normal force estimation --- unbiased minimum variance estimation --- controller output observer --- youla parameterization --- adaptive cruise control --- automated driving --- energy-saving --- fuel-saving --- optimal control --- passenger comfort --- new energy vehicles --- speed prediction --- macroscopic traffic model --- traffic big-data --- deep learning --- vehicle lateral dynamic and control --- unresolved issues --- application of speed prediction --- electric vehicle --- hybrid vehicle --- lithium ion --- ultracapacitor --- battery aging --- EHB --- EMB --- EWB --- system modeling --- bond graph --- optimization --- control design --- Youla parameterization --- robust control --- nonlinear optimization --- brake-by-wire --- actuator --- electro-mechanical brake --- electronic wedge brake --- electro-hydraulic brake --- n/a
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Everybody has made use of grease in their daily lives. The word “grease” originates from the early Latin word “crassus,” meaning fat. For our purposes, in this Special Issue, we will be focusing on lubricating grease, for publication in the eponymous journal Lubricants. According to ASTM, lubricating grease may be defined as “a solid-to-semi-fluid product of dispersed thickening agents in a liquid lubricant”. Other functional ingredients, such anti-wear and extreme pressure additives, may be included, with the overall goal of inducing special properties/functionalities. Grease is a very complex lubricant. We have never had a Special Issue focusing on this key product, and lubricating greases are often underrepresented in the technical literature. In recent years, there has been significant progress in research on greases, ranging from the specific chemical formulation of greases for special applications to how grease interacts with various surfaces, tribological advances in grease properties, new techniques for grease property measurements, etc. Recently, greases have also been evolving, as they and play a key role in the lubrication of electric vehicles. We aim to select the top research avenues and papers worldwide related to lubricating greases to form this compilation. This Special Issue wishes to be the first of its kind, and we plan to make this an annual exercise, where our compendium aims to discuss the latest developments worldwide encompassing all areas related to greases.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- grease degradation --- contact angle --- yield stress --- shearing --- tribology properties --- grease consistency --- grease testing --- cone penetration --- rheometer testing --- grease --- tackiness --- adhesion --- four-ball tester --- heat dissipation --- speed ramp up --- ASTM D2596 --- grease weld load --- grease friction --- greases --- EVs --- hybrid vehicle --- driveline lubricant --- electrification --- thermal properties --- electromagnetic field --- noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) --- energy efficiency --- elastohydrodynamic lubrication --- isothermal --- non-Newtonian --- point contact --- grease lubrication --- Bauer's model --- pressure gradient --- equivalent viscosity --- hybrid bearings --- electric vehicles --- electric motors --- friction and wear --- bio-based grease --- film thickness --- friction measurements --- polyurea thickener --- PAO --- CNTs --- wear --- coefficient of friction --- tribological behavior --- fretting --- sliding --- lubricating grease --- heterogeneous crystallization --- glass transition --- rheology --- differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
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According to the National Research Council, the use of embedded systems throughout society could well overtake previous milestones in the information revolution. Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of electronic, mechanical engineering, controls, software and systems engineering in the design of processes and products. Mechatronic systems put “intelligence” into physical systems. Embedded sensors/actuators/processors are integral parts of mechatronic systems. The implementation of mechatronic systems is consistently on the rise. However, manufacturers are working hard to reduce the implementation cost of these systems while trying avoid compromising product quality. One way of addressing these conflicting objectives is through new automatic control methods, virtual sensing/estimation, and new innovative hardware topologies.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- independent-wheel drive --- steering assistance --- nonlinear system --- active disturbance rejection control --- smooth road feeling --- city bus transport --- electric vehicles --- electrification --- software tool --- planning --- control --- charging management --- simulation --- analysis --- energy management --- hybrid electric vehicle --- powertrain electrification --- equivalent consumption minimization --- supercharging --- hardware-in-the-loop experiments --- driving force distribution --- decentralized traction system --- 4WD electric vehicle --- energy efficiency --- traction control --- efficiency optimization --- air mobility --- fuel cell hybrid aircraft --- stochastic optimal control --- drift counteraction optimal control --- normal force estimation --- unbiased minimum variance estimation --- controller output observer --- youla parameterization --- adaptive cruise control --- automated driving --- energy-saving --- fuel-saving --- optimal control --- passenger comfort --- new energy vehicles --- speed prediction --- macroscopic traffic model --- traffic big-data --- deep learning --- vehicle lateral dynamic and control --- unresolved issues --- application of speed prediction --- electric vehicle --- hybrid vehicle --- lithium ion --- ultracapacitor --- battery aging --- EHB --- EMB --- EWB --- system modeling --- bond graph --- optimization --- control design --- Youla parameterization --- robust control --- nonlinear optimization --- brake-by-wire --- actuator --- electro-mechanical brake --- electronic wedge brake --- electro-hydraulic brake --- n/a
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According to the National Research Council, the use of embedded systems throughout society could well overtake previous milestones in the information revolution. Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of electronic, mechanical engineering, controls, software and systems engineering in the design of processes and products. Mechatronic systems put “intelligence” into physical systems. Embedded sensors/actuators/processors are integral parts of mechatronic systems. The implementation of mechatronic systems is consistently on the rise. However, manufacturers are working hard to reduce the implementation cost of these systems while trying avoid compromising product quality. One way of addressing these conflicting objectives is through new automatic control methods, virtual sensing/estimation, and new innovative hardware topologies.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- independent-wheel drive --- steering assistance --- nonlinear system --- active disturbance rejection control --- smooth road feeling --- city bus transport --- electric vehicles --- electrification --- software tool --- planning --- control --- charging management --- simulation --- analysis --- energy management --- hybrid electric vehicle --- powertrain electrification --- equivalent consumption minimization --- supercharging --- hardware-in-the-loop experiments --- driving force distribution --- decentralized traction system --- 4WD electric vehicle --- energy efficiency --- traction control --- efficiency optimization --- air mobility --- fuel cell hybrid aircraft --- stochastic optimal control --- drift counteraction optimal control --- normal force estimation --- unbiased minimum variance estimation --- controller output observer --- youla parameterization --- adaptive cruise control --- automated driving --- energy-saving --- fuel-saving --- optimal control --- passenger comfort --- new energy vehicles --- speed prediction --- macroscopic traffic model --- traffic big-data --- deep learning --- vehicle lateral dynamic and control --- unresolved issues --- application of speed prediction --- electric vehicle --- hybrid vehicle --- lithium ion --- ultracapacitor --- battery aging --- EHB --- EMB --- EWB --- system modeling --- bond graph --- optimization --- control design --- Youla parameterization --- robust control --- nonlinear optimization --- brake-by-wire --- actuator --- electro-mechanical brake --- electronic wedge brake --- electro-hydraulic brake
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